Pussy letting in
Young master ,,, it commes down to the letting of your wants , inot your awarensss …. Over and over till beleeif is …is ..and any other concept is like fucking forgotten for the new reality is the reality .
The beating of the old drum of EVIDENCE TRAIL .. realy does not serve you much after you have already done the work of the sifting thru the contrast , done the five stesps http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html and allow a solution that feels good and believable … to appear believeable in that you find the supporting eveidnece trails connected that allow your own hope in you entering into the LIVING EXPERINCE OF the solution , the solution is not THE RECEIVING of a packaged product already done ,,the solution of LIVING IS IN THE LIvING … to receive a already done THING … here the answer ,, is in the box full of money ,,, you can buy your happiness now , but then you find as you sped and spend and aquire more shit the … real deepest issues are still there … and the money was not the answer the box full of cash .
Like the article in the Economist about the amount of CO2 coming from exposed PEAT BOGS …all that does for me ,,is to retrun my focus on how bad things are instead of me looking at how good things are getting for I have Received the solution ….as far as I am concerned …. Free choice ,,, each person 1 by 1 … you solution can be different than mine GOOD that is the evidence trail of RANDOM mutuatuion . like survival of speices thru reandom mating and DNA mutuations ….. sure the egg already formed is a constatnt of historical DNa but the choice in the mating female ,w hen getting fucked … is the variable , if she chooses a MALE WHOSE LIFE is limited and no experience of=r success trail lives in him , that will be MORHED inot the daily sperm production ….then little or no DNA variation happens ,,,, an older male with braoder experience history carrys within his sperm within his DNA made fresh everyday the shistory of his success adaptations to events lived thru … and thus the potential for the next generation to be better more competive , stronger is possible
To beat the drum of the data of humanity effectsing the planets environment , serves me not any more ,,,EXCEPT … in the use of the experiencing of that data , as a a TOPIC of current events ALLOWS me to identify ,,,other LIKE MINDED CO-CREATRS .who as of yet have not formed their own PRESC ISE …. Solution plan and my plan can or by free choice will be the JUMPING OFF POINT to the growth of their own personel plan … think for your self ..adapt the plan as you feelit best for you . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
So to return to topics of environmental stress can be the 2 sideed coin ..in every partical of the universe is the potential for finding the wanted and unwanted , just lean towards the aspects you WANT to see what feels better to you and let yourself extract that spect instead of continueing to choose finding the negative not FUN side of things ,,that is my free will.
I can beat the drum of the unwanted … and complain and worry or I can say , ok , bummer there is more evidence but yi have a path of solution .and find RELEIF IN IT … ahh better and better feelings . compalian and worry do not feel good …
The tool of the article in the Economist ..is the OP for me to in counter the co creators …
In talking about aspects of EVE … spirit examining it wherther it is the idea that GAY GIRLS put on MEAN GIRLS FACES http://www.instinctualism.org/am_i_a_gay_female.html …. Wake up every morning to put on images or mental clothing of MANHOOD …. Which actually rips apart many of them not allowing them to be the INSTINCTUAL FREE FEMALE THERE ARE … for bi sexuality true is hormonially evidenced to be natural and healty for girls ..( males are much more lone animals and in the presence of other males we generate stresss hormones . unless we have gon thru such levels of manipulation to override our instinctual response and develepo new bio logical response due to continued thoughts … http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
My solutions ,, are the jumping off platform ,,, that is my want .. like PHILS BAIT AND TACKEL was not to sell everuyone all the bait they ever needed in one purchasing trip , but to be a location for constant daily interaction with growing evolving humanity in terms of fishing ….. so to instinctualism and the eventual http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html ....is palce for the growth interaction …. Escpecaily with what seems to be my base trarget market …. The MOTIVATOR , the bikini on the budwieser poster ,,SEX SELLS …. Girl get the blood pumpng ,, she is the teacher of teachers . that bring the solution to CO2 ..that I invision inot being ,,, ohh but not just CO2 , divorce , rape hunger healthcare , etc etc HOLISTIC issues resolution thru very possibly http://www.instinctualism.org/time_for_peace.html this page is really A VISION BOARD in word form http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html
Since the needed aspecs of MATERIEAL SUTFF LIKE THE http://www.instinctualism.org/housing.html are not in my active living . ( but who knows I got an invester do some good talking with me …. The bootom is close the rise will happen so buy now or buy HIGHER )
BUT LIKE IN MY ACTION OF basking … the action of noticing the lil’ thing going well the meeting of CO CREATORS male and female …. I build internal belief , from which old fears or limits get erased in new daily data correlting events . to alow the NOTICING ON MY PART OF THE ARRIVAL OF MY solution plans .
Whatever you are giving your attention to is already vibrating. And when you give your attention to it, if you maintain your focus for as little as 17 seconds, you begin to include its vibration, whatever it is, in your vibration. When you see something you want, and you give it your attention, and you say yes to it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. When you see something you do not want, and you shout no at it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. In this vibrational world, which is everything, you are far more vibrational beings than you are verbal beings. You are communicating with everyone far more on a vibrational basis, than you are on a verbal basis.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Sunday, July 11th, 1999
The concept of INCLUSION … your looking or listening to or interaction with … keeps the laws of pyshics going ..somthing in MOTION will remain in motion until acted upon by other forces …. The TOPIC is not what is IMPORATNT BUT THE ….ENERGY of you choice of focus as it relates to the topic is what is IMPORTANT . the topic is DEAD DATA .. history stored in TAO … you response is the FORMATIVE ENERGY STREAM OF TAO EXPANSION … your thinking . yur vibration . ahh the words of amodern day voice of the sage given thru the entertainer ester ….
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
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