Saturday, September 12, 2009

active passion

Active passion

Young master we are here with some ULTIMATE goal except the wction of experience itself .. where by this YOU …. Gets to choose from your VANTAGE point of focus very very LIMITED awareness that can be sensorially dealt with data process memeory stoaged by a unit that processes 2 gigbytes of sensorial data … data bundles … since just 1 atom itself if explored in great detail out into the sub atomic parts ,, would express itself over 2 gigs of potential data … you young master gather life data in bundles that our sensory organs can process … I can hear like the cat , smell like the dog … see like the agle .. taste air like a sanke … no ULTIMATE GOAL IN LIVING .. except to enjoy it and theat enjoyment is PERSONAL .. mine is not yours …. activity which occupies the mind , well I betcha it is pleasant in some way , any thing that gets your mind off of not having RIGHT now that which is in dream state …. It is DONE state of in the all possible Tao …again I am going over the WRODS of the sage her translation of the sense … how she sys it is well how she says it … but what does that mean for you .hmmmm

And thing that is getting your mind ..into the NOW … and you find a few hours have gone by ..then that is the everyday in everyway things are getting better and better ..becuase no worry was active then positive energy was expressed alignment with source ? is being involved in something that is mind occupying is the INSPIRED ACTION … because just feeling good is the END result WHY do you want what you want ? to feel better ? well so if you are active and involved in something now is that not also the COMPLETION of the deepest of wants to do things that feel good .

Wanting to much to strongely that your mind is occuptied not in the NOW but in the future want …. That is fucked up . being involved in action of a NOW and then releasing later on that wow ,,, the day has gone by ..shit got done kinda …. I guess whatever I did was the expression of my deepest want … to enjoy life …. The future life is not real but today is real … being active in the day …is fun ….

Now how does this conform to like buddhas 8 stpes things , like not selling arms or tools of warfare living a right life … and again I see hwo the Buddha was somehow used to get people to live within the KING or PHAROH economy the focus is that the human student will do things that are not GOOD … or humanity is naturally greedy …. And I do not see that unless the person is still trapped in thinking the economy is the ONLY lifestyle to choose from , now thinking about ALTER NATIVES life liberty and the pursuit of happiness … and happiness can be just doing things ….. simple life activities .

By My Attention to Things, I Am Making Choices... What people do not understand is that you do not choose something by looking at it and shouting "Yes, I would like some of that!" You make your choices by your attention to things. In this Universe that is based on attraction, when you look at an unwanted thing, your attention to it causes an activation of the Vibration within you, and then the Law of Attraction brings more like it into your experience. --- Abraham
Excerpted from from Abraham's newest book, "The Vortex, Where the Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships "

It isa bout catching up with your wants ….. thru enjoying the step by step unfolding everyday in everyway … and the choice of focus … of attention …. The being … like MR I DO NOT KNOW

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