Hey nice tits
Young master YOU CREATE YOUR REALITY thru your attention to it ,,, your focus the sage says , the word tool …. Os I created interaction with PSYCO EVE … my doing my extraction from this well stocked kitchen of universe … there are lots of stuff to pay attention to and lots to ignore … my 2 gig processor brain is limited so I goota choose ..
Look if it is like a fucking 100 degrees outside in july in florida and I am hot as fuck sitting in the sun and a few hundered feet away is a tree ,,, trees not only give shade but they COOL themselves down by evoprative cooling …. They do not like the heat either ,,, I have choice to piss into the wind … whihcis stipid because all you end doing is getting covered by piss … by sitting ahot and sweaty in the sun compalaining aobut how un fair the sun is to this chid of GOD .,.. listen to me sun I ma created in the ufcking iamge of like JESUS don’t you know , you have no right o be hot I do not want you tobe hot …. ( yeah right like that is going to work ) or I can choose freely get up and walk over to the tree and relax all comfy like … IN HARMONY WITH THE LAWS OF NATURE …
So today and as of late I am on the look out for OPS to talk to people , I am getting out of my shell about ME my ideas and shit … sayin hey worl yo , I am phil van der mude ..and I believe http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html is natural for the human animal …… so ..action 1 of my creation ..looking for interactions …. Looking for a place to relax the after nooon away …a chance toalk in a BLISSFULL MANNER . ( next is my choice to …. Hot fucking sun or chilling in the shade ) …. Here is the event ,,,, this dude .. walking along this ….chick walking the other way coming towards me …. Dude moves over abruptly in front of chickypoo …. And stops her because of his presence just to look down at ther tits and say ,,,, MATTER OF FACTLY … nice tits ! ..then steps out of her way and goes upon his way …
Now chickypoo .. changes into PYSCHO BITCH … the girl walking down the side walk that I notieced was well GIRL noticeably cute even froma distance … dude just ..dude .. it was his ABURPTUT movement towards chickpoo that got my attention that was INSTINCT . his action was unnatural . and that BODY LANGUAGE must have alerted apportion of my awareness to be alert ..incase a fellow human needs assistance … feelow human is chickypoo ….. that is natural that is the instinct to catch the door for someone coming in it is politeness …. Natural human good nature . that is way my focus was drawn to the EVENT .
She went of the deep end , not at him for he was already on his way and it took her a good 30 seconds to get her mind wrapped around what had happened so quickly , so starts bitching about him being a PERVERT … to me…. And I freely choose to interact with her … my choice to cast near the brush pile ( explain that later )
No miss , he is an I IN I , who is resonding based upon his history of feeling sexxualy manipulated and that interaction you had was a reaction of such an effect of manipulation over his life time …. And she was now forgotten a bout him and I WAS THE ENEMEY ,, what you support him ? she says , so you are a pervert too, ( well if she knew me she would be her won judge , but I had not beenthe one to stop her and COMPLEMENT HER ON HER FREE CHOICES OF ADVERTISNG HER TITS … ) SO I SHOULD NOT BE JUDGED AS Apreve JUST BECAUSE I can view dude from larger perspective .. AND not judge him ..or her either … eve has her greater position in the creationo f the FIRE STARTER which is of use to Gaia … http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html
So I went on the ..the word tool of a Taliban …. Who when talking about their distaste for like the old song AMERICAN WOMAN STAY AWAY FROM ME … asked about the rules of dressing women totoally … he explained the ideas of RESPECT FOR NATURE givenin the wisdom of his book Koran ,,,the woman is like a big fat fresh steak … in fron the the WOLF …. Now you can say to the wof ..YO WOLF DO NOT EAT THE STEAK …. And then leave when yo come back you will find the steak is gone for that is the NATURE of the wolf ,,human kind is till of nature … and so by requesting that in public women maitnatin a lvevle of discretion we maintain ehlathyier and hppyier social structure , if the owman and her family don’t like our life style then they are free to find their won way to the western world where things are different . ( now remember before we fucked their world up with our influences , they had a very different ISLAM in fact the beauty of their clothing was incredible the forms of arts wonderous ,,tliban is thependullum swing of the west forcing their views and ways instead of allowing antural interaction giving freedom of choices )
Free to find their won way ,,, I respected that , for it said , yes you are free , walk away , we willnot ask you where you are going ,,we willnot hold guns to your head make your way to the west the land of EVE …. Or stay and be happy it is your free chice . but QUITCHERBITCHING …. And choose then choose to be happy with the chice you make … ( hey maybe that choice is to stay in TALIBAN land for a year or two more saveing some cash and food then BOLT …fine ,,, they would have not problem in doing that as long day after day they donot go around teeling everyone about their palns bitching about the Taliban …. Bitching will get htem in trouble ..walking away willnot )
Bitching at the sun will only give me HEAT STROKE …. Walking in peace to cool shade of the tree , will give me peace .
Ahh but that did not work either I could see very quickly this was a person I was not going to be able to enter in a talk that would make either of us feel BETTER ..so , I BOLTED ..saying my classic GREEK … hand held open fingers spread out … mumbling KHESSSER , KHESSSER .. or as an American would hear it YES SIR YESSIR … but it does not work with a chick she ain’t a sir … so I just leave saying yes mamam whatever you say maman as you like it maman , ( I am going to work the other side of this eplaza finish up these windows later ) ohh the whole open hand thing is an old insult ,, may you , your mother father brothers and sisiters all EAT SHIT ….
Now young master ,,, that girl if she must have NATURAL TITTYS for if she had spent 20 grand on those tits and someone had gone out of his way to complememnt her on such fins pieces of plastic she would have BEAMED ( any body realize the sexual mainplative themes ? ) chickypoo’s tight pants .. her choice of top and bra a( and young mster they go thru hell choosing bras for these fucking shirts they wear spending big bucks I am mean some bras cost the equal to 10 or 20 mirrolures ) they go thru hell in dressing themselves just to make us fucking INSANE WITH ..FLOODS OF ..ANIMAL DNA HORMONES ….. any one sya …you get what you wish for ? you created your won reality EVE? ….. ahh but I have free choice to , to enjoy the opportunity to be inspired to write and realize ..that today was , casting my lure near a brush pile and I got fucking sangged up …. Big deal . break off and re-tie move on ….
It is a big kitchen ….. a large lake …. Lot of fish ….. pleanty of holes to cast my plug into …. ( sexual metaphor dipshit ) Now to clarify things I like seeing pretty tits walk down the street with hwole girls attached to them ,,, since I realize now the effects of sexual manipulation I see it it with braoder perspective and enjoy the tiis and and girl attached to the tits more than jus the tits alone .
Ok eve now , you can over a 1000 or two years train , teach punish SELCETIVLEY BREED ( jails are the tool of selective breeding so is putting the rowdy young man in harms way on the forn line of warfare selective breeding the rich mans son stay home like a good dawg ) the wolf and yu can get a DOG instead of wolf , trainable useable e, in any varietys footballer , german shepoards , business man , terriers , pretty boy ..cocker spaniel who will be cute attentive and trainable …but if the daog is straved and you leave it in the room with the steak like you did the wolf … what will happen ?
If you would simply reach for the thought that feels better, reach for the thought that feels better -- everything would come into alignment for you. You can't pull your desires back, because as soon as you do, contrast is going to produce another one. Your desires are romping, and the more you deal with your resistance, the faster your desires will go. And the faster your desires go without resistance, the better you feel.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, July 24th, 1999
If you could see the numbers , understand what BUDWIESER knows and uses …. That Sex Sells , our leanng towards that which feels better , an activity that is very aligning or also very confusing , that can even be done ALONE . * young master you know that your hand never said NO ) … resisitance is something your were taught it is in the socialization process of living to serve others and ignoring self , ..a slave to phaorh thinking … worhipper of a god … out side of self which is youa are , a … only 1 of in fi nite , the arht worm is your equal … before birth and after time/space death the earthworm will be your equall once more … being humanisnothing more than DDREAMING …. Learning to UN CHANGE the past ..un change yes for it is the adventure that allowed for the desire to be born of your now ,,, it ws perfect … un change ,,move past …. Romp and play …. http://www.instinctualism.org/time_for_peace.html
Sunday, November 15, 2009
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