Saturday, June 20, 2009

too to many

too to many

young master ,,,, is about simplicity the ancient ages found the Rush and hussle of things to fucking confusing ..Chuangzi was famous for his NON INVOLVEMENT stand …. Where Lao was involved but not over whelmed stand . ...... simple with out totlally going weird’o and leaving the fun ….

There is just to much shit calling your attention most probably , from insurances to jobs bills PUSSY ….. now remember dumbass my friend you have the FINNAL FREE CHOICE on all of this …. Feel how you feel ,,, donot just think you muct live up to EXPECATIONS of others , because that is only all about …. Taking the respsonsiblity for their HAPPY on your shoulders …

The idea that they or someone . or social expectation will not be happy unless you live up to their model of RIGHT …. Is them saying I will not be happy unless you change …. Their problem … their choice to depend their happiness on the actions or NON ACTIONS OF OTHERS .

YOU HAVE CHOICE about what is REAL for you in your life as it pertains to your SENSEING the differences in your state of EMOTION S of feelings . the better you feel the more you want to head in that direction ,THAT IS NATURE that is DNA in action that is bio mechanicncs and natural slecltion . in action …. That is the expansion of IN FIN ITY …… moving oputwards ..expanding in fi nitly … towards what feels better and better and since it is IN FI NITE you will never get it dones wlays expanding in many different ways ..towards ASPECTS that feel a LITTLE better or a lot better .

OVER WHELMENT ..the confuse and conquer ….. all the bulshit laws and the also things that help make complex groupings of animals such as ourselves to FUNCTION in smoother ways ..thing slike traffic lights …. Or insurance systems …. You know you can set up SELF INSURANCE ACCOUNTS …. Not have to pay the PHAROH copration … that is something o study in time …. But right now it is about the TIME FRAMES .. of living the system I haad allowed myself to become involved in because I KNEW NO OTHER SYSTEM ..never let myself expand beyond the p[rograming of expecations presented to me … the BEST SHOULDS that everyone else was living and I thought was the 1 and only way … not in harmony with the reality of FREE CHOICE .. or life liberty and the pursuit of happiness ,,,, from a well stocked kitchen of ideas that I can assemble creatively into my wown PERSONEL RECIPE … of life .

Ok but since you are where you still are ….. I am sure you have heard the advise over and over ,,been trained in it by schools and employers seeking HIGH EFFEICENCY … the day planner ….. the TO DO LIST … put it down on the TO DO LIST , the do HWAT IS ON THE LIST …. The most important first ,, and if that ends up being IMPOSSIBLE TO FINISH right now …. The laws of TIME/SAPCE are presenting you with LAG … so that wants can be better defined ..everything works out for the BENOVOLENCE OF THE EXPANDING GOOD OF TAO …. Feeling better place …. Time lag is just adventure is just CONTRAST … is the OP for fine tuning .

Move to item #2 ….. and so on ….. this is the simple 3 steps of ABRAHAM put out the want 1 ..let source BE IT 2 , receive the wanted 3 ….. the 5 steps is the same thing just with a bit more detail so that you can better enjoy the understanding of the it all works out …. ( remember it is a game ! …. Everyone TRANSITIONS in the end even Jesus had to die first ) it is a good day to transition to die .. live without the FEAR …. And enjoy the now .. live without the PRESSURE THE HAVE TO’s …

Reduce your workload by 30% and increase your fun load by 30% and you will increase your revenues by 100%. And you will increase your productivity by 10,000%. (If there could be such a percentage.) More fun, less struggle -- more results on all fronts.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Salt Lake City, UT on Saturday, September 9th, 2000
Hmmmmmm sounds to good to be true … well if tht is how you feel then realize the PROGRAMING that is at the HEART OF YOUR OWN PERSONEL …belief ….. and beliefs play a large role in manifestation because as you believe you RECEIVE …. You do not receive outside of the limits of your BEIEF system ….. HAPY HAPPY words with no REAL belief only re-inforce the negative mind settting …. The UN EXPCTATION …. Reprogramming … is the focus on the SOLUTION ….. forgetting the limits because you are thinking about the KNOWING OF THE PROGRAMING … and the solutioning …SOLUTIONING … the activity of going towards that which you want in any little way that FEELS BETTER . now ….( Tolle ..the improatnce of the NOW the energy of your now is where the future assembalege of quantas that you will BE COME AWARE OF ..from the all possibility of Quantas …. The future your FREE CHOOSEN future will become possible for you to PECIEVE thru sensory organs of the BIO MACHINE HUMAN human limited self you are now using )

1 thing at a time save time to FEEL BETTER ….. to enjoy the JOURNEY to getting there ..a vacations ending is arriving back home .. so if the END result is what is important WHY GO ON VACATION ? just stay home …… why be born just stay in TAO since you will end up there anyway ,,today is a good day to go back home ..TRANSITION .. die ( the mind fuck fear based perjorative word tool of the slave master …. Death ! )
Vacation is about the …jopurney the experiences on the way the ….. spending of time which is IN FI NITE ….. to the no1thing

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