Sunday, December 27, 2009

dusty pussy

Dusty pussy

Face down on the ground breathing in DUST you will no longer be looking for your bible but to your creator to get you THRU ……

The WORD TOOL of the sage spoken thru the hierachial tribal leader of an ABORGINAL north American 1st nations p[eople ..all just word tool … trying to make sense of the myths told to him by grand pa who was making sense of the myth told to him by his grand pa , and so on and so on ….

But the honeslty ..of the SUN DANCE .. shows wisdom ..everywhere is heave said grandpa the leader of today ,,gandpa knew that SPIRIT is every where … always in ALL WAYS . hearing voices….npr on sat dec 26 ….. the aboringal voice of the sage before HIERACHY of witch doctor . or worshiped preists ,, all felt their connection to . ..... feeling that air itself was an equality the spirit of life was nevered feared … LIE AND EDEATH were UNDERSTOOD as TRANSITIONING forms …of awareness ,,,, not this BLACK AND WHITE fear based concept of PAHAORH’S mind control

Go beyond universe , the reward of heaven after flowing the RULES of god.kins , the myths born of HIERACHIAL slave /AMSTER eco system expression of sociapathic human ……
Now let go to TAODYS Yemmen … running out of oil ain’t got no WATER and has I illiteracy na big time unemployement for the Slaves who depend on CITY for life issues l like food and water …. And so with the bleak out look AlQUEDA gives NEW HOPE to the people the slaves …. Now it is just the same old HIERACHY system .. with no real improvements but it is some form of hope that PHAROH system backed by Western consumption of oil us Europe and the us … and the new china us the new BABLYLON … us the new PAHAROH EXPRESSION .. is not not fulfilling the needs of the slave work force we FOLLED INOT COMING INOT THE CITY . remember these cultures have 30,000 year old history of being desert nomads , they realy do not NEED us but we addicted them to ur systems and so like any junkie now without DOPE they are getting Strung out and stressed looking for a new FIX ….

So the US …us ..last year while we have our own $$$$ problems send Yemmen 700 MILLION in miliatray AID … go back a month or 2 in blogs to get the DATA on how many 100’s OF THOUSANDS OF MILES OF OIL PIPE LINES WE HAVE ,,GET THE DATA FROM Isreals plan to build a 400 mile water pipe line for 2.3 billion , and REMEMBER war fixes nothing …. And then say to yourself . VOTER ..BOSS OF THE UNITED STATES IN REALITY … that 700 million would have been 1/3 of the nation wide irrigation system

Bringin them back to ..the slaves back to nature …. Would ruin the SLAVE useage of human ,,, the available human resource for PHAROH … in the city .

War is better keeps everyone DIVIDED AND CONQUERED ..confusion is just divided attention . confuse and conquer ..keep you stressed out at home , dependant on leaders to think about larger issues because your day to day life is stressing you out so much . banking on PHAROH …

700 million would pay 1/3 of the greening of the deserts of yemmen , providing food foresting ,,,, thru out history the average family fam size has ended up being about 5 acres … it seems to be a natural norm , when humanity is left alone and UN GREEDY . yemmen like most countrys has plenty of land for its slaves .. much more than is needed …. Studytthe greening the desert videos of bill mollison and find out ,,, in a few yeas there is no need for warfare because the happy contented well fed population ..would not want to destroy their GOOD LIFE to die for … ideal not needed .. why struggle for heaven and the end to suffereing if sufferieng here and now is OVER . suffereing is the creation of the PHAROH CONCEPT and the TRICKING OF SALVES with promises of gold covered streets and gold chains and fashion .

It will take the VOTER …. To make the real change , a voter who thnks for themselves and does not listen to the 5000 year old lies of PHAROH … and Priests who have vested $$$$ interests in maintaining the status quo .

If we were talking to you on your first day here we would say, "Welcome to planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be or do or have. And your work here—your lifetime career—is to seek joy.
"As you think thoughts that feel good to you, you will be in harmony with who-you-really-are. And in doing so you will utilize your profound freedom. Seek joy first, and all of the growth that you could ever imagine will come joyously and abundantly unto you."

--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
You can here the audi clip from a dowlaod here
FEEL the tension in your body ,,, notice the sublte muscle tightening you express when you think about certain topics ,,,, compounded this tightening restricts blood and proper functioning of the bio machine which in time will express as DIS-EASE ,,, dis in a problem with or lack of ..Ease as in Ease .. or FEAR really core fear of death ,,, not understanding of tth CONCEPT OF …. TAO ..TRANSISTIONING OF ..THE unthinkable ness which is you … a story to help you FEEL that UN THINKABLENESS of you …

Your thinking actuall is based upon the lack side of the equation … on the topic of your think ing whenyou feel the difference between slightly tightened muscles and relaxed muscles . …. And here you find the PRESCITION to a health care plan without doctors . first over and over , is the CORE fear of DEATH .. so muchyou have to CONSTANTLY PRAY to god in fear of death … we seems to be the ONLY bio machine so scared of death … remember you are only BIO MACHINE …. Take a TEA CUP PODDLE and a Great Dane … and we KNOW they are both speicies DOG …. Take you and take Gorilla and the see blood , bones , eyes , fingers , babys , lungs ,,even to sperm comparison and head of the COCK designe ( we have a longer shaft evolved by un antural hierarchy display over 10 thousand years like TITS large tita re unnatural and back for chicks backs but usefull in HIERACHY DISPLAY ..that is why chcikc get boob jobs .. hierarchy displays )….. aboriginal man felt the word of the sage saying THERE IS NO DEATH ..only transisiton waking from the dream then choosing to eneter a new dream .
Give this knowledge to the people of Yemmen along with irrgted desert and there will be no WAR .

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