You are a better pussy
When you wince…. When you feel un comfort …. There is a message to create change .
Yes , becoming highly evolved thru your study of the use of crystal energy ,,the aligned atoms and purity of that grouping of like quantum enrgy I am sure has some energic dynamics…… hmmm interesting , I can get into this as we both enjoy on of Denna’s pulled pork sandwiches ,,now if you have read me in the past ..i feel myself as murderous when I eat a lettuce as I do anything ..but how about you such great and glory evolved human …. The HIEGHT of spirit evovlution ? do you feel? When confronted by realities of your actions , the end results of your continued actions … just because you look the other way does not stop the dentite realy of learnings of commonality of experience in the total bio=sphere we are all earthinlings … eating each other is part of the ..PART TO FIT … the lion though does not have some stranger way off some where do the killing , yes the MALE LION once his pride is developed is offered food killed by his family members he has his own job or PART TO FIT that of being the …. Symbol …. Of the power of the area .
This documentary ,, is way FUCKING BIASED … created to stimulate thining or emotions which is thinking , which is …. Stimulation on your part ot find something BETTER ! …… it is the information telling you to CREATE something better . drag your ass thru it till you get to fur farms ,,, NOT ABLE TO FEEL THE EARTH UNDER THEIR FEET . not letting them to die by choice of Tao after experienced life and choosing to complete the circle of rePLECATION…. The fish who chooses to eat my EASY PREY of my bait , is the fly who happens into the spiders web ….. the game played the HELPER …preditior being a means to end the game and start the transition of the game player …..
Mark twain said of all the animasl man is the most DETESTABLE … creating pain for entertainment … ehll we are now doing it more and more to ourselves even our confusion and then the docu. ATTACTs my own entertainment ..hunting and fishing …… to ignore my part to fit ,,,, would you ignore you part of a ROBBERY ? and not think about the whats and whys of you action , do you feel so SELF IMPORTANT OR ..EVOVLED to not take some sort of Repsonsiblity for your action … or invovlvement in actions that effect you .
Ahh but it is TOO COMPLEX an issue …. Confue and conquer …. No no no ,,,, all of it is within the freee choice you have to live your life ….. , as the sage says you are so free you can choose bondage …
So it is better that we evolve into living thru a computer matrix experience of video gaming and eating manufactuer food substances created in labs ….. totally dependant on … massive energy investmenst ..or we can return to the nature of being part of the circle …. We on average have only been living our currently life style for mire decades … decades … you are 20 or 30 ,, those are just decades …. The current lifestyle is what after world war 2 … 1950’s so … 6 decades out of a world … billions of years in development . bullfighting and shit not natural that is the DISRESPECT …. Of KING OVER SLAVE replayed so the SLAVE can feel PHAROH like over something else.
Pain stimulates ,,chemicals of SHOCK ease the transitioning or the being user … and as the chemicals effect cell by cell also to the being of the cell has a form of shoick to ease transiton or the end of the game …. FEAR OF the end of the game …of death of the TRANSITON is a big motivator … aboriginal peoples who were born into a culture that saw themselves from day of birth as part of the total flow of energy system …they did not fear death like us ,SURE ..BIO MECHINCS is designed to STRIVE FOR LIFE .. and protecting the next genenration parentns need to LIVE …. Yet they do not live ina SUBLTE fear of death or AFTER LIFE MIND FUCK that PHAROH CREATEED to control the slaves … … the gift of endorphine to the prey speicies is the chemical easing of discomfort while….. DEATH happens …. But your FEELING of turning away form information speaks of the UNWANTED message of a CONTRAST experience in your life … the chance for creativity is presented . to ignore the UNWANTED is to resisit the information from your greater self to be the CREATOR you are . and what you resisit will persisit for the DENTRITE memeory of it is ..IN YOU … even thought you may choose to CONCSISUOLY think about XYZ …. With the 2 gigs of processor power you can use , the brain/bio machine has in it stored information which it filters thru all thinking you will do …. The rsisiteed issue is STILLTHERE . to be revisited until solution is created … you are just hat CREATOR OF SOLUTIONS .
Sunflowers are creators of solutions , if they find themselves planted in the shade the grow towards the light to the best of their ablity … if you are born into confusion you seek RELEIF ..or the feeling of better , than the confusion you have experienced .
Listen to the ….. nice person who is HUMAN … we are not he dark and evil sinner portrayed by GOD/KING …. The evil was in our not worship of them . The socio path ..who cares othing for humanity or their slaves what would they FEEL for other EARTHLINGS ? and then teach the slaves toa ct like them .
The end of this show is what is realy good… it gets Taoist ..Zhuangzi like ,,the info in between is good to siee another side to allow yourself to .THINK FOR YOURSELF ….. it remeinds me a lot of how the French would say …of the left and the right actuall in their extreme become very similar , and how I have found that same effect in talking with many … on the right wingers who go beyond retorhic to think for them selves there I find …. I in I … too .
So check it out if you go the time ..over maybe OVER TIME … not a voice of TOTLA TRUTH . but just another info stream of POSSIBLES . with evidence trails of their own . from which you think for yourself in the end about you won free choices …… beyond the eco system available .. in the end any PHAROH wil l need to be fed …… the evidence all to often even back to the time of the Awawak Indians enslavement by spain ,,the slaves not finding life to be pleasnst self destruction , the slave population declines , birth rates decline , and PHAROH GOES on and on looking for the next slave GPOUP to MASTER ending with the same declining population effect . slavery is not our nature .
it is no fun even the animals expresss this over time ,,the BEES becomes wild Africanized in revolt …. Nature reclalims it’s wild-ness … even if it means destruction of self … to re-birth the new free self . the virius expression in water ways and oceans born of farm industry . …… ok just to give the above CONSPIRACY VIDEO … some evidence that they did do their HOME WORK IT SEEMS … their point of view is not just FAIRYT TALE FEAR MONGERS … think for yourself ……
Bilderberg founding member and, for 30 years, a steering committee member, Denis Healey has said:[23]
“ To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn't go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing. ”
According to the American Friends of Bilderberg, the 2008 agenda dealt "mainly with a nuclear free world, cyber terrorism, Africa, Russia, finance, protectionism, US-EU relations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam and Iran".[9]
In 2005 the then chairman Etienne Davignon discussed these accusations with the BBC.
“ It is unavoidable and it doesn't matter. There will always be people who believe in conspiracies but things happen in a much more incoherent fashion...When people say this is a secret government of the world I say that if we were a secret government of the world we should be bloody ashamed of ourselves. just another source of information you may ot have heard about ….. every republican pesisdent since 1920 ? hmmmm interesting ……. Interesting thing that once on top …really really on top sometimes they can want to grow tomatoes ….
Ohhhhh … I picked up those 4 baby tomatoes form that billionaire dude last week ,, so fucking cool …he was liks so concerned about his babies ,the generation of seeds he had grown , worried about this cold weather and teaching me how to save the next generation of seed ….. this a FUCKING BILLIONAIRE …. ( stems froma blog like backing Oct ’09 )
The ECONOMIC IDEA of is to bring you TOO into a maslows hierarchy of needs mental posisiton like that of the billionaire REALLY finds himself living …. Where he too ends up growning SEEDS and food … living reality … he is just a bio machine . you do not need billions … in fact I have a new site plan ..based on a much smaller parcel and investment . freedom freedom freedom …… having hands on control or ABLITY TO RESPONd with ABLITY …. ALLOWS more freedom to enjoy ,,the Eco system of $$$$$
Take the time to line up the Energy first, and action becomes inconsequential. If you don't take the time to line up the Energy, if you don't find the feeling place of what you're looking for, not enough action in the world will make any difference.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on Sunday, August 3rd, 1997
Again one of the reason I enjoy the voice of the sage thru Ester so much is her ..correctness …. If your BRAIN has no MEMEORY dentrites of conflicting memeory then manifestation is IS ….there are no COMPARISON POINTS . for there is no CONFILICITING memeory to compare to .
Living in the ZONE or her word tool of Vortex ,,, where you are NOT experiencing comparision thinking but LIVING IN A NOW EVENT … is a …lining up of energy . if you are in comparison you have +1 + -1 = 0 postive and negative thought energy equation happening in real time .
We are hear though to experience …TIME/SPACE ….. not live in magical states but in the OP to interactwhile in a state of separation instead of connection ( I in I infifnty where even if I am the division point of the number line of Cantor I am also the WHOLE NUMBER , too …. Which includes YOU ,, and you include me ) but here we forget that to be able to WALK TALK FEEEEEEEL ! CONTRAST and the desries steming from the events to create ops move towards RELIEF in real time … over time in a BIO MACHINE that does have ..MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS …
Be happy with the paradox ( each of the infinte heavens in this guided self directed mediation his made of of Atomic structure and hence QUANTUMS , in the end you find yourself being just that ..1 quantum yourself with never ending in fi nite of quantums in you )
take time to think ,,to ALTER your dentrite pathways which beliefs are born thru …
dam it is cold ….. contrast … I have a choice of focus …. If my clarity of thought is magical I would not freeze to death ,, if I was naked in the aritic snows …. Because I would no longer realy be HERE in a shared time space vents of ..NO’S … but we are here and so I will CREATE heat systems to find a sensntion … vibration ..feeling of BETTER . thus genenarating memeory of my success my DNA that will be passed down to my next genenartion for I am the SURVIOR … animal. An inner urge of KNOWING THE SOLUTION will be in my offspring . and if they are not confused by living they will experiment with life and succeed even better than me . ( ekimos or inuits )
Sunday, January 10, 2010
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