Thursday, November 5, 2009

fucking regular

fucking regular

so young master I can feel how I would regularlay ,,approach what I saw and heard today , but in me is a wanting to express ..DIFFERENTLY maybe it is understanding the UNWANTED differently …for knowing the unwated better clarifys the wanted relationship are built …vibrationally … by focus … you no her ..her on you bothe seeing the WANTED in each other and it feels good .. for you want to do the nasty with her and she wants IT ! ..... the aspect of that focus being the center o someones foucs …is important ADDICTION to having or the needing o this focus ..for ones self worth or sense of FEELING GOOD about life itself …. Is the trap the Eve of tady I was noticing is trapped in and she don’t know it ,,,

to bad I am sad for her ,,, ( sad ok I am not seeing with theyes of source for she is playing her game ..her adventure this is the WANTED she wanted …and that cute lil girl will become the bitter bitch filling prescriptions forever for more PYSCHO THERAPUDICS . hey her trip and ,,, I thank her for the watning I got ,,to inspritation to write …. To explore …. So I amnot sad for her … and I am happy for me .

she is buyin into the ATTENTION that her boyfriend is now showering her with after doing that which society deems as wrong and since he bought into it , and said he would live up to it ,,, I guess , he is WRONG .. he did not live the J n H … just and honest , he was the dog that gives men bad names , yet his actions are the expression of scoieltal manipulations … from day one from him not having a chance to express himself as the instinctual male swhich is ….in that DNA of the human primate still . so links

ok enough back ground the concept I am interested in this time is the ADDICTION to being the center of attention , and how much EVE will give up in terms of FRE WILL to be that center of attention , it is kinda nice to know your customer base so well some times that you know the SOAP OPERA aspects f what is going one … and the replaying of themes of players happening over and over ,, from girl to girl … the same theme/.

And I thought to the words of the Sage as she was talking about self ish ness …. And saying to depend on the POSITIVE ATTENTION form 2nd for you reason for feeling GOOD OR SELF WORTH … you are FUCKED .. for 2nd mind actally has lied to you since day 1

Mommy said you were the most important thing in her life ,,, and realy how ong did she give you her full attention … ? how fast was it before she complained about breast feeding …( ohh link to Le LEche leaque here ) and stuck artifical chemical foods draining froma plascitc bottle propped up on a blankey while she was doing busy work or getting on the ocnputuer or talking on the phone ..all THING S THAT ARE …not …not giving you attention … NOT GIVING YOU ATTENTION ..the lie of you beingt eh CENTER OF ATTENTION .having that expectation ,,,, is fucked up and FUCKING YOU UP ….. but hey if that is your WANT ….. relish for those lilttle times you get it …… and when that plan does not work out ,,, BE SMART AND … DO ..NOT ! EXAMINE what is happening but continue down the exact same path ,,,, bring you … with yourself …. As you travel … and youi are sure of repeating the same patterns . that have been so much fun ! WHEEEE WHOOOPIE !

Living for the attention of approval of others ….. whether mommmy daddys teachers or lovers or bosss , you get that … great parking spor this month then losse the attention next month as some one out sells you … you loss the attention? The boyfriend starts to watch more football than fuck youo …… mom and dad harder faster to pay bills they say is to beienfit you ….. and you say , but but but …. It would be nice to know you too … so sorry that is not the way of being an ecocminc slave … mind fucked from day one with no other life style choice … understandning the unwanted …. Accepting the reason we have lived as such till now is from the lack of ,,,, understanding the UNWATED … and the not letting yourself fbe who you are ,,for you live the trap of seeking approval of 2nd mind so you do not even explore alternative ideas …

Just do your best to keep yourself in balance. One of the first things that causes Energy misalignment, is asking or demanding too much of yourself in terms of time and effort. In other words, you just cannot burn the candle at both ends, so that you are physically tired, and then expect yourself to have a cheerful attitude. So, the rule of thumb has to be: "I'm going to be very, very, very happy, and then do everything I have time to do after that."
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in West Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, March 6th, 2005
Ok sage I hear you …laugh laugh … but the lessons you sometimes need to hear directly sometimes arrive in words that seem directed ..directly to you …. And so why not accept the guidance of the OMEN … of your own greater tao self
TRYING TO HARD … when the real work is to just put on the want … is it a real want ? then you will not forget it , in fact you see evidence of what you want everywhere … just put the want out and then BASK BASK BASK at all the the stuff you put out that IS around you … from the kitty cat wanting petts I created that ..the great view I have for front yard I created ,,, the eating from my square foot gardens .. icreated that to meeting people ont hstreet to talk about … insitncutalism with .. I created

And I did not realy have to do any work or worry in those creations ..well the activiy of living was full of contrast as the manifestation assembled , but it was not me , who formed thngs as much NOTICING what I had around that I liked then ALLOWED myself to move towards ….

And so if I am feeling Off it is time to chill and find something to BASK about

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