Feeling good pussy feels good
Young master it has been since you were 10 ,,, you have bee surrounded by COOKIES and living o a diet of bread and water , and evy time you even thought about reaching for a cookie out of hunger ,,, there was this big UGLY mad angry NUN WHO WOULD …WHACK the the knuckles of your hand as you reched for the cookie with a thick wooden ruler ….
The cookie is the presence of PUSSY everywhere , even in Disney movies there is cleavage ,, the budwieser girls the hooters girls on tv , in fotos and sitting right next to you in school your animal self able to smell still the airborne communication of her BUDDING FEMALE-NESS … and deeply trained into yur mind ever present and constant is the NUN telling you over and over NO NO NO here feel pain in jus the thoughts ……this is the MANIPULATION
AND THESE ARE THE COMMON EXPRESSION OS SUSTAINED MANIPULATION where are you on the scale …now some 10 years later
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,( “I’ll be home late got loads of work say good night to the kids for me “ you told your wife … “hi sally I ‘ll see you in about 10 minutes wear nothing at all ,,,,,”
5. blaming , ( is after solution building could not happen )
6. dominating , bossing , bullying ( wife beating , bashing your favorite truck with big metal sticks )
7. needing to win , hating to lose ( with your friends you are able to build compromises about where to go fishing , after a while not with your wife can you any longer compromise on any thing resentment builds )
8. forming alliances , organizing against ( becoming overly gay )
9. submission , obedience , compliance ( giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser )
10. courting Favor ( begging )
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html you will be in different levels ar different times at 1 place while single , at another place in the begging of a relationship wile the pussy is flowing 5 times a day ,,, you are finnaly getting your fill of COOKIES 9 and so is she for she too has been living in a manipulative state , but then as she get she fill of your cookie she re-establishes a new level of manipulative state on top ON TOP of the ocnstatn one you grew up with ,, as her being the DOLER OUT OF …COOOKIE , be a good dog beg ) oh that would then be where are you when subjected to that ocmpouned manipulation ….. this whole theme has been with us since the dys of PHAROH .
And why not do or think atleast about something that feels good ….. and thining about what others think about you I betcha does not feel good , 2nd mind shit the NUN shit ,,,, you can never ever make 2nd mind happy for you are not in there , yet 2nd mind is a mind of the I in I …. A connection with you outside of the dream ,,to see them all in terms of the glass half ull , seeing thepostive potential of your ..yuor know ing the connection in your mind feels better so why not enjoy that BETTERNESS …. Only you need know you are enjoying … ohh the mind fuck is deep
I like to enjoy things and planning of a good day fishing does feel better than thinking about ….well my days goo pretty well so I need to thinka bout some one else who is thinking about how shitty a customer was to them and bringing up the … unrealistic demeands of the person who they could never make happy for this person could not be thappy thaty day expect by hitting lotto or something …. So I will paln fishing or sketboarding or building the http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html and find BLISS JSUT IN THE PLANNING of doing shit ,,,,
Ahh the wanting of cash ….. is so much a part of fear for so many that the free limits it … so to live with the first few levels of MASLOW HIERARCHY OF needs taken care of http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html basic fears are negated and freedom for $$ to flow in are better but the need or want is not there so , any action it done from the stand point of likeing the action and in that love you attract ones also who love your love … and then $$ tend to flow with out the want for the $$$ …. It would be like what the fuck is all this dirty money doing around me ,,,I am here to have fun …..
Can you feel the fun of fishing with out fishing .. can you feel the pleasure of warm wet pussy with out the pussy sliding acrros you hard cock ? yes you can … that is the presenting of vibration ,without having the item of the need present ..before the having you can still FEEL the action … to the oevel of experience you have already and the level of beliefs you hold around the AREAS of the subject …. If all you have done is cane pole fish ,,then riding in a sprt fishing boar and seeing a MARLIN bill the bait the feel the drop back and the spin of line off the trolling wheel may be beyond ..your FEELING palce un LESS of coure the amount of study you have done on the subject allows for SOME SORT OF FEELING PLACE …
If you are young and have not yte dipped your hard throbbing dick in some wet pussy , you only have your hand to compare to but there is A DEEP ISNTINCTUAL knowing of what pussy feels like ….. that study is part of your being .. and if you have had pleanty , but trhe NEGATIVE ASPECTS have TAINTED PUSSY … there we have issues .of belief sets ..to clear up .
Like ….. a question posed but phil what if there are some girls who USE your lifestyle and you …. Hmmm if girls act like EVE … what goes around the truth of their inner actions stem from PLACE of lack yes ,, their desire to deceive … yet like the average criminal they believe they are the persecuted ones in fact the in INNOCENT the jails are full of innocent people ,,look jack ass if you smoke dodp in a country where it is illegal .they you are the criminal not the unjustly accused you should have moved to place in the country or another country all together .. if you steal something just because you do not have much does not make it right … the jails are full of the unjustltly persecuted …and so ti will be tith EVE spirita s once mor ein her life she calls forth ther DOMINATE THOUGHT VIBRATION that of lack …..
Sonthing will happen it always does . what ,that will ( hope not but kinda ready ) the contrast fo the exact time and space AND ..EVE … will disappear bitching and feeling like she is the victum … the same as she came , for she brought herself with her …into the oppurutnity for something new . not realy understaninding the learning available. And that is not my problem not my responsibility … lead an EVE to water but you can not make her drink . aHHHH adventure what would youdo phil if tha bondfish raced off around that mangrove shoot over there ? I will find out when and if that happens . what will you do it such and such bad thng happens ..etc etc . so how does living your life in that state feel? Being in that state of dream ..when it is just as easy to dream up success as falure ….. my free choice to stay involved in the fear of someone else of the pleasure of my own world and creation instead of their projections of nightmares that keep them trapped ,,not moving in fear of the WHAT IF ‘S …. WHAT IF IT TURNED OUT OK ?
BELIEF … clearing up issues of BELIEF ….
Metabolism is vibrational response to your moment in time. Metabolism is the way the Energy is moving through your body. And so, everything is in response to the way you feel -- everything is. Everything is mind over matter. Every disease is mental first. Everything is about thought. Everything is about vibration. Everything is about the way you feel. Practice scenarios that feel good--and never mind reality. Reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, May 11th, 2002
Yet reality is the limits of the mind fuck trained into you , the teacing you that you and your body can not HEAL ITSELF WITHOUT THE DOCTOR ….. that you are fat because of other reasons , that you are confused because of fucked brain chemicsl … and this is all aobut the trainin ofyour to give VIBRATIO INCORRECTLY … in the first place. Which you repeated because you KNOW NOTHING ELSE . never guiding in any other way except to become fucked up and thus easey to control and sell you shit so you become SLAVE work and buy work and buy …. Compound multi levels lies ….
Understandingthe problems is supposed to fuel creative solution making …. And that should feel better if you believe the solution is realy possible . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html … life is not just about taking the FISH off the hook , it is about the PREP of the tackle days in advance , it is the excitement of WAKING UP that day , it is going to the bait shop , it launching the boat , it is fixing the engine at the ramp it is BUCKING THE hIGH seas …. It is presenting the bait …. And getting SKUNKED OUT and ramping the boat ,,, then doing it all again next weekend
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
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