Saturday, June 6, 2009

alter native


So EGO thye say is supposed to be something to be conquered? Or gotten rid of? Bullshit it is needed so that you know who you are in relation to every fucking other person …. If you destroy a part of your EGO self you will find you replace it with another EGO self which is proud of no longer being the other EGO self ….
And that is OK young master the UNDERSTANDING of shit is what is meant by CONQUER … just like in my use of divide and conquer or Aconfuse and conquer ,,, IN THE CONFUSING IS THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE LIMITS OF THE 2 GIGS of human processing power the gave the slave master an UNDERSTANDING of the human slave population they would use to serve PHAROH an thus get their place at the dinner table next to PHAROH …. Power .

So accepting the self generating of the SELF the CHARACTER you create so that you can PLAY IN THIS …..CO CREATION PLAY GROUND time/space …. Agreement state of quantum aassemebalge . moving from the I …IN …I … where we are all equals and all connected all the TIME in always ..into the ILLUSION of sepration … the need for know who you are in the NOVEL OF YOUR OWN CREATION . helps you play out the fansty of time space helps you play the game ..the understanding of your own FREE CHOICE is important ,, 1 more free choice.

Now to the what it seems to be the NEED FOR human to have a leader … again after being exposed to a life of possibles where confusion is …the play ground of ECONOMY … the confusion it seems to generate the need ( need is a wrong word tool ) for a leader to help guide you ….. only because you lack the understanding …… the UNTHINKABLENESS of you and your freedom of choice and RESPONSILBLITY of what you attract NOW A and in the past and into the future after realizing shit about the workings of a quantum time/space play ground of equals FORGETTING the braoder self to experience limits or no’s

Now a way to ATRACT LIKE TO LIKE ….. is the starting of a group but if the FEELING of emotion is telling you NOT to …. First it is the old programming realize it understand it ,,, work around it ,, ADAPT AND OVER COME …. Instead of being a FUCKING RELIGON be a social group theme …… like yin yang …. With one of those TRIBAL flute players dancing on the front of it , …. And then the location to rent to hold weekly meeting at the same cost as a night out drinking …… to hold an ALTER NATIVE … meeting ….. just a theme just a movie ,,, attracting like to like ….. 5000 business cards bought a $ 99 . bucks a free web site and ideas of promo …. From thus you have a new self which is attracting LIKE UNTO LIKE …. The new EGO self the CHARACTER you play like becoming PHIL OF PHIL’S BAIT AND TACKEL …. And again I am off to teach fishing in the creation of the idea of

In the aspect of the permaculture of the recreational fishing swimming pond … ...whihc is the MINE THE PIT from where you get the dirt to make COB to seal to bury the sides of the homes to touch the earth to temperature control things .

Sand bags semm like a good idea the enegers keep talking about he need for concrete ,,, hey but the Understanding of THE CONCRETE NATURE OR STRUCTURE of Abdobe or cob . leads me to believe that …. Forming foundations of 4 ft high 4 ft wide 8 foot long 1 inch Molds .to pours a cob , dirt straw 5% PORTLANDD CEMEMT … into and letting it dry ..while you space 6 inches and start another …. Then un srew the firt mold to start the next one …. Then sand baging the last 4 fett of wall will make the engeers happy ….. look at the NEW MEXICO codes for adobie construction on

You attract inot you life ,,and others attract inot hier life … so I am not VERY RESONSILBE for the adult who FREELY CHOOSES TO BE AROUND ME as long as I OLLOW THE words of the SGAE ..Shakespeare … TO THIN OWNSELF BE TRUE AND THEN IT FOLLOWS A SDAY TO NIGHT YOU CAN BE FALSE TO NO OTHER MAN …. Their free choice to hang around you if you have been open about who and wht you are …. Not hiding … and acting some what congruent …. It is not your job to teach to lead to FORCE another to realize who you are . because you exhibit in comfortable ways your nature .

There isn't anything anybody wants that is for any other reason than that they think they would feel better in having it. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, July 3rd, 1999

We move towards what feels GOOD to our mind and our body the dynincs of SPIRIT and bio mechanics …. Your body form ….. the tool of macine is designed to move away from a burning fire …… to a place of comfort …. So that the machine itself does not CATCH ON FIRE ….. and too we will get close to people or events to get the wanted …. GETTING TO CLOSE we may get burned but learn . from it ….

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