Tuesday, January 5, 2010

romancing pussy

Romancing the pussy
ROME’s dance …….. romance is based in lies in fairy tales in thought forms …. Ooo before I start I gotta correct myself to the tune of 630 million I guess I have been caught up in the BILLION DOLLAR mind set , and thought that 70 million could not have made the news it must have been 700 million , but most likey I was just be prophetic … since Jemmen is hitting the news big time anyway , and since they think there is nin the country something to the utne of 80 millions weaposn for a population of about 20 miilion , so that would amean ,,, an UZI , AK47 , M16 AND A GLOCK for evey many woman and child …. Ohhh yeay you betcha we will be spending 700 million in the next few years on that night mare too . …repeating CORE THEMES of history . http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/watch/ watch part 2 and think for yourself about the POLOTICS ..the myth .. think about the great big fish storys you have toald and heard told frome friend to friend and frealize that in his day and age ,,the guy named Jesus WAS just Aonther Charimatic preacher yes mybe he did talk with the voice of the sage ,,, and if you study the current voice of the sage http://www.instinctualism.org/id113.html maybe listening to how PEOPLE REACT TO her ….. think how without ,,, VOICE AND VIDEO RECORDING … how would the teaching of this sage have changed over years before the FABLE and fairy tales about the teacher get written down 50 or 80 years later …..

Core themes have nothing to do with the DETAILS of terrorisms or today ,,or smoking of a weed that grows form the ground , and callin it a crime … etc …. Core themes are deeper . aspects of the stresses behind ,the NEED FOR SAVIORS or escapes . or changes of govermentns thru violence …

And in that frontline video is a good example of the GROWTH OF …the ROMAN DANCE ….. be it in written word or arts of theratre or in sexual relationship …. All have been so far detached from INSTINCTUAL nature of the …truth …. The expression of DNA expectations .

But there is something else bugging me young master ,, I had a great time up your way over the weekend had a good time land and town shopping ,,, had a great time seeein friends and family up there ….. interesting enough ,,, the stress of ECO system ..of Economy …. WaS a much talked about tissue ,,,

Source is ever expanding …saying the sage … and the questioner is asking what is the benift of holding an emeotion or feeling or vibration or thought that no longer FIRES YOU UP ….. ( his mind has created reality dentirte patheways so real that to BRAIN it feels as if the WANT ,,not yet lived has been lived ,,, what is LIFE ? is it the experience BUT HWAT IS EXPEREINCE without Brain to PROCESS it inot THingness … IN TO PERSEPCTIVES , and brain is DNA .. brain is Dnentirite pathways of association memeory … CLEARLY IMAMGINED EXPEINCE IS JUST AS REAL AS REALITY …… back to source …. Back to you ,, back to economy .. back to having time to enjoy life not just the WAKING WORKING DRINKIGN SLEEPING WAKING WORKING DRINKING SLEEPING …. Everyon seemed to be trapped in and complaining about ( like the romam SUBJET/slave of 100 common time .. 100 ad )

The town leaders of now were the punk like are now back in the day ..and the town still looks like back in the Day ,,, it has that feeling of being kinda trapped in the PRE I-75 era …. Jimbos swap meet ,,,, is that same barn style fleam amket I see everywhere in fact swa 3 other little towns with on e,,, and I just know exactly what will be there ,,, bootleg DVD and cd’s …. The finest Jalpeno pepper assprtments ,,,, an good taco person ,,, out a dat health and beathy aids ,, and crap crap crap … and 4 or 5 clones the same old men I swear toem after town ,, all selling tray foter tray of RUSTY WRENCHES … .. even though Juimbo jr finnaly painted after his old croaked , it is still what it is ,,the peanut plant still with it’s sing beackoning the tourist who used to drive by back in the 60’s before the I ,, and Bess’s fruit stand selling the same bagged citus you find at every I-exit …. …. Now ,,, MamaSan ..Li’s veggie stand …. She took that old cbs building gave in a rustic wood facing ,,, added in DESIGNER fresh stuff that they actuallyg row themselves bok choy and and other cool stuff …. And she is banking it …. And all bess doe si complan …

The same old thoughts that no longer …. Make yo feel good , her place did great 30 years ago ….. times changed she did not …. The town is no lnger on major NORTH /SOUTH DRANG ..but it s feeder road to the I from all the retirement gold villages and coast towns west of you ,,everyone booking it in at 70 having to slow down to 35 for 3 lights then cranking it back up to 70 …. Maybe they stop at the McD.. or get gas or stop at the CVS …but that is about it …. The town is a pain in the ass slowing them down from getting to the I or to the city just on the other side of the I …. Ahhh the city …EVENTS HAPPEN IN CITYs … market places called MALLS …. But also the new ( actually old but now new ) …. The new market place called the market ..be it a FARMERS MARKET PLACE OR AN ARTS/ CRAFTS SHOW .. or gun show gold show fishing show boat show home show etc etc ….. often held in a TENT city ….. plus another NEW ( again old ..hunting is OLD ) …. Is the Garage SALE hunter …. This has become a hobby and activity for many many many … people who live in citys and retires from citys who now live west of you …. … there is some little mind back ground get you starting to think for yourself …. Be a HERETIC … think for yourself . ( o the EAST side of town theadin gto the I … so that you catch the feeder activity of the North /south road thru town who turn to the I .) there is a ton of vacant commericail land ,, empty centers parking lots

Who are you young mater to recommend anything to your local chamber of commerce who are you to think ? to write to suggest ,,who a re you ? you are the one who will be living there when they the current old guard city leaders are FUCKING DEAD MAGGOT FOOD . is some company came to town promising to develop 40 new fulltime jobs the city leaders would fall over themselves to kiss that companys ass ..for 40 new jobs , will compound … the new income fo 40 will create $$ circulation demanding the need for new employees in current businesses ..to the tune of 20 more jobs , who they to create new people with incomes …. Who create 10 more jobs because of the cash they spend in town , and the 10 create 5 …. So that new project will end up with 75 80 jobs which means MORE TAXES …… music to the ears of city eadership . 5000 years ago and today … music to their ears .

Those people heading to the city will buy ,,,,, a bunch of crap mainly made in fucking CHINA that the the carft show people bullshit them into thinking was made by them in the USA ….. they will buy patio furnite in the city ,,passing right by the guy who makes that wood furniture on the ede of town because he is in the 70 MPH zone no one stops for him …. Plus he has pricd himself out of the market … and he also looks like a 1970’s store …

MICRO INDUSTRY …. Economic development funding …. Buzz words to add into your letter to the chamber of commerce … ….. every home everyone has POTTERY … in terms of plates of of cups ,, everyone has a leather belt baf , BIKER GEAR … everyone need a new HASH PIPE … glass blower … everyone needs TYE DYE .. everyone needs GIFT TEDDY BEARS … locally made beaded jewelry ,,local hats ( here we use coconut fron to make hats , bowls , paper plate holders …. Everywhere has local . weaving POSSIBLITY ..baskets from the vines from the winery up the road … fresh local honey ….. mama san li is smart she knows the OP form another farmers market op to sell the BACK YARD crop her son does , who crops people home trees giving the home owner some of the fruit and keepjng thr est for free for the picking … another wood patio furntitredude ,,, a lamp dude , chain saw sculptures … fishng lures gun rack bird house dude , a couple out of the way plant nurserys , the peanut factory setting up retail ….. a hammock tiere … how about a chick who paints bogift boxes … and speicality sign …. The Siths patio beach home ,,, etc … how about that punk graffit artist gets to paint t-shirt hats liscense plates , land scape paintings person , portart/charactures chik, metal work art guy etc etc etc etc …. Open 7 days , but to make sure it does not ever look like JIMBOS ,,the place has to be broken down every day , keep it TRUE ..TENT TOWN …. Make sure that every week the tents next to the road ..CHANGE …. One week it is …. Tye dye ,, hash pipes and glas art and landscape painting , next week it is chain saw art and teddy bears and nursey plants ,,, ohh a day charge of 5 a day or 25 a week

Then on weekends let churches hae BAKE SALES .. schools do sales etc …. Then …. Have a GARAGE SALE SECTION ,,, just make sure those old men form jimbos do not get to come week after week only allow 2 times for year per addresss …. And all of this is open to county or commniyt residents … only …. Outa towners who want to come sell if it gets grwoning well after a few years they gotta pay thru the nose in rents ….
THE CHANGE OF PRODUCTS iws what will get those people to start and CONTINUE to stop by as they travel back and forth to the I …. Plus you have all the people from the city who go thru town to hit the Gulf Beaches ….. 40 full time incomes ? yep the over all income steam will equal or suprass that .. within a few years if the area is kep TRUE CLEAN AND ….. local art …not chna shit un wraped … and sold as craft ..becaue those same items get seen in town and soon the buyers realize this is the same old shit …different town …. Drive on by ….

Whay is this important toyou young master ? …….. http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html life is not just about dick and pussy yet ,,, dick and pussy are improatnt ,,WHOLE – ISTIC ….

Physical human has found many labels that they use, depending on how they feel in the moment, to try to describe their interaction with Nonphysical. We are Source Energy. We are Collective Consciousness - meaning a stream. We are a consensus of many (what you might call) Nonphysical voices. We are that which some have called angel. We are that which some have called God. We are that which some have called Inner Being. But most importantly (and we'll use some of our favorite words again) we are focalized Consciousness, specifically responding to the vibration that you manage in your asking.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Portland, OR on Saturday, July 12th, 2003
A THNK….. ABLITY ….. what ever word tool is used you never can describe what is UNTHINKALE …. http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html ...... in terms of your own wanting and expecations based upon beliefs which correlate to the dentrite pathsways grown and used and nurutured thru thought activity energy flows ,,stop using old MYTHS and the dentrite memeroy association importance decays as lack of use … http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/watch/ are you using old myths to explain the SAGE ? data

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