Monday, April 30, 2007

chopped nuts on your pussy

Do you want chopped nuts with that pussy?

Ohhhh there will be a Patriotic pervert section later …….. but on to Young Master a lok into instinct and fun , first dipshit instinct understand this most important thing ,, this driving force …. A what seems a weak force … yet that force shpes your world fuck hell shit it shapes the world of the owner … I am talking about pussy that instinctual drive of the female to be IMPORTANT ….. evovlution always wants the next baby to live so it becomes hard to ignore so it can get the most food and attention it is important …. Well the pussy drives the girl at an instinct level un known even to her …. Yes the bio chemical events of the competive animal that shit which realy makes us up , we are chemical bodys , yes spiritual beings may use this chemical body .. so again think YIN and Yang ok , 2 contradicting ideas at the same time ……… so dipshit the core is yes you are jealous but when you have more than 1 pussy then you look at her with LOVE … if she strays ,,, because she will not stray unless her core values are not being met ….. now real core values ,,, are her most important core values that of controlling you being the only female in your world or are her cores values those of a young woman today who knows … the 1 on 1 will most likely fail so she is searching for you DIPSHIT to have the guts to speak up and build the poly of instinct …. Not just a ply of bdsm play …. She every girl realy when you talk with them calmly understands how perverted and twisted males are how much we lie to them because in reality we need to have the release of pussy in our life and since SEX THEARPY is not legal prostition is not legal in most most of the US it is legal in some parts of the US so , why not every where ? girls know that the male sex drive fuck up true love …. Me wanting my Subbie to move on to another master was my show of true love for her … my respect for her core values … my happiness when one of my ex wives is finally with a nice guy .. yes I am happy for that ex wife ,, remember I married those girls not because I hated them but because I loved them in some way …. Even girls can relate some times to feeling happy that a an important male in their past is happy now with a different woman …..

And for me in my TODAy this effect of competition has brought our sex life back to life ,,,, now in the 3 wife life .. the competition she has time not not everyday be that instinct seductive animal she does not have to try to force herself to be seductive 24/7 she gets a break to recharge her libido ….. but because of the possible break up between us , she , her inner animal became more competitive for my attention ,, she once only seeing my problems remembered the things about that fulfilled her core values , and then she valued me ….. and subconcsioiuly she became very SEDUCTIVE when eating that mint chocolate chip ice cream and the only thing I could thingk about was heating that pussy up to white wet .. wet hot passion then freezing that hot wet pussy with s poonfull of icecream then licking her clean ……… ahhh dipshit …. Get the idea … make the pussy get a fever get hot then freeze it ,,,,, extremems of feeling ,,, the core of BDSM is extreme feelings with in safe sane and consenting activities ….. BUT KEEP IN MIND YOU DO NOT WANT ANY chocolate CHIPS OR CHOPPED NUTS . to slip inside her birth canal .. no , no ,no ,, her pussy can hamdle a carrot but not small chumks of food which will get lost in the knocks and crannys of a cunt … there the food will rott … rotting food in a pusy is INFECTION …. Your toy will we sore and broken for fucking real …. So be aware of the possible slippage of a nut inst her twat ….. and lick and suck that that walnut out before it slips in …… ain’t nothing like crunching a mouth full of nuts I just licked off a hot cunt …. The activity of crunching nuts with my teeth rubbing directly against her clit will drive her fucking nuts … now YOUNg master ,,,, think about using your rib cage as the tool for stimulating her clit … rub your ribs against her clit while you suck real hard on those nipples , and gauge the response …..

Ohhh another cool thing about last night , I got , finger Owwwies ,,,, yes I was cruel in my fingering of her but she accepted it because of her level of lust ,, she was again in a competitive relationship with me …. We were re bonding so she ignored things that last month would have gotten her anger up …. Would have distracted her , , now because of the re bonding after a fight she thoughts were more about SEDCUTION …. The force of the poly came in because she knew I was ready to find her anew master which meant I was ready to give to other girls not her ,, the MAN the good Master I am .. she was going to lose a GOOD MAN a man who met her true inner core values ….. the comples unknown thoughts and motives that made the sting of a finger nail ,,, IGNORABLE .. where a month ago she would hav ened the scene because of the same finger nail scrap this time she let me scarcth her and she focused on the lust …… the competitive effect …

Now to patriotic pervet ,,, dipshit think oil is 66 dollars a barrel , about 8 years go in Mother Earth news there was an articile about the Hydrogen Ecomony , and how we got have that for less than 100 billion dollars , ( hydrogen for water not oil … that is an confuse and conquer move of big money ) so 2 years later we are at war ( war is divide and conquer keep the masses distracted ) and 500 ,, 5000 , 500 plus billion dollars later the rich are just getting richer ……….. patriotic because dipshit if you are OFF GRID .. is you use passive energy and natures synamic energies to get off the energy grid stop using their electricity ….. you stop giving money to Islam , no oil money no trickle down money to the extremeists ……they go back to eating sand and fucking camels … fuck their oil ! ……… so when I talk about your compound I need you to think about the use of PASSIVE dynamic of nature ,,,, like a tree , can not let itself freeze it its cells freeze they expand break and the trees starts to die also the tree does not want to over heat …. Next is a THERMAL DYNAMIC of the temperature of the earth ….. in the Carolinas the earth is a constant 60 degrees , her in florida 70 winter or summer it is a comfortable tempurture in the ground …… USE THAT …… the tree drops its leaves in winter to insure that light energy gets dwon to the earth to gain surface raidiant heating for night time ,, the temp in the soil 2 feet down is constant and the taps that with energy with … the ROOTS system a circulating system based on WATER sure it gets food picks up new water but the tree also circutes sap like we circulate blood … think dipshit use that fine brain YOUNG master this is why she will trust your core values not only in the bedroom where you worry about the nuts slipsing into her pussy as you cover her cunt with icecream ….. but you build her / them a realy cool country home …. They can be proud of want to raise children with you … a good man a young master ( shade trees cool the house during the summer , dropping leaves allowing heating sunshine during winters …. )

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