Friday, November 20, 2009

will dignaty urantia

Will dignity- urantia

Oh the ocnfsue and conquer goes on the voice of the sgae is alwas polluted by the vessel of use .. and the age heard and by those who fucking put inot into BRICK FORM into book in writing …. To be the limiting factor th to try a keep you behind the wall of possibles … URANTIA like all relgiosn books groups etc is great 1 more CORRECT PERSPCETIVE … yes total ly correct when viewed from within the confines of the belief systems ..behind the wall …

The vessel of use Lao Buddha jesus hell the magical mystical Fred , all techers teach something which is good for someone , helping someone to find a BETTER FEELING … ahh the core ..felling better

Now the idea that we are the again highest of highest of being and god is humanized with FATHER perjoratives …… the sepertion of our being-ness from the animal being-ness form the being-ness of thing at all! …. That with WILL DIGNITY .. TO BE ABLE TO THINK TO CHOOSE OUT SIDE THE instinct O F THE BIO MACHINE , I willnot refer to MORALS or ethics comparing my actions based upon rules laid down by man for man ,but not for those who understand the rules ae just tool to keep …people occupied … distracted in endless debate and study and argueing about RIGHT AND WRONG . sin and earning a ticket in heaven or communion with god by being wothy of PHAROH by keeping rules

IF ALL STUDENTS WERE AT THE SAME PLACE THEN ONLY 1 TEACHER WOULD BE NEEDED … that is why so many forms of the sage come to help so many in different PERSCPECTIVE STATES people have … different recipes for a life adventure

But back to the WILL the DIGNITY …. The act of being superior to … allother life , all life ,, event the 1 celled life it seems does choose freely within a frame work consistent to the nature of the DNA bio machine used , with ablities for a varying level of choice expressions even a 1 celled animal can tate a poisin thus ending itself and the DNA expression of failure does not get expressed ,,,, the more 1 ceeled being who taste the poisin the less of them around and those who by RANDOM CHANCE do not taste the poisin live and reproduce … within the parameters of the dna expression free chice for the 1 celled animal is very limted compared to us yet I believe is still expression of choice within parameters . ,,,,Wthen the OSPREY came to run with me day after day after , in fact wheni got out early it had to CHOOSE to catch up to me on my run then continue with me …this erved no DNA ro survivl purpose fo a stupid animal as MOST RELIGONS WOULD DESCRIBED the non evovlved or the beast of the planet …. Feel the words of superiority the FATHER concept … if you are superior to the animal then who is your GOD your ssuperior ,, ahhh the king or preast or prophet or PHAROH ,, just supportive of the same old thng the unEQUALITY ..jsutifying abuse and suffering … thru RIGHTNESS AND SIN … this thnking is the thinking of Eienstins wisedom …. THAT TO BE WARY OF .

You can not solve a problem by using the thingking that created it .

FEEL your gut … outside of the expectations of living up to what others may thinka bout what you feel deep inside when alone and not compared in fear of not being ACCEPTED by church friends or brother followers …. FEEL are you SUPERIOR ,,, not you the QUANTUM ASSEMBALGE … BUT YOU THAT USES ..An assembalbge .

Does you dog have will dignity ,, a level of free action choices that go beyond simple INSTINCTUal wake eat and sleep and fuck …c anhe dog act just for the JOY of JOY …. Of feeling better ?

Io am happy to hear some thing in this world gives you freedom from the confusion…. But for me , that book is like most big books to full of confusion a trap that will take AWAY alife time it’s study ….

When the simplicity of the child is preached by the sges of the ages , the ocre of your URNATIA … that sge also jesus … talked about SIMPLICITY ….. infitiy expanding because of the movement towards that which feels better draws …. All adventurers .. so the staic or DECAy based experience of being ROCK ,,,, is not as expading as … being bacteria ..for bacteria had self repelicating ablity … and bacteria to multi ceeld grouping presented new levels of life epxreince … actually new assemableg names … where the single cell ould still be single celled and have tha experience but now the grouping could BE … self repeicating too … and epansive . fueling the growth tof the POSSIBLE .. of tao . be happy ……. Live happy die long ,,, only the named dies …. Not the user of the name .

Ok the science in the book ahs to many flaws I bleive and so do theres ,,it is kinda like ,,,BLEIVE IN ME NOW for I wll be proven true in the distant future ,,that is the same lime of bullshit given in the first bible …. And other ancient religions and mind fucks ,,, trust in and serve PHAROH and you will follow him into the after life . same crap … trust in the bible for yit will be proven true at the time of the second coming …. FEELING uranatia has a FINITE number of division of particle pyshics eventually there is an end …. The QUANTUM idea is that as long as the QUESTIONS IS POSED a wanting or desire shot out inot TOA the POSSIBLE WILL CONTUE TO EXPAND … so whenever science would come to the end of the Urantia pariticle ….. I wouldleave them behind the wall as I aske , iwonder what that is made up of and so I LIVE ON IN ADVENTURE TRYING TO FUGURE OUT WHAT the ULTIMATE ENDING IS MADE OF …. Off into in fi nite the unthinkable not able to be written … ahh but the written gives you LEVELS of PROFESSIONALISM , those who will charge you worship FOR THEIR UDNERSTANDING OF THE writeen . who passed the tests given by others who charge the students and future teachers ..a fee of WORSHIP of placement in HIERACHY a seat near PHAROH CONCEPT . all foreer trapped in the OLD WORDS of the polluted voice of the sage teaching a section of people …not the all of pwople but a section . a perspective grouping . //THINK OF THEM LIKE A MULTI CELLED ORGANISM …. Thought formed …named usage of the sum of the parts.

Thanks for the kind offer I am not going to get stuck behind the walll in a book of ink and paper . but it serves you and yo smile much and so HAPPINESS is being living you are expansive ….

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