Sunday, June 7, 2009

a favoring mind

a favoring mind

young master ,,,, I wonder have all those smart guys who have been quated over the years first read or been exposed to the sotries of sages past ….. Pastuer was quated in speech at a university years ago , as saying ,,CHANCE FAVORS A PREPARED MIND , now it seems that 100’s of years earlier MACHVELLI said just about the same thing and what like fucking 1000’s of years earlier in writings atributed to the BUDDHA was story that had a moral on the same lines ….

Or is it possible that we all have the POSSIBLITY of toucing the stream ..the sorce .. the IN SPIRATION and forming our own owrd tools to describe the law of ATRACTION …ooops you know there is no … QUANTUM police force to arrest NON co-operative experincers of quantum form or beingstate , they have no quatum holding cell where a quantum awaits trial with quatum DA’s and Judges to sentence the Quanta to 20 years in jail for not FOLLOWING a word tool called LAW ….. any way the quanta does not last years it last EXPERINCES THINGNESS for less than a Describable amount of time …

So ..they do not describe the LAW of attraction but HINT AT …the agreement state of attraction …. An under lying truth more complex than the 2 gigs of human brain processing power can deal with ,, hiniting at aspects of IN FI NITY or tao .

Ego my young friend …hmmmm the sages WARN you about it , but it is the SENSE of being a THING .. the acceptance , THE ENJOYMENT FO THE CHNCE TO BE ….THINGY …. The reason we came to be to experience an ASPECT of the ALL in all ways to the point of no 1ting .. we cam to expeinces QUANTIES of things ..that are PERCIOEVALBE thru the SENSOR MECHANSISM of bio mechanics .. and the machines we use are self reparing and have been that way since they evolved and SELF REPLICATING …. so that new machines can be made so that new PARTS OF OURSELVES in the …I … in … I .. can come to feel the separation illusion of EGO ness .

Fine …. Then why fight EGO .. because the birth defected , mind of the FEW the 1 in 1000 ,,the socio path ,,the PHAROH …. Had caused such un INSTINCTUAL confusion and with it PAIN AND HURT … as to cause ths earch the ADVENTURE for the anwer to this PROBLEM ,the GAME ..the FUN ..the CHALLENGE …. Of moving up into different NOVELS .. STORYS .. the bing ..being TREE has less stress that us .

You dipshit my friend do have choice thought now adays …… life liberty and the pursuit of happiness , in your Awareness of the exposure to the MIND FUCK understand you conquer certain LIMITS of it the understanding of limited aspects of the UN GRAVEN the un Describable . the UN WANTED and wanted can form …. ...... and from the thoughtas pertaining to the events thought about you achieve PREPARED MIND …. And then chance favors a better out come …. Because of the attraction of the energy of thought and choice . ahhh BORHN’s re[spnse to Shrodingers cat .'s_cat the intent of the observer …. ...paradox is all around accept it as the ying and yang . forget it and yourself understand and live more frreee by choice ,a nd be in the zone …. Of mr. I DON’T KNOW .

+ the aspects of self reparing bio mechaics … the ideas of free food or human housing are all to FREE you from the mind fuck ,,,not RULES or laws or only 1 ways …but tools of freedom from where you then ESTABLISH an AMENDED ego self ….
I am still the fisherman redneck bait man KORN fan I had always been and free too.

Because we know that life is eternal, and we know that there is no ending to that which you are about, if one of you is killed in an earthquake or crashes your plane, or any number of other very creative ways you have found to make your exit into the Non-Physical, because we know the whole picture, we grieve not a moment for any of you. But from your more shortsighted point of view in physical, a lot of you grieve tremendously.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in El Paso, TX on Saturday, February 17th, 2001
It is fun to forget our …. I…IN …I ..ness to experience LIMITS or no’s to FEEL the difference of the no 1 thing ness the all posssiblyt beyond the HTINKABLE. The time of your own DEEP HIDDEN CHOOSING …… happy health happy healthy happy healty dead ! LIVE HAPPY DIE ……..LONG !

Ahh the stable foundation first young master or the trap of $250,000
Of debt just to get a degree and establish a life of BONDAGE … a cycle of debt … free choice . you can always go after the brass ring from the stable foundation too choice .

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