Tuesday, July 22, 2008

raging hard on

Raging Hard-on
Young master a hard-on a stick pumped up cock , is the results of inner HORMAONIAL commucaition …. Different parts of your brain and expectation , telling different organs in your boday how to act what to do wthru commication thru messengers called HORMONES …. And thus you have a stiff dick I had a few minutes ,, now gone the sperm flushed down the toilet , but back to that I a minute .
The topic is of course multi=faccceted …. Cmplexity upopn complexity … it is not simple love story and fairy tales it is the reality of ….. Those HORMONES maybe it was a dream I was having at the time I was waking …hmmm maybe …. The reality of hormones and the DNA animal which we ARE ,, ( we a flesh and blood animals not fairy tale story caharacters ) …. Last night my Girl frind came home after her montlhy visit back up north to see family in fact this trip she brought back the 5 year old grand baby and the teen age daughter …. Now I my house I still have my own teen age daughter that I have raise alone since 18 months ….
I have spent 100’s of hours in marriage counseling and 10.ooo’s of thousands of $$$ so I learned something from that investment …way back when … when I thought that was the path to purchase my way out of a complex issue or problem … with the bes of todays SCIENCE ..( we are just the same as the idiots of arisototles times , sure we no longer bleed each other to release evil spirits but out understanding of the TAO is about the same …none ) back ..to an issue ,,,WHY DOES MY BOYFRIEND NOT COME ON TO ME?
I FEEL IT IS HIS PLACE TO START SEX ! I FEEL LIKE A SLUT IF I START SEX … those are the statements girls write to me looking for ALTERNATIVE understanding about the issues of their lives …
In my 1 … one single family home I have 3 bleeding women ,,,, yesterday before the other woman came home from her trip ,,, my daughter another bleeding woman ,,, was in the NEED to talk , see … she was HORMONIAL ….sitting in the kitchen drinking nestlys Quick chocolate milks after chococlate milkss ….girls can understand sometimes you just NEED CHOCOLATE ! …. And well she says to me DAD you do not understand ..this is my daughter talking to me , and my daughter knows all about me I am like no other father on the fucking planet ….AND SHE IS RIGHT !! I do not understand what it is to be a woman ,,, hey girls why do you think you understand a man …? Who is also hormonal , whose blody also goes thru HORMAINAL COMMUCAITION , yours is to siganl your body to shed part of its skin to provide new fresh platform in case BABY ahppens next month ,,, mine is the the VAST growth exteneted blood restriction . For extended periods of time that can olny be relieved by active stroking of that big hard piece f blod engorged flesh called my cock , and if I do not get relief I hurt ..blue balls.
HORMONES ….. So I listened to her and did not FIX_IT …. I learned something … listen do not fix , even though MY INSTINCT MY HORMONES ARE OF THAT OF … a FIXER …. The female world expects me to SUBDUE my HORMAONIAL nature because they have a hormonal nature that expresses itself as BLOOD …. Well mine expresses itself as BLOOD ALSO ….. Trpped blood in a RAGING HARD_ON …..my daughter described the emotional rolerr coaster since of course I am all into finding things out so I can write about it ,, practising that science of Arisistotle Dedcutive logic.. ( I think I am correct he was deduc not induc ) and each science has it’s own time and place… I hear agin what I have heard from the past from every girl ,, that days before her period starts flowing the evidence TRAIL of blood .. Is there she can feel the changes in CRYING in emotions … she talked about crying tearing up at a simple song ,, and she realized her period was on its way …. Tears beyond her control ( sort of not total slavery to HORMONES , but the realization that they DO PLAY PART IN HER PERSONALITY
GUES WHY DUMBASS young master my friend you also an ANIMAL like her , have moods swings based on the hormones that create that fucking HARD-ON … your DNA and your body , still has RECEPTORS to sense the hormones of girls in the air , to find out which girl you should b ehanging around which one is HORNY . … !
BUT in my 1 single family home at this time there are 3 hormone messages going on ! 2 teens on the RAG ,, the commmuncation is STAY AWAY FOR NOW I AM BLEEDING ….. And my REAL ACTIVE sexual partner is starting the beginning of change of life very EARLY … so she tooo is talking to me with scents …. So times come here lets fuck others WEEKS ON END IT IS STAY WAY ! Do not ignore this aspect , if the hormoes can cause the girls to drink vast amounts of chocolate milk and cry at songs they would normally not and if ….. The other 2460 mamal species still respond to air borne SEXUAL messages and we humans still have those receptors in our noses ( which we do ! ) .. How can any logical person think we TOO do not repsond …. To the messages .
The compounding effects …of NO NO NO ,,, after a while you just stop TRYIN G and you wait till she comes on to you ….well reader girls can you DEDUCE can you use the LOGIC … I know you are capable of to relaize … the confusion of your boyfriends … I know and say over and over it is COMPLEXITY UPON COMPLESITY and since we are trying to force the DNA to live based upon the shoulds of some fucking fairy tale slove story , we all are in states Of sexual frustration ..
NOW DURING the first few months of the relationship with my girl friend if I woke with hard on , I would just CRAM it into her and because we were in that PHASE of the relationship , that pahase where she is … getting that HONOR STATEMENT of I LOVE YOU FROM ME … the turst that I will be there that I will go into NON-SEXUAL STATES FOR EXTENED periods of time because of the honor statement of I love you ..for her …but before she is comfy with my I LOVE YOU SLAVE STATEMENTS … she is open to 24/7 pentration ….. In fact encouraging me to fuck over and voer … coming on to me ..being the little slut tha you reader girl NOW DOES NOT WANT TO BE yet expects the boyfriend to to ignore his GORILLA PROTECTIVE nature … and come on to you any way , after he has been trined by weeks or months of complex confusion NO after hormaoanil NO’S plus the real no’s tha come from your mouth
To the point that in the desperation of SEXUAL release the Toliet RECIEVES THE BULK of his sperm …. Remember a healthy male is ready every 7 hours he is totally frustrated within 48 hours … frustrated at an animal level … like the girl crying at a sone or drinking choclate milk ,,,, not TOTLLY controled but ,,effected by hormones . So are you young master . Effected by hormones ..
We are animals not characters in love storys and plays and TV or childrens fairy tales .. We are DNA animals ….. www.isntinctualism.org …. animals that also think so I present the balance of mind body spirit ….. Making profit - mind ,,, jackin off in a toleit - body .. The I-in - I of toa - spirit …the concepts of sexual flogging of using dildoes and vibrators … of ceomincs …. It is not JUST ABOUT THE DREAM OF A SOUL MATE ….. Becaue if source energy is correct ….. The sould mate we search for is every other expresion of life on the planet , … even that which we kill for food is our soul mate the I - in -I ….

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