Thursday, July 10, 2008

frame her tits

Frame her tits
Young master I have often talkied about us as being happy and antural wearing our blood satained T-shirts ,,, and I am wondering about history our INSTINCTUAL NATURE ,, why we see fotos of warriors tribes men wearing all sorts of extreme head gear shint metall triball bones and and enough shells that thye must sound like a fucking wind c hime when thye walk ,,,,
I was thinking how most probably way back when , in the cave it was probably woman who by accident first found the cooked shiny metal that oozed out of the rocks at the new camp goruond ,,,, and since there was not ECONOMY yet , and it was not something you could eat man , problalby ignored this shiny metal , but woman ,,safe in her cave and harvesting fruits etc safe in the protected terrotory that man ..the silver back the DOM amle provided she has the time to ADORN herself to attract mating attention of the male … this need would depend on the amount of femeales and males in the population in that area is there enough other harems with only maybe 3 girls that is 1 male with maybe ten is having a hard time PORKING all his girls everyday ….. Well the girl would then do an acient DIVORCE and drift into the next harem …. Actually the divorce of old time was all about just peacefully leaving not causing all this SHIT and fighting the expectation that love is some FUCKING FAIRY TALE … about OWNERSHIP because of a vow of love , shihc is true yet it is also true that that if a woman …..mentall POKES nd prods a DOM male and instinctual male , than that inner Grizzly BEAR will come out of him .
But back to adorment …. And today your blood stained t-shirt ,,, yesterday at work washing windows I was talking with a SUCK-U-TARY …. This younger lady who works at one of the offices of MISTER MAN … a good ole client who just got another divorce I know because he hired me to wash the windows of his latest EX as she was moving into the new divorce home he gave to say good bye , he did not hate and I know him he will never hate her ,,but she is mad at him , not understanding she made her bed , she expected of him what he is NOT ,, she choose and chased him ,, expecting to be able to control him , and it did not work now she blames him for not living up to her FAIRY TALE DREAMS …. That she built for herself and showed the world in that display of a marriage complettte with horse drwan carriage like some sort of CINDERELLA …
So now another young girl like her is BAITING MISTER MAN … his newer suck-u-tary …. Her breats framed in that business suit showing enough cleaveage to excite the hormone flow ..of any red blooded human male the display that says …. I CAN FEED CHILDREN JUST FUCK ME AND FIND OUT , that is what that BOOB JOB IS TEELING THE WORLD …. The jacket of that female business suit is designed to flair at her hips again giving the sexual the breeding ILLUSION of wide hips made for baby making ..fuck ME FUCK ME ….. The panty hose which hides any skin flaws of her legs the igh hells which force her calve musles into smooth form , shaowing strenght in her legs to hold up again it stimulates breeding desire she is in good pyshihcal shAPE ,,, RIPE FOR FUCKING OVER AND OVER … ohhhhh yes of course that last LIE ,, the last maniupoaltion and DECEPTION , the face make up …. Covering any possilbe flaws
Now girls just gotta realize we love you still in the AM when non of the above is still there … no make up or decoetive panty hose , no SCIENTIFICALLY designed clothing to sttract my eyes to specific areas .. Using color and form to create illusions ..of breeding readiness …it is all about sex . We still love you ,, for you …. And yes that wet inviting pussy ….. The wett pussy that speaks I REALLY DO WANT YOU also.
Now I did not see any of my friends cars in his parking spot , so I had starting talking with this suck-u-tary about mister man finnaly taking the day to GOOF off , but as I said that here comes his big black LAND ROVER ….. And she perks ups smiling ohhh no … not mister man he is gonna be here and make that cash ! Well he gets out out of that car which which casts the same as a small house in a decent nieghbor hood ,,,,, wearing a BLOOD STAINED T-SHIRT AND SHORTS , his blood is not like mine , mine would be fish blood where his is , fresh paint ,,,, I recreationall food gather and bring home my catch proudly in the form of DEAD animal flesh ,,dead fish ,, and alos in the form of fresh fruit I harevest directly from nature ….he on the other hand plays at restoring homes ….. And came to work from playing at his new purchase …… there was no GOLD or BLING on him ,,,, he was natural ,,isntinctual .. .
Now way back when …. Would the humter be wearing flashing meatl while he hunts , would he be silenty trailing thru the brush ..hunting that leopard or tiger that had killed one of his children yesterday ,, wearing decoerative shells that made him sound like a fucking wind chime every animal for miles around could here that human is coming ,,, would he be wearing some giant head dress or would he be covered in mud and leaves tto blend with nature earaseing even his human scent ?
I love the festavil , oxxfest , family values , bakesale ,,in the pit , wear we act out the acient slam dance of the male ….. Immature male since I now know I need to stay healthy to provide ofr the family I already have I no longer need to prove my METAL IN THE MOSH PITS … but they still attrract me …. Whose BLOOD is most commonly spilled …. It is the GAWDY male with deocratoive hoops hanging from his ears lips and nose ,,, my fingers get accendiatilly stuck in them and they get Rripped out BLOOD SPURTING every fucking wear …… the hunter the protecotr before we huan gathered in tight numbers in cities , ..cities made made caves , the protected world of the FEMALE ,,it is not our world young master it is their social world safe because of our protective instinct and activities , activities where having on ,,,,, bling and flashy HSIT …. Would make me an easy traget for damage and losing in any battle… bling is for attracting mates the flash ..stimulates the eyes of the PREY/PREDATOR and so some girl catches my eys with her earings and dangles … and bangle ….
My nature is the blood stained T_SHIRT …. Realyy ohh yes after we created the WORLD OF MANIPULATION .. Of PHAROH …. Thing s cahnged but that is only 5k years ago ,,, lets us look ,,,, 6,000,000 years of walking up right ..2,500,000 years of tool making ,,, take away 5k leaves the comaparison instinctual nature of having 5,995,000 years of DNA instint for me to enjoy wearing my BLOOD STAIND T-SHIRT ….. And still today the young girl search for a strong mate years older than her …. His clothes mean shit….. His looks mean shit ,,, his territory ,,, NOW THAT DOES MEAN SHIT ! ,, ALL THE SHIT AND SHE ,,, AND she thrus years of learning of knowledge passed down from mom to daughter grand mom to mother ,,,,, they have learned the SUBLTE art of attracting your attention . And today we have 99 percent of dating relationships end …. And 6 of ten marriages end…. Hmmm the ahppiness of those who claim to be SOUL MATES ….. Ever hear that girl taking about dating her soul mate ..over and over ? And then she marries one of them ….. An escapist fairy tale of peorty and art created by Greeks who hated the life they lived they created a DREAM world ….instead.

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