Monday, December 7, 2009

thrilled pussy

A thrilled pussy
( bake sale rocked , wet but fun ..see you next year ! )

What rings your bells , what has your dreams gone inot because the level of your experience of other fansty has beeen ALMOST SO real that the brain ahs accepted the realness as a now the brain actually created experience memeory dentrites similar to if you had lived real life …. PORN PORN PORN to the point your brain believes you lived it ..a FORM OF DNA memeory not consiuolsy lived memeory , differences between dream ememory and the totall ality of the BIO MACHINE TO FILTER DATA.. we only use 2 gigs of perscpection for activie living. …. So that you had to expand into even greater FANSATY to keep the URGE the flow of energy and passion , flowing going going out into even move levels of FANSSTY . to keep life worth living and striving for , because we are expansion Beings … if we stop we wither get despressed and die slow.
This paper reports initial findings from a randomized controlled trial conducted on 9 subjects to investigate the effect of two mental training programs (a mindfulness meditation and learning to play a guitar) on their BCI performance. After 4 weeks of intervention, results show that subjects who had undergone a program of mindfulness meditation improved their BCI performance scores significantly compared to a no-treatment control group. Subjects who were learning to play a guitar also improved their BCI performance scores but not as much as the meditation group.

Doing it in the mind was actually more real for the brain that the HANDS ON practice . for hands on brought withit the expreince of FALURE , that MASTRUBATION DOES NOT ! he is always the best lover possible in your mind … and for you yong master she never says nO in your mind and always responds with good loud orgasims in your mind but that does not happen ALL WAYS in reality …

So what is happening is htat you BOUNCE off of mental expreince to further more abstract mental experiences sometimes without fully , EXPERINCING THE ..PYSHICHAL manifestation at all . you kinds skipped right on by the HERE AND NOW of feeling the wants you had dreamed of ..becuase of the LIVING THRU …. VIRTUAL LIVING TV LIVING .. actually it is excessive stimulation living , beyond the Dan design of the bio machine hey some day humanity amy be ..up to speed with this if we do have the ablity to FEED THE MACHINE ….. the matrix . we are virtually plugged inot ,,, KNOWLEDGE AVAILABLE ON THE INTER –NET is very different from … MASTRUBATION CONTENT … words are not LIVING the are UN LIT cnalde to guide us in the expreince of PYHSICAL LIVING …. When we use the candle ..lite the words and use the guidance available for that candle we have the oppruutinty to SEE ! thru darkeness of IGORNANCE ….

The excess of stimulation beyond the DNA design ..the DAN history the DNA memeory of our BIO MACHINES . leaves us feeling again CONFUSED . for we have wants …. And the thning that it is POSSIBLE but ..since the LEARNING OR LIVING HAD NOT REALY HAPPENED TO THE …BIO MACHINE THERE IS AN .interanl ..inCONGRUITY . this actually is very much the problem with child raising sometimes OVER STIMULATION ,,, in an attempt to live up to the idea that other shave of being a good PARANT AND SHOWING LVOE BY SHOWERING THE young mind with excess STUFF …. Meantal and pyshical . often way beyond their ablity to process the DATA ….

On TV or internet they keep CHANGING aspects of the bachgorund every few seconds to stimulate the ANIMAL instinct be aware of our surroundings , SINCE DEEP IN OUR HISTORY is the the PREY ANIMAL … WE HAD TO BE AWARE OF SURROUNDING CHANGES TO SINGAL WHEN A PREDITOR was hunting us … tst if for yourself on tv shows etc , count the seconds between major camera changes and how this draws your focus back to the screen ..OVER STIMUALITNG THE … FLIGHT OR FIGHT response of the human animal we did not have that msuh …. Changes going on in day to day life recorded in the SURVIAL INSTINCTS of our DNA machines .

We are ….. bio machines and toa users and … mind fucked slaves … and FREE TO CHOICE something different .

So you can see EVEIDENCE trails showing that DENTRITE FORRRMATION happens jus t in MENTAL EXERCISE …… the same as real living yet you wake up and there is NO ! REALITY ….. AND YOUR FEEL jipped …. Lied to unhappy confused … less than … dperesesed … etcetc etc …. And this continuation of experinceon many subjests fucking sucks … ! your brain expandined due to CLEAR MENATL LIVING but when you get out of the VIRTUAL WORKD AND step into your real workd nono fthe shit is thers and you have to GET ACCUSTIMED to this INCONRUIOSNESS of modern living which is way way beyond the adaptation of the DNA bio machine .

Now on this topic is where the VOICE OF TH SAGE and SHAM ( self help actualization movement ) problem issues of use come in ,,, the sage is correct ,, in the MAGICAL POSSIBLITY OF …TAO … yet we did come here to experience limits .. that too is a GIMMEEE . we came here to experience thru EVOVLING bio macine but that too has QUANTUM AGREEMENT lmits passed from genenration to generation supported by the belief system provided by observationa dn data collection fo the SCIENCES … or the IVORY TOWER … and then ther esi you WHO . IS LEARNING OUTSIDE OF THE …BOX ….. different dentrite pathways of possible being created . …BELIEF nothing happens outside of your belif in its possibility ,,,,, THE CONCEPT OF ….. NAMED ( you can experience a hurricane if it were not named and desciribed 1st other wise you would be the 1 to do the describing and NAMING of ..hurriciane . )

The OVERLOAD .. forces you to shut donw … to give up .. For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue
by Richard Harris
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,( “I’ll be home late got loads of work say good night to the kids for me “ you told your wife … “hi sally I ‘ll see you in about 10 minutes wear nothing at all ,,,,,”
5. blaming , ( is after solution building could not happen )
6. dominating , bossing , bullying ( wife beating , bashing your favorite truck with big metal sticks )
7. needing to win , hating to lose ( with your friends you are able to build compromises about where to go fishing , after a while not with your wife can you any longer compromise )
8. forming alliances , organizing against
9. submission , obedience , compliance ( giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser )
10. courting Favor ( begging )
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
the confuse and conquer ……. There are so many issues in our day to day lives it is only logical to give those which h we belive we have some form of HANDS ON control give them our attention and give up on others . the issues that are hands on? SEX MONEY FAMILY …. And they themselves are complex . Talk radio scientists ….. veruss a world of real scientists …. Sure there is choosing this data and that data going into a OVER VIEW presentation … EVERYONE IS A salesman . the priests class of the ivory tower .

We are not pointing any fingers, because there is no blame or judgment from where we are standing. But we have to say to you that we are all part of all that occurs.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, January 31st, 1999
BROADER VIEW …for humanis not the end all to end all of IN FI NITY … we are part of something greater ….the BEINGNESS of the planet itself . .... we are the fire starter and miner … expressing traped solar energy back out to space so Gaia does not get FAT … but there is HEALTY WAYS of doing it … just like any dieting . crash diets can be bad ,,, changes in over all action or life style .. depending on the expression of a 1 in 10,000 type of person who like all people will live in their own best interst , to trust them to act in the best interests of the whole is thru our history ,, is unrealitic ,,those whose rise like that are examples of jus that ,, a 1 in 10,000 almost birth defected soicaopahtic , to the point of a well hidden LIAR and king mentality … that mind feels ITSELF as to be the end all of ALL ..not just a pariticle in a greater whole …BRAODER PRESPCETIVE .. this is just the evidence trail the throwing a rock into the air … solitary leaders are not trust worthy ,,THE BENOVELNT CORPARTION ,,, is not ..
The less tressed you are the more you have …shit under control , the more MIND YOU HAVE LEFT TO watch . these shitheads . so the having of maslow under your hands on , frees us all , the other 9,999

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