Friday, December 25, 2009

pussy wanna milky boner

Pussy wann a milky boner

MY ATTENTION ON WHAT IS …. I , we came here to experience NO’s .. an agreement state wehere we all said … NO more magic ..limitations .. points of references that we can some what deal with thru a tool of bio mechanics .. a brain to process things thus far evolved to handle about 2 gigs at a conssiuos level .. ( the bio machine processes ands toes and esl with much much more data ) but us we deal with about 2 gigs of experience at anyone INSTANT or second . life is supposed to be fun and in finding life fun or NOT fun you EITHER WANT to expres the REPLICATION of bio menchaincs or not ,, y=( you nay be express it because you feel it is SOCIALLY EXPECTED .. or is fashionable youg women having kids is like the new hadn bag some areas ) that is not what I am talking about … I am talking about choosing to be a DINK or gay .. when the facts is for gay ,,there is not homo sexual gene expcept in 1% or th 3% birth mututations … a very small percentage for ,, homosexual genes do NOT reproduce themselves they are homo sexual DUH …. No JUDGE MENTS just exploration or the wanted and unwanted and
BOYCOTT UGANDA … buy so. American coffees Uganda is trying to enact death penalty for being gay ,,sick !

The evidence trail of FUN or FEAR …. Confusion worry stress … to the pint your only options are X Y and Z of course you exercise the presented option forms … is just 1 more free choice ..did you see the fruitiarian . video .. the site plan the food forest 100’s upon 100’s of fruit producers ( ohh yes and game animals also we found birds in the trees fish were easy to catch ) …..the evidence trail of dental examine on the 13 million years fossil homids shows wear patterns in harmony with a fruit eater .. your hands and teeth are designed to eat fruit…. But for PHAROHS slaves and armys ,,it was better to have TRAVELING FOOD SUPPLYS ,, like hard dyed grains to make breads and meat because they walk by themselves …. Sure we eat seeds of fruit ..but not in BREAD . especially high gluton shit ,,the true beigining of TOOTH DECAY in humaity is the beginning of high glutom sicky wheat breads and cakes . again of PHAROHS TIME . but now on to some thing more abstaratc that even this .

I had a student once that I was teaching about passing thru solid walls or doors …. And again explaining the PYSHICS of subatomic particle of atomic particle of atmospshere itself … having all the material into IT suppeneded that would make up a human bio macine .. already , and it does pass thru things like concrete or a door even thru vapor barriered things … just a way slower rates … but the THINGNESS will and does pass thru common shit all the time , the same stuff that you and I are made of

But if you were to appear coming thru a wall you would be BREAKING THE RULES … and you YOURSELF and everyone else would not acknowledge your GREATNESS because realy behind the Wants of this skill is you wanting to SHOW OFF geatneess to plac eyoursel fin a HIERACHY above others . …. Not part of the agreement state of this adventure PLATFORM . we at our deepest truest selves know the equality of of us all even down to the single celled ..being ness even to the beingness of the building block ,,the QUANTA itself equal in all ways to me .. to think about that understand that brings you into a state of IN FIN NITY so braod you do not realy come back .. because the quantity of QUANTAS in just 1 atome or a compoung molecule or cell single is so many BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS TO THE BILLIONTH POWER . and we are all the SAME ? you mean that is the same importance as em the GREAT AND WONDERFUL human being ? yep! All of the building blocks are ..i…. in …. I ….. the guided imagery is to show you your vast ness yet your smallness … NO SIZE ..NO TIME ..NO SPACE … no jusdgements of hierhay ,,no right hand of GOD ….

So once the student got the idea they could then pass thru walls …. For their own personel recreation ..but toe ver speak of this to anyone else would eman being judged as PHYCO PUPPY …. Woof woof pussy wanna milk bone …

As you ..if you get inot listening to eht ENTERTAINER Ester .. who does speak with the clarity of the sage …. Think back to the idea of UN IMPOSSIBLITY … and how to be ther would cause such chaos to the experience of REGULATED TIME SPACE VENTS chronlogial order from which we can have a paly ground I which to create or build with BLOCKS LIKE CHILDREN .

It is lke becoming the block of metal ..the bio machine goes on AUTO POILT … expecting your return …. WHILE YOU AND THE ONLY WAY TO DEAL WITH IT AND stya ture ot the agreement state …. You go dream …. And whatever you dream is POSSIBLE ….. for toa has not IM POSSIBLITY . but the agreement state ..this football field where we chosse to play by the same rules well this does .. rules KEPT TRUE IN THE DNA ….
Back to POLY LIFE And being human ….. back to DNA expectations and living more HAPPY …. Think for yourself .think out side the box …

You are the creator of your own life experience, and as the creator of your experience, it is important to understand that it is not by virtue of your action, not by virtue of your doing—it is not even by virtue of what you are saying—that you are creating. You are creating by virtue of the thought that you are offering.
You cannot speak or offer action without thought-vibration occurring at the same time; however, you are often offering a thought-vibration without offering words or action. Children or babies learn to mimic the vibration of the adults who surround them long before they learn to mimic their words.

--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
Vibration is just another word tool for thinking ..what is a thought can you buy a cup of thought ?

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