Monday, November 16, 2009

Bodhisattva of fucking pussy

Bodhisattva of fucking pussy

If I cast my lure up stream and donot reel in as fast the current is moving my lure willnot attract the fish I want to bend the rod so can have the fun of killing it for dinner ( freeing it to transisiton back inot toa for the enxt adventure )

All of this SHIT I write about getting handle on the NUIANCES of the game , so yu cn better … feel better , better enjoy the game … like understanding what ever fucking sport you play ,,the nuiances of fishing of ..LIVING …. Now with theunderstanding of the MIND FUCK of PHAROH

So will tie this directly to pussy … in a bit

So iwas training with the ideas of JOSE SILVA .. one is to BE the metal block , but when I did that I realized iwas perceiving thru human mind , I was giving word comparisons and values to the events … and the metal did not have brain nor did it listen like listen as human , the METAL is directly connected to Tao . the sepration thru filters of mind are not there so is does not COMPARE past present and future it BE’S what it is in the TIME/SPACE EVENT at the NANO SECOND of it … and the expansion of the emetal happens there , the metal knows of the current atomic DISSASEMBALGE … of itself … a decay we can only detect thru microschpes and theory …. The meatl does not compare itself as LESS WHOLE if cut in TWO is still the metal made up of exactly thiese atomics particles which is in a constant state of change and decay ,,the new piece of metal is DIFFERENT . for at atomic level the components of that block the second block will be ever so slighty different than the first … again you need tool so science to eprcieve the differences atomically

So block 1 …me … is still WHOLE .. even though I lost half myself , now from the KNOWING STATE of toa …the DATA state … that is all known but again NOT COMPARED for to compare or itemize would be the creation of THINGNESS … and toa is NO1THING-ness ….. you need a time/space form or arena or venue . TO ESTABLISH RELATIONSHIPS OR COMAPRISION POINTS ..OR POINTS OF VIEW .

Being the metal ….. was cool !
I was not thinking thru metal or human mind prescieving yet had awareness of 1 mind about the events of time/space that were and conversed or translated without words except when I tried to become aware of them interms of this mind … and then I gave a PULLUTION to the events that is un describable for the UNTHINKABLE IS un word toolable .. un real if we only BE here …and well here is the only real impostance to the grouping of myself ( I in I ) cells dependant on the use of PHIL for their experiences of being phils living and dieing off stomach wall cells etc.

It is good to be totally here and not in the” in fi nite” for I will return to that all to soon .

I am a FUCKING HUMAN ..dna , and if I do not ufck then there willnot BE other baby humans to come and PLAY AT BEING THIS TYPE OF POINT OF VIEW ….. and it seems that the mind fuck controllers of PHAROH … are pissing on my FUCKING DNA PARTY ..withthraining in sexual rules whihch casue sexul amniplative states and actions . .

Understanding all this shit is to better ready for wheni cast UP STREAM … I understand the nuancnes about the game I want to play and FEEL GOOD at doing ,,, fishing all the time and not catching shit …taint fun …. You end up giving up but that is because you have not learned the skill of the game .

Now I started off bringing up Buddha ….. get it thru your fucking head , none of the MASTER WALKED AROUND with fucking tape recoders …their fucking word were translated thru the mind of another like me and the fucking metal I can not expaln the purity of that state of beingness and instant connection to tao . without fucking it up in some way . so it iw with the word of th sage as spoken back in history thru a human first who pollutes because of his upbringing ,,then into the written words of his asshole followers who were but mire shadows of the gREAT 1 …. Take a look at the BRICKS IN THE WALL OF HEAVEN … these are the ways of creating IVORY TOWERS where every one pats themselves on the back , then charges the common human some form of $$$ or service or worship for them who have a DEGREE to give the CONFUSED MASSES advise to the probems generated by the RULES IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE …. And does sex show up? Actually it is impossible to live up to . Bodhisattva vows. The top ten of a whole bunch more … impossiblelities bricks in heavens wall .
1. Not to kill any living creature ( I kill bacteria all the fucking time )
2. Not to steal anything ( when I took the lettice from the gorund I stole the grasshopper’s home and food )
3. Not to engage in any form of sexual misconduct ( yeah right and who is gonna to say that if some chick likes BDSM I am doing sexual mis conduct ? )
4. Not to lie or use false speech ( the use of words it self is a lie )
5. Not to consume or distribute intoxicants ( to much fucking oxygenitself will get you high )
6. Not to discuss the faults and misdeeds that occur by any Buddhist ( keep the crimes hidden , I protect you protect me , and the underground of abuse will FLOURISH )
7. Not to praise oneself or disparage others ( stay humble , be less than PHAROH concept )
8. Not to be stingy or abusive towards those in need ( hey you poor people give and give to those who I , PHAROH abuse )
9. Not to harbor anger or resentment or encourage others to be angry ( it is thru the knowing of unwated that new ideas are born and toa expands , aprt of this emeotional growth cycle incldes a quick trip thru anger to gather the motivation for change )
10. Not to criticise or slander the Three Jewels ( ahh pay homage to the next set of impoosibile rules given from the ivory TOWER to further confuse and thus conquer hunam spirit )
So young master understanding shit helps you realize that your human nature is good her wet pussy is part of the package of fun ….. and following your bliss having fun is the core of the Tao of budha .
Is Abraham saying that you could reach what you consider to be a prime human physical condition and that you could maintain it for as long as you remain physically focused in this body? The answer is, absolutely yes. And it doesn't mean reach your prime and then jump off a cliff the same day, either. It means, reach your prime and bask in the deliciousness of that. Now, why is other than that the more consistent experience? Because most everybody is looking around and vibrating in response to what they are seeing. So, what is the solution? Look around less. Imagine more. Look around less. Imagine more. Until your imagery is the most familiar vibration that you have.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Saturday, January 16th, 1999 what seems to be a theorectical possible of almost in fi nite life in a body at its perfect ….. what is possible ? go back to the brick wall in heaven story remember in the day of Pharoh flying metal birds take carried 100;s of human in their bellys would have been considered impossible , even though all the material needed for those birds was around then and now and today we have those metal birds .
you have and expecationof age, based upon the generation viewing of dpressed humanity that ges itself into transition to seek relief from the slavery of PHAROH and reach the heaven promised by PHAROH’s preist class …
in the wild most animals look to us to be ageless most of their lives reaching a strong level of maturaity then amanitaining that level . until time of transition common to the DNA memenory of that bio machine , we on the other hand yes do respond to DNA memeory and have a stronger free choice alter our choices creatively .
the part played for example in gorilla life by the DNa response of HISTOCOMPATIBALITY … where by the expansion of DNA expression of mating will subuside slow down as the female population in the area of the silver back becomes more ane more of the same DNA strand as the DADDY gorilla until he no longer attracts new mates , his DNA job done …. His place of ..being NEEDED done he readys fo transition , he will age fast die quick . so they do not age SLOWLY like we do , unless you go there and force your INTENTION of seeing something wanted upon them … Bohn’s response to's_cat the intention of the observer will effect the quantum event . and everything is QUANTUM EVENT and your thoguth projection the intent . the wanted is to see human disfunction in other places so that the observer cn feel better about his own state of dysfunction.thru continued dillusions created by his belef generated thinking vibration expectation .
caution what you wish foryu will most likely get it …to see dysfunction in harmony .

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