New and improved pussy
Young master realy in your day to day life ,does it realy matter ,,, the UNSEEN details at a molecular level about her pussy , your cock feels ,,senses , DATA BUNDLES our eyes m hearing taste etc ..pick up on data bundles ….. not the molecular activity not the sub atomic activity …. New and improved …. When thye start to get selling you on things that are ,,, new and improved that is only evendent at levels beyond my ablity to RECOGNIZE then who cares ….they is those who want to sell you shit … and in that activity you stay stuck you need to make the $$$ of PAHAROH … TO BUY THE SHIT
( yeah but without all the new and improved we would not have all this great technology /….. I agree the book of positive aspects but that does mean you have to give IN and give up …. Use what is useful ws the recommendation of the SAGE Zhunangzi . but do not become slave to it … you are so free you can choose bondage )
…..actually much o fthe NEW AND IMPORVED is just another way ..of distracting the distractable, portion of the society, those who are looking for SOMETHING ANYTHING to ease the pain , and buyung shit feels good it is a DRUG , of hope …hope that something will end the confuse and conquer started by the SLAVE MASTER OF pharoh 1000’s of year ago ,, when they realized that mental training was better motivator that nthe whip or point of the sword ….. kill off the trouble some slave populations , keep the children train them well to HONOR or FEAR god ..the god/king … the pahroh system depend on the system for food for LIFE ITSELF life itself needs to express its nature to REPRODUCE …control these and control the people the slave to to work in MASS where by the PHAOROH class gets a small TAX from the MASS …. Ahhh but those who came adventurers gand parents of US of the UNITED STATES . came to seek freedom from PHAORH but ..the system came ,, some commited to freedom the amish for 1 ….who live today the same as they did 100’s of years ago here among the rest of us , living lives of much less stress stronger family units . and healthy to choose to live with or without the shit being sold .
All the shit we hae around us has been SOLD TO YOU by ..who ? do your realy trust the saleman blindly their smiling aface who tells you how important you are to them until the cash passes hand then ,,BYE ! …. Unless of course they think they could get further sales from you …but let us say the sales personw ill be movingon to selling something else next ,,, you are just the MARK ,,, the challenge and thye BEAT YOU they got you money they SOLD YOU … and they moved up maybe a bit in the HIERCHY of their carreer maybe they have made enough cash to buy the next step up house … hierarchy ,,, all tied to TRADITIONS based upon the PHAROH history ,,is living a good life and lots of pussy worth the cost of being trapeed in the endless EGO of science/ ivory tower university ..self importance … to prove how important it is to get our attention focused on THEIR NEW AND IMPROVED .f or if they do not consatnty feed you NEW AND IMPORVED they loose improatnce …hierarchy …. and thus our CASH …. Position and hierarchy ….
Now this also plays out in the NEW AND IMPROVED words of the Sage , from Buddha to LAO TO Jesus . TO THEM all others have come later to say they SPEAK for the SAGE ..then add to the base word of the sage …. Actuall they Add the myth of the sage and thr rules which the sage was trying to teach you to go beyond … it is interesting these New teachers do not claim their own connection to source nor do they like thSAGE tell you to conncet yourself to Source …. These additions to the rules … separating you from your connection to yourelf as you now need to go thru the words of the NEW TEACHER …… the new an improved ..word of god over and over …. Preacher by preacher sermon by sermon , listen to me the SALESMAN give me your attention and CASH … and I will help you …
If the Sales man had the basics of …isntincutalism lifestyle taken care of could he then teach will out the need for the big building the demands for 10% of your income …. Often times they make incomes 10 tiems as great as those who he sold his USEFULNESS …. He sold people on the idea that he was the chanel best for them …and never envourages them to move quickly away from him the teacher into … connecting themselves with SELF .. do you get it ,,?the THEME not the words of the book , so please my friend put your book down let us not get confused and thus conquered by some words in a book …… trapped for years behind the walls of the ivory tower eon after eon . or atleast millenniums …
Today in this country we have a Relgous group who lives OFF GRID without all the shit of Tehcnology ..the real legion is not needed , but there is not much else in supportive groups to help teach off grid life style so I guess joinin the group is easier …
The Amish ,,, currently number about 75 ,000 actuallythier number has close to double in the last decade many of the kids who years ago in their FREE CHOICE age a time they are actually sent out in the REAL world instead of buyin inot the GREED have been coming home and bringing friends too ….. people who are saying WHA THE FUCK am I so concerned about technology is it realy that much FUN …
Look around your own life ….. it is only because you have never allowed yourself to look outside of the box .there is much to choose from .
Ok ANDORRA is so tiny a country it should not be accounted for , but …fuck the brain washing , they live the longest of all … average 83 years while America is like 30 down on the list of life expectancy ( and then there is quality of life for you die slow in America useless and trapped )
ANDORRA loves its TOBACCO ..hmmm can anyone say brain washing , the lonest lived people smoke ? it seems like they day , alife in front of the fucking TV and eating ameican food is much worse than tobacco ,the constant ..advertising and mind fuck gives way to REALITY the words of the SAGE once more . Expectation can be created by the over load of the information coming down from the IVORY TOWERS . yet braoder perspective may not bare their data out … allow yourself to EXTRACT the usefull from examples .. QUESTION why why hwy ..hae these people been able to live without in gaging in WAR for 700 years ..( what if we threatened Iran stop your NUKE program or we will IRRAGATE your desert and help your people to RE-RUALIZE with a new tax base and mass transit and give theM each a computer with free broad band to expand their minds beyond RELIGONS ….. NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL WARFARE ! and it would cost tillions less tha convention warfare . ) to get the design and pricing and 12Bravo concepts of this you gotta go back in the blogs a few weeks .
ACTIITY ,,,LESS STRESS , FAMILY AND FRIENDS ….. long happy living . less stress in forming a life that has the basis of MASLOW taken care of , family and frinds … 3 wives by free choice not GOD’S DECREE but free choice …is natural and healthy for women and children . and hormonial science evidence about womens need for women in their life ….. . Freedom then to work for want and art …not working because you thinkyou have to for $$$ like living with your very own trust fund , like being retired at age 22 ,,, less stress . all the mind fuck is just that , the tool of the slave master still there confuse and conquer keep you distracted . like WAR the kings telling the people how bad the OTHER GUY IS we must go to war ….. because the other LEADER has the same BETTER THAN YOU mindset of hierarchy ….. Andorra has had no war for 700 years . evne though they live among bordered by warring states …
GREED is not the main focus of these people they are happy in their NICHE instead of striving for the GOLDEN CARROT ON A STRING dangled in front of them …. FREE CHOICE …. FREE CHOICE …free choice …. Free choice …. You have free choice and the ablity to create what you want here and now .
As you look for a better-feeling way to approach whatever you are giving your attention to; as you continue to ask yourself, from your ever-changing vantage point, "What is it that I do want?" eventually you will be standing in a very pleasing place—for you cannot continually ask yourself what it is that you do want without your point of attraction beginning to pivot in that direction. . . . The process will be gradual, but your continued application of the process will yield wonderful results in only a few days.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
What is it that you do want …is TRICKIER than most think . you think you want a THING … the golden carrot dangled infront of you by media and advertisers and FASHION ….. but what you want is to just feel better , better … but is you were to realy ask , from POSISITION of understanding the want as compared to the trick the drug the mind fuck …. Of lack of self worth that you WANT to fulfill thru PURCHAISNG IT …
When you feel yu animal self you instinct self …. And realize you can have it all realy … especially after you take car of those ANIMAL NEEDS …. Those wants under your own CONTROL and MANGAMENT …then cash can arrive for all the other shit too .
In a few days …well in the few day you start to realize that around you NOW are the wants you created from livin in your past …… so you learn to enjoy now while from the ever expanding position of growth new wants are projected inot TAO, from when where time/space will unfold next year’s aspects of todays want –projections … always experiencing the wants of yesterday ..the lag of time/space . ..
Thursday, November 26, 2009
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