Green asshole
All in good fun my friend you know how I am here , first I gotta believe you can THINK OUT ISDE OF the trapp of your Degree , you are caged by the books you have read , you are a fucking enegnerr you create solutions , yes my may have gotten your degree because you are a good trained PARROT able to repeat the shit back to teachers as they want to thear it …but later you had to be the CREATRO
Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible. Charles Caleb Colton
You threw all of my shit out just over an electric mulcher and a 45 wt soalr panel ? ( the battery is rcyable and you were ok with that ..huh ? )
Look CO2 cap and trade ..interantional credits , eventual tax penalties …. Sure sure sure , the same old thinking fine whatever …. Go beyond that to . our desert ( yours and mine our great frozewn homeland cananda and , the SAraha desert ,both in realtiy deserrts )
Now I had kinda done this in TERRA FORMING a blog of a year or two ago , but I jus gotta touch on them both Saraha first …. I mean the budget we as a world population burden to maintain the slow death of 10’s of millions of humans years after year after fucking decade is INSNAE … and here I go back to PHAROH ( yu say there is not pharoh clas s in th over all capasitic world we have ,,, PHAROH is a mind set … like EVE is not a person but a persona put on by a person ..yet we still do have PHAROH kings and wueens and youshould no that better than most being from a COMMON WELATH COUNTRY where the queen in England still gets a tiny tine tax from every tree cut or barrel of oil taken …. PHAROH LIVES ….. PHAROH lives in the realization that Irishman I used yesterday who realized he lived lika fucking SARDINE on 4% of his ocoutnrys land while 96$ is held mainly by TRADTIONAL FAMILY lines …probably like in the states any REAL porptety tax on this class only offsets other tax burdens by allowing of artificalll tax write off in calling idle land range/pasture .
Nex the mind fuck of ROME stil with us now ….. it is said that JESUS the sage said somethinglike ,,, sure go ahead and waste ,,fine oils ands tuff on me ,, do not sell it and ffed the poor for yo will always have the poor you will not always have me …. JUST WRITTEN in by the PRIEST CLASS . to jusifity their oppulences . MYTH MYTH MYTH …… Maire Amtonette did not say let them eat cake , but the FEELING of detachement that SPAWNED the myth of those words is what is IMPORTANT is there that the PHAROH CLASS is shown …
It is in your high and mighty … about going to that meeting at 8 rivers jamica and the week at the sweat lodge run by chief SITTING BULLSHIT .. at Sedoona . … man the envivromental impact of just on day of that trip to 8 rivers when you take into the tiney percentage oeverall but ,, the airplan the airport from Toronto to jamica ..the all inclusive resort etc , just 1 day has more life time environmental impact than the MULCHER OR THE 45 WATT SOALR PAK . …. Green asshole just because you can throw money at a problem .
Ahh but the mind fucks NEEDS problems …DISTRACTIONS . to mainatain the confuse and conquer ….. without staving Etheopians … to compare our lives to ..the SLAVE worker would realize how shitty his life ,,but since it can be said ,,well you are doing better than people in Africa , we feel OK about out lot …. To live AND WORK on 108 MILLION ACRES while cows get 580 million …. It is important to keep the average worker DISTRACTED either fighting at home or worried about world events … historically NEVER ENDING …. Problems … THE UN budget is 28 billion per eyar ,,not that much realy when you take into account how much indsutriao countrys spend on fucking bottled water and beer …. But …..
We have 4 MILLION MILES OF ROADS IN THE US ….. look at the concrete curbs next to all those roads next time …. That is formed now a days byt his cool machine that mixes the concrete frives and forms it and fucking like lay miles of that in a day … the saraha deseret is 3.3 million square MILES 2,112,000,000 SQ ACRES OK . 10 % is that super SANDY shit , rest is ARID …. There is a big difference between sandy shit and arid ,,arid can be terra formed or specialty farmed lived on . it is at largest 1200 miles wide or 600 to center … there are 200,000 miles of GAS and Oil pipes lines in the US alone transporting BILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF GALOONS ..oil is 100 times thihcker to pump than water …. 200,000 miles ..but we will do it for oil …. ! WHY NOT WATER ?
To survive a person needs about a ½ gal of water per day
Ok taken from a project between turkey and isreal a water pipeline
300 miles up front cost 2013 of $ 2.5 billion
.50 cents per cubic meter or 2/10th of a cent per gallon ( for desalized water )
delivering 3 million cubic yards or water x265 gallons 800 million gallons for about 45 THOUSAND 5 ACRE FARMS at the 10 people per the 5 acres ite plan that is 5 gallons per person per dy . 450,000people currently cost the UN and aid groups on average $3.50 person per day in food and water . 1,600,000 …. Or over 500 million a year ….. you have about 5 year break even point
50 galons per farm ,,, drip delivered , in a concrete encased pipeline 36 /24/18 inch diameter pipe distribution plan ….. this small amount of water can not irrigate a farm ?
now look at this video and understand the possibility behind the opening quote bill mollison permaculture drylands kalihari desert tribes . ( only 5700 hits after ayear .. he needs to add some sex to his videos )
that pipline is made with the curb makers encasing a cheap pipe in concrete , the machine designed to scoop existing soils mixed with cement the n replaced encasing pipe . later drilled and drip line fitted .
my orginal blog contained a UN presence using 1 MAN ELELCTRIC VEHIHCL equipped with Sat down load video and seonsor info …. Travel 20 mph with a 20 minutes the next vicle pases . etc etc …. This just keeps the peace allows for social stalbity and the growth of Ecomony . in time the area will be come rich .
farms can start growing blue agave ,, to make surgar or tequila and sisal rope … at 20 mile sq gird is mass transit ( solar elelctric light wiethg golf cart with hybrid generator back up ) to a port town ,,, free 1 trip per farm per month 400 lbs ( 1 person plus 200lb pf products or 2 people or all products ) eventually as the environment becomes semi arid other fruits and such can be grown as the individual farmer start to develp rain catching and retaining stragetgies
there is a possible connection between bacteria and rain fall so the increase in bio logial activy actually will increase rain over time . life itself calling the rain . then allowing for reain harvesting potentials …. teaching permaculture design specific to the region plantings (not gmo corn form Monsanto ) people can reclaim the desert but also we SCRUB CARBON …..
ok now to back home …. The frozen north ,, the heat capture of passive solar stored 5 to 10 feet under ground in the heart of an Earthship home … will readiant up rasing the norm 55 degree of northern gound temps ..( I talk 65 degree because I think about florida and only 2 down ) 55 degrees is a fuck of a lot better than 30 below …even so there is day time HEAT gains to be had even in the darkest of the winter months . if the roof of the house is adapted to hold small green house area you continue the growing season using grow lamps ,winter has high wind possibility energy generation . animals strategies will need to be earth ship based the cool temps will bring live stock into a semi hibernation state …. Fine a month or so before spring you add in grow lamps and passive solar heatin fromt eh 55 degrees up wards to strat the chicken / duck breeding cycle early … so all in all if a person is into northern living or extreme desert living the possibles are there and 10 million sq km or bout 2.5 billion acres ..for a population of 33 million …. Now cananda is cold but ALSKA IS COLDER …. And a fuck of a lot of people live there ….. and from spring to fall … it is real pretty . if designed right ..the tundra can be brought into a more forest like eco system .
only thing missing is YOU green asshole …. You buy into the teaching of the PHAROHS AND THEIR ADVISORS …. Ohhh shit I forgot you are Pharohs advisor his engneer ….. on his pay roll you would hate to rock that boat … better to talk a good game than live out a good game plan .
There is no shortage. And any attention to shortage of something wanted will always produce negative emotion within you because your guidance is letting you know that you have strayed from your broader basic understanding of abundance and Well-Being. Whether you are focused upon the shortage of money—or seeing yourself as having only so many years to live (and so each day that is expended is one day closer to the end of your years)—that feeling of decline is contrary to your broader understanding of the Eternal nature of your Being.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
I want to see my wants …my wants , they do not have to be in accord with anyone elses ideas of possible …just my own beliefs ,,and my belief expands everyday and everyway . now the people of common sense media love to maintain the ILLUSION that society is reality ,,, that clothes are natural etc etc etc
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
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