Saturday, June 13, 2009


flooded with pussy

young master the tool of FLOODING to get past the LIMITS you have allowed programmed into you without your UNDERSTANDING …the tool of Flooding used by mental health pros to help people expand beyong thier PHOBIAS ….

To conquer or understand ,,,,, actually that is more the root of CONQUER than just the SYMPTOM of Combat or competition …to understand thru a CONFIDNECE STATE of being the conquerer …. You got time to UNDERSTAND the conquered at your own pace , to end the confusion and understand and experience what is left ( maybe ? if anything is left )

True UN CONDITIONAL love is the nature of the EVER EXPANDING ..the all is well the OPPURUTUNITY for in fi nity needs the expression of un thinkable-ness AND LOTS of choices … .. and to express that the limits or CONDITIONING suroounding acceptance have to be GONE …ahhh BUT ..PHAROH is needy the god needs your worship your praise your attention …. And you to work to be the slave so that PHAROHs can have their lifestyle the kings of Sadia Aribria of Now ….. royality family pahrohs still active providing levels of smiles to their SERFS and their slave masters but all in hopes of keeping their own GREEDY positions as KINGS and Queens .

Back to un conditional love , inside each PLAYER here in the AGRREMMENT state of quantum expression and assembaleges …. Deep in each is the I … IN … I who knows un condtional love . but to play out NOVELS LIKE IN entertaining books but ever MORE REAL …the experience to THING NESS … we choose to FORGET who we are ..and play out CHARACTER ROLES …. Creating sometimes guilt ON EACHO HTER . you free choice after the conquering is to understand aspects of your esperince then choose whether or not they really DO serve you in your won PATH OF BLISS moving up the emotional scale ….

To move on with life and NOT HAVE TO BURN A BRIDGE …. You can do it with or without the acceptance of others REMEMBER it is their free choice not to HEAR … pearls before swine? Cruel word tools to call myself my equal the I … in … I ..that is my fellow player here on this stage ..a swine …. So full of PERJORATIVE meanings . yet ..this is part and parcel of breaking free of LIMITS by flooding sometimes . what is the guilt thing you fear ?

Now the INSTINCT to maintain $$$$$ for the health and welfare of a familyis the expression of the silver back gorilla forcred to live in the abstract system of paper money $$$$ ……. When in fact PERMACULTURE system abound …. There are fawcetts ther is complexity ful in maintaining the CONFUSE AND CONQUER state so that we will be useful to the MULTIPLE LAYERS OF PHAROHS … the are around .

Ahh but I said flooded with pussy ,,,shyness is a trained experience .. it has to do with self aceeptance fear of .. jugement the HOUGHTS only thoughts ..nothing more than fleetly thoughts likie you seeing a pretty sunrise flows in and out of you …so are the thoughts you REALLY fearin creating in others … they are just thoughts … OPPURTUNITYS for the person contrasts … provided maybe BY you ? in the xpreince of flooding your life with pussy practising an UNCOMFORTABLE skill yet improatn you seem always to be actracted to pussy ,,so ,, talk to every pussy that passes thru your ten foot circle around you ,,WITHOUT . the entent or expectation of getting FUCKED ..jsut to interact with another …. I in I …. Do it for 30 days … FLOOD YOUR EXPEINCE with pussy , then you will be in ths state of conqueror ….. relaxed enough in the talking to better expeiernce a fuller UNDERSTANDING of pussy later ..30 days .

There is nothing that you can do that is worse for yourself, than to do something that you believe is inappropriate. And so, get clear and happy about whichever choice you make. Because it is your contradiction that causes the majority of the contradiction in vibration.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, July 25th, 1999
For in that FEAR of GUILT is the vibration from which the QUANTUM reality will form for you with aspects that are NOTICABLE to you …… not my experience just yours …. Even though we ashe the same genral suop of quantum agreement .

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