Sunday, January 17, 2010

500,000,000,000 Blow Jobs

500,000,000,000 blowjobs

You aare not teeling me that the guy complainng about getting tailed by the OVERLORDS GOONS … is you high holy source of information , that has been getting you so upset and that you refer to as a source so fucking perfect he is never refuted ….. ( on this
) if he did not exisit he would have to be created to maintain the CONFUSE AND CONQUER system .

what this guys does is use so good DATA ,,, charge it with emeotinal retorhic presenting over whelming topics about issues way beyond your ablity ,,to alter … thus leaving you angry and hopelsss and without any realy ..idea of the ISSSUE …. All that is brought up is the SYMPTOM … that shows up age after age , and will repeat itself again as long as we are mostly concerned with the SAME THINKING THAT CREATED THE PROBLEM . ( einstin…. You cant slove a proble using the thinking that created it )

now I am not trashing this guy just because HE INFERED …that jimmy Carter was as bad if not WORSE …. The skill of this PRESENTER … is beyond belief … the way to associate things in emeotional ways , with out enough supporting data … honeslty to use him as a source of INFO is like fucking using me as a source of DATA ….. NO nono no no ,, I am fucking art ….. and good art is supposed to stimulate INDIVIUAL THINKING . that guy , leaves you wanting to HOARD GOLD AND PRECIOUS METAL ( the same old thinking about TINGS having some sort of Value or HIEARCHY ) OR THAT you gotta go out and buy another gun to hide and a ton of ammo ( same old thinking that violence will be any answer ) …… phaorh will not fight his own fight it would be our own sons and daughters who would do that to their own family blinded by the emotional mind fuck of the CONFUSE AND CONQUER That feeds you , your source of data.

Trillions of dollars have Disappeared ,no no no there are paper trails if money to that level is missing there are paper trails , it is not like a guy washing a car and getting 30 bucks cash and then that money is not placed into a n account but circulates as a method of EXCHANGE you realy can not walk around with ? boxs of CASH to make up a BILLION dollars musch less how many ever boxes it would take to carry around 1000.s boxes of BILLION’s of DOLLARS to make up , Just , 1 trillions paper dollars …… bankers deal in paper trails electronic money impulses of data … that is different form t he WANT TO locate any funds missing thru good open accounting ….. or the NOT wanting to demand of accountability … the idea that accounting is over whelimg again is the mind fuck of one who says …. Looking into every 20 dollar espenditure is unrealitisc and to time consuming ,,,correct …. 20 or 30 buckis the working uy on thstreet IS cash able to carried in a box … but when people dela in even in just tiny amounts compared to trillions like 100’s thousands ..that is carried aroundin electronics and ….. there is to much effeort and people involed to hide trillions in the Unaccountalbe forms of 20 dollars cash at a time . put it into termso freality the 20 BLOW JOB … how many blow jobs is a hidden TRILLION DOLLARS ..what can you do with BLACK $ EXCEPT GET BLOW JOBS and other hidden things that can not be accountable ,, how many 20 dollar cash washes doe sthe banker have time to deal with the LOWLY CAR WASH GUY ABOUT . do you think these bankers eve talk to the car wash guy ? themselves ? no he would be to busy keeping the mice and squirrels form making nesting in all that paper money …

PHAROH is not realy a person or even a group of people even though people make up the cell structure …. Like brains cells which demand much of the effort of the organism …. Like we are beyong the ablity of I skin cell on my arm to understand it HAS EVOVLED to become depedant on a SYSTEM … when in fact it still has in it’s … DNA history the information to live a SINGLED CELLED ORGANISM life . we who have FREELY choosen thru our UP BRINGING to be parts of th CI , the city the organism …. Are used by something that does NO know us like we realy do not know our own skin cells …. They live they die … and so do we too… and so do econicm systems or cities .
And sun spot activity ,,, fine fine fine …. That does happen but under neath we can still see aroud us evidence that we can effect things ….. look at the cloud over town next time you return from the Bahamas and tell me we do not effect the thin atmosphere . and when the circle of sunspots changes and tmps goes back up the insulation we creaed will be like you wearing your WINTER JACKET IN JULY ….

Again this is me POINTING AT symptoms ….. understand the UNWANTED if we do the same old things use the SAME old tools …. And get the same old results ..why keep doing it ?

You talk about CHAVEZ from venezuala … ok if he had done a land thing from day 1 of his firt term I would have respected the guy , anything he does now is just to buy his way in to the hearts after the fact of getting caught be the same old crook …but the core of his example NOT HIM but his example is that LAND is held by PHAORH concept WHILE we were tricked by OUR …. OWN stupidity into buyning into the idea about the importance fo streets being paved in GOLD …. The impoartnce of GOLD ,,, again read the letters of AmenthotepIV …. And how the world was viewing Eygpt of its time as being PAVED IN GOLD …

Get out of the ANGER and FRUSTRATION … and think outside of the ….C I …. Box ,,ci as in ,,,civil ..or city ….. civilian //the less you NEED or love $$$ the better ,,, back to LAND … and UN WORKABLE idealistic idea ….. what if we did not OWN … but in these terms for I am all about letting ownership happen also …

The US has 2.3 billion acres of land of which about 350 million is used for growning crops , 503 million acres for forestry land , 587 million acres of pasture/range land ( meat for the king wine for the church - Masanabo Fukuoka ) 108 million acres for housing/city land the balence is park land. With a population of about 350 million if at time of birth thru LOOTTERY each human born here was given for their sue during their natural life time …. 1 acre … and that acre was planted with 10 food bearing trees local to that area

ok I know ,, what if the land is in FUCKING ALASKA …. Or in Death Valley … fuck you and your fucking ESXTREME fears , this is the result of listening to your friend there ,,FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR ..heavens and hells …. Currently 350 million acres are used for crops and we have 350 million people …hmmm sounds like it is already a PARODY except that ..DOLE MONSANTO , Cargil , ADM , etcetc etc , having their CLAWS in it …. Then too remember 587 million for the fucking HOLY COW ? they do not live to well in fucking FROZEN ALSKAS or in the Death valley now do they …but they get a WHOLE FUCK OF A LOT OF LAND ……

so let PHAROH Have HIS CITY ….. THE 108 million , and you and I get HUMAN BIRTH RIGHT ( what happens when the population grows …. The numbers the numbers the number dipshit …. 350 , 587 .. 503 …. So lets not worry to much about birth rates till we start to encroachon the …BALANCE PARK LANDS the extra billion 100 million acres mean a lot of popu…fucking …lation growth ) back to the idea.

Give us the lottery ,,, let us trade land for land … if I get land in Washington state and some one from Washington state got Georgia land ,, and the guy in Georgia got florida land ….. we after market swap land for land …. Ok and so what about the 5 acres idea …. You know hat my friend shit will work out … the 1 acres is BIRTH RITE … ot needed to be used but at least then YOU CAN QUITHERBITCHING …. If you do no tlike the MONEY CHANGERS AND SHIT ..then split …. To your birth rite . other iwise CAPATALISM ..will live on and methods of EXHANGE will still be needed , and PHAROH willnot clean his own windonws that is for fuking sure …. So and as generations spend off the wealth developed by the ones who came before them I will get my chance at buying 5 acres …. ( now the current idea of multi generational land GRANTING even thru purchase is a questionable practice even with LAND TAX because of the unequlaity of taxation that realy happens . to allow a few to hold vast amounts of land in various methods at such cheap taxation rates …but this … talking about his … is talking about

Solutions instead of just yelling about the symptoms …. And saying something should be done about that …. Yet no REAL change …. Core concepts of ownership ? multi generational ? ok but if tax parody tax equality was realy exercised ,, if we understood the COST OF THE HOLY COW ….. to the civilization …. If we thought about lumber as compared to Earth building …. And what the real cost is with stick building ….

Ahh but that would mean thinking NEW THOUGHTS ….. you slave are trained not to THINK ….. stay confused….. believe and trust have FAITH ….. that our leaders will do what is best just look a the lasat 5000 years you can see the success rate and evidence trails of collapsed system after collapsed system …

This "underdeveloped" country is not inappropriate in any way. It has different desires and different standards, and it is not lesser than -- it is just different. We did not all come to do it the same way. We did not all come to be alike. We came as a diverse bunch of Non-Physical Energies wanting different experiences.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Monday, August 13th, 2001
To use word tool to describe what LOATZU said ,,,” I do not know what it is so I will call it Tao “ CANTOR’S number line ..where there is infinity between just 0 and 1 between NOTHING or no 1 thing ,, and thing ….. the being of thing-ness ..the grouping
So ….. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 ….. realized themselves now to be in a TINGNESS ….. a 1 thng called 10 and ten is not greaer than 1 , 2 , or 3 for eachof them is an infinity they make up the ten and ten has them inside ….all being or using groupings so to experience the EXPAINSONS of infinity . how boring it would be if we were all EXACTLY groupings of 10 ….. yet DNA has Potential to create vast vast vast … vairalbes of GROUPINGS ..tht you a 1 use .. then FUCK to create A new grouping called baby …
Here …this time/space vent is the comparison of the fruit fly , the human , the toritse and the redwood tree from the parables of Zhuangzi …. Each BEING’NESS is valid , the naon second of being of just a BUILDING BLOCK of time space at the subatomic level is still BEING-ness ….. hard to thnk about using just 2 gigs of processing power , huh?
And after being –ness in THIS … grain of sand called Unvierse .. what else ,,,, ahhh what else ,,, any LIMIT YOU PUT ON IT is a fucking JOKE ! stupid little human . that is why the voice of the sage coming thru many forms talks about UNTHINKABLE NESS … ungraven- ness . not brick wall that can be described by book … for a word is just a graven image … first on rock then on clay then on papyrus then on paper then on electronic screens … unthinkable –ness is a core translation ,,,, blue means ? azul means? Both are nothing but TOOLS USED to describe something common we IN COUNTERED … to support the level play ground for the BEINGS here to play . give us tools so we can interact .

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