Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Over Cummmming

Over cummming
Oooh what fun it is to hear the sounds of a woman ….. screaming from orgasism …. Am I right or am I right Young Master? Have you been there yet in your own life or is it still really only the fantasy of the porn you have watched ? either way the drive the way you feel inside when you hear those sounds well that is the truth you gotta understand …….. dipshit my friend you want to hear those sounds ,,, you could hear those sounds everyday all day and be very happy ,,, well very happy that is as long as the sounds you are hearing honestly are appreciated ………. Yes dumbass you need her OK or else you shy out , you will not do the deed like you need … like you need to feed the hunger of your animal self . Become aware of the NEED TO FEED on the sounds of the orgasisming female .

Next dipshit is the fact she can not cummm for ever ,,, she needs to rest ….. then start again so she does not lose that EDGE … but resting is important in making sure you can keep up the sounds we know we like to hear . Honestly she wants to give you those sounds …. But if the girl has been trained to deeply about the FAIRY TALE of love and acts with that inner confidence ,, that confidence that she has the control of you because she has confidence that you will respect her NO STOP ,,, she will use that NO STOP … way to early for her won good! Stop it to early for her own good ! But dipshit with experience with different women I am sh=ure you will agree that during the dating time of the relationship you were able to bring her up to those high levels of pleasure more often because …. Why ? why the difference in the PERMISSION … yes it is in her persmission that she is able to cummm like she realy wants to .
Power corrupts …….. absolute power corrupts absolutely you have heard this old saying of course you have ……… have you ever heard of DARK Matter ? do you read Scientific American young master ? then you have heard of DARK MATTER you are beginning to understand the level of power exerted from what at first looks like a WEAK power ,,, yet it forms the whole of everything …….. the weak power of MONOPLY ….. when no competition is really in the mix then the force the dynamic is lost … to truly submit , I AM SEEING THIS IN THE chat boards of the Subbie world , the level of control the girls are still exerting on their relationships the lack of trust in the male instinct to be loving ………. And with good reason I am sorry to admit ,, since the male is frustrated since his natural instinct to be protective of his PROPERTY has been twited because the female is not PROPERTY …. No she is a game player acting like a slave or subbie yet exerting that WEAK force of her pussy ,,,,,,,, the ALL POWERFUL PUSSY ! my subbie has beeen describing it .. and she is correct . the pussy I need , the relationship I need her presence I need , the sound of her screams of orgasim as much as the sound of her voice in discussions to the sound of her walking thru my house my world ,,,, I nned her ….. hence the creation of the I LOVE YOU SLAVE is formed with out you even knowing it ……… twisting you instinct to protect your PROPERTY ,, tiwisitng it into ,,, protecting your controller because of your need for pussy … a false protect evolves ,,, and a sickness of get back comes into the mix ,,, you actually may become more violent because of the effect of frustration in the lack of true deep heart felt control ……… you dumbass need to feel the power of control the true trust and belief that you are the 1 in her life ,,,, of course the fact that even 5000 years ago a slave girl could run away in the middle of the night … like today the girl can leave you … but outside of the extremem you you feel the need to be in control and trust she is your PROTERTY . bound to you without the right to leave easly ……… yes I know it is an fucked it thought confusing ,,, but you know I will explore ideas no matter how extremem ,,, to get to the cores of what the fuck is going on …..

You get to weak and not drive her hard enough sexually on one extremem … once freed to explore your DOM side you maybe become to expressive of your frustrations ,,, you let out your anger thru sex ….. that is why the Professional say that rape is an act of violence not sex ….. it is the effect of sexual frustrations of female control ……. She should be property ,,,, one female of a few females ………. The confidence should be yours that your will never ever HAVE TO WORRY about sex ……..

So your 1 on 1 subbie needs to understand the dynamics of …… being the only 1 the weak forces that are at play ……… yes she may think about it , keep the mental of idea of the other wife in her mind ……… NOW a word about the mental other wife …… it is not tits and ass competition that is desired her ,,, but the total well rounded level of relatiosnship ,, the whole relationship that your 1 on 1 subbie needs to realize she is menatally creating the free market system , destroying the Monoply in her mind . When she thinka bout other girl wives it is not competition but the DEEPEST LEVEL OF LOVE for her master she should be feeling the idea of how dynamic the SISTERHOOD will be for him …. The world that lacks competition in reality yet is competitive ,, a YIN AND YANG ,, tow diffenercnes exisiting at the same time PARADOX , rmember there is incredible power in paradoxs ……… THE IDEA OF HER THINKING ABOUT HOW MUCH GOOD THE IDEA OF HAVING TWO OR MORE WIVES FOR YOU IS ,,, once your subbie realizes this then she can begin to feel the level of confidence that you would feel ,,, and in her mind she feels the good , then she can allow herself to create what is needed to have you feel ,,,, the poly DYNAMIC IN A 1 ON 1 . then gues what she get what she realy wants …………

What does your subbie want ……… what do 80 out of 100 females really really fantasize about …. What inner drives efeect her body and life all the time …………… SEX . good strong animal lust the feeling of truly being desired … not bing ,,, used to express represeed frustration , thru only sadistic desires ,,, but the lust of passions … the feeding of the needing to hear that a female FEELS ME! And I am her MASTER …. Not just a ROTE word she repeats …. The total dysnamic of competion not only tits and ass but the whole relationship ….. will then give her the reason the inner desire to ,, relax and let me force her to feel her orgaisn , for me TO EXPLORE with the confidence of OWNERSHIP ………. Because without that level of confidence I will always fear the loss of love the loss of pussy ……… the loss that will not happen in a POLY because of the presence of more than 1 female who is committed ……….. whn one is tired or bitchiy or confused ,,, you have more to play with while that 1 good girl re - commits to her orginal feelings of being with you …… but to have the subbie girl atleast practice these thoughts in her mind go over the ideas in her own daydreams with you and her graphically interacting , with the ideas of her feeling thinking about the reality of another wife or two , who are friends ,,,, if she can feel the ideal of the INSTINCT FAMILY THEN MAYBE SHE CAN CREATE THE DYNAMIC A .. for you which in reality is for herself . BECAUSE THEN SHE IS LAYING ON THE BED , screaming in orgasiam after ogasisms ………. Out of my lust not my frustration .

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