Sunday, July 27, 2008

happy birthday Crystal

Happy birthday Crystal
Young master , holistic means ,,, balance of all aspects that we can think about ,,, to best of a ability …. Sex is cool , $ ,,is cool , freedom is cool , understanding is cool , moderate escapeism of beer is cool ( especially if you raised the barly and hops yourself and made it yourself even more cool ) ……the totall confsuion of TOA is cool … mind body spirit
What is this whole busshit about age time ,,, in fact days OFF and holidays and vactions ,e etc…. … again I go back to nature the vast bulk of life forms around us all seemly able to live for years and years withou the ,,,,CRUTCH …. Of Ecomony … the thought form the creation of our own focus on it to the point it has it’s own life force , livnig beyond the years of the workers WHO PROFIT FROM IT … it can be compared the the bacteria in our gut who make it possible for us to live , who in fact the DNA from that bacteria is the basis for our own Dna .. We are their kids ….. But here we are the BACTERIA and …. ECOMONY is our child who we serve .. And it so nicely even allows us a DAY OFF !
Who a whole day off from the slavery of serving a thought form that reproduces itself expanding itself destroying …. Aborginall cultures to to establish itself ,, and it lives on age after age beyond the humans who served it , who by their focus upon it crearted it …
Lkwe have now ..the gift of a day offf… the blessing of Ecomony , in fact hidden thro out the yearsa dn days is ..the illusion of being specialll things like BIRTHDAYS to be celebrated ,,, to obe counted , something to keep our minds off the SLAVERY of our choice to serve eocmony …
The UN-impossible Tao .. In-fi-nite way bigger than a tiny little brain of a simple Crab fisherman , bait and tckelshop owner , windowashing human being like myself , or you !
The EGO of ourselves to think we aRE the most important POINT OF VIEW .. In the whole of the un-impossible is ,,,, stupid . CAN YOU GET THAT ? Will you NOT RESIST ? The I - in - I of that ….. Not fear being less than …? The master is the slave Jesus said ….. His shistory was that realy of the concept of UN GRAVEN …. Somthng so vast that it can not be engraved on stone tablets or pypayrus paper …. . A toaist sage that jesus was ….
What would it be like to NOT know your age to count your eyears to live your life based on taking the day off on Sunday to worship a thought form …. To think in terms of the hours of SLAVERY 9 to 5 ….. To living based on the gift of freedom called vacations or HOLY DAYS … holidays like july the 4 memeorial day , labor day ,thankgiving … etc. how do the animals of th forest live without it? They live long life times ,, ageless life times stressless life times ( except when we human encroach upon tthem and , RUIN … THE HARMONY AND BALANCE OF THE ECO-SYSTMES THAT SERVICED ALL LIFE FORMS except ecomony FOR MILLION AND MILLION AND MILLLIONS of years )
OK now to the crystal , and the idea of being POWERFUL controlling the FLOW OF CHI…. I love the ABRAHAM thing … ( remember from the no 1 thing comes thing yin and yang , master servant) and how it says over and over about the RESPONSSIBLITY OF SELF …. Think for yourself … respond with ability … this life is here for your enjoyment … and the experince of …. Whatever is that joy . Whwether your POWER OR EGO COMES from owning a crystal or being able to paly amagically tuned HARP or riding a Harley Davidson Bike ,,, looking all so cool waving at each other with that stupid look upon your face of I DON’T CARE …. You all end the end are slaves to FOOD and you without the farmer giving of his efforts in EXCHANGE for sheets of GREEN PAPER you would not ride that harley because there would be no fucking OIL to make that loud sound you get your
EGO from … because if there is no food on the oil rigs off the gulf of mexico or the frozen waste land of alssaka or the HOT DESERT if the farmer does not play along with the ecomony , well there is no oil to feed YOUR POWER ….
That crystal . Will grow no food unless you first plant seeds ….. Work within the agreement of this time/space … all your meta pyshihcal power is for nothing unless you have some food…. What about that young master ? pretty simple to understand the root of things when you no longer RESIST but become free with tiny little understandings … the combination of friends doing mulitple jobs in an eco system ….. Of 24/7 that has not birthdays or 9 to 5 ‘s yet things seem to get along fine , DNA life forms living happy being what they are designed to be … within the harmony of their isntinctual natures ohhh birds a Dna life which branched off from the MAMMALS like us some 20 million years or so ….. They are a 1 on 1 … not mammlas. Even the pack of dog is not a one on one ….. But you dumbas by evidence of the design of your COCK and the design of the lips of her pussy ..both show the evidence trail CLEARLY of being a harem species … your hands made to feel the softness of fruit , out teeth designed to peel fruit or crack eggs , our molars desgned to crush grass seeds like wheat or barley ……. And each life form benifiting from the exositance othe the other like ecomony depends on us sn we on it for things like ,,, beer distrubution or the invention of CRACK COCAINE and OPIUM ….. To dull the apin of living like Shakespeare said , 100’s of years ago as he TOO , just reguratated the wisdom of the ages before him …
“ man lives in a state of silent desperation “ ….. freedom of choice .. Resist and it will persisit.

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