Friday, April 13, 2007

crossed tears

Crossed tears
Well Young master reading her body is important while giving her a spanking of course watching the color of her butt cheeks , when using a flogger or whip or riding crop … looking at the lines you create in her skin is important would you not agree , dipshit ,, would you agree that the body does speak to us in many ways thru its color thru the lines or welts … and the way she moves twsting and turning her sounds are they screams or moans or NO’s ……… all the communication we human have with each other and so much is not with our voice not directly from our words but with the tone of our voice or the way the person is standing or sitting ……… is she there with her arms CROSSED and in the past maybe she would be there in tears ……… Whatever the words each of the two of you are using ,, are talking about ,,,, no matter what the details of the discussion the ideas that at one stage of the relationship she may have re acted to this type of discussion …….. to an argument with … tears … why what was behind the tears ( and how do tears work on your INSTINCT ,, your instinct to protect her to fight off the saber tooth tiger in front of the cave is all about thinking about the comfort of yuour females ) and then dipshit later on as the relationship ages she will then discuss with you standing sitting with ……… crossed arms , the tone of her voice her choice of logic changed radically ………… what has happened and why ….. are you YOUNG MASTER . permitting her to be this way when if she was like that during day one ……….. she would have been BYE BYE ……… but later on you will allow it even be concerned for her reasons …………. Be concerned for her point of view …….. so think about the changes in you ,, what you will accept as behavior in the relationship the changes that happen day to day .. little by little the girl you first met changed …. And you also dipshit changedso that is a part in the reason why you accept her changes ….. the inner equality your male instinct respects … she is important .

And yet …… you are a male .. there is instinct expectations you carry deep inside your DNA ….. when those deepest of unspoken expectations is not being respected … by your own actions in respecting the females equality … when the deepest of instincts is not being respected by the actions of the female ,,, the actions I said not the words but the deep hidden commucation of animal to animal of the BODY language ……… when your deepest part your base foundation is crumbling how can a house stand with out a good solid foundation ……. How can you stand or the instinctual relationship stand when the basis , the foundation ,, the ddepest instinctual expectations are crumbling ……….AND BECAUSE WE GOT SO FUCKING SAMRT we have become so fucking stupid ,,, thinking that we can talk our way out of problems out of respecting ,,, DNA respecting nature instinct has become lost and nad how bad are things …….. honestly look at the numbers 60 percent divorce ,,, a dating relationship ( a stable relationship but not to the level of publicly promising to commit to each other ) has a 90 percentage level of breakup ………… why why why ,, what happened to the core reason you 2 got together in the first place …… the thing that made it all work just fine in the beginning … how come it got lost ,,, it did not need to be lost and guess what you will have it again when you meet the next girl friend

Dipshit my friend ,, it is not the details ,, the nit pick little things that will start the fight OOOh they are very very improtatn , they give you the hints about the positionsing going on the real true DYNAMICS …. I write about poly having more than one female and if you have not read the book TWISTED INSTINCT from cover to cover then you may not understand the INSTINCT dynamics I allude to try to get you to think about ,, if you have not read the ALL of the last years worth of blogs you will not have the foundation ,,, in thinking about yourself as an ANIMAL .. understanding that you are as much DNA and animal like any other flesh and blood animal … you are as much that as you are ,,, this thinking talking animal ………AnD MALES AND FEMALES … are different , remember the study by a woman ,, by a woman doctor … that describes the reason for those 15 or so distinct differences in our brains ,,, each giving each male and female different skills ………… but the details are important in you being able to read BODY LANGUAGE , whether the body language is the way she holds your face into her pussy as you lick her up to orgasism or the way she is now standing in diffiance before you as you talk about something important to you ,,,,,,,, one of those little things.

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