Thursday, December 10, 2009

diet pussy

Radish greens and pussy

Ahhh what does PHIL want ..well radish greens and pussy are 2 things PHIL LIKES … raw foods both ……. So many chicks are into dieting and yet the idea that activity plus growing the greens sutff they eat just semms UN NATURAL . when it is acutallythe most natural … it is fashionable now to drink activa a PROBIOTIC ,,,to put back what was once natural …. So now we have PRE-BIOTICS … again some COMPANY is making that cash selling you the sutff they took out of the processed foods they sold you in the first place …… stuff on which the bacteria we naturally live in haromnoius balance … the stuff they needed to naturally live in and help the human orgaism be healthy … PROBIOTICS .

Confuse and conquer ….. create the problem then sell you the solution …. The emporoer requested to meet with Zhaunagzi ,, to ask him how he could learn to use the power of Tao to better HELP the people …. And zhauangzi said it is you’all and your help that is hurting the people leave them alone and they will return to their nature and be just fine …. But there is no WORSHIP in tht for rulers or priests ….. the whole idea that we think it is natural this Hierarchy of witch doctor priest pharohs kings and shit that we call the naturalist the instinctualist an ANARCHIST … but BROADER view ..thinking outside of the HTOGUHTS THAT CREATED THE PROBLEM … you view the NATURE OF HUMANITY different NOT CHIMP ….. but most probably like our cock shows ..the acorn head on a shaft ( the length of the shaft ..unatural bred ..ike big tits have been unnaturally bred ) braoder stream of info ..even to the thickness of our sperm as it reltes to sperm competiveness of the INSTINCUTAL MATING FAMILY UNIT … not chimp or bonobbo which both are complex city form with HIERARCHYNESS …. ( and blood lust )
According to Murray Rothbard, Zhuangzi was "perhaps the world's first anarchist"; Zhuangzi said, the world "does not need governing; in fact it should not be governed," and, "Good order results spontaneously when things are let alone." Zhuangzi was the first to work out the idea of spontaneous order, before Proudhon and Hayek.[2]
Look if a speices is BAD ..then it will kill itself off …… a ceratin percentage of birth.defected members who act out in way BAD …ussally do not get picked for mating purposes ..and their DNA CEASES … or straight up they get OFF’D because of their stupidity . …leave us alone PHAROH …. Is the best help . but there ain’t no profit int hat for the FUNCTIOANL SOCIOPATH expression allowed to live becaue of the FEAR OF DEATH ….. everyone dies even JESUS hd to die first ….. so get that thru your head ..and get rid of the FEAR and start to live what you do HAVE NOW . and you will find you NATURALLY open doors for people ….. nice …. Unless stressed and confused …then you exhibit the symptoms of the effects of manipulation
1. resistance , defiance , rebellion , negativism
2. resentment , anger , hostility
3. aggression , retaliation , striking back
4. lying ,( “I’ll be home late got loads of work say good night to the kids for me “ you told your wife … “hi sally I ‘ll see you in about 10 minutes wear nothing at all ,,,,,”
5. blaming , ( is after solution building could not happen )
6. dominating , bossing , bullying ( wife beating , bashing your favorite truck with big metal sticks )
7. needing to win , hating to lose ( with your friends you are able to build compromises about where to go fishing , after a while not with your wife can you any longer compromise )
8. forming alliances , organizing against
9. submission , obedience , compliance ( giving the fuck up and investing your money in Budweiser )
10. courting Favor ( begging )
11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new
12. withdrawing , escaping , fantasying , regression
one who is connected with source does not display the above …

ONE CONNECTED TO SOURCE HAS NO disease …… ? HUH ? that is to braod a statement ..only for the mind fucked over advertised brain who has been trained to THINK as the PROFIT SYSTEM wants them to …. But think for your self … when you are happy living in passion you are UNSTOPPABLE . even if you got sick your EXCITEMENT for living will over ride any sysmpton and soon any possible is-ease IS FORGETTEN andyou got better faster than normal …

Think globally act locally and how can it be more local that at home ,,, … fuck the $ fuck the $ fuck the $ … go way beyond the TRAP of living within the mind fuck . to living withint he NATURALDESIGN BEFORE THE …time of pharoh …. The OP is still there in the growth of a radish green ,,,, wha a Radish green ? fuck the grens are better than the root … young they contain about a 23% whole proteien putting them in line with soya only a few percent less than chicken … now add some sunflower earth grown sprouts and you get a whole protein more complex than MEAT … and at higher percentages than groddy dead animal flesh ,,ahh but remember PHIL likes to kill his own food … in fact was a wild foods harvester of meat for aliving for many years … but hey remember I love meat so …. CLICK ON THE naked CHICK …

SO FREE I CAN CHOOSE ….. over and over and over is NOT ABOUT total separation from economy but , the hands on ablity of KNOWING life is REALY in your hands provided free by nature ..that gives a freedom to yur interaction afterwards with Economy ,, you are NO LONGER SLAVE … but master . having a base feeling of control so that you interact from a postion of CHOICE instead of HAVE TO’s

It is not about SUFFERING while everyone has real cool shit ….. no no no .. go chase the real cool shit from the position of NOT NEEDING ANY OF IT but wanting it because wanting makes you feel GOOD … alignment with source ,,not chasing the position in hierarchy ….. but chasing real good tasting bananas ? ( to put things into ancient pre PHAROH MOTIVES … pre your position in the EYES OF 2ND MIND … how you look in the HIERACHY . ) once you have a sense of control freedom to act and live outside of the need to been SEEN by others as living up to the GROUP expectation , living outside of 2nd mind ….. once you can see the bike kit as FREEDOM not follishness …. Then any re-entry into econmy is done from the PLACE OF WANTING … not NEEDING …

The joyous place you may be standing is temporary, and the abhorrent place that you may be standing is temporary. Your now reality is only a temporary, momentary culmination of what youve been thinking about.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Dallas, TX on Saturday, November 2nd, 2002
The sages have been repeating for years the only real constant hing is CHANGE … expansion of in fi nity …. The possible combinations .. each unique born of things like new DNA assemblage baby ,, each unique born of the combination of STATIC EGG form mommy and the daily changing DNA expression of fresh sperm from daddy … gives rise to a slightly changed DAN bio machine which will then perceive IT’S EXPREINCE SLIGHTLY DIFFEREENTLY AND THU CREATE NEW OPPURUTUNITY FOR CLAIFLYING wants AS IT RELATES THE THE 1 BIO MACHINE AND USER OF IT … contrast stimulates the expansion of TAO EXPERINCE ..of data … lived .. ,,the wanted steming from experience of unwanted ….
freedom comes ..from a level or real control over baisis aspects of maslow … I have had a million dollars of VIRTUAL LOSES over the years as paper profits rose and fell due to econimcs or acts of god ( huriicane Andrew for 1 ) and law suits … but everyday around 12 noon ..reality ICKS in and I am HUNGRY ..that is reality .. DOLLARS with PHAROH concept images printed on them ,, have value only when other bELIEVE they do … my plants throught out my yard that have been feeding me now for over 1 years , KNOW nothing about Pharoh …. It s a sense of freedom that dollars can not buy . ( ohhhyeah but what about taxes …. Never ending mind fucking and fear on your part … 300 bucks a year tax bite for 5 acres zoned AG a nothing issue ..that is 1 hemp bracelet tied per day ,, 10 minutes then sold yearly to awholsler ,,but again this is EXPREME …. Separation idea , I am not about that … I am having the HANDS on experience then FREE to choose to chase the Golden carrot ..FREE of need of the golden carrot )

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