Thursday, September 24, 2009

Erotic Dominance pg 137

Erotic dominance pg 137

Young master I am suprized how many hits this page vision board gets even during the months I don’t write it still gets lots of hit ……. And like I wrote ,,, life is so much more that pussy ,,it is family is sailing it is CANOEING ….. with great grandma .. life is so much more it is watching a lil’one chasing a ball thru the grasss .. it is so much more !

It is LETTING NATURE do its own work on its own time ,,, it is letting the seeds that want to grow to grow ….. adapting beds for others who did not like the last place you planted them …. Letting the ATTRACTION happen ,,, if this place is a good place for plant it will thrive if not it will TRANSISITON ,, but the cosmic C of the plant species , will allow me to attempt again later with the next seeds in a new area …. Letting the ATTRACTION process unfold ….that is you also … you attract and those who will grow by interaction with you will do just aht naturally in their interactions with you, okay so on to the page 137 I guess my going back to this old study book is my current flow of my own book of positive aspects , finding the good in what I may have resisted in the past . my resisitance in this culture was the hidden manipulation of it ,,the topping actually from the bottom as they call it ….

: I have a man now who gets excited by just looking at me , it turns me on and I will do anything for that feeling and to keep it ! “ young master FEEL that .. understand the complexity of the human who speaks or lives it UNSPOKEN … un known to self ,, she will do ANYTHING to KEEP IT ! ..the control thru vast arrays of manipulations . yet the focus is on the fear of the LOSS of the attention from another is on the comparison to life lived in the past ….. other men she had ..had but now gone … . Not to be lost this time! I WILL DO ANYTHING ! ….. plus the FEAR OF OTHER WOMEN getting his attention enough attention to the UNWANTED .. yet BDSM is an exploration of the wanted and the UNWATNED … the UNWATED being un-natural not able to express her nature of being the pentrated … yet it seems to fall off the edge into ENDORPHINE highs .. further escapes becaseu of the ignoreing of the basics … basics in a sceond
Renella is just a voice no more or less important than any other from the voices coming down from IVORY TOWERED pro’s or JON DAVIS of korn who is the sound track to this writing , expsosisng his TWISTED MIND and saying HEY LOOK LISTEN TO ME … I AM FUCKIN….WHACK I am starting over as Jon says ….. god is gonna take me out of the confuse and conquer …who is that God perjoritve you sing about …. It you Jon who takes yourself out of the ocnfsue and conquer ….
Jack Rinella when he writes I take liscense to translate the person directly into female …. Those who know Jack know the impsortance of this ,,, a subbie is a subbie is mind set ! that I am getting at .

Being ALONE is a basic ….. the bio machine human likes family ,, we are not chimp .. but more harem gorilla family unit designed … people can complain about feeling lonely in the city of new york where it is impossible to ever be alone ,,, read about the chimp female who has to BE alone so that she protect her new born child from the MURDER of competive females , infanticide …. NOT THE REALITY IN THE SUPPORTIVE GORILLA HAREM FAMILY where females support each other … which we find the evidence trail still active in the hormones of modern day human females .... the unwated is ALONE …. A method of insuring aLONE DOES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN is to activiely manipulate things which just drives the excapism for the Pussy is not realy exploring their instinct or the unwanted and wanted of penetration instinct bio mechincal expression

Since nothing matters to you other than your personal alignment with your individual goals or desires, then that is where our work is. We are not here to debate the rightness or the wrongness of what you, or anyone, chooses. We are not taking sides, for or against, anything. We are here to help you understand that your life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow it to be. It all depends upon the thoughts that you practice. And therein lies the basis of anyone's success: How much do I practice thoughts that bring me joy, and how much do I practice thoughts that bring me pain? --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Saturday, March 8th, 2003
And do I understand that my thoughts are TAINT’d with basic programming instilled from my time of birth ,,, fear states that does not serve me , but serves the thought form of economy or PHAROH training me young to serve to consider others first and not turst the good nature of the harem animal which I actually am .

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