A whiif of pussy
Young master some times it seems like you can not get a whiff of happiness ,,, the day , the period you are living in seems so ..TRAPPED , so caged ..that you can not get a whiff of things that deep inside you JUST KNOW you should have , and theat thing you know you should have is not THE GOLDENCARROT … being the DRUM OF BLAME is not my intent ,,, when I return to history to learn about evidence trails ..it is
Well lets say you were learning to hit a nail with ahammer the intention you have is to drive the nail IN ,,, so you swing eyes closed and WHAM hit something you open your eyes and find the nail has not GONE any whwere it has not gone further into the wood ..yet you felt yourself hitting something , SO YOU SWING AGAIN AND JUST BEFORE HITTING THE NAIL YOU LET YOUR EYES DRIFT OFF THIS TIME FOR THE ARGET .. and you feel the familiar WHAM .. and look excited to see that the nail has made progressinto the wood to see the nail still there as you first set it …. Not moved a centimeter … and again and again and again , you swing ,,, each time for some reason you do not FOUCS ON THE TRGET ..but maybe in fear you close you eyes , you get distracted what ever and the nail just sits there ….
WOULD IT NOT BE A GOOD IDEA TO ….EXPLORE WHAT IS ..HAPPEING ..not blame yourself for closeing your eyes or blam others for getting distracted …but to realize more clearly that you are …not focusing on the WANT .,,understanding your PART OF IT .. the free choice of your FOCUS …
Withus humans it is ..in the SOCIALIZATION . we had from the time of birth , coming in as a clear SLATE , the baby has DNA expectations but is QUICKLY TRAINED to ignore them in favor of RULES based in the MASTER/slave ECONIMC FORM STARTEE way way way back in the time of PHAROH the names have changed but the HIERARCHY sustem remained . and it polluted most of man kind .
I will bring up EVE again the INSTINCT of a breedin age girl is towards SELF INTEREST .. for her and the baby grownng inside ,, you see this in nature IT IS NATURE ….. and actually the gorilla self in you expects that and is supportive of her .. but it is GREED FOR GIVING …OF LIFE AND LOVE … to the helpless http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
Now the menopausialse … female , stillhas tthat GREED and selfish ness but now not so pure ….. she is not GIVING to a infant she is … TWISTED and actually giving to herself ,, her ownposition now taken by younger fruitfull females she , I am talking about THE FEW the socialpathic ,, like QUEEN TIYE mother aof AMENHOTEP4 the women who protected cluadis when young and moved him not power and then later murdered him off ,,, in most cases the GRAND MOTHER EFFECT … has been again anexpression of support for the DAUGHTERS and new babys coming in pure form wonder ful ..in TWISTED expression the development of MANIPLATIVE POWER STRUCTURES and thus learning passed down in family lines . to become SOCIAL RULES …. Trained by OLDER WISE ONES , who held the COOKIES they dangles in front of children …. Be good or you will strave little one … listen obey .. or bad things iwllhappen .. generation after generation … compounding upon this more advanced … mind fucking to support .. states of CONFUSE AND CONQUER while in teen years . of the whole of the city as things GREW
It was no longer just small family units manipulated by old taditions dating back to a SMART TWISTED GRAND MOTHER … who out lived the SILVERBACK or DOM male ,,,, to realize she had the smarts the new male could be manipulated he was younger she was wiser ,,she knew aspects and hisotircal water and food sources the new dom male did not … we men or males often died off in protection of the family unit … allowing this the evolve ,,OK OK OK … datat ,, HITTING THE WOOD NOT THE NAIL .
What to learn form it ….. how to see the evidence trails around us in the mind fucking …. Girls who are comparing themselves to PICTURE PERFECTION nnd coming up short ,, and then destroying their self esteem , unitl they exhibit effects of manipulation then finding that their PUSSY IS LINED WITH GOLD … she has value in just being girl not matter that she does not fit the model image .or she can PAINT HERSELF ANDRESS HERSELF TO copy the image close enough to be of value … complex mind fucking ehn she ,,, is in a seat of POWER … absolute power corrupurts ablsolutely … the old saying goes . http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html the effects manipulation manifestion goes from , becoming helpless to finding ways of becoming OVERLY POWERFUL …
A very good career choice would be to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth—and joy. Make a "career" of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you—and what you do "for a living" makes you happy—you have found the best of all combinations.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
And so to with concepts of WORK ..$$$$ having to go to work to make CASH to live up to the IDEALS presented topyu since the time of CHILDHOOD accepted by your teachers and so you too accepted them blindly without SEARCHING for why they teachers themselves were NOT happy in their own lives the Evidence trail …. You did not Look BACK into history to searchout the info about the UNWANTED . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ....... the core MOTIVATION IS TO FEEL BETTER ..the flashing metal that was the SYMBOL OF FREEDOM in the days of SLAVE/PHAROH THE SLAVE MASTER WORE CLOTHES AND GOLD ..slaves did not ,,, to have a FREE LIFE meatn to get the gold FIRST … effects of manipulation .FOR FOOD GREW ON TREES for 12 million years the hominds lived without a gold based ecocnimy … we still have a gold based economy as the dollar devalues the gold vaule increases still gold based at heart still hierachical based …
http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html is about buying the slave freedom not ..gold … thus find securutiy ,,, and levels of happiness , creative expression can flourish and new $$ can grow without states or VIBRATION of fear or neediess . of having the gold before the happiness can arrive . that vibration those thoughts project ..out keeping you traped in the here and w of the same old same old … finding that you already have GOOD THINGS thinking about he good things you have , and then letting new things come ….
But is you can ot get a WHIFF of happiness now STUDY …. Where are your hammer blows landing and why , not in terms of blamin others putting , controlin their hands , but to find out ..where you have more control . returning free choice power to your own hands .
Monday, November 30, 2009
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