Dreams of cute ass
A friend had given me some motnhs a geo a couple MEXICAN DREAM HERB PLANTS …… I wish some of my other plants grew as quick as these are …. So I got interested in them as of late since they are so fucking big now and I jus’ gotta love the internet . ….
So ..the sage from her TRANSLATION of the unthinkable describes sleep in HOLISITC TERMS not just the sciences of matter but bringniing in play aspects of the UNTHINKABLE ( which again are not limited to translations of any 1 period or epoch of time and word tools used at that time or level of the listeners as buddha talked about talking in terms of the ablity to understand … another example for me of my belief in his connection with the voice of the sage )
So the bio machine … the individual cells eah being a BEING using a grouping of LIFE , whose hisoty was first of free non connected ness 1 celled being life now evolved into a CITY OF CELLS …. Each cell a bio machine of a USER EQUAL TO ME … but slave now to the system
Now me …. My wants ..and stresses can effect the bio mechnics of the …city … IN SLEEEP THE CITY IS free OF MY confusion … AND CAN HEAL ..and do other improatnt aspects it can correlate data .. now it is not free of the stress of me , I have re connected to the TAO to a much larger extent ( never am I totality DIS CONNECTED form source or toa ) but not totally . I went to sleep carrying stress and c oncerns and intetntions with long terms plans in tack…. All continueing and limiting the nature of the whle city to express their won self repair ,,but this is part of the game for the cells their adventure of being cell . like you are adventurere in the being of CELL in a society …
Bio mechincs means …. CHEMISTRY is under way ,, we do . respond to chemicals around us , to much oxygen would kill you fast , we have DNA parameters corrct ( you do not get the otts to fuck a mule deer it has a cunt but they do not excite you to gotoZALES Jwerler and buy it diamond rings – unless you are realy meantlly fucked ..outside of dna nature ) ….. drugs do effect us ,,,, and old wisedom age after age wisdom says ,,almost anything in certain amounts is GOOD for you to much is bad ,, a lil beer great , a lil smoke great .. the right amount of OXYGEN perfect …. So the MEXIACN DREAM PLANTS , an easy to grow weed said to enhance VISIONS …hmmmm pretty cool I am agreeable with that … but to know more is smart ,,ahhh the DOSING firt I got remember the doses are most probably taken from people who have been using the shit regualry already so they ahe build up a TOLERANCE htat I will not have next is that this culture has been using it for a 1000 years and my DNA bio machine has no hisoptory of this . kind like how north ameican 1st nations people have 85% alcohol intolerance level while soutn American natives have only a 30+% and and Europeans only 6% ..genentic long term exposures . …
so to test this herb which has such a long term history,,,, ohh I could tell it is TOXIC because reference to it causing nausea in tea form NATURE SAYING …YOOOO ! SHIT HEAD YOU ARE POISINING ME AGAIN … I WANNA PUKE UOT THIS POISIN … SO TO ENHANCE their high because of THEIR TOLERANCE levels natives would drink a tea then smoke bowl ….. I cured JUST 1 leaf and tested part of 1 it in a cigarette …. ( ahhh prepaving my experience ,,with expectation of results possiblitys both NEGATIVE AND POSTIVE depending on the source and the UNDER LYING motivies of the writers )
AHH USE THE USEFULL ..i do not WORSHIP the ivory tower but do use the data provided , I insult the PRIESTS of the tower not the information available … I use as my steps to climb over their wall as I walk thru heaven … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Back to sleep ,,,, and hypnosis and being in the ZONE … all have TIME DISTORITION . experiences ..no memory useful ( directly useful ) to conscious mind ME not the dna PHIL ,,but me that uses the PHIL … the nameless Tao self the ULTIMATE CHOOSER . who can choose to IGNORE instinctual messages like YOOO ! DUMBFUCK THIS SHIT IS TOXIC …. And still do it any way …. Sleep or hypnosis use of sleep …. And being involved in an ativity so ENGGROSSING that I lose concept of time till such a period that I am once more comparing life ,,, comparing life .. most likely in a state of wishing I was once more totally engrossed in something . ….. way down the emotional scale for JOY , ( now remember joy can be found in CHALLENGES in losing a game but playing so hard you forget all time ) http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html in the ZONE .... You only rmeber a dream if you are some where near a waking state …. Regular sleep you pass thru a ton of different levels of dreams but raley remember but a few .
This morning I woke feeling great feeling rested and feeling LIKE I HAD DREAMED ..10,000 dreams ….. fucking wild ..way to many dream bits an pieces were registered as memeory …..
Now the meixican dream herb is not known TO BE A SPEED … other wise the Indians would have used it as such ,, In fact yu use it as you go to sleep it does not effect entering into .sleep or seemingly maintaing sleep ..ahhh here byt mid day iw as getting that feeling I get when I pusht the NITE TO LONG … and end up withon a couple hours of sleep , and the next day by mid day I feel the Drag coming on … of sleep depravation .. slight but noticaeable … ..so the WEED isnot a SPEED ….. what the fuck is it .. the day was bright the trees brilliant ….. my wake up song ..TWIST by korn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC6hAmAgquY&NR=1 ( you had to have been there a few times to appreciate the Prophet Jon …the sounds of an INSTINCTUALLY FRUSTRATED MAN calling out twist THINK FOR YOURSELF…that is where all this shit started in those 45 seconds on cd ) it sounded more ACCUTE . the breeze temps and texture also .. slighty quantifaiably mor noticeable … so I did what ever test I could and found some ting with some tiny FUCKING PRINTING that I remember not being able to read well more just make out … and saying … fuck I am precieving clearer this is readable in terms of not making out the letter forms to seeing the texture of letter forms … hmmmmm interesting .
The I got hinking , whay should I have remembered so many dreams …. Hey DREAMS ARE VERY ….sensory .. YOU SEE feel action hear .. it is very real life sometimes . sense organs …do not SEE without tbrain ,, you can have great eyes but if you optical portions of the brain are BROKEN YOU DO NOT SEE … you canhave a great brain withno eyes you do not see … except in memeory of once havin sight . what if this toxin .. is LIKE A SOAP ….. you blood vessels can get clogged … why maybe could not ceratin aspects of BRAIN ..the tips of dentrites get clogged by stuff also … and if this herb some how stimulated the CLEANING SYSTEM of the body … then enhanced sensorial events may have caused the TAO self .. to MISTAKE MORE ACCUTITY IN DATA for being awake ..and return to check wha! The fuck ! is goin on ,,ohhh you are just dreaming real LIFE LIKE ..go back to sleep I am returing to Tao ….. so that iw why it does ont interfere with sleep per se , yet ..it kinda does … and as TOA SELF RETURNS , memeory is then LAID DOWN .
Yet to we have DNA memeory ….. where by every event that does take place is regeisterd but since O EMOTION OR VBIRATION is NOT attached to it , the MEMORY IS NOT USEUFL TO …toa self or consuis self or user chooser self …. Thus we do not have access to it , but it can come into play in AUTO LEARNING EVENTS … as a predisposition towards the future learning at a conssiuos level .
Now the fucking MORAL ..yu can wash you hands and say WOW my fuckinghands are clean what if iw ash t hem even more it should be EVEN BETTER , then scrubb and pour acids on your hands till they are fuckin RAW and get and infection and fucking DIE like an idiot or …just wash your hands when they get dirty……. I have lived my entire life without this WASHINg of the Mexican dream herb , in fact all of Europen human kind had lived , thought , created , etc with out Mexican drem herb ….BUT SO MANKIND HAS NEVER HAD …KORN either up until recently…. I like korn ….. I like boats .. I like cars ..i like lots o shit we now have … but to over use anything is not good . like wasing your hands til they hurt JUST BECAUSE A LIL IS GOOD DOES NOT MEAN …..ALOT will be better . most likely it will be the exact opposite for remember the natural urge upon ingesting this herb is to PUKE IT UP … TWIST ..think for yourself ….
Monday, November 30, 2009
mexican dream herb
Dreams of cute ass
A friend had given me some motnhs a geo a couple MEXICAN DREAM HERB PLANTS …… I wish some of my other plants grew as quick as these are …. So I got interested in them as of late since they are so fucking big now and I jus’ gotta love the internet . ….
So ..the sage from her TRANSLATION of the unthinkable describes sleep in HOLISITC TERMS not just the sciences of matter but bringniing in play aspects of the UNTHINKABLE ( which again are not limited to translations of any 1 period or epoch of time and word tools used at that time or level of the listeners as buddha talked about talking in terms of the ablity to understand … another example for me of my belief in his connection with the voice of the sage )
So the bio machine … the individual cells eah being a BEING using a grouping of LIFE , whose hisoty was first of free non connected ness 1 celled being life now evolved into a CITY OF CELLS …. Each cell a bio machine of a USER EQUAL TO ME … but slave now to the system
Now me …. My wants ..and stresses can effect the bio mechnics of the …city … IN SLEEEP THE CITY IS free OF MY confusion … AND CAN HEAL ..and do other improatnt aspects it can correlate data .. now it is not free of the stress of me , I have re connected to the TAO to a much larger extent ( never am I totality DIS CONNECTED form source or toa ) but not totally . I went to sleep carrying stress and c oncerns and intetntions with long terms plans in tack…. All continueing and limiting the nature of the whle city to express their won self repair ,,but this is part of the game for the cells their adventure of being cell . like you are adventurere in the being of CELL in a society …
Bio mechincs means …. CHEMISTRY is under way ,, we do . respond to chemicals around us , to much oxygen would kill you fast , we have DNA parameters corrct ( you do not get the otts to fuck a mule deer it has a cunt but they do not excite you to gotoZALES Jwerler and buy it diamond rings – unless you are realy meantlly fucked ..outside of dna nature ) ….. drugs do effect us ,,,, and old wisedom age after age wisdom says ,,almost anything in certain amounts is GOOD for you to much is bad ,, a lil beer great , a lil smoke great .. the right amount of OXYGEN perfect …. So the MEXIACN DREAM PLANTS , an easy to grow weed said to enhance VISIONS …hmmmm pretty cool I am agreeable with that … but to know more is smart ,,ahhh the DOSING firt I got remember the doses are most probably taken from people who have been using the shit regualry already so they ahe build up a TOLERANCE htat I will not have next is that this culture has been using it for a 1000 years and my DNA bio machine has no hisoptory of this . kind like how north ameican 1st nations people have 85% alcohol intolerance level while soutn American natives have only a 30+% and and Europeans only 6% ..genentic long term exposures . …
so to test this herb which has such a long term history,,,, ohh I could tell it is TOXIC because reference to it causing nausea in tea form NATURE SAYING …YOOOO ! SHIT HEAD YOU ARE POISINING ME AGAIN … I WANNA PUKE UOT THIS POISIN … SO TO ENHANCE their high because of THEIR TOLERANCE levels natives would drink a tea then smoke bowl ….. I cured JUST 1 leaf and tested part of 1 it in a cigarette …. ( ahhh prepaving my experience ,,with expectation of results possiblitys both NEGATIVE AND POSTIVE depending on the source and the UNDER LYING motivies of the writers )
AHH USE THE USEFULL ..i do not WORSHIP the ivory tower but do use the data provided , I insult the PRIESTS of the tower not the information available … I use as my steps to climb over their wall as I walk thru heaven … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Back to sleep ,,,, and hypnosis and being in the ZONE … all have TIME DISTORITION . experiences ..no memory useful ( directly useful ) to conscious mind ME not the dna PHIL ,,but me that uses the PHIL … the nameless Tao self the ULTIMATE CHOOSER . who can choose to IGNORE instinctual messages like YOOO ! DUMBFUCK THIS SHIT IS TOXIC …. And still do it any way …. Sleep or hypnosis use of sleep …. And being involved in an ativity so ENGGROSSING that I lose concept of time till such a period that I am once more comparing life ,,, comparing life .. most likely in a state of wishing I was once more totally engrossed in something . ….. way down the emotional scale for JOY , ( now remember joy can be found in CHALLENGES in losing a game but playing so hard you forget all time ) http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html in the ZONE .... You only rmeber a dream if you are some where near a waking state …. Regular sleep you pass thru a ton of different levels of dreams but raley remember but a few .
This morning I woke feeling great feeling rested and feeling LIKE I HAD DREAMED ..10,000 dreams ….. fucking wild ..way to many dream bits an pieces were registered as memeory …..
Now the meixican dream herb is not known TO BE A SPEED … other wise the Indians would have used it as such ,, In fact yu use it as you go to sleep it does not effect entering into .sleep or seemingly maintaing sleep ..ahhh here byt mid day iw as getting that feeling I get when I pusht the NITE TO LONG … and end up withon a couple hours of sleep , and the next day by mid day I feel the Drag coming on … of sleep depravation .. slight but noticaeable … ..so the WEED isnot a SPEED ….. what the fuck is it .. the day was bright the trees brilliant ….. my wake up song ..TWIST by korn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC6hAmAgquY&NR=1 ( you had to have been there a few times to appreciate the Prophet Jon …the sounds of an INSTINCTUALLY FRUSTRATED MAN calling out twist THINK FOR YOURSELF…that is where all this shit started in those 45 seconds on cd ) it sounded more ACCUTE . the breeze temps and texture also .. slighty quantifaiably mor noticeable … so I did what ever test I could and found some ting with some tiny FUCKING PRINTING that I remember not being able to read well more just make out … and saying … fuck I am precieving clearer this is readable in terms of not making out the letter forms to seeing the texture of letter forms … hmmmmm interesting .
The I got hinking , whay should I have remembered so many dreams …. Hey DREAMS ARE VERY ….sensory .. YOU SEE feel action hear .. it is very real life sometimes . sense organs …do not SEE without tbrain ,, you can have great eyes but if you optical portions of the brain are BROKEN YOU DO NOT SEE … you canhave a great brain withno eyes you do not see … except in memeory of once havin sight . what if this toxin .. is LIKE A SOAP ….. you blood vessels can get clogged … why maybe could not ceratin aspects of BRAIN ..the tips of dentrites get clogged by stuff also … and if this herb some how stimulated the CLEANING SYSTEM of the body … then enhanced sensorial events may have caused the TAO self .. to MISTAKE MORE ACCUTITY IN DATA for being awake ..and return to check wha! The fuck ! is goin on ,,ohhh you are just dreaming real LIFE LIKE ..go back to sleep I am returing to Tao ….. so that iw why it does ont interfere with sleep per se , yet ..it kinda does … and as TOA SELF RETURNS , memeory is then LAID DOWN .
Yet to we have DNA memeory ….. where by every event that does take place is regeisterd but since O EMOTION OR VBIRATION is NOT attached to it , the MEMORY IS NOT USEUFL TO …toa self or consuis self or user chooser self …. Thus we do not have access to it , but it can come into play in AUTO LEARNING EVENTS … as a predisposition towards the future learning at a conssiuos level .
Now the fucking MORAL ..yu can wash you hands and say WOW my fuckinghands are clean what if iw ash t hem even more it should be EVEN BETTER , then scrubb and pour acids on your hands till they are fuckin RAW and get and infection and fucking DIE like an idiot or …just wash your hands when they get dirty……. I have lived my entire life without this WASHINg of the Mexican dream herb , in fact all of Europen human kind had lived , thought , created , etc with out Mexican drem herb ….BUT SO MANKIND HAS NEVER HAD …KORN either up until recently…. I like korn ….. I like boats .. I like cars ..i like lots o shit we now have … but to over use anything is not good . like wasing your hands til they hurt JUST BECAUSE A LIL IS GOOD DOES NOT MEAN …..ALOT will be better . most likely it will be the exact opposite for remember the natural urge upon ingesting this herb is to PUKE IT UP … TWIST ..think for yourself ….
A friend had given me some motnhs a geo a couple MEXICAN DREAM HERB PLANTS …… I wish some of my other plants grew as quick as these are …. So I got interested in them as of late since they are so fucking big now and I jus’ gotta love the internet . ….
So ..the sage from her TRANSLATION of the unthinkable describes sleep in HOLISITC TERMS not just the sciences of matter but bringniing in play aspects of the UNTHINKABLE ( which again are not limited to translations of any 1 period or epoch of time and word tools used at that time or level of the listeners as buddha talked about talking in terms of the ablity to understand … another example for me of my belief in his connection with the voice of the sage )
So the bio machine … the individual cells eah being a BEING using a grouping of LIFE , whose hisoty was first of free non connected ness 1 celled being life now evolved into a CITY OF CELLS …. Each cell a bio machine of a USER EQUAL TO ME … but slave now to the system
Now me …. My wants ..and stresses can effect the bio mechnics of the …city … IN SLEEEP THE CITY IS free OF MY confusion … AND CAN HEAL ..and do other improatnt aspects it can correlate data .. now it is not free of the stress of me , I have re connected to the TAO to a much larger extent ( never am I totality DIS CONNECTED form source or toa ) but not totally . I went to sleep carrying stress and c oncerns and intetntions with long terms plans in tack…. All continueing and limiting the nature of the whle city to express their won self repair ,,but this is part of the game for the cells their adventure of being cell . like you are adventurere in the being of CELL in a society …
Bio mechincs means …. CHEMISTRY is under way ,, we do . respond to chemicals around us , to much oxygen would kill you fast , we have DNA parameters corrct ( you do not get the otts to fuck a mule deer it has a cunt but they do not excite you to gotoZALES Jwerler and buy it diamond rings – unless you are realy meantlly fucked ..outside of dna nature ) ….. drugs do effect us ,,,, and old wisedom age after age wisdom says ,,almost anything in certain amounts is GOOD for you to much is bad ,, a lil beer great , a lil smoke great .. the right amount of OXYGEN perfect …. So the MEXIACN DREAM PLANTS , an easy to grow weed said to enhance VISIONS …hmmmm pretty cool I am agreeable with that … but to know more is smart ,,ahhh the DOSING firt I got remember the doses are most probably taken from people who have been using the shit regualry already so they ahe build up a TOLERANCE htat I will not have next is that this culture has been using it for a 1000 years and my DNA bio machine has no hisoptory of this . kind like how north ameican 1st nations people have 85% alcohol intolerance level while soutn American natives have only a 30+% and and Europeans only 6% ..genentic long term exposures . …
so to test this herb which has such a long term history,,,, ohh I could tell it is TOXIC because reference to it causing nausea in tea form NATURE SAYING …YOOOO ! SHIT HEAD YOU ARE POISINING ME AGAIN … I WANNA PUKE UOT THIS POISIN … SO TO ENHANCE their high because of THEIR TOLERANCE levels natives would drink a tea then smoke bowl ….. I cured JUST 1 leaf and tested part of 1 it in a cigarette …. ( ahhh prepaving my experience ,,with expectation of results possiblitys both NEGATIVE AND POSTIVE depending on the source and the UNDER LYING motivies of the writers )
AHH USE THE USEFULL ..i do not WORSHIP the ivory tower but do use the data provided , I insult the PRIESTS of the tower not the information available … I use as my steps to climb over their wall as I walk thru heaven … http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Back to sleep ,,,, and hypnosis and being in the ZONE … all have TIME DISTORITION . experiences ..no memory useful ( directly useful ) to conscious mind ME not the dna PHIL ,,but me that uses the PHIL … the nameless Tao self the ULTIMATE CHOOSER . who can choose to IGNORE instinctual messages like YOOO ! DUMBFUCK THIS SHIT IS TOXIC …. And still do it any way …. Sleep or hypnosis use of sleep …. And being involved in an ativity so ENGGROSSING that I lose concept of time till such a period that I am once more comparing life ,,, comparing life .. most likely in a state of wishing I was once more totally engrossed in something . ….. way down the emotional scale for JOY , ( now remember joy can be found in CHALLENGES in losing a game but playing so hard you forget all time ) http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html in the ZONE .... You only rmeber a dream if you are some where near a waking state …. Regular sleep you pass thru a ton of different levels of dreams but raley remember but a few .
This morning I woke feeling great feeling rested and feeling LIKE I HAD DREAMED ..10,000 dreams ….. fucking wild ..way to many dream bits an pieces were registered as memeory …..
Now the meixican dream herb is not known TO BE A SPEED … other wise the Indians would have used it as such ,, In fact yu use it as you go to sleep it does not effect entering into .sleep or seemingly maintaing sleep ..ahhh here byt mid day iw as getting that feeling I get when I pusht the NITE TO LONG … and end up withon a couple hours of sleep , and the next day by mid day I feel the Drag coming on … of sleep depravation .. slight but noticaeable … ..so the WEED isnot a SPEED ….. what the fuck is it .. the day was bright the trees brilliant ….. my wake up song ..TWIST by korn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC6hAmAgquY&NR=1 ( you had to have been there a few times to appreciate the Prophet Jon …the sounds of an INSTINCTUALLY FRUSTRATED MAN calling out twist THINK FOR YOURSELF…that is where all this shit started in those 45 seconds on cd ) it sounded more ACCUTE . the breeze temps and texture also .. slighty quantifaiably mor noticeable … so I did what ever test I could and found some ting with some tiny FUCKING PRINTING that I remember not being able to read well more just make out … and saying … fuck I am precieving clearer this is readable in terms of not making out the letter forms to seeing the texture of letter forms … hmmmmm interesting .
The I got hinking , whay should I have remembered so many dreams …. Hey DREAMS ARE VERY ….sensory .. YOU SEE feel action hear .. it is very real life sometimes . sense organs …do not SEE without tbrain ,, you can have great eyes but if you optical portions of the brain are BROKEN YOU DO NOT SEE … you canhave a great brain withno eyes you do not see … except in memeory of once havin sight . what if this toxin .. is LIKE A SOAP ….. you blood vessels can get clogged … why maybe could not ceratin aspects of BRAIN ..the tips of dentrites get clogged by stuff also … and if this herb some how stimulated the CLEANING SYSTEM of the body … then enhanced sensorial events may have caused the TAO self .. to MISTAKE MORE ACCUTITY IN DATA for being awake ..and return to check wha! The fuck ! is goin on ,,ohhh you are just dreaming real LIFE LIKE ..go back to sleep I am returing to Tao ….. so that iw why it does ont interfere with sleep per se , yet ..it kinda does … and as TOA SELF RETURNS , memeory is then LAID DOWN .
Yet to we have DNA memeory ….. where by every event that does take place is regeisterd but since O EMOTION OR VBIRATION is NOT attached to it , the MEMORY IS NOT USEUFL TO …toa self or consuis self or user chooser self …. Thus we do not have access to it , but it can come into play in AUTO LEARNING EVENTS … as a predisposition towards the future learning at a conssiuos level .
Now the fucking MORAL ..yu can wash you hands and say WOW my fuckinghands are clean what if iw ash t hem even more it should be EVEN BETTER , then scrubb and pour acids on your hands till they are fuckin RAW and get and infection and fucking DIE like an idiot or …just wash your hands when they get dirty……. I have lived my entire life without this WASHINg of the Mexican dream herb , in fact all of Europen human kind had lived , thought , created , etc with out Mexican drem herb ….BUT SO MANKIND HAS NEVER HAD …KORN either up until recently…. I like korn ….. I like boats .. I like cars ..i like lots o shit we now have … but to over use anything is not good . like wasing your hands til they hurt JUST BECAUSE A LIL IS GOOD DOES NOT MEAN …..ALOT will be better . most likely it will be the exact opposite for remember the natural urge upon ingesting this herb is to PUKE IT UP … TWIST ..think for yourself ….
a whiff of pussy
A whiif of pussy
Young master some times it seems like you can not get a whiff of happiness ,,, the day , the period you are living in seems so ..TRAPPED , so caged ..that you can not get a whiff of things that deep inside you JUST KNOW you should have , and theat thing you know you should have is not THE GOLDENCARROT … being the DRUM OF BLAME is not my intent ,,, when I return to history to learn about evidence trails ..it is
Well lets say you were learning to hit a nail with ahammer the intention you have is to drive the nail IN ,,, so you swing eyes closed and WHAM hit something you open your eyes and find the nail has not GONE any whwere it has not gone further into the wood ..yet you felt yourself hitting something , SO YOU SWING AGAIN AND JUST BEFORE HITTING THE NAIL YOU LET YOUR EYES DRIFT OFF THIS TIME FOR THE ARGET .. and you feel the familiar WHAM .. and look excited to see that the nail has made progressinto the wood to see the nail still there as you first set it …. Not moved a centimeter … and again and again and again , you swing ,,, each time for some reason you do not FOUCS ON THE TRGET ..but maybe in fear you close you eyes , you get distracted what ever and the nail just sits there ….
WOULD IT NOT BE A GOOD IDEA TO ….EXPLORE WHAT IS ..HAPPEING ..not blame yourself for closeing your eyes or blam others for getting distracted …but to realize more clearly that you are …not focusing on the WANT .,,understanding your PART OF IT .. the free choice of your FOCUS …
Withus humans it is ..in the SOCIALIZATION . we had from the time of birth , coming in as a clear SLATE , the baby has DNA expectations but is QUICKLY TRAINED to ignore them in favor of RULES based in the MASTER/slave ECONIMC FORM STARTEE way way way back in the time of PHAROH the names have changed but the HIERARCHY sustem remained . and it polluted most of man kind .
I will bring up EVE again the INSTINCT of a breedin age girl is towards SELF INTEREST .. for her and the baby grownng inside ,, you see this in nature IT IS NATURE ….. and actually the gorilla self in you expects that and is supportive of her .. but it is GREED FOR GIVING …OF LIFE AND LOVE … to the helpless http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
Now the menopausialse … female , stillhas tthat GREED and selfish ness but now not so pure ….. she is not GIVING to a infant she is … TWISTED and actually giving to herself ,, her ownposition now taken by younger fruitfull females she , I am talking about THE FEW the socialpathic ,, like QUEEN TIYE mother aof AMENHOTEP4 the women who protected cluadis when young and moved him not power and then later murdered him off ,,, in most cases the GRAND MOTHER EFFECT … has been again anexpression of support for the DAUGHTERS and new babys coming in pure form wonder ful ..in TWISTED expression the development of MANIPLATIVE POWER STRUCTURES and thus learning passed down in family lines . to become SOCIAL RULES …. Trained by OLDER WISE ONES , who held the COOKIES they dangles in front of children …. Be good or you will strave little one … listen obey .. or bad things iwllhappen .. generation after generation … compounding upon this more advanced … mind fucking to support .. states of CONFUSE AND CONQUER while in teen years . of the whole of the city as things GREW
It was no longer just small family units manipulated by old taditions dating back to a SMART TWISTED GRAND MOTHER … who out lived the SILVERBACK or DOM male ,,,, to realize she had the smarts the new male could be manipulated he was younger she was wiser ,,she knew aspects and hisotircal water and food sources the new dom male did not … we men or males often died off in protection of the family unit … allowing this the evolve ,,OK OK OK … datat ,, HITTING THE WOOD NOT THE NAIL .
What to learn form it ….. how to see the evidence trails around us in the mind fucking …. Girls who are comparing themselves to PICTURE PERFECTION nnd coming up short ,, and then destroying their self esteem , unitl they exhibit effects of manipulation then finding that their PUSSY IS LINED WITH GOLD … she has value in just being girl not matter that she does not fit the model image .or she can PAINT HERSELF ANDRESS HERSELF TO copy the image close enough to be of value … complex mind fucking ehn she ,,, is in a seat of POWER … absolute power corrupurts ablsolutely … the old saying goes . http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html the effects manipulation manifestion goes from , becoming helpless to finding ways of becoming OVERLY POWERFUL …
A very good career choice would be to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth—and joy. Make a "career" of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you—and what you do "for a living" makes you happy—you have found the best of all combinations.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
And so to with concepts of WORK ..$$$$ having to go to work to make CASH to live up to the IDEALS presented topyu since the time of CHILDHOOD accepted by your teachers and so you too accepted them blindly without SEARCHING for why they teachers themselves were NOT happy in their own lives the Evidence trail …. You did not Look BACK into history to searchout the info about the UNWANTED . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ....... the core MOTIVATION IS TO FEEL BETTER ..the flashing metal that was the SYMBOL OF FREEDOM in the days of SLAVE/PHAROH THE SLAVE MASTER WORE CLOTHES AND GOLD ..slaves did not ,,, to have a FREE LIFE meatn to get the gold FIRST … effects of manipulation .FOR FOOD GREW ON TREES for 12 million years the hominds lived without a gold based ecocnimy … we still have a gold based economy as the dollar devalues the gold vaule increases still gold based at heart still hierachical based …
http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html is about buying the slave freedom not ..gold … thus find securutiy ,,, and levels of happiness , creative expression can flourish and new $$ can grow without states or VIBRATION of fear or neediess . of having the gold before the happiness can arrive . that vibration those thoughts project ..out keeping you traped in the here and w of the same old same old … finding that you already have GOOD THINGS thinking about he good things you have , and then letting new things come ….
But is you can ot get a WHIFF of happiness now STUDY …. Where are your hammer blows landing and why , not in terms of blamin others putting , controlin their hands , but to find out ..where you have more control . returning free choice power to your own hands .
Young master some times it seems like you can not get a whiff of happiness ,,, the day , the period you are living in seems so ..TRAPPED , so caged ..that you can not get a whiff of things that deep inside you JUST KNOW you should have , and theat thing you know you should have is not THE GOLDENCARROT … being the DRUM OF BLAME is not my intent ,,, when I return to history to learn about evidence trails ..it is
Well lets say you were learning to hit a nail with ahammer the intention you have is to drive the nail IN ,,, so you swing eyes closed and WHAM hit something you open your eyes and find the nail has not GONE any whwere it has not gone further into the wood ..yet you felt yourself hitting something , SO YOU SWING AGAIN AND JUST BEFORE HITTING THE NAIL YOU LET YOUR EYES DRIFT OFF THIS TIME FOR THE ARGET .. and you feel the familiar WHAM .. and look excited to see that the nail has made progressinto the wood to see the nail still there as you first set it …. Not moved a centimeter … and again and again and again , you swing ,,, each time for some reason you do not FOUCS ON THE TRGET ..but maybe in fear you close you eyes , you get distracted what ever and the nail just sits there ….
WOULD IT NOT BE A GOOD IDEA TO ….EXPLORE WHAT IS ..HAPPEING ..not blame yourself for closeing your eyes or blam others for getting distracted …but to realize more clearly that you are …not focusing on the WANT .,,understanding your PART OF IT .. the free choice of your FOCUS …
Withus humans it is ..in the SOCIALIZATION . we had from the time of birth , coming in as a clear SLATE , the baby has DNA expectations but is QUICKLY TRAINED to ignore them in favor of RULES based in the MASTER/slave ECONIMC FORM STARTEE way way way back in the time of PHAROH the names have changed but the HIERARCHY sustem remained . and it polluted most of man kind .
I will bring up EVE again the INSTINCT of a breedin age girl is towards SELF INTEREST .. for her and the baby grownng inside ,, you see this in nature IT IS NATURE ….. and actually the gorilla self in you expects that and is supportive of her .. but it is GREED FOR GIVING …OF LIFE AND LOVE … to the helpless http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html
Now the menopausialse … female , stillhas tthat GREED and selfish ness but now not so pure ….. she is not GIVING to a infant she is … TWISTED and actually giving to herself ,, her ownposition now taken by younger fruitfull females she , I am talking about THE FEW the socialpathic ,, like QUEEN TIYE mother aof AMENHOTEP4 the women who protected cluadis when young and moved him not power and then later murdered him off ,,, in most cases the GRAND MOTHER EFFECT … has been again anexpression of support for the DAUGHTERS and new babys coming in pure form wonder ful ..in TWISTED expression the development of MANIPLATIVE POWER STRUCTURES and thus learning passed down in family lines . to become SOCIAL RULES …. Trained by OLDER WISE ONES , who held the COOKIES they dangles in front of children …. Be good or you will strave little one … listen obey .. or bad things iwllhappen .. generation after generation … compounding upon this more advanced … mind fucking to support .. states of CONFUSE AND CONQUER while in teen years . of the whole of the city as things GREW
It was no longer just small family units manipulated by old taditions dating back to a SMART TWISTED GRAND MOTHER … who out lived the SILVERBACK or DOM male ,,,, to realize she had the smarts the new male could be manipulated he was younger she was wiser ,,she knew aspects and hisotircal water and food sources the new dom male did not … we men or males often died off in protection of the family unit … allowing this the evolve ,,OK OK OK … datat ,, HITTING THE WOOD NOT THE NAIL .
What to learn form it ….. how to see the evidence trails around us in the mind fucking …. Girls who are comparing themselves to PICTURE PERFECTION nnd coming up short ,, and then destroying their self esteem , unitl they exhibit effects of manipulation then finding that their PUSSY IS LINED WITH GOLD … she has value in just being girl not matter that she does not fit the model image .or she can PAINT HERSELF ANDRESS HERSELF TO copy the image close enough to be of value … complex mind fucking ehn she ,,, is in a seat of POWER … absolute power corrupurts ablsolutely … the old saying goes . http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html the effects manipulation manifestion goes from , becoming helpless to finding ways of becoming OVERLY POWERFUL …
A very good career choice would be to gravitate toward those activities and to embrace those desires that harmonize with your core intentions, which are freedom and growth—and joy. Make a "career" of living a happy life rather than trying to find work that will produce enough income that you can do things with your money that will then make you happy. When feeling happy is of paramount importance to you—and what you do "for a living" makes you happy—you have found the best of all combinations.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
And so to with concepts of WORK ..$$$$ having to go to work to make CASH to live up to the IDEALS presented topyu since the time of CHILDHOOD accepted by your teachers and so you too accepted them blindly without SEARCHING for why they teachers themselves were NOT happy in their own lives the Evidence trail …. You did not Look BACK into history to searchout the info about the UNWANTED . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ....... the core MOTIVATION IS TO FEEL BETTER ..the flashing metal that was the SYMBOL OF FREEDOM in the days of SLAVE/PHAROH THE SLAVE MASTER WORE CLOTHES AND GOLD ..slaves did not ,,, to have a FREE LIFE meatn to get the gold FIRST … effects of manipulation .FOR FOOD GREW ON TREES for 12 million years the hominds lived without a gold based ecocnimy … we still have a gold based economy as the dollar devalues the gold vaule increases still gold based at heart still hierachical based …
http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html is about buying the slave freedom not ..gold … thus find securutiy ,,, and levels of happiness , creative expression can flourish and new $$ can grow without states or VIBRATION of fear or neediess . of having the gold before the happiness can arrive . that vibration those thoughts project ..out keeping you traped in the here and w of the same old same old … finding that you already have GOOD THINGS thinking about he good things you have , and then letting new things come ….
But is you can ot get a WHIFF of happiness now STUDY …. Where are your hammer blows landing and why , not in terms of blamin others putting , controlin their hands , but to find out ..where you have more control . returning free choice power to your own hands .
Sunday, November 29, 2009
different pussy's
Different pussys
Hey phil this life is different ..even the fucking toilet is different this just feels WEIRD !!!! the toilet is a composting self contained unit http://www.instinctualism.org/waste_water.html AND it does feel different GOOD GOOD GOOD …..so much of our up bringin was in DISHARMONY with nature the OVER COMING OF nature because we HUMANS were ASEPERATION of not part of …. Shit is BLACK GOLD …realy much more important to gold ,,, spread a few pounds of gold around the base of a plant and it will DIE …. Spread a few pounds of composted human shit ,, HU- MANURE ….. and the plant will feed you …. AND WITHOUT FOOD YOU DIE ….. what is realy the GOLD ?
THE MORE I CAN MAKE THINGS DIFFERENT ..better for you …. You gotta get a BREAK from the life you lived to form new Dentrite associations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendritic_spine the UN-use of old pathways helps new BELIEF ystems to form about other POSSIBLE lifestyles … new strong pathways , all of this in harmony of a TAO self USING BIO MENCHINCS . a law of atrraction concept the word tool of the sage . …. Your time for peace is all about this idea this OPPURUTUNITY and it is offered to girls why why why ? because budwieser has girl not boys on their adveritisnposters for good fucking REASON pussy sells FOR THE TIME OR …AMENHOTEP 4 and Neferitit ..the first budwieser girl of history …. Her busts the fisr t international graven porn ….. humanity has been mind ufcked with sexual frustration ,,yes the pussy sell shit but ,,all the pussy that does not live up to the IDEAL of the image ,, eesl unworthy and thus is minded fucked along with us males ……
Difference TIME FUCKIN OUT OF THE mind ufck ..is needed . http://www.instinctualism.org/time_for_peace.html time to clean forget the old programming well atleast the sctivity pathways to become less active new activity and thought pathways to form into secure helalthy memeory ,,then COMAPRISON of the WANTED AND UNWATED can truly be done at individual levels of experience and judgement about how and where that 1 person is on the level of emotional guidance scale as pertainng the thinking … comparing lifestyles and … free choices of personel problem solving using new data experience … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
Then she will lead more of you young master young male … out …. The power of sex , more thean I could ever do with words , sex sells …. 1 chcick bodisatva ( not foloeing the rules of bodistavaness but being the ..source behind the great ones essence of teaching now here in a timea of new word tool SHE ..the smell of her will lead you young master to new CREATIONS . ….. then you if you got he guts will prove you own metal take your own time out , thus proving… but her first in a supportive way get the chance ..to QUIET THE FEMALE MIND … a brain much more active than ours …. They do not have regular testosterone floods to wuiet themind like we do unti the reach menopause then MIMICING hormones enter to serve a similar FOCUSING of female vibrational creative power …
Now the sgae says ..you did not come here expecting to be guided by what everyone else wanted ……. NON CONGRUIOS STATEMENT given the facts fo the AGREEMENT STATE ENTERED INTO with awareness that as baby human we wold have to LEARN basic rules of INTERACTION of communicating in understandable ways that the URGE to be social is the ANTURE OF HUMANITY basic sexual family urges of the harem species . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html … so we eneter understanding or expection WITH AWARENESS OF THE CURRENT .. current …. State of the adventure platform … FOR THE SAGE SAYS WE HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF … aspects of the adventure platufroma dn we have ..INTENTIONS to live BORAOD INTETNIOSN … but intentions al the same ,, form a state of KNOWNING-NESS beyond the ablit yo fo the brain the 2 gigs we now use AND THAT SHE TOO USES ( the vessel for translation of the voice of the sae is always tainted even Buddha was tainted ) now the DNA design of current human brain … and we come knowing the current state of the HUMAN CONDITIONS war hunger ETC ,, it is ADVENTURE as compared to …. Total constant perfection which is boring .
So that as a given , maybe your INTENTION upom entering was the creation of activity in the possible solution for the 5000 year old mid fuck …. THRU ….THNKING FOR YOURSELF to do that means using the BIO MECHANICS AVAILABLE … using DENTRITE FORMATIN and withering …. WITHERING . the lack of stimulation of old dentrite pathways will cause their decay and dissaperance as new pathwaysa re prefeered WHY PERFERED because the use of them FEELS BETTER .in ahromny with the expansion of TAO and law of attraction .
This is in harmony with DEVINE SELF INTERST as compared to in the interest of the devien or PHAROH as humanity has been trained to think … we are nice it is our nature … even in devien self interest we will INSTUANCTUALL express that which is good for the FAMILY UNIT for we LOVE SEEING THE SMILES OF OTHERS …..
So simple ! ….and it feel good and thus you feel better and the expansion of tao ..is . so simple .
Taking the neded time out to ….exerince ….DIFFERENCE …
Now how could this become …the concept of … bodhisattva … the being example of the voice of the sage or the buddha…. Thru the VERY ALIGNING ACTIVITY OF SEX? Which it seems that humanity DNA precluding towards .enjoying ? ahhhhhh fun fun fun … the DIFFERNCE now is in Young miss saying Fuck me ! fuck me ! and express it with the sublime ness of female ejaculation over and over … http://www.instinctualism.org/gushing_pussy.html
Hard work is not the path to Well- Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being. You don't create through action; you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005
Action is a result of THINKING FIRST ….. the attraction of the whole quantum playground http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html is VIBRATIONAL first ,,, now if the intention of the 1st impulse of thinking has with it the FEELING the VIBE of positive expectations ….. then we go back to shrodingers cat discussion and the idea that human can effect the experiment thru intention .
Hey phil this life is different ..even the fucking toilet is different this just feels WEIRD !!!! the toilet is a composting self contained unit http://www.instinctualism.org/waste_water.html AND it does feel different GOOD GOOD GOOD …..so much of our up bringin was in DISHARMONY with nature the OVER COMING OF nature because we HUMANS were ASEPERATION of not part of …. Shit is BLACK GOLD …realy much more important to gold ,,, spread a few pounds of gold around the base of a plant and it will DIE …. Spread a few pounds of composted human shit ,, HU- MANURE ….. and the plant will feed you …. AND WITHOUT FOOD YOU DIE ….. what is realy the GOLD ?
THE MORE I CAN MAKE THINGS DIFFERENT ..better for you …. You gotta get a BREAK from the life you lived to form new Dentrite associations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendritic_spine the UN-use of old pathways helps new BELIEF ystems to form about other POSSIBLE lifestyles … new strong pathways , all of this in harmony of a TAO self USING BIO MENCHINCS . a law of atrraction concept the word tool of the sage . …. Your time for peace is all about this idea this OPPURUTUNITY and it is offered to girls why why why ? because budwieser has girl not boys on their adveritisnposters for good fucking REASON pussy sells FOR THE TIME OR …AMENHOTEP 4 and Neferitit ..the first budwieser girl of history …. Her busts the fisr t international graven porn ….. humanity has been mind ufcked with sexual frustration ,,yes the pussy sell shit but ,,all the pussy that does not live up to the IDEAL of the image ,, eesl unworthy and thus is minded fucked along with us males ……
Difference TIME FUCKIN OUT OF THE mind ufck ..is needed . http://www.instinctualism.org/time_for_peace.html time to clean forget the old programming well atleast the sctivity pathways to become less active new activity and thought pathways to form into secure helalthy memeory ,,then COMAPRISON of the WANTED AND UNWATED can truly be done at individual levels of experience and judgement about how and where that 1 person is on the level of emotional guidance scale as pertainng the thinking … comparing lifestyles and … free choices of personel problem solving using new data experience … http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
Then she will lead more of you young master young male … out …. The power of sex , more thean I could ever do with words , sex sells …. 1 chcick bodisatva ( not foloeing the rules of bodistavaness but being the ..source behind the great ones essence of teaching now here in a timea of new word tool SHE ..the smell of her will lead you young master to new CREATIONS . ….. then you if you got he guts will prove you own metal take your own time out , thus proving… but her first in a supportive way get the chance ..to QUIET THE FEMALE MIND … a brain much more active than ours …. They do not have regular testosterone floods to wuiet themind like we do unti the reach menopause then MIMICING hormones enter to serve a similar FOCUSING of female vibrational creative power …
Now the sgae says ..you did not come here expecting to be guided by what everyone else wanted ……. NON CONGRUIOS STATEMENT given the facts fo the AGREEMENT STATE ENTERED INTO with awareness that as baby human we wold have to LEARN basic rules of INTERACTION of communicating in understandable ways that the URGE to be social is the ANTURE OF HUMANITY basic sexual family urges of the harem species . http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html … so we eneter understanding or expection WITH AWARENESS OF THE CURRENT .. current …. State of the adventure platform … FOR THE SAGE SAYS WE HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF … aspects of the adventure platufroma dn we have ..INTENTIONS to live BORAOD INTETNIOSN … but intentions al the same ,, form a state of KNOWNING-NESS beyond the ablit yo fo the brain the 2 gigs we now use AND THAT SHE TOO USES ( the vessel for translation of the voice of the sae is always tainted even Buddha was tainted ) now the DNA design of current human brain … and we come knowing the current state of the HUMAN CONDITIONS war hunger ETC ,, it is ADVENTURE as compared to …. Total constant perfection which is boring .
So that as a given , maybe your INTENTION upom entering was the creation of activity in the possible solution for the 5000 year old mid fuck …. THRU ….THNKING FOR YOURSELF to do that means using the BIO MECHANICS AVAILABLE … using DENTRITE FORMATIN and withering …. WITHERING . the lack of stimulation of old dentrite pathways will cause their decay and dissaperance as new pathwaysa re prefeered WHY PERFERED because the use of them FEELS BETTER .in ahromny with the expansion of TAO and law of attraction .
This is in harmony with DEVINE SELF INTERST as compared to in the interest of the devien or PHAROH as humanity has been trained to think … we are nice it is our nature … even in devien self interest we will INSTUANCTUALL express that which is good for the FAMILY UNIT for we LOVE SEEING THE SMILES OF OTHERS …..
So simple ! ….and it feel good and thus you feel better and the expansion of tao ..is . so simple .
Taking the neded time out to ….exerince ….DIFFERENCE …
Now how could this become …the concept of … bodhisattva … the being example of the voice of the sage or the buddha…. Thru the VERY ALIGNING ACTIVITY OF SEX? Which it seems that humanity DNA precluding towards .enjoying ? ahhhhhh fun fun fun … the DIFFERNCE now is in Young miss saying Fuck me ! fuck me ! and express it with the sublime ness of female ejaculation over and over … http://www.instinctualism.org/gushing_pussy.html
Hard work is not the path to Well- Being. Feeling good is the path to Well-Being. You don't create through action; you create through vibration. And then, your vibration calls action from you.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 7th, 2005
Action is a result of THINKING FIRST ….. the attraction of the whole quantum playground http://www.instinctualism.org/quanta.html is VIBRATIONAL first ,,, now if the intention of the 1st impulse of thinking has with it the FEELING the VIBE of positive expectations ….. then we go back to shrodingers cat discussion and the idea that human can effect the experiment thru intention .
Saturday, November 28, 2009
ABC dildoe company
ABC dildoe company
I thought yung miss yu and I were having just a good conversation about ,,,the mind fuck the conservative media ,,, SPIN DOCTORING data to make Obama look bad when evidence trails did not support it , I thought we were agreeing on how long this whole SPIN DOCTOR thing ahd been going on even dating backwards to Mtyh OR STORYS TOLD SURROUNDING Claudius of Rome and him fighting a killer whale an attempt of IMAGE MAKERS of the time to RE_FRAME a weak ruler .yes a well schooled ruler who individualism finannly got him murdered by his wife … but I the image of society in general the emporoer had to have pysihcal bravery and strenthg to urel to command respect … so creative lies ,, pay this WITNESS and that witness maek sure the rumor mill starts up the quietly kill off the direct witness’s to insure the sotry never falls apart ..common shit , fuck done today ..in crime circles …. Nothing new under the sun … again go back to Amenhotep 4 and the letters found form the Vassel rulers of Jerselum inhis time ….nothing new jersuslem was already named …. Read the POLITICS … THE ASS KISISNG AND BACK STABBING … not hear asy written withink and paper millennium later but in the mud tablets of the letters between GOD/KING and Vassel or puppet ruler . if you would take the same ,,,interest in clarifying data about this as you do about the amount of debt I the US today ..then maybe just maybe … you would hear the saleman for what he is …
Let say ther is this SALES MAN for the ABC dildoe Company …. Sure they were at one time the top of the line in DILDOE techonolog made from the ifnest polished RAMS horn … and as the centuries progressed the ABC dildoe company kept up with NEW AND IMPROVDED dildoe making ideas …… during all those years other DILDOE COMPANYS formed and competed with the ABC dildoe company ….. now you bump inot me and I tell you that Adam and Eve sex toy company is making this great thing clled the RABBIT …. And that this takes DILDOE IDEAS beyond ABC …. And so instead of HTINKING FOR YOURSELF you go back to your SALES MAN and ask him …… what do you thnk SALESMAN ?
What answer do you think the Salesman will give ? if he tells the truth there is a good chance he will ose a long time customer wha may also take other customers alsong with her to buy RABBIT Dildoes ….. does this sound logical ?
What I was saying that spin doctors , POLITICS all the bullshit keeps getting passed down , and is it not interesting how ,the NAME OF THE invisible creator god of PHAROH .. shows up as the ending of the prayers as decreed by another invisible god of a culture whose had such direct ties that …the 1 who came down from the MOUNT iwtht he RULES OF GOD … was ( as the spin doctors wrote it centuries later not truly of the blood of pahroh but found in a basket on the river by all the fucking luck not eaten by the numerous CROCS ) was .. a son of PHAROH …. Hmmm I was just saying that is interesting . ok it sue dates back to the book of numbers old shit … later on here is a debate One of God's names or titles is "The God of Truth". If we left the last word untranslated, the title would read, "The God of Amen" (Isa 65:16). Based on translation ….. today I say “ I’m cool “ ,,, meaning I agree ,,,,, when cool is realy having to do with temprature … not being TO HOT OR COLD so that it is AN AGREE-ABLE state …..
AMEN or Amen-re ..was the TRUE GOD the invisilbe creator of all the other gods and shit ….. and the name of PHAROH HIMSELF …. And who is to say this is not the ROOT from which all others adopted the UN TRANSLATED .. essence behind the myth . ( neat thing … is amen PURE is unthinkalbe invisible … now pollute it with Re and you can have a great SMOKE AN MIRRORS PARTY to impress the slaves during ritual feasts . and Invoke the presence of AMEN )
[amen] is one of the few words of scripture which is written in it's original Hebrew form. In fact, it is practically a universal word, having been adopted directly from the Hebrew into Greek, Latin, English, Spanish, and many other languages. Found both in the Old and the New Testaments, it is also translated in different ways, depending upon the context of the passage in which it is found. This Hebrew Amen is derived from the root [aman], which means to be firm or solid in the sense of permanency. Thus by implication, it means to be sure, true or faithful. So whenever we see this word Amen used in scripture, it is affirming truth, or illustrating something is said that is of absolute certainty. We can get a better understanding of the word in looking at the way God uses it in a slightly different context than we normally would see it. Here [amen] is used as a title for God, illustrating His faithfulness to His promises
BUT YOU KNOW WHAT … I think it is a good idea to never look for other data ,TRUST THOSE GUYS WHO ARE TRASHING YOUR PRESIDENT …. Just listen to the salesman never think for yourself …. Ask the ABC dildoe company sales I am sure he will be unbiased he has nothing to lose in the way of $$$$ of fame or position in the community …. Nope no hierarchy or status there at all ,,no ego trails dating back historically nope nothing like that ….. nope for he is a servant of Amen ….
I thought yung miss yu and I were having just a good conversation about ,,,the mind fuck the conservative media ,,, SPIN DOCTORING data to make Obama look bad when evidence trails did not support it , I thought we were agreeing on how long this whole SPIN DOCTOR thing ahd been going on even dating backwards to Mtyh OR STORYS TOLD SURROUNDING Claudius of Rome and him fighting a killer whale an attempt of IMAGE MAKERS of the time to RE_FRAME a weak ruler .yes a well schooled ruler who individualism finannly got him murdered by his wife … but I the image of society in general the emporoer had to have pysihcal bravery and strenthg to urel to command respect … so creative lies ,, pay this WITNESS and that witness maek sure the rumor mill starts up the quietly kill off the direct witness’s to insure the sotry never falls apart ..common shit , fuck done today ..in crime circles …. Nothing new under the sun … again go back to Amenhotep 4 and the letters found form the Vassel rulers of Jerselum inhis time ….nothing new jersuslem was already named …. Read the POLITICS … THE ASS KISISNG AND BACK STABBING … not hear asy written withink and paper millennium later but in the mud tablets of the letters between GOD/KING and Vassel or puppet ruler . if you would take the same ,,,interest in clarifying data about this as you do about the amount of debt I the US today ..then maybe just maybe … you would hear the saleman for what he is …
Let say ther is this SALES MAN for the ABC dildoe Company …. Sure they were at one time the top of the line in DILDOE techonolog made from the ifnest polished RAMS horn … and as the centuries progressed the ABC dildoe company kept up with NEW AND IMPROVDED dildoe making ideas …… during all those years other DILDOE COMPANYS formed and competed with the ABC dildoe company ….. now you bump inot me and I tell you that Adam and Eve sex toy company is making this great thing clled the RABBIT …. And that this takes DILDOE IDEAS beyond ABC …. And so instead of HTINKING FOR YOURSELF you go back to your SALES MAN and ask him …… what do you thnk SALESMAN ?
What answer do you think the Salesman will give ? if he tells the truth there is a good chance he will ose a long time customer wha may also take other customers alsong with her to buy RABBIT Dildoes ….. does this sound logical ?
What I was saying that spin doctors , POLITICS all the bullshit keeps getting passed down , and is it not interesting how ,the NAME OF THE invisible creator god of PHAROH .. shows up as the ending of the prayers as decreed by another invisible god of a culture whose had such direct ties that …the 1 who came down from the MOUNT iwtht he RULES OF GOD … was ( as the spin doctors wrote it centuries later not truly of the blood of pahroh but found in a basket on the river by all the fucking luck not eaten by the numerous CROCS ) was .. a son of PHAROH …. Hmmm I was just saying that is interesting . ok it sue dates back to the book of numbers old shit … later on here is a debate One of God's names or titles is "The God of Truth". If we left the last word untranslated, the title would read, "The God of Amen" (Isa 65:16). Based on translation ….. today I say “ I’m cool “ ,,, meaning I agree ,,,,, when cool is realy having to do with temprature … not being TO HOT OR COLD so that it is AN AGREE-ABLE state …..
AMEN or Amen-re ..was the TRUE GOD the invisilbe creator of all the other gods and shit ….. and the name of PHAROH HIMSELF …. And who is to say this is not the ROOT from which all others adopted the UN TRANSLATED .. essence behind the myth . ( neat thing … is amen PURE is unthinkalbe invisible … now pollute it with Re and you can have a great SMOKE AN MIRRORS PARTY to impress the slaves during ritual feasts . and Invoke the presence of AMEN )
[amen] is one of the few words of scripture which is written in it's original Hebrew form. In fact, it is practically a universal word, having been adopted directly from the Hebrew into Greek, Latin, English, Spanish, and many other languages. Found both in the Old and the New Testaments, it is also translated in different ways, depending upon the context of the passage in which it is found. This Hebrew Amen is derived from the root [aman], which means to be firm or solid in the sense of permanency. Thus by implication, it means to be sure, true or faithful. So whenever we see this word Amen used in scripture, it is affirming truth, or illustrating something is said that is of absolute certainty. We can get a better understanding of the word in looking at the way God uses it in a slightly different context than we normally would see it. Here [amen] is used as a title for God, illustrating His faithfulness to His promises
BUT YOU KNOW WHAT … I think it is a good idea to never look for other data ,TRUST THOSE GUYS WHO ARE TRASHING YOUR PRESIDENT …. Just listen to the salesman never think for yourself …. Ask the ABC dildoe company sales I am sure he will be unbiased he has nothing to lose in the way of $$$$ of fame or position in the community …. Nope no hierarchy or status there at all ,,no ego trails dating back historically nope nothing like that ….. nope for he is a servant of Amen ….
playdough pussy
Playdough pussy
Word tool is my word wht the fuck does the sage mean in wher word tool of vibration or escrow …or blue .. Ahhhhh blue SUCH A SIMPLE CONCEPT ? NOT FOR THE BABY … look it I had some play dough and broke the laydough inot 2 parts ..once they were ,the I IN I … the same now there is a separation ,,,, how can glob 1 of play dough tell glob 2 what is happening in its life? First the hae to create some sort of commonaitys … AGREEMENT STATES …. Then give word tool to the agreement state … and maybe giving more detail lite blue dark blue raly fucking dark blue , dark blue with sparkly shit opps now I have to give commonality to sparkly shit …right …and on and on the globs of paydu=ough ..seekingg ways of commuciation here in the speration but ,,when the separation would end then the particlew would be crunched to theghter so that the all would understand the past of the others …
Hmmm I think playdouagh is the same as ME and you ….
NOW IF I MADE A PLASTIC PUSSY OF PLYDAOUGH TO SEXUALIZE THE BLOG LIKE ALWAYS GOTTA SELL MY SHIT and sexual frustration is…is is … in fact your concerm of $$$ realy does often become second if your relationship status is un FULFILLING …. Sex sells …
The paly dough pussy would be to hard if dryed to be a good male sex toy and while wet it would be stickly ing and it would not be stretchy enough to be any fun so I think making a sex toy pussy out of play dough would not work …. Laugh laugh …. Smile smile … my sex sells budwieser inspired action done .. I will get back to the core of CHANGe …… dendrites my friend dentrites memory connections repetitions training like done to you over a life time , you are so free you can choose bondage or you can choose to allow RE-PROGRAMING thru exposure to new ideas and repeating of the new thought streams creating new dentrites the more exposure to new thoughts and the ignoring of the OLD … the old will wither ad the new gets more attention more focus … AHHHH focus of vibration of energy thus ,manifestation at the celluar level of the DNA bio mechanics which we choose to live thru for yes at a QUANTUM level ZY or X is possible that is the realityf pure TAO but we are here in LIMITS IN a choosen state of NO’S ..to experience ..this … this a version of a point of view of … what would TAO be like if it had ZY or x limits and so ….. POOF THE FUCK YOU ARE HERE . with ZY and X limits ,, just 1 of IN FI NITE EXPRESSION OF YOURSELF … have fucking fun dipshit …… SEE YOU NEXT SATURADY LOOK FOR THE BALLONS , SIGN THE SHIRT …. http://www.buzz103.com/
Ahh so I get to see my wants … smart POD cars on rail systems it can be as real as paving roads the same as underground wiring all do-able I believed for years now to see my wants to see that I am not crazy http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120590726 a pod system designed right could allow for rxpression of solid golden rolls types of kia types to harley Davidson expressions you can carry your mountain bikes and canoes but trailering the 30 foot boat may be problemactic but to design the whole just to provide a tiney few ease is wrong , there is a way for them to keep that boat at the dry storage and when they want to move it ,,that is what the oceans are for any way that boat is not made to travel on land anyway …. Commercial deliverys could be computerized and done with pods terminals for larger transport set next the larger highway system , so that residential roads can have size limits …. House mover would have to use multiple pods filled then shipped off … all doable systems of LIFE SYTLE adaptation
Believe ti you will see it ….. and the belief in lack is very important to fuel the growth of capitalism … the golden carrot of slavery , and the belief I am free to choose the amoung of that insanilty I want to par take of . after developing in harmony with nature a sense of personel management of the first 2 levels of maslows hierarchy …
When you feel gratitude, often you are looking at a difficulty that you have overcome, but there is still some of that "struggle" vibration present. The state of appreciation is seeing whatever you are looking at through the eyes of Source. . . You could walk down a crowded street with all kinds of things that a lot of other people would find reason to criticize or worry about, and you would not have access to them because your vibration of appreciation is picking out for you things of a different vibrational nature.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Gratitude is saying THNKYOU god … or thank you to any power outside of self , which is the continuation of the sense of separation from TAO ,, appreciation is being a player in a complex PLAYING FIELD with random expressions for our free choice to interact with .. allowing for CONTRAST and personel growth for solutions and creativity expression … grafefull to PHAROH for his blessing OR APRREICATION FOR THE CONNECTIVENESS OF EVERYONE INVOVLED playing self ish parts from which I can choose to be part of or not based upon my OWN SELFISH INTERSTS … who they then have free choice to become involved with me ..me being a RANDOM ..DNA expression in their world of things to aprpriciate ,, me being a chance for their own solution creationa dn personel growth …
Ever expanding the toa towards the BETTER AND BETTER for each and then adding to the pOSSIBLITY for the all from the data expressed by the solutions each created for their own …. Selfish … want to feel better thru creative solutions they come up with .
So thankgiving day …. I get pod info , I stumbled on to a few videos about earth construction 1 in fact so closey remebling the building plan of mine that I replace the Gsuhing Pussy video ( the trantic educational viedo ) with this video of consturctuin http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
so it seems the essence of the owrd tool of the sage is proven to me atleast once , I did not have to have HARD EVIDENCE my idea of the possible was enough for the ASSEMBALGE of quantum reality to from for in time .. little supportive evidences by lil’ until I get much much concrete evidence trails of support ….. allowing me to stand on the other side of the brick wall in heave ,,, once behind the wall of books acceting what others said was possible or not ,, looking out inot what my mind dreamt was possible until ..i am now on the other side ..walking away form those behind the wall , “ peace have fun enjoy , bye I will come back to visit later “
Word tool is my word wht the fuck does the sage mean in wher word tool of vibration or escrow …or blue .. Ahhhhh blue SUCH A SIMPLE CONCEPT ? NOT FOR THE BABY … look it I had some play dough and broke the laydough inot 2 parts ..once they were ,the I IN I … the same now there is a separation ,,,, how can glob 1 of play dough tell glob 2 what is happening in its life? First the hae to create some sort of commonaitys … AGREEMENT STATES …. Then give word tool to the agreement state … and maybe giving more detail lite blue dark blue raly fucking dark blue , dark blue with sparkly shit opps now I have to give commonality to sparkly shit …right …and on and on the globs of paydu=ough ..seekingg ways of commuciation here in the speration but ,,when the separation would end then the particlew would be crunched to theghter so that the all would understand the past of the others …
Hmmm I think playdouagh is the same as ME and you ….
NOW IF I MADE A PLASTIC PUSSY OF PLYDAOUGH TO SEXUALIZE THE BLOG LIKE ALWAYS GOTTA SELL MY SHIT and sexual frustration is…is is … in fact your concerm of $$$ realy does often become second if your relationship status is un FULFILLING …. Sex sells …
The paly dough pussy would be to hard if dryed to be a good male sex toy and while wet it would be stickly ing and it would not be stretchy enough to be any fun so I think making a sex toy pussy out of play dough would not work …. Laugh laugh …. Smile smile … my sex sells budwieser inspired action done .. I will get back to the core of CHANGe …… dendrites my friend dentrites memory connections repetitions training like done to you over a life time , you are so free you can choose bondage or you can choose to allow RE-PROGRAMING thru exposure to new ideas and repeating of the new thought streams creating new dentrites the more exposure to new thoughts and the ignoring of the OLD … the old will wither ad the new gets more attention more focus … AHHHH focus of vibration of energy thus ,manifestation at the celluar level of the DNA bio mechanics which we choose to live thru for yes at a QUANTUM level ZY or X is possible that is the realityf pure TAO but we are here in LIMITS IN a choosen state of NO’S ..to experience ..this … this a version of a point of view of … what would TAO be like if it had ZY or x limits and so ….. POOF THE FUCK YOU ARE HERE . with ZY and X limits ,, just 1 of IN FI NITE EXPRESSION OF YOURSELF … have fucking fun dipshit …… SEE YOU NEXT SATURADY LOOK FOR THE BALLONS , SIGN THE SHIRT …. http://www.buzz103.com/
Ahh so I get to see my wants … smart POD cars on rail systems it can be as real as paving roads the same as underground wiring all do-able I believed for years now to see my wants to see that I am not crazy http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120590726 a pod system designed right could allow for rxpression of solid golden rolls types of kia types to harley Davidson expressions you can carry your mountain bikes and canoes but trailering the 30 foot boat may be problemactic but to design the whole just to provide a tiney few ease is wrong , there is a way for them to keep that boat at the dry storage and when they want to move it ,,that is what the oceans are for any way that boat is not made to travel on land anyway …. Commercial deliverys could be computerized and done with pods terminals for larger transport set next the larger highway system , so that residential roads can have size limits …. House mover would have to use multiple pods filled then shipped off … all doable systems of LIFE SYTLE adaptation
Believe ti you will see it ….. and the belief in lack is very important to fuel the growth of capitalism … the golden carrot of slavery , and the belief I am free to choose the amoung of that insanilty I want to par take of . after developing in harmony with nature a sense of personel management of the first 2 levels of maslows hierarchy …
When you feel gratitude, often you are looking at a difficulty that you have overcome, but there is still some of that "struggle" vibration present. The state of appreciation is seeing whatever you are looking at through the eyes of Source. . . You could walk down a crowded street with all kinds of things that a lot of other people would find reason to criticize or worry about, and you would not have access to them because your vibration of appreciation is picking out for you things of a different vibrational nature.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Gratitude is saying THNKYOU god … or thank you to any power outside of self , which is the continuation of the sense of separation from TAO ,, appreciation is being a player in a complex PLAYING FIELD with random expressions for our free choice to interact with .. allowing for CONTRAST and personel growth for solutions and creativity expression … grafefull to PHAROH for his blessing OR APRREICATION FOR THE CONNECTIVENESS OF EVERYONE INVOVLED playing self ish parts from which I can choose to be part of or not based upon my OWN SELFISH INTERSTS … who they then have free choice to become involved with me ..me being a RANDOM ..DNA expression in their world of things to aprpriciate ,, me being a chance for their own solution creationa dn personel growth …
Ever expanding the toa towards the BETTER AND BETTER for each and then adding to the pOSSIBLITY for the all from the data expressed by the solutions each created for their own …. Selfish … want to feel better thru creative solutions they come up with .
So thankgiving day …. I get pod info , I stumbled on to a few videos about earth construction 1 in fact so closey remebling the building plan of mine that I replace the Gsuhing Pussy video ( the trantic educational viedo ) with this video of consturctuin http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
so it seems the essence of the owrd tool of the sage is proven to me atleast once , I did not have to have HARD EVIDENCE my idea of the possible was enough for the ASSEMBALGE of quantum reality to from for in time .. little supportive evidences by lil’ until I get much much concrete evidence trails of support ….. allowing me to stand on the other side of the brick wall in heave ,,, once behind the wall of books acceting what others said was possible or not ,, looking out inot what my mind dreamt was possible until ..i am now on the other side ..walking away form those behind the wall , “ peace have fun enjoy , bye I will come back to visit later “
Friday, November 27, 2009
tantric eskimo pussy
Trantric Eskimo pussy
So I was hearing a compteting beauty as I was digging on the TECHNOLGY of
Unreality ,,,,,,, REALITY CREEPED into my sensing of data bundles …my hearing ,,, a bird was at the windiw singng , giving me a chnce to COMPARE , real life ? or the actually drepresion song of 1 Eskimo http://www.myspace.com/oneeskimo ……. PHIL YOU ARE SO FRREE you can choose bondage …. Stay trapped in mans age after age of singing about his pain .or ,,BAIL OUT ..out side into the quantum expression of my EQUALS ..that bird is my EQUAL calling me outside sying PHIL … yo! Dude realityis out here on ther in the pain of humanity * unless you want that free choice *
Reality was there..outside , there was the bird my equal there was trees COMMICATING . the sounds of dry leaves teeling of weakenss the sounds of green leaves whisper more telling of strength and vitality ,, my brancehes are ufll of sap , I am bio chemically healty nugs do not feed here ,,the weaker plant asking for aid in TRANSITION ,,come bugs eat me , so I may pass inot the next adventure …. Help me tranisiont my equals ..bugs are but quantum expreincers too … as are the dolphins I then noticed playng at the end of the dock … hearing the sounds of their splashing clearly for today a HOLY-Day the world is still , humans non active ..given a day of freedom by Pharoh ( huh? Why do we buythis shit …. We can have the same interaction and freedom everyday if we wanted to ) …so I got a multi sensory expreince of musics and commincations form …equals in many forms … from the expression fo the quant in wind form itself …. Not just the flow of electrons produced by the phaorh corp FPL to excited magnest and metals and fabrics ..so that plastic speakers can produce data bundles.
Real life and sounds and MUSCI and mutli leveled adventures and happiness even in the TRANSITION is happiness for bugs get feed and the tree gets to move on …
Allll PRPOS ..to 1 eskimo ….. the savorying of everything …. Do you young master REALLY savor everything ? the dieing plant the singing bird … 1 eskimo ?.. I can turn back on 1 eskimo any time for they are DEAD DATA ..the OP to hear the bird pasing thru the LAW OF ATRACTION …. In real time just that ..real and needed to be experienced when the OP is presented by the bird freely choosing to come and sit close to my window and sing ,,PHIL COME OUTSIDE AND PLAY ( the data is there if you get bored with reality …I do dig 1 eskimo sounds ) http://www.myspace.com/oneeskimo
I will not see 1 eskimo at the bakesale but hope to see you, look for the ballons come sign the shirt like always …. http://www.buzz103.com/ dec 5 the holy high day
How segway inot pusssy ,,, just do it …… the nature of human nature is for the seeing of happiness in each other ..enjoying the LIVING of all life actually but those close to us even more ,,even though she may use sexual manipulation to get your ATTENTIOn because that is and how she was trained and we know .. no other ways expcept some modles that are TAINT’d byt the rules of gods ( amish and morman ) but she loves and likes
To watch and feel and touch HARD THROBBING COCK . like her won personel toy ,,now the sharing of this activity with her SUPPROTIVE FRIENDS , is natural ..yet never experienced maybe … natural http://www.naturalawakeningsmag.com/natural-library/may-2009/friendship-among-women-benefits-health ....
An you too got admit when she is gettinghot and VERBALIZING , making all those squuueeky sounds of getting fucked , your passion build and you gotta hold back from blowing you NUT …. But that feeling the sounds of your increase in passion the throbbing growth of cock …. Add to her experience THIS CAN NOT BE … lived thru technology , this is REAL FUCKING …. Collecting sense data bundles thru the natural orgasm of collection and design ….cocka nd pussy now to learn to cast better not just cane pole fish but learn so fishing arts .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neotantra
So I was hearing a compteting beauty as I was digging on the TECHNOLGY of
Unreality ,,,,,,, REALITY CREEPED into my sensing of data bundles …my hearing ,,, a bird was at the windiw singng , giving me a chnce to COMPARE , real life ? or the actually drepresion song of 1 Eskimo http://www.myspace.com/oneeskimo ……. PHIL YOU ARE SO FRREE you can choose bondage …. Stay trapped in mans age after age of singing about his pain .or ,,BAIL OUT ..out side into the quantum expression of my EQUALS ..that bird is my EQUAL calling me outside sying PHIL … yo! Dude realityis out here on ther in the pain of humanity * unless you want that free choice *
Reality was there..outside , there was the bird my equal there was trees COMMICATING . the sounds of dry leaves teeling of weakenss the sounds of green leaves whisper more telling of strength and vitality ,, my brancehes are ufll of sap , I am bio chemically healty nugs do not feed here ,,the weaker plant asking for aid in TRANSITION ,,come bugs eat me , so I may pass inot the next adventure …. Help me tranisiont my equals ..bugs are but quantum expreincers too … as are the dolphins I then noticed playng at the end of the dock … hearing the sounds of their splashing clearly for today a HOLY-Day the world is still , humans non active ..given a day of freedom by Pharoh ( huh? Why do we buythis shit …. We can have the same interaction and freedom everyday if we wanted to ) …so I got a multi sensory expreince of musics and commincations form …equals in many forms … from the expression fo the quant in wind form itself …. Not just the flow of electrons produced by the phaorh corp FPL to excited magnest and metals and fabrics ..so that plastic speakers can produce data bundles.
Real life and sounds and MUSCI and mutli leveled adventures and happiness even in the TRANSITION is happiness for bugs get feed and the tree gets to move on …
Allll PRPOS ..to 1 eskimo ….. the savorying of everything …. Do you young master REALLY savor everything ? the dieing plant the singing bird … 1 eskimo ?.. I can turn back on 1 eskimo any time for they are DEAD DATA ..the OP to hear the bird pasing thru the LAW OF ATRACTION …. In real time just that ..real and needed to be experienced when the OP is presented by the bird freely choosing to come and sit close to my window and sing ,,PHIL COME OUTSIDE AND PLAY ( the data is there if you get bored with reality …I do dig 1 eskimo sounds ) http://www.myspace.com/oneeskimo
I will not see 1 eskimo at the bakesale but hope to see you, look for the ballons come sign the shirt like always …. http://www.buzz103.com/ dec 5 the holy high day
How segway inot pusssy ,,, just do it …… the nature of human nature is for the seeing of happiness in each other ..enjoying the LIVING of all life actually but those close to us even more ,,even though she may use sexual manipulation to get your ATTENTIOn because that is and how she was trained and we know .. no other ways expcept some modles that are TAINT’d byt the rules of gods ( amish and morman ) but she loves and likes
To watch and feel and touch HARD THROBBING COCK . like her won personel toy ,,now the sharing of this activity with her SUPPROTIVE FRIENDS , is natural ..yet never experienced maybe … natural http://www.naturalawakeningsmag.com/natural-library/may-2009/friendship-among-women-benefits-health ....
An you too got admit when she is gettinghot and VERBALIZING , making all those squuueeky sounds of getting fucked , your passion build and you gotta hold back from blowing you NUT …. But that feeling the sounds of your increase in passion the throbbing growth of cock …. Add to her experience THIS CAN NOT BE … lived thru technology , this is REAL FUCKING …. Collecting sense data bundles thru the natural orgasm of collection and design ….cocka nd pussy now to learn to cast better not just cane pole fish but learn so fishing arts .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neotantra
Thursday, November 26, 2009
new and imporved pussy
New and improved pussy
Young master realy in your day to day life ,does it realy matter ,,, the UNSEEN details at a molecular level about her pussy , your cock feels ,,senses , DATA BUNDLES our eyes m hearing taste etc ..pick up on data bundles ….. not the molecular activity not the sub atomic activity …. New and improved …. When thye start to get selling you on things that are ,,, new and improved that is only evendent at levels beyond my ablity to RECOGNIZE then who cares ….they is those who want to sell you shit … and in that activity you stay stuck you need to make the $$$ of PAHAROH … TO BUY THE SHIT
( yeah but without all the new and improved we would not have all this great technology /….. I agree the book of positive aspects http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html but that does mean you have to give IN and give up …. Use what is useful ws the recommendation of the SAGE Zhunangzi . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html but do not become slave to it … you are so free you can choose bondage )
…..actually much o fthe NEW AND IMPORVED is just another way ..of distracting the distractable, portion of the society, those who are looking for SOMETHING ANYTHING to ease the pain , and buyung shit feels good it is a DRUG , of hope …hope that something will end the confuse and conquer started by the SLAVE MASTER OF pharoh 1000’s of year ago ,, when they realized that mental training was better motivator that nthe whip or point of the sword ….. kill off the trouble some slave populations , keep the children train them well to HONOR or FEAR god ..the god/king … the pahroh system depend on the system for food for LIFE ITSELF life itself needs to express its nature to REPRODUCE ..sex …control these and control the people the slave to to work in MASS where by the PHAOROH class gets a small TAX from the MASS …. Ahhh but those who came adventurers gand parents of US of the UNITED STATES . came to seek freedom from PHAORH but ..the system came ,, some commited to freedom the amish for 1 ….who live today the same as they did 100’s of years ago here among the rest of us , living lives of much less stress stronger family units . and healthy ..free to choose to live with or without the shit being sold .
All the shit we hae around us has been SOLD TO YOU by ..who ? do your realy trust the saleman blindly their smiling aface who tells you how important you are to them until the cash passes hand then ,,BYE ! …. Unless of course they think they could get further sales from you …but let us say the sales personw ill be movingon to selling something else next ,,, you are just the MARK ,,, the challenge and thye BEAT YOU they got you money they SOLD YOU … and they moved up maybe a bit in the HIERCHY of their carreer maybe they have made enough cash to buy the next step up house … hierarchy ,,, all tied to TRADITIONS based upon the PHAROH history ,,is living a good life and lots of pussy worth the cost of being trapeed in the endless EGO of science/ ivory tower university ..self importance … to prove how important it is to get our attention focused on THEIR NEW AND IMPROVED .f or if they do not consatnty feed you NEW AND IMPORVED they loose improatnce …hierarchy …. and thus our CASH …. Position and hierarchy ….
Now this also plays out in the NEW AND IMPROVED words of the Sage , from Buddha to LAO TO Jesus . TO THEM all others have come later to say they SPEAK for the SAGE ..then add to the base word of the sage …. Actuall they Add the myth of the sage and thr rules which the sage was trying to teach you to go beyond … it is interesting these New teachers do not claim their own connection to source nor do they like thSAGE tell you to conncet yourself to Source …. These additions to the rules … separating you from your connection to yourelf as you now need to go thru the words of the NEW TEACHER …… the new an improved ..word of god over and over …. Preacher by preacher sermon by sermon , listen to me the SALESMAN give me your attention and CASH … and I will help you …
If the Sales man had the basics of …isntincutalism lifestyle taken care of could he then teach will out the need for the big building the demands for 10% of your income …. Often times they make incomes 10 tiems as great as those who he sold his USEFULNESS ..to …. He sold people on the idea that he was the chanel best for them …and never envourages them to move quickly away from him the teacher into … connecting themselves with SELF .. do you get it ,,?the THEME not the words of the book , so please my friend put your book down let us not get confused and thus conquered by some words in a book …… trapped for years behind the walls of the ivory tower eon after eon . or atleast millenniums …
Today in this country we have a Relgous group who lives OFF GRID without all the shit of Tehcnology ..the real legion is not needed , but there is not much else in supportive groups to help teach off grid life style so I guess joinin the group is easier …
The Amish ,,, currently number about 75 ,000 actuallythier number has close to double in the last decade many of the kids who years ago in their FREE CHOICE age a time they are actually sent out in the REAL world instead of buyin inot the GREED have been coming home and bringing friends too ….. people who are saying WHA THE FUCK am I so concerned about technology is it realy that much FUN …
Look around your own life ….. it is only because you have never allowed yourself to look outside of the box .there is much to choose from . http://www.instinctualism.org/
Ok ANDORRA is so tiny a country it should not be accounted for , but …fuck the brain washing , they live the longest of all … average 83 years while America is like 30 down on the list of life expectancy ( and then there is quality of life for you die slow in America useless and trapped )
ANDORRA loves its TOBACCO ..hmmm can anyone say brain washing , the lonest lived people smoke ? it seems like they day , alife in front of the fucking TV and eating ameican food is much worse than tobacco ,the constant ..advertising and mind fuck gives way to REALITY the words of the SAGE once more . Expectation can be created by the over load of the information coming down from the IVORY TOWERS . yet braoder perspective may not bare their data out … allow yourself to EXTRACT the usefull from examples .. QUESTION why why hwy ..hae these people been able to live without in gaging in WAR for 700 years ..( what if we threatened Iran stop your NUKE program or we will IRRAGATE your desert and help your people to RE-RUALIZE with a new tax base and mass transit and give theM each a computer with free broad band to expand their minds beyond RELIGONS ….. NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL WARFARE ! and it would cost tillions less tha convention warfare . ) to get the design and pricing and 12Bravo concepts of this you gotta go back in the blogs a few weeks .
ACTIITY ,,,LESS STRESS , FAMILY AND FRIENDS ….. long happy living . http://www.instinctualism.org/ less stress in forming a life that has the basis of MASLOW taken care of , family and frinds … 3 wives by free choice not GOD’S DECREE but free choice …is natural and healthy for women and children . http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html and hormonial science evidence about womens need for women in their life ….. http://www.naturalawakeningsmag.com/natural-library/may-2009/friendship-among-women-benefits-health . Freedom then to work for want and art …not working because you thinkyou have to for $$$ like living with your very own trust fund , like being retired at age 22 ,,, http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html less stress . all the mind fuck is just that , the tool of the slave master still there confuse and conquer keep you distracted . like WAR the kings telling the people how bad the OTHER GUY IS we must go to war ….. because the other LEADER has the same BETTER THAN YOU mindset of hierarchy ….. Andorra has had no war for 700 years . evne though they live among bordered by warring states …
GREED is not the main focus of these people they are happy in their NICHE instead of striving for the GOLDEN CARROT ON A STRING dangled in front of them …. FREE CHOICE …. FREE CHOICE …free choice …. Free choice …. You have free choice and the ablity to create what you want here and now . http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
As you look for a better-feeling way to approach whatever you are giving your attention to; as you continue to ask yourself, from your ever-changing vantage point, "What is it that I do want?" eventually you will be standing in a very pleasing place—for you cannot continually ask yourself what it is that you do want without your point of attraction beginning to pivot in that direction. . . . The process will be gradual, but your continued application of the process will yield wonderful results in only a few days.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
What is it that you do want …is TRICKIER than most think . you think you want a THING … the golden carrot dangled infront of you by media and advertisers and FASHION ….. but what you want is to just feel better , better … but is you were to realy ask , from POSISITION of understanding the want as compared to the trick the drug the mind fuck …. Of lack of self worth that you WANT to fulfill thru PURCHAISNG IT …
When you feel yu animal self you instinct self …. And realize you can have it all realy … especially after you take car of those ANIMAL NEEDS …. Those wants under your own CONTROL and MANGAMENT …then cash can arrive for all the other shit too .
In a few days …well in the few day you start to realize that around you NOW are the wants you created from livin in your past …… so you learn to enjoy now while from the ever expanding position of growth new wants are projected inot TAO, from when where time/space will unfold next year’s aspects of todays want –projections … always experiencing the wants of yesterday ..the lag of time/space . ..
Young master realy in your day to day life ,does it realy matter ,,, the UNSEEN details at a molecular level about her pussy , your cock feels ,,senses , DATA BUNDLES our eyes m hearing taste etc ..pick up on data bundles ….. not the molecular activity not the sub atomic activity …. New and improved …. When thye start to get selling you on things that are ,,, new and improved that is only evendent at levels beyond my ablity to RECOGNIZE then who cares ….they is those who want to sell you shit … and in that activity you stay stuck you need to make the $$$ of PAHAROH … TO BUY THE SHIT
( yeah but without all the new and improved we would not have all this great technology /….. I agree the book of positive aspects http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html but that does mean you have to give IN and give up …. Use what is useful ws the recommendation of the SAGE Zhunangzi . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html but do not become slave to it … you are so free you can choose bondage )
…..actually much o fthe NEW AND IMPORVED is just another way ..of distracting the distractable, portion of the society, those who are looking for SOMETHING ANYTHING to ease the pain , and buyung shit feels good it is a DRUG , of hope …hope that something will end the confuse and conquer started by the SLAVE MASTER OF pharoh 1000’s of year ago ,, when they realized that mental training was better motivator that nthe whip or point of the sword ….. kill off the trouble some slave populations , keep the children train them well to HONOR or FEAR god ..the god/king … the pahroh system depend on the system for food for LIFE ITSELF life itself needs to express its nature to REPRODUCE ..sex …control these and control the people the slave to to work in MASS where by the PHAOROH class gets a small TAX from the MASS …. Ahhh but those who came adventurers gand parents of US of the UNITED STATES . came to seek freedom from PHAORH but ..the system came ,, some commited to freedom the amish for 1 ….who live today the same as they did 100’s of years ago here among the rest of us , living lives of much less stress stronger family units . and healthy ..free to choose to live with or without the shit being sold .
All the shit we hae around us has been SOLD TO YOU by ..who ? do your realy trust the saleman blindly their smiling aface who tells you how important you are to them until the cash passes hand then ,,BYE ! …. Unless of course they think they could get further sales from you …but let us say the sales personw ill be movingon to selling something else next ,,, you are just the MARK ,,, the challenge and thye BEAT YOU they got you money they SOLD YOU … and they moved up maybe a bit in the HIERCHY of their carreer maybe they have made enough cash to buy the next step up house … hierarchy ,,, all tied to TRADITIONS based upon the PHAROH history ,,is living a good life and lots of pussy worth the cost of being trapeed in the endless EGO of science/ ivory tower university ..self importance … to prove how important it is to get our attention focused on THEIR NEW AND IMPROVED .f or if they do not consatnty feed you NEW AND IMPORVED they loose improatnce …hierarchy …. and thus our CASH …. Position and hierarchy ….
Now this also plays out in the NEW AND IMPROVED words of the Sage , from Buddha to LAO TO Jesus . TO THEM all others have come later to say they SPEAK for the SAGE ..then add to the base word of the sage …. Actuall they Add the myth of the sage and thr rules which the sage was trying to teach you to go beyond … it is interesting these New teachers do not claim their own connection to source nor do they like thSAGE tell you to conncet yourself to Source …. These additions to the rules … separating you from your connection to yourelf as you now need to go thru the words of the NEW TEACHER …… the new an improved ..word of god over and over …. Preacher by preacher sermon by sermon , listen to me the SALESMAN give me your attention and CASH … and I will help you …
If the Sales man had the basics of …isntincutalism lifestyle taken care of could he then teach will out the need for the big building the demands for 10% of your income …. Often times they make incomes 10 tiems as great as those who he sold his USEFULNESS ..to …. He sold people on the idea that he was the chanel best for them …and never envourages them to move quickly away from him the teacher into … connecting themselves with SELF .. do you get it ,,?the THEME not the words of the book , so please my friend put your book down let us not get confused and thus conquered by some words in a book …… trapped for years behind the walls of the ivory tower eon after eon . or atleast millenniums …
Today in this country we have a Relgous group who lives OFF GRID without all the shit of Tehcnology ..the real legion is not needed , but there is not much else in supportive groups to help teach off grid life style so I guess joinin the group is easier …
The Amish ,,, currently number about 75 ,000 actuallythier number has close to double in the last decade many of the kids who years ago in their FREE CHOICE age a time they are actually sent out in the REAL world instead of buyin inot the GREED have been coming home and bringing friends too ….. people who are saying WHA THE FUCK am I so concerned about technology is it realy that much FUN …
Look around your own life ….. it is only because you have never allowed yourself to look outside of the box .there is much to choose from . http://www.instinctualism.org/
Ok ANDORRA is so tiny a country it should not be accounted for , but …fuck the brain washing , they live the longest of all … average 83 years while America is like 30 down on the list of life expectancy ( and then there is quality of life for you die slow in America useless and trapped )
ANDORRA loves its TOBACCO ..hmmm can anyone say brain washing , the lonest lived people smoke ? it seems like they day , alife in front of the fucking TV and eating ameican food is much worse than tobacco ,the constant ..advertising and mind fuck gives way to REALITY the words of the SAGE once more . Expectation can be created by the over load of the information coming down from the IVORY TOWERS . yet braoder perspective may not bare their data out … allow yourself to EXTRACT the usefull from examples .. QUESTION why why hwy ..hae these people been able to live without in gaging in WAR for 700 years ..( what if we threatened Iran stop your NUKE program or we will IRRAGATE your desert and help your people to RE-RUALIZE with a new tax base and mass transit and give theM each a computer with free broad band to expand their minds beyond RELIGONS ….. NOW THIS IS WHAT I CALL WARFARE ! and it would cost tillions less tha convention warfare . ) to get the design and pricing and 12Bravo concepts of this you gotta go back in the blogs a few weeks .
ACTIITY ,,,LESS STRESS , FAMILY AND FRIENDS ….. long happy living . http://www.instinctualism.org/ less stress in forming a life that has the basis of MASLOW taken care of , family and frinds … 3 wives by free choice not GOD’S DECREE but free choice …is natural and healthy for women and children . http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html and hormonial science evidence about womens need for women in their life ….. http://www.naturalawakeningsmag.com/natural-library/may-2009/friendship-among-women-benefits-health . Freedom then to work for want and art …not working because you thinkyou have to for $$$ like living with your very own trust fund , like being retired at age 22 ,,, http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html less stress . all the mind fuck is just that , the tool of the slave master still there confuse and conquer keep you distracted . like WAR the kings telling the people how bad the OTHER GUY IS we must go to war ….. because the other LEADER has the same BETTER THAN YOU mindset of hierarchy ….. Andorra has had no war for 700 years . evne though they live among bordered by warring states …
GREED is not the main focus of these people they are happy in their NICHE instead of striving for the GOLDEN CARROT ON A STRING dangled in front of them …. FREE CHOICE …. FREE CHOICE …free choice …. Free choice …. You have free choice and the ablity to create what you want here and now . http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
As you look for a better-feeling way to approach whatever you are giving your attention to; as you continue to ask yourself, from your ever-changing vantage point, "What is it that I do want?" eventually you will be standing in a very pleasing place—for you cannot continually ask yourself what it is that you do want without your point of attraction beginning to pivot in that direction. . . . The process will be gradual, but your continued application of the process will yield wonderful results in only a few days.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
What is it that you do want …is TRICKIER than most think . you think you want a THING … the golden carrot dangled infront of you by media and advertisers and FASHION ….. but what you want is to just feel better , better … but is you were to realy ask , from POSISITION of understanding the want as compared to the trick the drug the mind fuck …. Of lack of self worth that you WANT to fulfill thru PURCHAISNG IT …
When you feel yu animal self you instinct self …. And realize you can have it all realy … especially after you take car of those ANIMAL NEEDS …. Those wants under your own CONTROL and MANGAMENT …then cash can arrive for all the other shit too .
In a few days …well in the few day you start to realize that around you NOW are the wants you created from livin in your past …… so you learn to enjoy now while from the ever expanding position of growth new wants are projected inot TAO, from when where time/space will unfold next year’s aspects of todays want –projections … always experiencing the wants of yesterday ..the lag of time/space . ..
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
solid gold dildoe
Solid gold dildoe
With palieolithic evidence dating back 30 … get this 30 fucking THOUSAND YEARS AGO …. 30,000 years ago of evidence of sex toys made form stone, wood , horn …. Remember today we make some lyrex a form of GLASS AND glass breaks OUCHY PUSSY ! …for the queesn of pahorh times to have madE solid gold didleos is within the realm of possibles… that were probably metlted down right away …. To not INSULT the males, ONLY GOOD POLITICS … do not think any thing you d o today was not done for fuckig 1000’s of years you are nothing special except RE-PLAYERS OF THE SAME OLD SAME OLD … any you will re-live the same old same old wild se x tattoos piercing getting high struggling to get rich, …..throw ing rocks in the air they KEEP FALLING ON OUR HEADS and we wonder why ,,,DUH … we are the god choosen smart ones huh …. ?
Ok where am I going ..of course is to expand you .. get you out of the box …. Living og life It is not about the CASh but the FEELING OF BETTER what are you going to use $$$ for any way to feel better well what is BETTER , that new thing you buy willl make you happy like aDRUG only …. The MALL IS A DRUG …. 5000 years of shopping like EVE … think for yourself … http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
So I looked at the familys I know directly my own family … friends , in laws ( I have a lot since I have 3 diviroces and few LTR’s ) so the adds up to 23 familys I maybe missing 1 or 3 …. Out of that 23… 4 are TRUST fund familys …. Now all of those RICH ones they all went thru periods of $$$ stess , 2 decided some years ago to live within the means fo their base income comeing from the trust … and all other diviends or extra work incomes …were HAPPY HAPPY $$$ AND they found finally stablity … 1 added MILLIONS TO HER MILLONS OVER TIME …. Cool and 1 is still s truggling and depressed and medicated …. The other 19 are honeslty doing OK as far as we all consider OK to be , that is on average MAKING ENDS MEET often STESSED but some how making it …. Sometimes not making it and begginf ro help ….. 12 of those 19 realy are STRUGGLING MORE htan making it …..
Really take some time to work out the FACTS of your evidence trail around you DO NOT JUST accept the word of the PHAROH LIE …. The bulsshit … look at the reality you know … JUST MAKING IT IS NOT …..living …that is slavery ! http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html the earthship housing concepts establishing the food forest creating the pond and the whole comfy enivroment is about designing your won TRUST FUND lifestyle …. So $$$$ is for fun .
I dig the words of the SAGE ester hicks , but to sell her stuff she uses the greed urge in people ..i use sex like budwieser does sex sells …. … form a pure state of TOA of quantum reality … $$$ is abundanat sure in conceptual pureity of tao … but if the street were realy paved on GODL and you picked up a bag of this GOLD .and brough ti to the store to buy something the store owner would say . FUCK GOLD WHAT THE FUCK DO I WANT WITH GOLD ..THAT SHIT IS WORTHLESS I HAVE TO SWEEP THAT SHIT OUT OF THE DOOR EVERYDAY
A SENSE OF LACK , is needed for the PAHROH ECONOMY to exisit there has to be HAVE AND HAVE NOTS …… the core teaching of the SAGE not the sales team of ESTER HICKS .. is that you want to feel better ..feeling of greater and greater relief ….. AHHH …NATURE AND A NATUREAL LIFE WILL BRING YOU back to wellbeing . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html just a blue print …not a RULE TO FOLLOW . ideas for you to work the ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html to create a life style to attract the P[USSY …. PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY ..the urge …the hormoianl nature of your desire for RELIEF it is to dip your stick in that wet pussy which wants your STICK . http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html she wants penetration even if she is enjoying the love of another girl she her nature self likes hard cock , NOT COLD GOLD DILDOES ….. except if the EvE spirit is deep in her then to be the EvE with the solid gold dildoe is more important HIERACHY SYSTEMS of PAHORH ….. once more the greed the poisin of the snake . OF MYTH … 5000 FIVE THOUSAND YEARS OF REPEATING HISTORY …
You TODAY … are so free you can choose bondage …. You the smart educated human ( we humans are such a fucking jokes …. Laughable ) greedly lil human shit … but yet some , a few are … some a few are … some a few are …. ?
Think for yourself ..if I have to fill in the blanks you are not worthy …. You have your OWN CONNECTION to the self ..to tao .to the I in I … everyone’s equal …. Yes with special dynamics of yur DNA creation TRUE and if that were to be an EXPRESSION of some sort of limit it is nice to realize humanity is in general very nice especially when they are COMFORTABLE iwht their life …. Ao aid would flow to help you … equal …. the EQAUL to Buddha .the Equal .. I ….. what is I ….. so an I ..in I ….. the pardox page is to get you to feel yourself not as human but as QUANTA …. Not thing but creator of thing-ness … itself in …the same EQUALITY …. Out to in fi nity beyond the 2 giga bytes of data processor ablty available to the HUMAN BIO MACHINE … remember that limt we DREAM THRU http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html
Laugh my friend laugh ..at the mind fuck … you now know better if you want to . your want is not BUYABLE with $$$
There are no choices that are really a detour that will take you far from where you're wanting to be -- because your Inner Being is always guiding you to the next, and the next, and the next. So don't be concerned that you may make a fatal choice, because there aren't any of those. You are always finding your balance. It's a never ending process.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Saturday, May 22nd, 1999
You when I choose XY and Z that lead to such problems ….that wsa my inner being guiding me to that RUIN ? well there was some TEACHING in that constrast , there was some IMPORTANT level of motivation to b ehad in the living of the events which … will cause you to ACT instead of staying stuck ….. remember this is a PLATFORM for an IN FI NITE adventurer to play in ,,,, this is not the beigining or the end ,,just 1 more expreince of being a point of view ,,you need to forget your Braoder self so that this life will have FLAVOR of reality ….
You did not come here to EARN your way back into heaven …that is the mind fuck of learning to live up to the NEEDS of Pharoh ….. EARN YOUR WAY THRU GOOD SLAVE SERVICE you can follow your pharoh into heaven and away formt hepain of slavery …. A very old system still being pushed on huminty even thru BUDDHISM … the earning of nirvana thru mediatation .. the Buddha described in the owrd tool available to him ,,there is no where else to go except into the NO SELF … limited by word tool limited by the basic progrming of the brain used … so think for yourself use the compairion ..am I behind the wall in heaven … or on the other side walking away form those trapped by word. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
With palieolithic evidence dating back 30 … get this 30 fucking THOUSAND YEARS AGO …. 30,000 years ago of evidence of sex toys made form stone, wood , horn …. Remember today we make some lyrex a form of GLASS AND glass breaks OUCHY PUSSY ! …for the queesn of pahorh times to have madE solid gold didleos is within the realm of possibles… that were probably metlted down right away …. To not INSULT the males, ONLY GOOD POLITICS … do not think any thing you d o today was not done for fuckig 1000’s of years you are nothing special except RE-PLAYERS OF THE SAME OLD SAME OLD … any you will re-live the same old same old wild se x tattoos piercing getting high struggling to get rich, …..throw ing rocks in the air they KEEP FALLING ON OUR HEADS and we wonder why ,,,DUH … we are the god choosen smart ones huh …. ?
Ok where am I going ..of course is to expand you .. get you out of the box …. Living og life It is not about the CASh but the FEELING OF BETTER what are you going to use $$$ for any way to feel better well what is BETTER , that new thing you buy willl make you happy like aDRUG only …. The MALL IS A DRUG …. 5000 years of shopping like EVE … think for yourself … http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
So I looked at the familys I know directly my own family … friends , in laws ( I have a lot since I have 3 diviroces and few LTR’s ) so the adds up to 23 familys I maybe missing 1 or 3 …. Out of that 23… 4 are TRUST fund familys …. Now all of those RICH ones they all went thru periods of $$$ stess , 2 decided some years ago to live within the means fo their base income comeing from the trust … and all other diviends or extra work incomes …were HAPPY HAPPY $$$ AND they found finally stablity … 1 added MILLIONS TO HER MILLONS OVER TIME …. Cool and 1 is still s truggling and depressed and medicated …. The other 19 are honeslty doing OK as far as we all consider OK to be , that is on average MAKING ENDS MEET often STESSED but some how making it …. Sometimes not making it and begginf ro help ….. 12 of those 19 realy are STRUGGLING MORE htan making it …..
Really take some time to work out the FACTS of your evidence trail around you DO NOT JUST accept the word of the PHAROH LIE …. The bulsshit … look at the reality you know … JUST MAKING IT IS NOT …..living …that is slavery ! http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html the earthship housing concepts establishing the food forest creating the pond and the whole comfy enivroment is about designing your won TRUST FUND lifestyle …. So $$$$ is for fun .
I dig the words of the SAGE ester hicks , but to sell her stuff she uses the greed urge in people ..i use sex like budwieser does sex sells …. … form a pure state of TOA of quantum reality … $$$ is abundanat sure in conceptual pureity of tao … but if the street were realy paved on GODL and you picked up a bag of this GOLD .and brough ti to the store to buy something the store owner would say . FUCK GOLD WHAT THE FUCK DO I WANT WITH GOLD ..THAT SHIT IS WORTHLESS I HAVE TO SWEEP THAT SHIT OUT OF THE DOOR EVERYDAY
A SENSE OF LACK , is needed for the PAHROH ECONOMY to exisit there has to be HAVE AND HAVE NOTS …… the core teaching of the SAGE not the sales team of ESTER HICKS .. is that you want to feel better ..feeling of greater and greater relief ….. AHHH …NATURE AND A NATUREAL LIFE WILL BRING YOU back to wellbeing . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html just a blue print …not a RULE TO FOLLOW . ideas for you to work the ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html to create a life style to attract the P[USSY …. PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY ..the urge …the hormoianl nature of your desire for RELIEF it is to dip your stick in that wet pussy which wants your STICK . http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html she wants penetration even if she is enjoying the love of another girl she her nature self likes hard cock , NOT COLD GOLD DILDOES ….. except if the EvE spirit is deep in her then to be the EvE with the solid gold dildoe is more important HIERACHY SYSTEMS of PAHORH ….. once more the greed the poisin of the snake . OF MYTH … 5000 FIVE THOUSAND YEARS OF REPEATING HISTORY …
You TODAY … are so free you can choose bondage …. You the smart educated human ( we humans are such a fucking jokes …. Laughable ) greedly lil human shit … but yet some , a few are … some a few are … some a few are …. ?
Think for yourself ..if I have to fill in the blanks you are not worthy …. You have your OWN CONNECTION to the self ..to tao .to the I in I … everyone’s equal …. Yes with special dynamics of yur DNA creation TRUE and if that were to be an EXPRESSION of some sort of limit it is nice to realize humanity is in general very nice especially when they are COMFORTABLE iwht their life …. Ao aid would flow to help you … equal …. the EQAUL to Buddha .the Equal .. I ….. what is I ….. so an I ..in I ….. the pardox page is to get you to feel yourself not as human but as QUANTA …. Not thing but creator of thing-ness … itself in …the same EQUALITY …. Out to in fi nity beyond the 2 giga bytes of data processor ablty available to the HUMAN BIO MACHINE … remember that limt we DREAM THRU http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html
Laugh my friend laugh ..at the mind fuck … you now know better if you want to . your want is not BUYABLE with $$$
There are no choices that are really a detour that will take you far from where you're wanting to be -- because your Inner Being is always guiding you to the next, and the next, and the next. So don't be concerned that you may make a fatal choice, because there aren't any of those. You are always finding your balance. It's a never ending process.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Albany, NY on Saturday, May 22nd, 1999
You when I choose XY and Z that lead to such problems ….that wsa my inner being guiding me to that RUIN ? well there was some TEACHING in that constrast , there was some IMPORTANT level of motivation to b ehad in the living of the events which … will cause you to ACT instead of staying stuck ….. remember this is a PLATFORM for an IN FI NITE adventurer to play in ,,,, this is not the beigining or the end ,,just 1 more expreince of being a point of view ,,you need to forget your Braoder self so that this life will have FLAVOR of reality ….
You did not come here to EARN your way back into heaven …that is the mind fuck of learning to live up to the NEEDS of Pharoh ….. EARN YOUR WAY THRU GOOD SLAVE SERVICE you can follow your pharoh into heaven and away formt hepain of slavery …. A very old system still being pushed on huminty even thru BUDDHISM … the earning of nirvana thru mediatation .. the Buddha described in the owrd tool available to him ,,there is no where else to go except into the NO SELF … limited by word tool limited by the basic progrming of the brain used … so think for yourself use the compairion ..am I behind the wall in heaven … or on the other side walking away form those trapped by word. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Amen to pussy
I think 5,000 years is long enough …… I mean you do know that even toady a billion or so people very Sunday PRAISE the honot of PHAROH by name directly …… ending all prayers in his name …… A men …… Amenhotep#4 named of course in ohonor of Amen ..who can not be seen who is invisible the creator god thought form until you put in the magic word of Re…. so after you incant Amen-re the god has visible-ness …details details details ..like counting the number of angels that can dance on the head of PIN ,,, shit to consfuce the minds inand out of the ivory towers ..the PINHEADS … who we depend on to govern us realy …. The counselors to presidents , advisors to emperors … un important becaue you are so free In knowing some basic shit about ALL THE TERRIBLE LIES ….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5173TjVrUCI NINE INCH NAILS ..you can choose to bail …. http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html
Amen to pussy the power of a hot piece of ass ..the 1st lady of HOT ASS … QUEEN Nefertiti … serious babe and 1st wife to the FREAK A ZOID PHAROH ….. but she is NOT …..EVE no no no …that is for the menopausile female whose hormones now more foused like that of MAN …. SHE , who held in her viens the Poisins of a serpent ..( mythis about essence not fact ) not blood but greed and skill … Queen Tiye …. Amenhotp’s mommy ,,,, Amen was a BIRTH DEFECT even though we do not have his body the birth defect of his son Tut shows the vidence trail of in his depecitions …. He was Afucking FEAK A ZOID and hooked up with the hottest babe of all history , yeah sure …. Right this weak fuck was not the WARRIOR PHAROH of myth and go the hottest of the hot babes of all history because of his good looks ? ,,no he was an EMABARREMENT to HIS FATHER PHAROH he sent off to preist school because he was freak only after his stronger older borther die did mommy get involved … and …… CREATE the FREAK into the …SON OF MAN , the myth from which Christ was born .
“ and we will be GODS “ promised EVE ….. ohhh yeah you understand these were not people unlike us at all
THEY LOVED TO SMOKE DOPE THEY ,, LICKED PUSSY FUCKED IN THE ASS , AND BE GAY AND BI in fact in the end …Amenhotep may have been openly gay ….
Now get this on top of all that …. is that …MOMMY USED TO FUCK HER BABY BOY she was his lover and he very well maybe the beigning too of the Oedipus story …. If she idd not do this the chances are she sould have been sent out of the royal court into a 2nd secondary position of power but instead by ,, cultivating the power behind the MISFIT PHAROH ….. BY ARRANGING MARRIAGE with NEFERTITI ..( hot babe ) and Tiye’s neice or possible daughter by laiason …
EVE ….CREATED power enough to influence PHAROH to ignore tradition and destroy all gods except himself ….. and thus she becomes the mother of GOD ….. this whole family goes way beyond anything ever thought before ,,but actually the events remind me of…rome ( ohh lat word about his AGE OF EVE this is when the 1st evidence of pandemic of plaque of influenza …. Fun fun fun thanks EVE ….. the essence of myth is not the people . not the word tool of the story telling …
Can be compared to Claudius of rome a few 1000 year later and here to you must allow yourself to understand the WOMEN behind the man ….. even un to death . and the coming oF NERO ….
Create the FREAK inot myth staus like Claudis actually fought the killer whale … look any mom whose child is different tells her son LOVINGLY ..you are the special ONE … but do not give LOVE to any of these bitches of history , from th minute of birtht he child was wet nursed so mommy can preserve her TITS … in youthful fashion . but the THEME is important the manipulative power of EVE ….
Ohh yeah well ….. AMENHETOP and Nefertiti were the 1sr MYTH of soul mate …. http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html the grand and glorius illusion of LOVE … or as later we ascribe to ROME this loe ..thru the use of ROMAN tic .. or ROMAN ce ..
As for him being the creator of IMPORTNCE in moNO theism … aborringal man understood the energy of TAO was in everything evn the dirt itself …the whole MONO idea had always been there but was UN- PROFITABLE.. if we all were I and I ..
GLOBAL ONENESS http://www.naturalawakeningsmag.com/ article dec 09 it is free !
feeling good pussy feels good
Feeling good pussy feels good
Young master it has been since you were 10 ,,, you have bee surrounded by COOKIES and living o a diet of bread and water , and evy time you even thought about reaching for a cookie out of hunger ,,, there was this big UGLY mad angry NUN WHO WOULD …WHACK the the knuckles of your hand as you reched for the cookie with a thick wooden ruler ….
The cookie is the presence of PUSSY everywhere , even in Disney movies there is cleavage ,, the budwieser girls the hooters girls on tv , in fotos and sitting right next to you in school your animal self able to smell still the airborne communication of her BUDDING FEMALE-NESS … and deeply trained into yur mind ever present and constant is the NUN telling you over and over NO NO NO here feel pain in jus the thoughts ……this is the MANIPULATION
AND THESE ARE THE COMMON EXPRESSION OS SUSTAINED MANIPULATION where are you on the scale …now some 10 years later
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,( “I’ll be home late got loads of work say good night to the kids for me “ you told your wife … “hi sally I ‘ll see you in about 10 minutes wear nothing at all ,,,,,”
5. blaming , ( is after solution building could not happen )
6. dominating , bossing , bullying ( wife beating , bashing your favorite truck with big metal sticks )
7. needing to win , hating to lose ( with your friends you are able to build compromises about where to go fishing , after a while not with your wife can you any longer compromise on any thing resentment builds )
8. forming alliances , organizing against ( becoming overly gay )
9. submission , obedience , compliance ( giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser )
10. courting Favor ( begging )
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html you will be in different levels ar different times at 1 place while single , at another place in the begging of a relationship wile the pussy is flowing 5 times a day ,,, you are finnaly getting your fill of COOKIES 9 and so is she for she too has been living in a manipulative state , but then as she get she fill of your cookie she re-establishes a new level of manipulative state on top ON TOP of the ocnstatn one you grew up with ,, as her being the DOLER OUT OF …COOOKIE , be a good dog beg ) oh that would then be where are you when subjected to that ocmpouned manipulation ….. this whole theme has been with us since the dys of PHAROH .
And why not do or think atleast about something that feels good ….. and thining about what others think about you I betcha does not feel good , 2nd mind shit the NUN shit ,,,, you can never ever make 2nd mind happy for you are not in there , yet 2nd mind is a mind of the I in I …. A connection with you outside of the dream ,,to see them all in terms of the glass half ull , seeing thepostive potential of your ..yuor know ing the connection in your mind feels better so why not enjoy that BETTERNESS …. Only you need know you are enjoying … ohh the mind fuck is deep
I like to enjoy things and planning of a good day fishing does feel better than thinking about ….well my days goo pretty well so I need to thinka bout some one else who is thinking about how shitty a customer was to them and bringing up the … unrealistic demeands of the person who they could never make happy for this person could not be thappy thaty day expect by hitting lotto or something …. So I will paln fishing or sketboarding or building the http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html and find BLISS JSUT IN THE PLANNING of doing shit ,,,,
Ahh the wanting of cash ….. is so much a part of fear for so many that the free limits it … so to live with the first few levels of MASLOW HIERARCHY OF needs taken care of http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html basic fears are negated and freedom for $$ to flow in are better but the need or want is not there so , any action it done from the stand point of likeing the action and in that love you attract ones also who love your love … and then $$ tend to flow with out the want for the $$$ …. It would be like what the fuck is all this dirty money doing around me ,,,I am here to have fun …..
Can you feel the fun of fishing with out fishing .. can you feel the pleasure of warm wet pussy with out the pussy sliding acrros you hard cock ? yes you can … that is the presenting of vibration ,without having the item of the need present ..before the having you can still FEEL the action … to the oevel of experience you have already and the level of beliefs you hold around the AREAS of the subject …. If all you have done is cane pole fish ,,then riding in a sprt fishing boar and seeing a MARLIN bill the bait the feel the drop back and the spin of line off the trolling wheel may be beyond ..your FEELING palce un LESS of coure the amount of study you have done on the subject allows for SOME SORT OF FEELING PLACE …
If you are young and have not yte dipped your hard throbbing dick in some wet pussy , you only have your hand to compare to but there is A DEEP ISNTINCTUAL knowing of what pussy feels like ….. that study is part of your being .. and if you have had pleanty , but trhe NEGATIVE ASPECTS have TAINTED PUSSY … there we have issues .of belief sets ..to clear up .
Like ….. a question posed but phil what if there are some girls who USE your lifestyle and you …. Hmmm if girls act like EVE … what goes around the truth of their inner actions stem from PLACE of lack yes ,, their desire to deceive … yet like the average criminal they believe they are the persecuted ones in fact the in INNOCENT the jails are full of innocent people ,,look jack ass if you smoke dodp in a country where it is illegal .they you are the criminal not the unjustly accused you should have moved to place in the country or another country all together .. if you steal something just because you do not have much does not make it right … the jails are full of the unjustltly persecuted …and so ti will be tith EVE spirita s once mor ein her life she calls forth ther DOMINATE THOUGHT VIBRATION that of lack …..
Sonthing will happen it always does . what ,that will ( hope not but kinda ready ) the contrast fo the exact time and space AND ..EVE … will disappear bitching and feeling like she is the victum … the same as she came , for she brought herself with her …into the oppurutnity for something new . not realy understaninding the learning available. And that is not my problem not my responsibility … lead an EVE to water but you can not make her drink . aHHHH adventure what would youdo phil if tha bondfish raced off around that mangrove shoot over there ? I will find out when and if that happens . what will you do it such and such bad thng happens ..etc etc . so how does living your life in that state feel? Being in that state of dream ..when it is just as easy to dream up success as falure ….. my free choice to stay involved in the fear of someone else of the pleasure of my own world and creation instead of their projections of nightmares that keep them trapped ,,not moving in fear of the WHAT IF ‘S …. WHAT IF IT TURNED OUT OK ?
BELIEF … clearing up issues of BELIEF ….
Metabolism is vibrational response to your moment in time. Metabolism is the way the Energy is moving through your body. And so, everything is in response to the way you feel -- everything is. Everything is mind over matter. Every disease is mental first. Everything is about thought. Everything is about vibration. Everything is about the way you feel. Practice scenarios that feel good--and never mind reality. Reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, May 11th, 2002
Yet reality is the limits of the mind fuck trained into you , the teacing you that you and your body can not HEAL ITSELF WITHOUT THE DOCTOR ….. that you are fat because of other reasons , that you are confused because of fucked brain chemicsl … and this is all aobut the trainin ofyour to give VIBRATIO INCORRECTLY … in the first place. Which you repeated because you KNOW NOTHING ELSE . never guiding in any other way except to become fucked up and thus easey to control and sell you shit so you become SLAVE work and buy work and buy …. Compound multi levels lies ….
Understandingthe problems is supposed to fuel creative solution making …. And that should feel better if you believe the solution is realy possible . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html … life is not just about taking the FISH off the hook , it is about the PREP of the tackle days in advance , it is the excitement of WAKING UP that day , it is going to the bait shop , it launching the boat , it is fixing the engine at the ramp it is BUCKING THE hIGH seas …. It is presenting the bait …. And getting SKUNKED OUT and ramping the boat ,,, then doing it all again next weekend
Young master it has been since you were 10 ,,, you have bee surrounded by COOKIES and living o a diet of bread and water , and evy time you even thought about reaching for a cookie out of hunger ,,, there was this big UGLY mad angry NUN WHO WOULD …WHACK the the knuckles of your hand as you reched for the cookie with a thick wooden ruler ….
The cookie is the presence of PUSSY everywhere , even in Disney movies there is cleavage ,, the budwieser girls the hooters girls on tv , in fotos and sitting right next to you in school your animal self able to smell still the airborne communication of her BUDDING FEMALE-NESS … and deeply trained into yur mind ever present and constant is the NUN telling you over and over NO NO NO here feel pain in jus the thoughts ……this is the MANIPULATION
AND THESE ARE THE COMMON EXPRESSION OS SUSTAINED MANIPULATION where are you on the scale …now some 10 years later
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,( “I’ll be home late got loads of work say good night to the kids for me “ you told your wife … “hi sally I ‘ll see you in about 10 minutes wear nothing at all ,,,,,”
5. blaming , ( is after solution building could not happen )
6. dominating , bossing , bullying ( wife beating , bashing your favorite truck with big metal sticks )
7. needing to win , hating to lose ( with your friends you are able to build compromises about where to go fishing , after a while not with your wife can you any longer compromise on any thing resentment builds )
8. forming alliances , organizing against ( becoming overly gay )
9. submission , obedience , compliance ( giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser )
10. courting Favor ( begging )
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html you will be in different levels ar different times at 1 place while single , at another place in the begging of a relationship wile the pussy is flowing 5 times a day ,,, you are finnaly getting your fill of COOKIES 9 and so is she for she too has been living in a manipulative state , but then as she get she fill of your cookie she re-establishes a new level of manipulative state on top ON TOP of the ocnstatn one you grew up with ,, as her being the DOLER OUT OF …COOOKIE , be a good dog beg ) oh that would then be where are you when subjected to that ocmpouned manipulation ….. this whole theme has been with us since the dys of PHAROH .
And why not do or think atleast about something that feels good ….. and thining about what others think about you I betcha does not feel good , 2nd mind shit the NUN shit ,,,, you can never ever make 2nd mind happy for you are not in there , yet 2nd mind is a mind of the I in I …. A connection with you outside of the dream ,,to see them all in terms of the glass half ull , seeing thepostive potential of your ..yuor know ing the connection in your mind feels better so why not enjoy that BETTERNESS …. Only you need know you are enjoying … ohh the mind fuck is deep
I like to enjoy things and planning of a good day fishing does feel better than thinking about ….well my days goo pretty well so I need to thinka bout some one else who is thinking about how shitty a customer was to them and bringing up the … unrealistic demeands of the person who they could never make happy for this person could not be thappy thaty day expect by hitting lotto or something …. So I will paln fishing or sketboarding or building the http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html and find BLISS JSUT IN THE PLANNING of doing shit ,,,,
Ahh the wanting of cash ….. is so much a part of fear for so many that the free limits it … so to live with the first few levels of MASLOW HIERARCHY OF needs taken care of http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html basic fears are negated and freedom for $$ to flow in are better but the need or want is not there so , any action it done from the stand point of likeing the action and in that love you attract ones also who love your love … and then $$ tend to flow with out the want for the $$$ …. It would be like what the fuck is all this dirty money doing around me ,,,I am here to have fun …..
Can you feel the fun of fishing with out fishing .. can you feel the pleasure of warm wet pussy with out the pussy sliding acrros you hard cock ? yes you can … that is the presenting of vibration ,without having the item of the need present ..before the having you can still FEEL the action … to the oevel of experience you have already and the level of beliefs you hold around the AREAS of the subject …. If all you have done is cane pole fish ,,then riding in a sprt fishing boar and seeing a MARLIN bill the bait the feel the drop back and the spin of line off the trolling wheel may be beyond ..your FEELING palce un LESS of coure the amount of study you have done on the subject allows for SOME SORT OF FEELING PLACE …
If you are young and have not yte dipped your hard throbbing dick in some wet pussy , you only have your hand to compare to but there is A DEEP ISNTINCTUAL knowing of what pussy feels like ….. that study is part of your being .. and if you have had pleanty , but trhe NEGATIVE ASPECTS have TAINTED PUSSY … there we have issues .of belief sets ..to clear up .
Like ….. a question posed but phil what if there are some girls who USE your lifestyle and you …. Hmmm if girls act like EVE … what goes around the truth of their inner actions stem from PLACE of lack yes ,, their desire to deceive … yet like the average criminal they believe they are the persecuted ones in fact the in INNOCENT the jails are full of innocent people ,,look jack ass if you smoke dodp in a country where it is illegal .they you are the criminal not the unjustly accused you should have moved to place in the country or another country all together .. if you steal something just because you do not have much does not make it right … the jails are full of the unjustltly persecuted …and so ti will be tith EVE spirita s once mor ein her life she calls forth ther DOMINATE THOUGHT VIBRATION that of lack …..
Sonthing will happen it always does . what ,that will ( hope not but kinda ready ) the contrast fo the exact time and space AND ..EVE … will disappear bitching and feeling like she is the victum … the same as she came , for she brought herself with her …into the oppurutnity for something new . not realy understaninding the learning available. And that is not my problem not my responsibility … lead an EVE to water but you can not make her drink . aHHHH adventure what would youdo phil if tha bondfish raced off around that mangrove shoot over there ? I will find out when and if that happens . what will you do it such and such bad thng happens ..etc etc . so how does living your life in that state feel? Being in that state of dream ..when it is just as easy to dream up success as falure ….. my free choice to stay involved in the fear of someone else of the pleasure of my own world and creation instead of their projections of nightmares that keep them trapped ,,not moving in fear of the WHAT IF ‘S …. WHAT IF IT TURNED OUT OK ?
BELIEF … clearing up issues of BELIEF ….
Metabolism is vibrational response to your moment in time. Metabolism is the way the Energy is moving through your body. And so, everything is in response to the way you feel -- everything is. Everything is mind over matter. Every disease is mental first. Everything is about thought. Everything is about vibration. Everything is about the way you feel. Practice scenarios that feel good--and never mind reality. Reality is only a brief moment in time that you keep repeating.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, May 11th, 2002
Yet reality is the limits of the mind fuck trained into you , the teacing you that you and your body can not HEAL ITSELF WITHOUT THE DOCTOR ….. that you are fat because of other reasons , that you are confused because of fucked brain chemicsl … and this is all aobut the trainin ofyour to give VIBRATIO INCORRECTLY … in the first place. Which you repeated because you KNOW NOTHING ELSE . never guiding in any other way except to become fucked up and thus easey to control and sell you shit so you become SLAVE work and buy work and buy …. Compound multi levels lies ….
Understandingthe problems is supposed to fuel creative solution making …. And that should feel better if you believe the solution is realy possible . http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html … life is not just about taking the FISH off the hook , it is about the PREP of the tackle days in advance , it is the excitement of WAKING UP that day , it is going to the bait shop , it launching the boat , it is fixing the engine at the ramp it is BUCKING THE hIGH seas …. It is presenting the bait …. And getting SKUNKED OUT and ramping the boat ,,, then doing it all again next weekend
Monday, November 23, 2009
how to make beer
How to make beer
Now young master , you have read from me the ….. judgement about hiding in toxicins and the idea be hind the concept of IN TOXIC CATION ,, the idea od poisingin yourself in submission to ease the pain of the confuse and conquer of socialization ….. but
Beer making is FOOD making also http://www.instinctualism.org/make_beer.html , I know that as I let fruit set on the tree longer many types already start their own natural FERMN+ENTATION ….. a ntural winey ness in the falavor and a gentle relaxtion in the eating of this fruit …ok , here is the SUBLTY of shit ..
There is a big difference in the idea of growing your won barley and them make beer , or gropes or apples for fruit hard ciders or wines ,,, you action in the whole activity represents not a …ESCAPE THRU DRUG USE as much as being part of the cycle then relxing in the benifts of the whole-ness …a very different mental spiritual action connection all the way around … so as I describe , chilling next your pond in your hammoick drinking beer ..ther is a siblte difference and important one .
One very important lesson I believe in it is that you will learn aspects of FOOD STORGAE …. The whole clean clean clean aspect of making the purity of the beer is also the core of any food storage concept .
And I the learning I realized the truth …you make a beer WINE first the ,,you change that wine into SODA POP .. witht eh finall priming surgar …. But as I went way further trying to understand the steps from field to bootle , I found the world of SURGAR … syrups …. Good healthy sweetners thru doing an activity I have been involved in for years , SPROUTIN’ …. I have made my own sandwich sprouts fo f’iong years and now find out that ,,the HARD Barley …. Is best use after sprouting the dymanic changes that happen creatin surgars that can be then keep for well SURGAR USE …. As well as making beer …. Bonus !
Like in every new activity ,,, you will fall of the skateboard the first few times and with each later success you wil get better and better then want to become much more creative it the arts of skateboarding or berr making … freedom to choose life style and hobby ..and the worlds BEST BEER TO ! beers full of all the natural proteins and b vitiams that should still be there ….. so enjoy the links then go …FALL OFF THE SAKEBOARD .. enjoy the contrasts as you move form the
The position of not having the wanting …..inot the belief in the possibility of the wanting .. words do not teach but life experience does , day by day in everyway thing are getting
better and better .
If a worry about a lack of education comes up, talk it down. Acknowledge that some of the greatest contributing geniuses in your technology age did not have college degrees... They were self-taught. They had an idea and they gathered to them people who could contribute to that.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, May 1st, 2005
Ohh ow true ..that those who are not TRAPPED behind the wall of agreed uponlimits of the currentl levels of science …those outside who DO NOT KNOW THE IMPOSSIBLILTY approach things with the FEELING the blelief of posssilbity thus allowing for changes un availabl e to the belief systems ..oh those professionals patting eachother on the back behind the brick wall in heaven http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ...... giving eachother degrees baed upon their ablity to repeat dead data … instead of umproven creativity . how can you give a grade on the un yet proven …. But hell that sounds logicall .
Now young master , you have read from me the ….. judgement about hiding in toxicins and the idea be hind the concept of IN TOXIC CATION ,, the idea od poisingin yourself in submission to ease the pain of the confuse and conquer of socialization ….. but
Beer making is FOOD making also http://www.instinctualism.org/make_beer.html , I know that as I let fruit set on the tree longer many types already start their own natural FERMN+ENTATION ….. a ntural winey ness in the falavor and a gentle relaxtion in the eating of this fruit …ok , here is the SUBLTY of shit ..
There is a big difference in the idea of growing your won barley and them make beer , or gropes or apples for fruit hard ciders or wines ,,, you action in the whole activity represents not a …ESCAPE THRU DRUG USE as much as being part of the cycle then relxing in the benifts of the whole-ness …a very different mental spiritual action connection all the way around … so as I describe , chilling next your pond in your hammoick drinking beer ..ther is a siblte difference and important one .
One very important lesson I believe in it is that you will learn aspects of FOOD STORGAE …. The whole clean clean clean aspect of making the purity of the beer is also the core of any food storage concept .
And I the learning I realized the truth …you make a beer WINE first the ,,you change that wine into SODA POP .. witht eh finall priming surgar …. But as I went way further trying to understand the steps from field to bootle , I found the world of SURGAR … syrups …. Good healthy sweetners thru doing an activity I have been involved in for years , SPROUTIN’ …. I have made my own sandwich sprouts fo f’iong years and now find out that ,,the HARD Barley …. Is best use after sprouting the dymanic changes that happen creatin surgars that can be then keep for well SURGAR USE …. As well as making beer …. Bonus !
Like in every new activity ,,, you will fall of the skateboard the first few times and with each later success you wil get better and better then want to become much more creative it the arts of skateboarding or berr making … freedom to choose life style and hobby ..and the worlds BEST BEER TO ! beers full of all the natural proteins and b vitiams that should still be there ….. so enjoy the links then go …FALL OFF THE SAKEBOARD .. enjoy the contrasts as you move form the
The position of not having the wanting …..inot the belief in the possibility of the wanting .. words do not teach but life experience does , day by day in everyway thing are getting
better and better .
If a worry about a lack of education comes up, talk it down. Acknowledge that some of the greatest contributing geniuses in your technology age did not have college degrees... They were self-taught. They had an idea and they gathered to them people who could contribute to that.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Sunday, May 1st, 2005
Ohh ow true ..that those who are not TRAPPED behind the wall of agreed uponlimits of the currentl levels of science …those outside who DO NOT KNOW THE IMPOSSIBLILTY approach things with the FEELING the blelief of posssilbity thus allowing for changes un availabl e to the belief systems ..oh those professionals patting eachother on the back behind the brick wall in heaven http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html ...... giving eachother degrees baed upon their ablity to repeat dead data … instead of umproven creativity . how can you give a grade on the un yet proven …. But hell that sounds logicall .
Sunday, November 22, 2009
wolf and the pussy
Wolf and the pussy
You can spend a life time getting tapped in BOOKS in data ,, who thinks this or who thnks that out of this evidence or that ,,,but fact is we humans have been fucked up for a long time … but general understanding is all that is needed to satisfy the basis for understanding of BELIEF changes letting your self get free of ..the expectations of others . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ..... i am refering to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhenaten aka Amenhotep IV peopel spend their wole live studying shit like that and shit like bibles ,, hey if that is your FISHING POLE or yur skate board or footbll field and you find movement up the emotioanl scale there then cool http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html .... but the useful facts for one who is trying to grasp why ….. am I so twisted by the expecations of society ..of the mind fuck general idea of this long term hepls you realize this shit has been going on way to long … and you are free to BAIL at anytime … or not so free you can choose bondage .
And one choice of Bailing out and still keeping touch with the good aspects ..things like BUZZ BAKE SALE http://www.buzz103.com/ chevelle ,skindred ,anberlin ,30 seconds to mars ( always a good preformer ) ………
Building a life of your own choosing young master ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html sure sex , but the coe aspects of maslow hierachy of needs to …. The housing electric food relaxation sex family job potentials artisitic expression ,expecially after the NEED for $$$ has realy been taken out of the equation . http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
Now ….. a question was posed but what if we all lived on those 5 acres sites there would be no land left for wild animals….. first …. There will never be a 1 and only way …. We are to diverse in our DNA expression of wanting to allow for a limiting of personel expression of life stlye … http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is just 1 more free choice a blue print to GROW FROM not a rule to be followed . next is land data I use whether it is germany or the sahara desert or france or the US …. I ussaly refer to the land used to house the HOLY COW …. So lets look at where the wild wolf lives now
First it does not live ..on pasture land for the rancher HISTORICALLY has shot the wolf coyaote or Puma as fast as they showed up …. Just in case they would hunt the holy cow … 2.3 billion acres of which 1.6 billion is used the rest is park land about 600 million acres ….. of wolf home ….. The US has 2.3 billion acres of land of which about 350 million is used for growning crops , 503 million acres for forestry land , 587 million acres of pasture/range land , 108 million acres for housing/city land the balence is park land. Now forestry land is great wildlife habituate the need to CONTAIN THE TREES by putting fencing …in not proactised because tress do not walk around to much by themselves …. So animals have less fencing so you can like add another 500 million to the 600 million of Wolf housing … and still see there is a fuck of a lot of POSSIBLITYS out side of living in the TRAILER PARK or Stacked in Aptments ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html
How about your own fucking pond ..or should I say your won pond to be fucking around http://www.instinctualism.org/ponds.html … but how to do it ? so yu say you got a job at HUNGRY HOWIES …. The place you live in is rent free because the familyo f your chick owns it …. Dude you are like so fucking lucky …so commit to the tour of duty and then gain freedom ….. get another job and spend way less of smoke and shit and bail in a year …..
All the words and books ans specialists and teachers and shoulds just trap you in your head ,fuck that ….. make a choice then act on the choice feel good about the choice and leae the INSANITY BEHIND . we are all free they are free to stay stuck in their books ,,instead of laying in a hammock drinking a fesh home made beer …. I gotta do some info gathering on amking beers from scratch …. It should be like the making of soda … just get juice add tiny amount of yeast let stand out for a day then cool and drink ….. so with beer you want a higher alcohol level you just gotta let it stand out for a day or two longer …. Cap then age …..
You don't have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection -- you're going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships. The thing that most people do not understand, is that you get to control the way you feel, because you get to choose the thoughts you think. Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that's what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability, because it doesn't take very much life experience to discover you can't control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you've controlled everything that has anything to do with you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in El Paso, TX on Thursday, March 28th, 2002
You do not have to worry about their BOOKS their rules their expecatations …… you are free to want to live based on your wants , having good surfing waves within an hour of home , or build a skate park on your 5 acres . or be near good fishing …. Of course for me I gotta be near some town that will atract all day Festivals like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Values_Tour it has been a few years since the last one ..wow I got to see not only korn ( again and again ) but suprize suprize I got to finally see DEFTONES ..that was too cool …BAIL YOUNG MASTER BAIL ……
You can spend a life time getting tapped in BOOKS in data ,, who thinks this or who thnks that out of this evidence or that ,,,but fact is we humans have been fucked up for a long time … but general understanding is all that is needed to satisfy the basis for understanding of BELIEF changes letting your self get free of ..the expectations of others . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ..... i am refering to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhenaten aka Amenhotep IV peopel spend their wole live studying shit like that and shit like bibles ,, hey if that is your FISHING POLE or yur skate board or footbll field and you find movement up the emotioanl scale there then cool http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html .... but the useful facts for one who is trying to grasp why ….. am I so twisted by the expecations of society ..of the mind fuck general idea of this long term hepls you realize this shit has been going on way to long … and you are free to BAIL at anytime … or not so free you can choose bondage .
And one choice of Bailing out and still keeping touch with the good aspects ..things like BUZZ BAKE SALE http://www.buzz103.com/ chevelle ,skindred ,anberlin ,30 seconds to mars ( always a good preformer ) ………
Building a life of your own choosing young master ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/bdsm_training.html sure sex , but the coe aspects of maslow hierachy of needs to …. The housing electric food relaxation sex family job potentials artisitic expression ,expecially after the NEED for $$$ has realy been taken out of the equation . http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
Now ….. a question was posed but what if we all lived on those 5 acres sites there would be no land left for wild animals….. first …. There will never be a 1 and only way …. We are to diverse in our DNA expression of wanting to allow for a limiting of personel expression of life stlye … http://www.instinctualism.org/index.html is just 1 more free choice a blue print to GROW FROM not a rule to be followed . next is land data I use whether it is germany or the sahara desert or france or the US …. I ussaly refer to the land used to house the HOLY COW …. So lets look at where the wild wolf lives now
First it does not live ..on pasture land for the rancher HISTORICALLY has shot the wolf coyaote or Puma as fast as they showed up …. Just in case they would hunt the holy cow … 2.3 billion acres of which 1.6 billion is used the rest is park land about 600 million acres ….. of wolf home ….. The US has 2.3 billion acres of land of which about 350 million is used for growning crops , 503 million acres for forestry land , 587 million acres of pasture/range land , 108 million acres for housing/city land the balence is park land. Now forestry land is great wildlife habituate the need to CONTAIN THE TREES by putting fencing …in not proactised because tress do not walk around to much by themselves …. So animals have less fencing so you can like add another 500 million to the 600 million of Wolf housing … and still see there is a fuck of a lot of POSSIBLITYS out side of living in the TRAILER PARK or Stacked in Aptments ….. http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html
How about your own fucking pond ..or should I say your won pond to be fucking around http://www.instinctualism.org/ponds.html … but how to do it ? so yu say you got a job at HUNGRY HOWIES …. The place you live in is rent free because the familyo f your chick owns it …. Dude you are like so fucking lucky …so commit to the tour of duty and then gain freedom ….. get another job and spend way less of smoke and shit and bail in a year …..
All the words and books ans specialists and teachers and shoulds just trap you in your head ,fuck that ….. make a choice then act on the choice feel good about the choice and leae the INSANITY BEHIND . we are all free they are free to stay stuck in their books ,,instead of laying in a hammock drinking a fesh home made beer …. I gotta do some info gathering on amking beers from scratch …. It should be like the making of soda … just get juice add tiny amount of yeast let stand out for a day then cool and drink ….. so with beer you want a higher alcohol level you just gotta let it stand out for a day or two longer …. Cap then age …..
You don't have to worry about what their vibration is if your vibration is one of connection. Because if your vibration is one of connection -- you're going to dominate the vibration. This is the way you learn your relationships. The thing that most people do not understand, is that you get to control the way you feel, because you get to choose the thoughts you think. Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that's what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability, because it doesn't take very much life experience to discover you can't control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you've controlled everything that has anything to do with you.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in El Paso, TX on Thursday, March 28th, 2002
You do not have to worry about their BOOKS their rules their expecatations …… you are free to want to live based on your wants , having good surfing waves within an hour of home , or build a skate park on your 5 acres . or be near good fishing …. Of course for me I gotta be near some town that will atract all day Festivals like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_Values_Tour it has been a few years since the last one ..wow I got to see not only korn ( again and again ) but suprize suprize I got to finally see DEFTONES ..that was too cool …BAIL YOUNG MASTER BAIL ……
Saturday, November 21, 2009
100% cancer rate
100% cancer rate
PHAROH is not a person it is a thought form of our allowing , it has not been really a person since Amenhotep IV that is when the rest of the RULING CLASS figured it all out ,, the king is a dupe to be skillfully used or else he will fuck up the WHOLE GAME for everyone . Pharoh is a thought form passed down age by age , players by players without realizing it . PHAROH and EVE are exemplified in the age of Amenhotep IV ,,,, some ½ mellenium before jewish history ….. they are a broad concept of econicms system derived from socializtion mores. The success of the ROMAN model passing thru trade routes Revovling around the queen bee …. Or church head …. Or hwatever crap they have convinced a culture to give serivce, other word worhsip ,other words value $ …to
I have ben kinda wondering about why I have been bringing up Marie of Freance and her exmaple the myth built of wealth gone mad …. And amybe it was the knowing I had this one of my most favorites of client on the books todo today …… ahh what a cool house , the great room I measured out once becaue I just ahd to know I thought maybe but I just had to know … I can stick my whole 3/2. home inside the great room my ext. walls never touching their interior walls , the peak of my roof mever touching their ceiling ,,, and after the few hours it takes to clean all the glass on the inside of that room , I get so used to it , it feels like just a regurlar living room I feel at home in it like I do my own , I forget or it is no longer feelt as unuassl that I must actually WALK accros it actually pass time in that walking ….
This family is a mystery to me … I was called by a firm in boston told I was a windown cleaning referal and that blah blah blah , but the address the nieghborhood ( if you want to call it that meant a full days billing just to show up ) now most of these familys from this level I never meat in fact the staff goes out of its way to make sure I am timed before the family arrives or when the famly is out of town for a spell … not here , here I am given a day code to enter the property , their private security never personally effects m …. There is NO 24/7 STAFF they have crew that arrives at 10 am ,,cleans , exhanges laundry and leaves very hotle like in a way I, talking with the head of that crew , her trip is the faster we get done the bigger my bonus so ½ hour 45 minutes max and I am told if more people will be in the house so I can increase my crew size to accomdiate ..and from talks with her I found out that these people back gorund check you, like you do not know , they know shit about family members and will cancel an employee choice of mine because of that …. But who cares … the payemtns ROCK .
The mystery is …. Allmost every time I am schedulled ..they arre home , I mean real fucking people who talk to me by first name ohh , I know my place I do not eve care if they ask me to refer to them as ….. nope it is yes mamam and no sir …. But the most friendly down to earth folk like so many weatlhys that I do bump inot actually are .. … even stranger is I have over the years met a farily large number of the family memebers who come to relax here … they like the idea of no staff ,,of being themselves for once this place is a gt away of sorts …why talk to me I am your window washer …? Why do you remember how many kids I have? ..strange people ….. very very nice people sweet people all from grand mom down to the babys as they keep beeing born every few years . thru the family … real nice folk
The MARIE aspect a family quirk … is everyday all condiments are thrown away and fresh jars are opned , and I mean the best of the worlds fucking best mustards relsih , and jams and honey ..never older than 24 hours …. Everyone has a quirk and so what the fuck if it cost 100 buck day in jam ,,, 100 bucks will not pay the for the electric for 1 day in this place …
So today I arrive like always I let myself in the gate and the house I always expect to find it locked but no … I check to make sure I am not dsiturbing anyone .. and go to work ,,, now having family there regualr can mean that sometime during the day the boat may come in and off comes family or they arrive back from where ever later by car whatever ,, rare is it that they aer stillhanging by the time I get there these people live even grand mom lived ..while she lived ,,never saw her sitting aorun swhen she could be engaging herself in somehting going or coming …. Having fun … I thought I believed …
So today ,,, my client comes in off the tennsi courts saying I AM SORRY phil , I should have been here to greet you ( wha the fuck ? I am your window cleaner greet me my ass .. I am a window cleaner, you should not even know my name I am just a window cleaner ) no need for that maman , it is a pleasure as always to see you , and as we both like ask about the familys together , I say mine is fine and she says ,,,, well it is now OFFICAL .. 100% of us have cancer …
Uhhhhhhh what ? now I realy love these people and this did and does concern em for they are very nice people ….. this lil vaction shack of thiers is a refuge for them all and I have met , bothers and sisiter and neiecs and newphews , and total fucking strangers who I betcha are fucking inpostant players ( that is because of the peopl I do know that are in the fotos of gatherings and partys they have in various places in the house .. fucking connected behind the scenes people … but the name I have for them this family …. Does not add up but then aggain I do not fully understand wealth and power of the common wealth , like the cleaning crew, bed amking, jam changing , crew leader would say who cares who they are the $$$ rocks )
Ok 100% of the family adult has cancer … that is like all the early 30’s up in some form now of cancer or cancer post treatment … fucking wild … and so she goes on it was bad enough we all are on antidepressants or anxiety drugs .. or addicted to one thing or another ( cool alady making joke that she willput herself into the spa shortly because she is drinking scotch by the gallon again … real folk ) ….. and then she is like comparing herself positively to me ,, well me on the positive side .. about we can not ( CAN NOT ) feel any economic down turn like I sure you must have felt we are to insulated financially from that , but to check her facts with me I agreed I have felt the BITE over th last year everyone has … and she goes on , THIS FAMILY HAS NOT 1 THING TO BE despresesd or anxious or sick about yet we are all sick … we breate the finest clean air fresh from the oceans of the world and refined even further inside the house , I drink only that over priced Fiji waters or whatever take more fancy vitiamsna dn herbs …and we all have ..cancer ? eplain this to me …. That is why I did not come to greet you when you arrived phil ….. I jaut had to work out some anger an hit something .. and tennis balls are good for that
PHAROH is not a person it is a thought form of our allowing , it has not been really a person since Amenhotep IV that is when the rest of the RULING CLASS figured it all out ,, the king is a dupe to be skillfully used or else he will fuck up the WHOLE GAME for everyone . Pharoh is a thought form passed down age by age , players by players without realizing it . PHAROH and EVE are exemplified in the age of Amenhotep IV ,,,, some ½ mellenium before jewish history ….. they are a broad concept of econicms system derived from socializtion mores. The success of the ROMAN model passing thru trade routes Revovling around the queen bee …. Or church head …. Or hwatever crap they have convinced a culture to give serivce, other word worhsip ,other words value $ …to
I have ben kinda wondering about why I have been bringing up Marie of Freance and her exmaple the myth built of wealth gone mad …. And amybe it was the knowing I had this one of my most favorites of client on the books todo today …… ahh what a cool house , the great room I measured out once becaue I just ahd to know I thought maybe but I just had to know … I can stick my whole 3/2. home inside the great room my ext. walls never touching their interior walls , the peak of my roof mever touching their ceiling ,,, and after the few hours it takes to clean all the glass on the inside of that room , I get so used to it , it feels like just a regurlar living room I feel at home in it like I do my own , I forget or it is no longer feelt as unuassl that I must actually WALK accros it actually pass time in that walking ….
This family is a mystery to me … I was called by a firm in boston told I was a windown cleaning referal and that blah blah blah , but the address the nieghborhood ( if you want to call it that meant a full days billing just to show up ) now most of these familys from this level I never meat in fact the staff goes out of its way to make sure I am timed before the family arrives or when the famly is out of town for a spell … not here , here I am given a day code to enter the property , their private security never personally effects m …. There is NO 24/7 STAFF they have crew that arrives at 10 am ,,cleans , exhanges laundry and leaves very hotle like in a way I, talking with the head of that crew , her trip is the faster we get done the bigger my bonus so ½ hour 45 minutes max and I am told if more people will be in the house so I can increase my crew size to accomdiate ..and from talks with her I found out that these people back gorund check you, like you do not know , they know shit about family members and will cancel an employee choice of mine because of that …. But who cares … the payemtns ROCK .
The mystery is …. Allmost every time I am schedulled ..they arre home , I mean real fucking people who talk to me by first name ohh , I know my place I do not eve care if they ask me to refer to them as ….. nope it is yes mamam and no sir …. But the most friendly down to earth folk like so many weatlhys that I do bump inot actually are .. … even stranger is I have over the years met a farily large number of the family memebers who come to relax here … they like the idea of no staff ,,of being themselves for once this place is a gt away of sorts …why talk to me I am your window washer …? Why do you remember how many kids I have? ..strange people ….. very very nice people sweet people all from grand mom down to the babys as they keep beeing born every few years . thru the family … real nice folk
The MARIE aspect a family quirk … is everyday all condiments are thrown away and fresh jars are opned , and I mean the best of the worlds fucking best mustards relsih , and jams and honey ..never older than 24 hours …. Everyone has a quirk and so what the fuck if it cost 100 buck day in jam ,,, 100 bucks will not pay the for the electric for 1 day in this place …
So today I arrive like always I let myself in the gate and the house I always expect to find it locked but no … I check to make sure I am not dsiturbing anyone .. and go to work ,,, now having family there regualr can mean that sometime during the day the boat may come in and off comes family or they arrive back from where ever later by car whatever ,, rare is it that they aer stillhanging by the time I get there these people live even grand mom lived ..while she lived ,,never saw her sitting aorun swhen she could be engaging herself in somehting going or coming …. Having fun … I thought I believed …
So today ,,, my client comes in off the tennsi courts saying I AM SORRY phil , I should have been here to greet you ( wha the fuck ? I am your window cleaner greet me my ass .. I am a window cleaner, you should not even know my name I am just a window cleaner ) no need for that maman , it is a pleasure as always to see you , and as we both like ask about the familys together , I say mine is fine and she says ,,,, well it is now OFFICAL .. 100% of us have cancer …
Uhhhhhhh what ? now I realy love these people and this did and does concern em for they are very nice people ….. this lil vaction shack of thiers is a refuge for them all and I have met , bothers and sisiter and neiecs and newphews , and total fucking strangers who I betcha are fucking inpostant players ( that is because of the peopl I do know that are in the fotos of gatherings and partys they have in various places in the house .. fucking connected behind the scenes people … but the name I have for them this family …. Does not add up but then aggain I do not fully understand wealth and power of the common wealth , like the cleaning crew, bed amking, jam changing , crew leader would say who cares who they are the $$$ rocks )
Ok 100% of the family adult has cancer … that is like all the early 30’s up in some form now of cancer or cancer post treatment … fucking wild … and so she goes on it was bad enough we all are on antidepressants or anxiety drugs .. or addicted to one thing or another ( cool alady making joke that she willput herself into the spa shortly because she is drinking scotch by the gallon again … real folk ) ….. and then she is like comparing herself positively to me ,, well me on the positive side .. about we can not ( CAN NOT ) feel any economic down turn like I sure you must have felt we are to insulated financially from that , but to check her facts with me I agreed I have felt the BITE over th last year everyone has … and she goes on , THIS FAMILY HAS NOT 1 THING TO BE despresesd or anxious or sick about yet we are all sick … we breate the finest clean air fresh from the oceans of the world and refined even further inside the house , I drink only that over priced Fiji waters or whatever take more fancy vitiamsna dn herbs …and we all have ..cancer ? eplain this to me …. That is why I did not come to greet you when you arrived phil ….. I jaut had to work out some anger an hit something .. and tennis balls are good for that
20 girls to me
20 girls to me
hey youngmaster how would you like those odds as a teenager growing up … living in a town where all the 20 something males get married being good church raised young men , then their wives get knocked up and then talk their husbands inot going to the land of STREETS OF OGLD to make the cash and sent it back home ,,,look around you and young master you compete with these guys for jobs every where , the majority of of in BUILDING work is done by chicks , you and I like the freedom of being out of doors ,, we like playing ball on a field , surfing , hunting fishing , we do not like living in climate controls condtions , traped in concrete cages . we are out side skate boarding what ever we are out some where ,
and not the jobs that we used to have , are being done at ½ the ptirce by other men who left their girls alone to make cash and send it back home .
iw as talking to this guy form mexico named Zeek ( kinda cool name it was my AKA back in my day ) I was getting some good practice time to keep sharp on a languague if you do not use it you lose it ….. and I got off on the idea of selling himself into slavery for cash as compared to how his family his traditional people had lived for 1000’s of years before the poisin of the western influence came here to inslave his people .. and they are doing it again ,,he is here and his girl is back home …. He has been here for 5 years he can not go back home , because it was so hard to seek in the country … he pays for pussy every now then to keep his head on strainght and then sends money back home to his wife ,, who tells him how much she loves him and how great a husband he is and how she is saving herself for him ….. aline after line after line of fuckignb ullshit , for she is a HORNY HUMAN like him
remember the old facts the girls tlak to themselves about … what ever number of lovers a man said he had ,, like he says he had fucked 20 girls divied that by 3 SO THE TURTH WOULD BE 6 and so a girl says she had only 6 boyfirnds multiple that by 3 so it it will be that she has been getting fucked by 20 dudes …
back home she is fucking the young teen males of her town ,,,just human we like to fuck .he sold himself into slavery living in some apt. with 14 other men for like fucking years so , his wife can buy a TV form china …. ? and fuck the teenage guys or the wealthier older men who are still aroun till the younger guys get hitched and talked inot to moving to the US leaving towns on mountains side full of single females …to the numbers of 20 to 1 … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html is an importnat fact …hiding behind closed doors in anunderground of fear about wht otheres willthnk of them , the men paying the free market sex industry of the US , the girls are not slaves except by free choice and not understaning of the confusion they are living …. Back home the women again created their own life … because of greed a fucking statsu item here and there …
l;ast year the seed comapnys had a BANNER sales year as people stressed out by DEPRESSION said I will grow my own food and MOST 99 out of 100 failed … hey did you know tht 100 out of 100 humans that tried to WALF for the first time failed over and over and over again , you failed when you first started skate boarding over and over and over …
well all these untrained INDEPENDENT minded humans falied , they look now outside at their garden and see WEEDS …a nd bless the gROCERY for keeping them alive . when the truth of the complexity of the mind fucking is what they actually experienced ,,,
it is not some secret design ,, where forces are talking in hidden rooms planning a mind fuck … no it is the natural effects of the PHAROH/EVE socializing …in your fear of your JOB .. you ..well let me see how to sy this , will you go ut of your way to tech your customer how to do the job you do so that they can FIRE YOU ? or is it natural to sell people on the IMPORATNCE of your job , be tha DOCTOR or lawyer or indain chief ..whatver ,we protect our PHONY BALONEY JOBS . because we need the cash to buy food at PUBLIX . and housing and etc etcetc .
and then after we stumble and fall while learning to walk , while growing some food we give up for PAHROH has sold us on the impaotance of the SYSTEM … MONSANTO or DOLE and other great big agri industrys tied up wttih the SELF IMPORTANT priest hood of the ivory tower universitys… hae developed seed strains ,,so depednat on PLANT steroids ..AS THEY WILL NOT GROW IN YOUR GARDEN …. Plant steroids , these plants have to be feed and protected with a timed series of chemical stimulatnts fertilizers derived form natural gas ..and pesticides and fungicides and antibiotics … to where these poor ANIMALS the plants can no longer live on their own with MINIUM of work .like palnts they were originally grown from
look around you …even in the creacks of side walks plants find ways to grow …. http://www.instinctualism.org/sfg_gardening.html ahh but learnng the fine art of bass fishing or skate boarding or fucking video gaming … I have eor 1 year now been eating out of some SFGs I have been failing constantly ,,, in fact now understanding the BIO DYNAMICS of root intrusion , the complex chemical warfor of plants , as their roots develop poisins that other plants can not surive around so tha they wil have SOLE access tot that area ,,smost cool nature is most cool …. But these are thing sman kind has known about for millions of years realy as wel developed ,,natural FOOD FOREST AREAS hwere we would NOMADICALLY travel to arreas where thru our shit deposited seeds of the food s we enjoyed to eat . foods that did not need care …. This concept put inot methods we can use now ,,find it on a vido on this page . http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html sex sells …BDSM submisse ideas sell both sexes as girls TOO look for escape form the mind fuck … but life is more complex than her spreading her legs in the GAME SCEN only to return to her ..life as slave to PHAROH in society . use what is usefull said the sage ZHAUNGZI … 1000’s of years ago ..think for yourself . ( even in the Urantia holy book is the recommendation of the sage to explore other religions to gather the BEST OF information to make the life of you better )
But when you GMO thru selective breeding , you get an addicted organism … ohhh LIKE YOU ON CIVILAZATION ….. addicted to pharohs world . when the truth is the viedence trailis around yout to extract useful information from ….USE WHAT IS GOOD ..LEAVE THE POISIN BEHIND …. The posisin ..THE AMISH IN THEIR EXPREME religion based life to me IS TOXIC . but the core liestlye examples are great ,,, ORTHODOX mormons and their poly family also have much supporting evidence to extract form ,without having to get so WARPED as to force 12 AND 13 year old girls into marriages ….the amish remember force them to out into the world of the ENGLISH we are called ,,, and compare first before making commitments …. Free choice
But the amish life of NO ELECTRICITY …that means no frige …no light … etc , they had lived long healty happy lives for 300 years of record keeping while the Economic slaves of the European cultures were dieing in their 30’s . later 40’s and now finally amking it into their 70’s while they had been living that long on average for 100’s of yeas ..
Young master you are so fucking bored with life you BURN ! for something to do ..to FEEL ALIVE in some way ..for life is just … WHA THE FUCK ! BETTER JUST GIVE UP AND GET HIGH …NOTHING ELSE TO DO .
The hippie the flower child of 30 yearss ago …took baby steps without examining the http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html most bailed and returned to slavery …. The taste of MCDONALDS FOOD … sold their soul for surgar . until 1900 the store as we know it did not realy sell food ..because 9 out of 10 epople GREW FOOD ..only 10% realy were slave dependant city dwellers . associated with caring for the needs of the PHAROH CLASS that needed foods shipped in . convience of buying surgars or flours only augmented the self susutaining ability of self derived products but was not the ALL OR NOTHING addiction we now have .
You see, you're giving others too much power as you even acknowledge how they make you feel. What you've got to decide is how I'm going to feel. We would go to a Virtual Reality and we would practice feeling good. Manifestations come on the heels of what you've conjured in thought
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
The sage uses ,the GREED to get people to listen , then tells you over and over it is not the thing you want but the feeling of BETTER and you can have that feeling right now … by noticing so many great spects of just being fucking alive .
Baby cat will not allow me to write right now licking my finers as I type …. Will dignity ..to feely choose to want to feek better me rubbibg it’s head feels god …good..
The sin has always been realy about not following the rules which enhanced the PHAORH society so that it would function for the benift of those who sat near PHAROHS TALBE. And you have the free choice not to buy inot GOD/KING myth or mnd fuck …ohh will dignity or SOUL or higher evolved spsirt is just the expression of free choice outside of the LIE of evolved life over lower beasts life …it is just the freedom of choosing what feels better for yourself …any cat can do it . why not you ? ohh that is RIGHT you are the vovled 1’s smarter than the cat ….that is why you can not choose to FEEL BETTER but have to ask permission of a GOD . or struggle to find NIRVANNA in rules created not by the SAGE but those who used the words of the sage to DEVELOP real leagons ..of impossible life style rules to enhance the lives of MONKS or priests or kings ..once the game is onver the dream state done once you transition or to use the perjarative word DEATH … once you die … your named self no longer bio mechanically functions ..the YOU … will be … UNTHINKABLE un limited possible states and combinations of unthinkable states and THINKABLE STATES . who is to teel you it is NOT SO ..is just 1 who stands behind the brick wall in heaven surrounded by their books . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
hey youngmaster how would you like those odds as a teenager growing up … living in a town where all the 20 something males get married being good church raised young men , then their wives get knocked up and then talk their husbands inot going to the land of STREETS OF OGLD to make the cash and sent it back home ,,,look around you and young master you compete with these guys for jobs every where , the majority of of in BUILDING work is done by chicks , you and I like the freedom of being out of doors ,, we like playing ball on a field , surfing , hunting fishing , we do not like living in climate controls condtions , traped in concrete cages . we are out side skate boarding what ever we are out some where ,
and not the jobs that we used to have , are being done at ½ the ptirce by other men who left their girls alone to make cash and send it back home .
iw as talking to this guy form mexico named Zeek ( kinda cool name it was my AKA back in my day ) I was getting some good practice time to keep sharp on a languague if you do not use it you lose it ….. and I got off on the idea of selling himself into slavery for cash as compared to how his family his traditional people had lived for 1000’s of years before the poisin of the western influence came here to inslave his people .. and they are doing it again ,,he is here and his girl is back home …. He has been here for 5 years he can not go back home , because it was so hard to seek in the country … he pays for pussy every now then to keep his head on strainght and then sends money back home to his wife ,, who tells him how much she loves him and how great a husband he is and how she is saving herself for him ….. aline after line after line of fuckignb ullshit , for she is a HORNY HUMAN like him
remember the old facts the girls tlak to themselves about … what ever number of lovers a man said he had ,, like he says he had fucked 20 girls divied that by 3 SO THE TURTH WOULD BE 6 and so a girl says she had only 6 boyfirnds multiple that by 3 so it it will be that she has been getting fucked by 20 dudes …
back home she is fucking the young teen males of her town ,,,just human we like to fuck .he sold himself into slavery living in some apt. with 14 other men for like fucking years so , his wife can buy a TV form china …. ? and fuck the teenage guys or the wealthier older men who are still aroun till the younger guys get hitched and talked inot to moving to the US leaving towns on mountains side full of single females …to the numbers of 20 to 1 … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html is an importnat fact …hiding behind closed doors in anunderground of fear about wht otheres willthnk of them , the men paying the free market sex industry of the US , the girls are not slaves except by free choice and not understaning of the confusion they are living …. Back home the women again created their own life … because of greed a fucking statsu item here and there …
l;ast year the seed comapnys had a BANNER sales year as people stressed out by DEPRESSION said I will grow my own food and MOST 99 out of 100 failed … hey did you know tht 100 out of 100 humans that tried to WALF for the first time failed over and over and over again , you failed when you first started skate boarding over and over and over …
well all these untrained INDEPENDENT minded humans falied , they look now outside at their garden and see WEEDS …a nd bless the gROCERY for keeping them alive . when the truth of the complexity of the mind fucking is what they actually experienced ,,,
it is not some secret design ,, where forces are talking in hidden rooms planning a mind fuck … no it is the natural effects of the PHAROH/EVE socializing …in your fear of your JOB .. you ..well let me see how to sy this , will you go ut of your way to tech your customer how to do the job you do so that they can FIRE YOU ? or is it natural to sell people on the IMPORATNCE of your job , be tha DOCTOR or lawyer or indain chief ..whatver ,we protect our PHONY BALONEY JOBS . because we need the cash to buy food at PUBLIX . and housing and etc etcetc .
and then after we stumble and fall while learning to walk , while growing some food we give up for PAHROH has sold us on the impaotance of the SYSTEM … MONSANTO or DOLE and other great big agri industrys tied up wttih the SELF IMPORTANT priest hood of the ivory tower universitys… hae developed seed strains ,,so depednat on PLANT steroids ..AS THEY WILL NOT GROW IN YOUR GARDEN …. Plant steroids , these plants have to be feed and protected with a timed series of chemical stimulatnts fertilizers derived form natural gas ..and pesticides and fungicides and antibiotics … to where these poor ANIMALS the plants can no longer live on their own with MINIUM of work .like palnts they were originally grown from
look around you …even in the creacks of side walks plants find ways to grow …. http://www.instinctualism.org/sfg_gardening.html ahh but learnng the fine art of bass fishing or skate boarding or fucking video gaming … I have eor 1 year now been eating out of some SFGs I have been failing constantly ,,, in fact now understanding the BIO DYNAMICS of root intrusion , the complex chemical warfor of plants , as their roots develop poisins that other plants can not surive around so tha they wil have SOLE access tot that area ,,smost cool nature is most cool …. But these are thing sman kind has known about for millions of years realy as wel developed ,,natural FOOD FOREST AREAS hwere we would NOMADICALLY travel to arreas where thru our shit deposited seeds of the food s we enjoyed to eat . foods that did not need care …. This concept put inot methods we can use now ,,find it on a vido on this page . http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html sex sells …BDSM submisse ideas sell both sexes as girls TOO look for escape form the mind fuck … but life is more complex than her spreading her legs in the GAME SCEN only to return to her ..life as slave to PHAROH in society . use what is usefull said the sage ZHAUNGZI … 1000’s of years ago ..think for yourself . ( even in the Urantia holy book is the recommendation of the sage to explore other religions to gather the BEST OF information to make the life of you better )
But when you GMO thru selective breeding , you get an addicted organism … ohhh LIKE YOU ON CIVILAZATION ….. addicted to pharohs world . when the truth is the viedence trailis around yout to extract useful information from ….USE WHAT IS GOOD ..LEAVE THE POISIN BEHIND …. The posisin ..THE AMISH IN THEIR EXPREME religion based life to me IS TOXIC . but the core liestlye examples are great ,,, ORTHODOX mormons and their poly family also have much supporting evidence to extract form ,without having to get so WARPED as to force 12 AND 13 year old girls into marriages ….the amish remember force them to out into the world of the ENGLISH we are called ,,, and compare first before making commitments …. Free choice
But the amish life of NO ELECTRICITY …that means no frige …no light … etc , they had lived long healty happy lives for 300 years of record keeping while the Economic slaves of the European cultures were dieing in their 30’s . later 40’s and now finally amking it into their 70’s while they had been living that long on average for 100’s of yeas ..
Young master you are so fucking bored with life you BURN ! for something to do ..to FEEL ALIVE in some way ..for life is just … WHA THE FUCK ! BETTER JUST GIVE UP AND GET HIGH …NOTHING ELSE TO DO .
The hippie the flower child of 30 yearss ago …took baby steps without examining the http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html most bailed and returned to slavery …. The taste of MCDONALDS FOOD … sold their soul for surgar . until 1900 the store as we know it did not realy sell food ..because 9 out of 10 epople GREW FOOD ..only 10% realy were slave dependant city dwellers . associated with caring for the needs of the PHAROH CLASS that needed foods shipped in . convience of buying surgars or flours only augmented the self susutaining ability of self derived products but was not the ALL OR NOTHING addiction we now have .
You see, you're giving others too much power as you even acknowledge how they make you feel. What you've got to decide is how I'm going to feel. We would go to a Virtual Reality and we would practice feeling good. Manifestations come on the heels of what you've conjured in thought
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
The sage uses ,the GREED to get people to listen , then tells you over and over it is not the thing you want but the feeling of BETTER and you can have that feeling right now … by noticing so many great spects of just being fucking alive .
Baby cat will not allow me to write right now licking my finers as I type …. Will dignity ..to feely choose to want to feek better me rubbibg it’s head feels god …good..
The sin has always been realy about not following the rules which enhanced the PHAORH society so that it would function for the benift of those who sat near PHAROHS TALBE. And you have the free choice not to buy inot GOD/KING myth or mnd fuck …ohh will dignity or SOUL or higher evolved spsirt is just the expression of free choice outside of the LIE of evolved life over lower beasts life …it is just the freedom of choosing what feels better for yourself …any cat can do it . why not you ? ohh that is RIGHT you are the vovled 1’s smarter than the cat ….that is why you can not choose to FEEL BETTER but have to ask permission of a GOD . or struggle to find NIRVANNA in rules created not by the SAGE but those who used the words of the sage to DEVELOP real leagons ..of impossible life style rules to enhance the lives of MONKS or priests or kings ..once the game is onver the dream state done once you transition or to use the perjarative word DEATH … once you die … your named self no longer bio mechanically functions ..the YOU … will be … UNTHINKABLE un limited possible states and combinations of unthinkable states and THINKABLE STATES . who is to teel you it is NOT SO ..is just 1 who stands behind the brick wall in heaven surrounded by their books . http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
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