Friday, December 4, 2009

fan club of pussy

A fan club of pussy

I think this has to do with the TIGER WOODS issue …he entered into the ONLY relationship CONTRACT and form that is commom to our culture ,not worldwide only 60 out 190 countrys are restirictive of poly famlys ….the unnatural-ness the manipulation eventually epresses it self and their 3 KIDS play the mental price .

Young miss so I have a fan club …?... thanks for that comment of support ( young miss how can you have a daugheter of that age .. when you look 20 something yourself yu must have had an INTERSTING time of ? ? is it because of HER ? you support me in my attempt sin promoting 1 MORE FREE CHOICE as I was talking with a young master … HE IS NOT WOTHRY WITH OUT DOING HIS ..toru of duty down the page abit then add on the no fear page .. … and she should not date any non WORthy OF HER . for her choices iws what will motivate yong master in reality . her choices will EVOLVE young master or keep him WEAK a salve to acting out of FASHION in hopes of getting Alucky WITH YOUR DAUGHTER …
… Hmmm what if ‘s …. What if’s hypo theory … it is about TEEPEE HOUSE of aboriginal man kind before the mind fuck of suexuall confusion manipulation …TEEPEE house had no locked doors to hide form GOD behind go back to your NIN cd’s pretty ahte machine …. And listen to the sounds of CONFUSIN …. Thnk deeply about that INSANITY to hide from the eyes of GOD because of a closed locked door ? .. what if the epression of your won masturbation of sexual NATURAL HUMAN ACTIVITY AND alignment with source was done without DOORS t hide behind ? ,,, FEELING GOOD withint he design of the human body ..the ffelign fo HAPPY AND GOOD NESS … what if .. you BLEEDING AGE DUGHTER who you brought to JAMINN was expssoed to it in haromony with nature .. do you realy want her to express her confusion by being tied up and getting RAPED because of her need is not allowed to be espressed naturally so bothe male and female expresss it in ..PERVESION ? or would it not be better to let her grow up seeing it ..THE GREAT IT …IT ,, the unspeakable issue of sex . for to me even bring up this threatens me within SUSPECT . yet in have always in ALL WAYS attempted to express THEORY with in the limits of legality ,, we can not solve a problem using the thinking that created it , the wisdom of our VENERATED EINSTIEN …. So in support … I bring up 3 pages .
and the experince of growing beyong the mind fuck to clear out and start the ablity to think for yourself and start the tinking outside of theinking thatr created the problem

And this the words of the ivory tower within the limits of the mind fuck of the writer ..lmited , your won RESISITANCE IS only the activity of DNTRITE PROGRAMING AND THE LACK of exposure to INSTUCUAL HUMAN LIVING .
Many people cannot imagine that everyone—babies, children, teens, adults, and the elderly—are sexual beings. Some believe that sexual activity is reserved for early and middle adulthood. Teens often feel that adults are too old for sexual intercourse. Sexuality, though, is much more than sexual intercourse and humans are sexual beings throughout life.

Sexuality in infants and toddlers—Children are sexual even before birth. Males can have erections while still in the uterus, and some boys are born with an erection. Infants touch and rub their genitals because it provides pleasure. Little boys and girls can experience orgasm from masturbation although boys will not ejaculate until puberty. By about age two, children know their own gender. They are aware of differences in the genitals of males and females and in how males and females urinate.

Sexuality in children ages three to seven—Preschool children are interested in everything about their world, including sexuality. They may practice urinating in different positions. They are highly affectionate and enjoy hugging other children and adults. They begin to be more social and may imitate adult social and sexual behaviors, such as holding hands and kissing. Many young children play "doctor" during this stage, looking at other children's genitals and showing theirs. This is normal curiosity. By age five or six, most children become more modest and private about dressing and bathing.

Children of this age are aware of marriage and understand living together, based on their family experience. They may role-play about being married or having a partner while they "play house." Most young children talk about marrying and/or living with a person they love when they get older. School-age children may play sexual games with friends of their same sex, touching each other's genitals and/or masturbating together. Most sex play at this age happens because of curiosity.

Sexuality in preadolescent youth ages eight to 12—Puberty, the time when the body matures, begins between the ages of nine and 12 for most children. Girls begin to grow breast buds and public hair as early as nine or 10. Boys' development of penis and testicles usually begins between 10 and 11. Children become more self-conscious about their bodies at this age and often feel uncomfortable undressing in front of others, even a same-sex parent.

WHAT IF …WHAT IF …… they were not trained in the mind fuck of sexuality as being UNANTURAL

The sage says ,,the world is full of the walking dead while those who have RE-EMGERGED into non pysichal are finnnally ALIVE … the lil;s one are alive , but the longer they live the more dead they become , Till they become that which you REALY mean as dead ,,PINCEHED OFF FROM LIFE …understanding of connected TAO self … of spirit of JOY ….. a voice of the sgae in any age is always tatinted by the VESSEL .. the translator …. And the position of the lLISTENER where are YOU? When it comes to hearing the BROADER PERSPCTIVE that what you have been trained SO FAR to think about … you are changing everyday in everyway getting better and better .

All depriving is done from within out …. The concept of the sage ,, and so because of the dnetrites formed by the training of your youth which is the cause of PERJORATIVE REACTIONS … unthinking reaction to word , action or environmental stimuli … perjoratie means you do not think be cause of the over whelming connenctions of ACCUSTOMED THOUGHTS … you think ..put out energy .. based upon … fucked up programs ….not reality

For the possible of feeling RELIEF is always possible ,, feeling happy is always possible ,,, but the training and the expectations based int eh expecatations stemsing from the programming the dntrites of barin … are apropbelme and CHANGE IN HAROMONY tieh DNA time/space parameters .,.. we have a stable quantum playng round so that we don not express MAGIC here for TAO is of instnatn magic here is a PLAY GROUND OF time /space bio mechanical agrrement ..

Lehman and that big AIG insurance company show that it was not only the GOVERNMET banks we wereTRICKED by the greed and criminal intetn when the spokes man paid by LOBBY money tell me about the BENVOLENT INSURANCE INDSUTRY .. and the promise of open competition ,, IDOUBT THEIR WORDS ..the evidence trail does not suppor their bullshit trail .

And mr.holbrook the war is won thru listening to the PEOPLESWANTS noth the leaders or their PHAROH expressions being them our pupper KArside or th expression of frustration that grew the TALIBAN ,,the people like all people want peace and security their won MASLOWS for their own family ,,IRRAGATE THEIR DESERT and support FARI TRADE micro-industry and agriculture with permamculture designs , the net cost will be less then conventional war and with lasting positive effects . deal with the people we hand out BLANKETS AND FOOD RATIONS DIRECTLY SO WE DO …talk with the people not jus the WAR LORDS .talking to them gives them their power( it is continueing the cycle of the ages proven failure ) , ignoring them … will grow freetrade and LESS POPPYS . the chain of command mentality supports the fear of the population to become INDIVIDUALS .

It usually takes about 30 days to change a habit. Not because you need 30 days. You could do it in 68 seconds if you could once you did it hold your vibration there, but you have to consciously make that decision.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Sunday, March 2nd, 1997
So answers to probelems can be FELT in 68 seconds ..can you hold that and still be exposed to so many contray stimuli ,,probably not , that is in contrast to the agreement of TIME/SPACE and this agrrement state play ground 30 days time to create new DENTRITE PATH WAYS .. yet upon re entry into the same old same old , the evidence trail is one of problems still continueing the THOUGHT practice ..for 10% of age … allows for better stronger choice path ways to establish . vaibrational thought ..thinking pathways , whihch are yes TAO but EXPRESSED THRU …DNA bio mechincs .
68 seconds is a compounding point of the idea of COMBUSTION OF THOUGHT theory …. The 17 seconds repeated , which is the sage blending TAO and bio dyanimcs or time/space dymanics .

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