Sunday, September 20, 2009

young brave

Young brave

Young master so the question was posed of SOURCE ,, the word tool as the voice of the sage decribes … the imposible to describe but we need a word too to commicate …. to be put inot words UNTHINKABLE , into a word and name called source and Abraham ….. and the question was about death……….. why do we fear it so?
Be cause of your socializing …was the answer …. Until you are socialized to fear it you have no fear of it ….. little play while we greive and cry about death ,,, we cry at the losss of the presence of a friend ,, but we are also crying because of the fear we hold ..of death for ourselves and the fear we project on to tohers important to us …

What about the cultures that taught that death was thransition out of the game just as birth is just the taranstion inot the gaem ,,,, IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE …. Our fucked up focus caused by the perjorative meaning stimulated just by the use of the word DEATH ,, or die when the intetn form the speaker was to talk of his PROGRAMING of good times happy happy joy aroung being-ness , IN … IN FI NITE … POSSIBLES … not just pyshihcal and non-physical or Tao ….. but in an unthinkable array of other self forms in between and beyong the thinkable ….. do not forget that UNTHINKABLE NESS way way way beyond the 2 gigiabytes of humanb rain processing power .

But what about the animal or cellaur or dna …WILL TO live survival instinct ….. hey remember can freely choice to go running into a burning house to save some one with all knowing it can cause our death … yet can FREE TO CHOOSE ..that actions shows that celluar or DNA … is just a part of the whole …..not the WHOLE ITSELF …. Fear of death is instinctual serves to insure that we do not act stupidly to often for if we as aspecies we to act that way in large numbers our birth rate would decline ,,,,hmmm interesting to see that as cultures become more greedy and westernized their birth rate ,, sslips into negatives …… life becomes ssuch a hell that you do not want to burden another generation to suffer it …. Confuse and conquer when the abudance has an evidence trail so vast ,,, if only we were taught about the it ,,, to enjoy …relaxtion ..instead of stress ..then maybe HOPE WOULD ABOUND and then laughter would be herad from lil’ running naturally in the grass fear from fear of death and free to enjoy the now they have with the instinctual guidance to act in accord with BIO mechanical design that tends them to be safe sso they can themselves have the enjoyment of being PARENT later on large family …… lots of laughter ,,,

If you understand the ..abundance … and leave out the fears of society and their fashion dictates . ( action life style choices clothes job cars money etc ) or body shape ,,,, eat natural asl you were designed by the actions of nature in the procuring of food and you will express the natural health that kept this form of HOMINID evolving for 12 million years .. the abundance the fun …. Of the minimal ist ?

OK you have acees to my ideas thru .. but remember that is my ideas and from page one it is stated over and over think for yourelf this is just a tool for you to see there is a POSSIBLE ….. the activity after achieving maslow ‘s hierarchy of needs is in the living of life as a family and for them to see and be part of your growth as you expand into new wants maybe it is learning to play the harmonica , or a new aspect of a self employement idea ,,, they the GIRLS get support from watching each others expressions of new wants ….. and the of course the INSTINCTUAL pull of watching children grow ,,wow that is really powerful ..pulling you into the vortex …fear free …

No word of the sage but clip a sound bite … …. Living the positive aspects of now as you realize this is all part and parcel of the becoming of this 1 adventure …. Happy is not in finishing the game with most toys but in the gathering of …..

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