Why cummming pussy
COUNTDOWN to BAKESALE Dec 6 see you there look for the ballons like always http://www.buzz103.com/
So young amster the sage says talk in terms of the WHY YOU WANT IT … thoe positive spects , welll there are positive aspects ..the wanted and unawanted in every PARTIC.LE of being-ness ….. even a fish needs a PATH TO TRANSITON so I become that for the fish as the angler who catches the fish ….its harmonus PEACE tge path of least resisatnce into tao … i am in harmony with the teaching of Buddha in the killng of a lettuce .
Why do I like CUMMMING PUSSY …. IT IS HER NATURE http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html right we hae been here before and realize she is the one currently TODAY with the wet empty pussy sure her igrl friend can stuff her with PLASITC but you hard throbbing cick , HEATED BY YOUR LUST AND HORMAONAES … is best is natural and FULL ….FILLLING … even if you are the staicall average cock size for you bring with you not jus the cock but your total PRSENCE OF SOURCE ENERGY IN HARMONY WITH …. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html and her own instunctual desire as FEMALe the penetrated .
Her production of hormones her VIBRATIONAL SOUNDS PRODUCED BY MY ACTIONS OF REPEATED OPENTRATIONS , brinsg both to the ALIGNMENT WITH SOURCE ENENRGY WHICH IS …… ANTURAL FOR THE HUMAN primate animale self ….no PLATIC DILDEO CAN COMPARE TO YOU and your presence and interst in fucking her ..who ever she is!
AHHHHHHH THE MIND FUCK OF FASHIONS …… every pussy feels the same inside my dad told me when I was ayong man ,,, al wise and leraned man who loved his wife my mom , toatllly till the day hseh died a mere showdao of the hootie he still swa her as even on tha death bed ,,( bummer vision for me to remember) but the again I will use SUBLIME ..love of humaity capapblity of you ..ayoung master to see beyond ….way fucking beyond ..fashions . to enjoy any girl who comes you way in..search of following her own BLISS in haromony with ancient teaching of the ages PAST ANS TODAY …
Every girl who CUMMM OVE YOUR COCK IN ORGSIMIC BLISS WILLDRIVE YOU …TOOO ! ALSO INTO HIGHTENED SEXUYAL EXTACY AND …ALIGNMENT WITH SOURCE THE MOST LOVING ACCEPTING ASPECT OF YOU ..THE HERE AND NOW and the still inot tao self .. total hottie of fashion or the beauty of a girl who JUST KNOWS her subbie nature and freely loving gives to you .
I , young amster am in turmoil for , I have been presented again by a HOTTIE woman ,, a girl ..sexually legal … who I have seen smiling for a year plus who came inot my awareness outside of regular woring meeting … to ask my name ,,just receintly “ hey you=are the window guy what is your name anyway ? “ …. You know me I AM YOUR SQUEEEE GEE DUDE , but the friend who was with her ..said with a SURE SMUGNESS ,, I am sure his name is PHIL … smile smile … and this hottie also just smiled in knowing … what I am to do , am the PERSON of social repautuation that I am ..a business man also …. But DAMMM is she ever fucking so fucking sute as to fuck my mind up totatlly ….. FASHION ? no ! for I am the gorilla , and she has the FEEDOM of choice …. So NO ! mind fuck is .
Why do I want to make that girl cummm? Becaue it makes the grass grow the birds live the deer to prance said the sage at the notice of the Drought ….. I w ant the rain ! ….i want the pussy for in the penetration of my penis repeatedly in her pussy SHE WILL ….BE HAPPY …AND ISNTINCTUALLY …..herself …. Give and RECEIVE !
Remember http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is HOLISTIC ..fodd forest ,,, earth ship housing ..child and happiness econimcs ,,and yes …SEX . gushing pussy sublime sex . http://www.instinctualism.org/gushing_pussy.html and toa ! ...you are more NON PYSHCIAL than phyiscal … an notice of a feeling other than acceptance or relief or happiness is the meassge you have SEPRARTED for the greater you ,in Tao or source … the message of emotions http://www.instinctualism.org/gushing_pussy.html
Ohh my reference to HOTTIE …. ONCE I ahd a girl friend who said to me , your choice of girls is much BRAODER thanmine , I need tohave a chick who is UP TO MY IDEA OF BEAUTY …. YOUNG MASTER THEY ARE ALLL…..ALLL A…ALLLA PRETTY in every thing there is aspect sof the WANTED and the unwated . …IN ALL EVEN …THE HOTTIE and the regular girl … even more you may find the aspects of the wanted ,,, unlessss the hotte has already go over for herself before choosing her GRIlla the http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html for then her choice of you is DEEP and more ture . I do not chase her I lett her attract herself to me … NO WORRYS she is apples … as the ausssie says .
They fall NATURALLY FROM TREES GIFTS OF SOURCE ENERGY … I eat the apples and spread the good seeds world wide ! the sour bitch ,,, those seeds die off !
JOIN ME IN MY HAPPY EXPERINCE or you will be ingnored out of my awarenss .. this in not athreat to others but the LAW OF ATTRACTION as it pertains to you yong master as you look to UP LIFT . which is the nature of the WHITE KNIGHT . of pahrohs creation and the epxrssion of the gorilla , who just askes ,COME WILLING …for I will not rape but allow you to be YOUR AHPPEST SELF … GIRL ! …
http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html read with new eyes seenot the chimp self of the ivory tower …of science that says you are … but the EVIDENCE trail of penis designs , ( mutauted by unanatural selection and evidence trails of NON SPERM COMPETIVE thicknes etc etc et c…. hsitorial evidence TRAILS howing the nature and support of the poligmas ..3 wife ..sister wife life … for her ,,and thus for you …service ! is human nature .
ahh but to encourage GIRL in allher present forms to come ..then if you have already established the http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html her NATURE WILL express her design of body will COME INTO BEING …. And thus her sexuality in terms ofwhat we now claimto be fahion , yet is just GOOD HEALTH … will express making my dick as hard as chinesse calculus …to parra pahse brother Ross http://www.instinctualism.org/dating.html
When you feel enthusiasm to do something, it means you've lined up the Energy, and you are being inspired to take action from that point of alignment. When you don't feel like doing it, don't push yourself, because your effort is not worth it. But, when you line up the Energy, the feeling of procrastination goes away.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in San Rafael, CA on Sunday, July 31st, 2005
Sounds simple and is ,,FOLLOW YOUR BLISS , then coming isn the feeling that maybe I SHOULDN’T do some thing that you have inspiritation ( in spirit action ) to do ….. th training to live in service of PHAROH trainind so deep it has passed down generation to generation supported thru fear of death training to SUPPORT the god/king concepts and then……….. you just forget to trust your NATURE . well actually never trained that you were allowed by NATURE . for your life depeneded upon the ECONOMY of PHAORH system now 1000’s of years old mutated so much you hardly recognize PHAROH is still there …
Pharoh changed ,, 1 died the next was crowned … it is not he person like EVE is not the person but the under lying theme ..
Well I had written just to much following my Bliss …sure you may do it behind closed oors HIDDEN but is that REALY good for you ,,a good example of bliss for all ? the example to show how others can .leave their confusion… all NEGATIVE ACTION is from aperson Detached from source , for those who are connected TRUTHFULYY act in a positive harmony ….. ( negative action actually seen from perspective of source is seen to carry the oppurutunity to stimulate contrast and thus the expansion of Tao so it is not negative realy value judgement from within the wall in heaven . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html .)
Put your mean girl face on
Bask bask bask ,,it is fucking working … so I want to not just be a voice on here but a voice in the real world to ..to talk withyou all . I know that the over all idea of http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html cannot be sound byted , so it is so much nicer to talk with some one who has some idea of what I am about before we talk , but even so as ealier this week I was able to talk to a total stranger to myself and writings for like an hour about the ideas cold ,,which is cool too
But I am so fucking honored to find an old friend customer was so interested in me , having known me for like almost 15 years seeing me carry along my lil daughter while I worked back then starting off , then getting married my now ex took over the ocmmerical route while I expanded the residencial side … then to me being a single dad again but this time to 3 kids to getting married again for what seemed like a month ( she said with a smile ) and to find out you had another child with her ….. so when ayear ago or so , you became the topic of office talke while washing the windows about youhaving a web site that was off the wall …. I had to find out more about this man I have admired …. In many ways your good spirit especially ….
I mean I am like ath=ingthis shit up , I kne that we had a nice respectful business and friendly relationship but , I was eating this shit up ! this woman who I had always guess was Lez ..or as she graphically explained chooses to refer to herself as a Gay female … well let me go back to the topic… one minute .. so it seems on the occasion that I was cleaning the office or before I would show up for the house she would ..look up my site just to see how I was REALLY DOING …. Since I exposed myself in many ways thru my web site … laughing she admiteed to sometimes thinking about the vision board blog while I would be around working … you have diefinatiely exposed yourself . http://www.instinctualism.org/vision_board.html .... ok so she has skimmed me , finding me unreadable yet at times something would catch her eye …not just that picture remember she is Gay .. but threads of topics , one is Abraham .. she found the introduction to it on my site and liked my reference to Ester Hicks as JUST and entertainer ..nnot a god good . and ….EVE she got what I was talking about ,,girls are not what I am talking about ,,I AM DESCRIBING … THOUGHT FORM OR IDEAL OR PERSOANLITY ……ADOPTED BY ….GIRLS
Ahhhhh here we lead into the opener of today ,,,hey Phil you listen to NPR radio right ? ( me to myself is going yes but do I talk about that that much ,,maybe I had mentioned NPR to her during the elections ? ) yes I like NPR ( national public radio ) …did you hear that interview this morning abut that actress ,,, in fact yes I had , why ?
Phil ….. I want to let you know I support you in your wrting and web site … like I see has been told to you already your web site is in need of work and your writing is unreadable but , I understand it and you ..form well knowing you so long ….
Wow …. Un FUCKING expected ,,never fucking would have ever fucking guessed .. thatn a quick expanantion about the how when wheres etc ..even to her admititing that the blog TINY WAIST . well caught her interst because of the sexuality …. Sure I am gay now and hove been for a long long time ,but …
But and it was like I have written many time ,,,not nature but nurture ..and she started off likeing boys wanting and dreaming of the perfect marriage growing up , getting hurt early find love in college with girls and NEVER TURNED back …. In fact …
She starts to and with a respectful acknowledgement says ,,, I maintained the GAY personality ( wrong phrsing ) because of my concern for ..as you put it ,,2nd .. honeslty in giving up men totally I many times often found myself wishing I could have had it both had it all ..but to do that would have invited …. The jugements of my family if they ever found out ..i was not the fully GAY woman I made my self out to be …
And now back to …npr . and putting on my mean girl face ,,, it seems we both heard that line and we both had the same personel thoughts about its possible meaning … for women ,,, she for herself and the gay girls who work now and before for her … and me well just women in general not just GAY girls but the EVE girl also …
And to add that my ideas of economics while again hard to grasp because my writing is so poor and the web site to disjointed ( she hopes some day I do get some help with that ) well becaue of her own experience of dipping into saving to keep her company afloat there for a while and now that things are flowing again …she syas, I am noticing how fast I am falling abck into old spending habits …not that , that is bad because if things keep getting better I will easly afford my life style again . but .. form the satnd point of ..IF I HAD IT ALL TO DO OVER AGAIN …. What you are proposing in all of your web site is of
This is a 110% percent 2nd mind ego tripping experience getting my because of the APPROVAL …. ( ok yeah but what the fuck ..I am mind talking to sage … snd mind effects is just a part of CO CREATING … as you say …. And in my mind sage syas .YES fine good as it should be ,,but my message is if you will listen dumbfuck …. Ignore the bad feeling reponses of second mind and ,,do like you are doing and BASK BASK BASK in the arrival of geeds ..even if that good comes from the approval of second ,,, bask in this windy day …. Or find the bad in it ..yur free choice the same is with 2 nd mind … find the good and bask ,ignore the NON USEFUL aspects unless they serve to help EVEN BETTER FEELING of solutions
Teach the pussy well
To change the words of an old song … young master I still like good old Al gore yes Al gore in muchof his recommendations … in his new book ,,he is doing what Einstine said to waryo fo …. We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. Albert Einstein … education education education … AIN’T NOTHING WRONG WITH UNDERSTANDING THE UNWATEND http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html especailly if those who are dong the learning ,,, think for themselves about that which they are lerning about and NOT JUST TAKE THE SCIENCE coming down for the IVORY TOWERS AS IF IT WERE …WORD OF …GODS! ….. for these are the minds the thinkers who got us all here in the first palce … the thoughts comeing out of the IVORY TOWERS the halls of wisdom , take long to change since there is so much of a power and profit and PRESTIGE base in REPEATING …the correct words to get a diploma to create then income for ones self … that no NEW THINKING COMES AROUND unless it fits inot the OK of the old thinkers .
So Cool AL … renewable energy like always you may YEEL ABOUT THE problem but you also give ideas about solutions at the same time bgood balance ….. educating women ,,, girls .. so they have baies not because of religuos tradition BUT FROM FREE CHOICE AND LVOE ….. MOST FUCKING COOL … that is an aspect of POLIGAMY in http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html tha is good IT IS NON RELIGIOUS … not a HVE TO BUT AN EDCUATED FREE CHOICE , and self sustaining
Ahhhb ut here …. Here ..the concept or trap of SOCIAL ..OF SOCIETY … of CIVIL ..of CITY .. behind the walls where PHAROH held court and everyone dreamed on day of sittin next to pahrohs table …( remember Al GOER may become the worlds first GREEN BILLIONAIRE ..most cool more power to you ,,, great example of profit by going green ,b ut ) you are PHAROH ….. the intellectual ideas that CITY LIFE IS GOOD? Yes for that top 6 in 100 that become financially secure yes …. Or maybe in socialism based countrys to an extent …. At least you get enough money to buy beer and dope …. And live in a little apartment stacked like saerdines … Al has bought into the idea of the DREAM …of the effiecnet CITY , mass transit and stuff and then ALL WILL BE WELL ,, ,,,well what will be well is the LOGISTICS OF MOVING DEPRESSED MEDICATED OR SELF MEDICATED SLAVE WORKERS FROM ..thier aritifiacl environment of the work place ..to the climate controlled dwwling where they will VEGG out on tV and computer , becoming over time ..ALLERGIC …. To their own natural world.
Food forest and the 5 acres site plan concept … http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html ( good to here they are bringng up the METHANE ISSUE . 20 times more green house problem than carbon ! and it comes from a COWS ASShole ) look over 20 countrys have a 0 or negative birth rate already …. The US And Cananda area at about 0.2 growth reate ,,, that is real close to 0 … we realy only grow because of legal and illegal immigration … the ame with most industrial countrys EDUCATED COUNTRYs ..teach the pussy to chose to have kids because they WANT kids ,,not because PHAROH god/king needs new WORSHIOPERS and people for their army of GOD …. To become MARTYRS ….. 580 million acres for Cows and 108 million acres for us ,,,now AL GORE , he does not live in an apt …. Becaue he ahs to …. You mabe make it inot a town home , maybe even into the country club desns=city housing if you make it to the to 10% so you have a 90% chance of sticking very very clos to the life style you have now , in fact the trend is even for you to get poorer than your folds were ,, and now you will not live ass long on average unless you are one of the top 10% who will FUCK up the life span averages but you 90 people will die earlier and become sicker earlier less quality of life …. That is the newest stats ….
The fruit of the IVORY TOWER SYSTEM … the advosr sytem to PHAROH traditions still working now thousands of years later ,,, the traditions born of CHURCH EDCATION n salvery … of the population to worship the educated class …. PRESTIGE IS JUST AS IMPORTANT TO HUMANS EGO AS $$$ as long as a person has a comfy income the will then become motivated by PRESTIGE ,,, IVORY TOWER . worship .
Just think for yourself young master … free choice without fear of econimc consequences .. and an example of and alternative … http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
Sunday, November 8, 2009
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