Devalued pussy
A cold war of economics , effects pussy ? if the us dollar devalues then those who hold our shitty paper lose , or keeping us in a state of ????? so that we atleast pay back something of value is better than letting us diss a fucking peare …but all this shit does it stress every one out and that eventually evens mean the girls who will feel it in one form or another … at work or in life style choices as the come up in terms of their choice of university which they may not go to because the family I slike , well you are staying here and gointto the local CC … because there ain’t no funds … to expecially our won current income young master not been grown maybe even less than it was ,,, and thngs are just kinda cruising better that than nothing but all in all it is forms of stress
Dependence on system so complex with so many players yelling out their own data streams of lies ….. to the point I hear now the conservatives are talking about the RETURN OF the strong monarch ? a fucking kingdom ? PHAROH ? you gotta be fucking kidding ,,,, sure democracy is crazy and corrupt but ablsolute power given thru the allowing of the creationof the oconfuse and conquer , absolute power but at least it is easier to fire and elected crook …. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and kings get corrupted aboslutesy look at the evidence trail …. Throw the rock in the air and it will hit you on the head dipshit . ….. AHH well I forgot to wrti in honor of GUY FAWKES day onor make reference to the movie V for Vendetta …. But to remind ones self of the allowing OF FEAR !!! TO MAKE US SLAVES SO FREE WE CAN CHOSOE BONDAGE .
WHEN obama took office the debt was 10,6 trillion , and sicne we are in a depression what the fuck do you expect deficit reduction ? and did Obama or the blue guys make this mess ? ( yes and no they all did we…we ..we all did )
So of course it has gone fucking up .
So when I hear what I thought was and educated person saying veroy oudnly and with anger OBAMA spent 11 trillion already …. I have to go ohh my fucking God who is filing their head with shit
Bush gave 700 billion away un seceured ,, then another 850 billion of which it was timed that some would be paid out during Obamas time … Hey the are all professional kissa assers each criminal hiding the sins orf the others so the underground of abuse can suruvie .
So when I hear we are at 11.4 and some of that was deal cut by bush having to be honored later …. I wanna say check your facts please … but it is like talking to the sun .
The last time we had a president who did not ADD to the DEBT was under Bill Clinton , Bush added 5 trillion during his 8 years of the 10 trillion …. The conservative party the party of PHAROH …. Ass fucks us all . and then like any criminal does the confuse and conquer shift blame … like a snake charmer .
So we import 10 million barrels of oil PER DAY at 80 bucks …. Or real real fucking close to 1 billion dollars a day ,, and the conservatives say green JOBS WILL NET job lose …. Fuck you you data does not support the bullshit coming accros the conservative emedia … create the green jobs pump our own oil reserves in the mean time and cycle the $$ here and we can pay off the fucking debt in less time that we created it . their conservative data is not supportive of shit .
Ok confue and conquer keep you in the dark like a mushroom and feed you on shit … young master … or young mster you can OPT OUT . let them worry ,,,, you never realy gt to far above the radr to be of any real economic importance to fuck with …. So you then get to fuck in peace and less stress .
For example Amish people have had a life expectancy confined byt hier good record keeping o ther community of the mid 70’s for the last 300 years ….. while we are all so fucking excited that current life psans are In the 70’s now a days …. They had been doing it without ..the outside world or doctores for 300 years …. Take your Russian age comparison data you conservation manipulator and shove it ! you can make staticis say whatever you want them to . but the 75 is an average is the guy gets killed while faling of a cliff climb to shi favorite fishing spot on the creek at age 25 another man is living fineinto his 90’s back 300 years ago and today also .
The core lifestyle of is surpzing liek the chosen life style of those peoples and as I researcht hem I find they have the same TEEN YEARS idea as I am having ,, WILD OATS TIME .. go away into the world then come back if you want … so free you can choose bondage .
the evidence trail of success is there ….. the history of PLY FAMILY is millions of years longer than the … un successful evidence trail of monogamy ove the last 15 hundered years. The data does not add up ,except tpo rpove the vidlidty of the power of the mind fuck …. Limiting possiblily.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
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