Thursday, January 7, 2010

jetski pussy

Jetski pussy

So yes I betcha I jus’ gotta see her in a bikini on the back of your jet ski this summer …. I am sure I will see her ( or someone new ) passing in front of the house as you play based from grand mom dock down the way … Ahh and what a bikini I betcha she has taken great pains to buy …. the tool of sexual FRUSTRATION of manipulation of … the bathing beauty ,, the swim suit competition …. Of the model and pagent winner …. All creations of EVE for the mind fuck of ADAM …. There I have completed my duty to the ideas of poligmy which is FREINDSHIP BASED …. Think about the core of the gorilla world … think like a heritic …

Ahh now there , is something …. You my fine rich young friend … Unviersity educated .trust fund protected , and well employed … heritic … steming from the opposite or othrodox … which found its home in the INTOLERACE OF ….. Christianity . the hereitic thought for himself and that was UN ACCEPTABLE back in history back then and still evident now . …

So you have on the back of that big ole’ IMPORT pick up truck … a bumper sticker ..coomon around here ..STOP THE DISCHARGES … yes stop the UNANTURAL .. flow of water which leaves 50 miles of water shed smelling like death ,, poisoned where you can no longer take all those girls ATTRACTED TO YOU AND YOUR TOYS .. you can no longer play on the water safely …. Why ? what are you scared of ?

Something tiny ..something ..invisisble …. BUT SOME THING THAT will make her pussy give out discharges as smelly as the river where she would catch the bug in .. is that what you are scared of ? caused by the DIS EASE STATE of nature caused by something as un important and as small as a human …. Almost invisible when seen from a PLANETARY SCALE …. Like a virus is to a human scale to scale …

Yet you say right to me .. you do not believe mankind can effect the planet .. and gloabll warming is bad for business … ohhh man ….. you are about 28 29 … born just after Regan took over and STRIPPED the SOLAR PANNELS off the white that JIMMY CARTER HAD PUT THERE .. as a symbol of freedom from the power of PHAROH of Arab oil …. Of change and USA self direction .. Ronny RAY GUNNS … promising small government and less taxes ..lines of bullshit … during the CARTER years a DEMOKAT … he got the Deficit spending down to 10% formt he 23 % of the REP liars before him … Ronny gets in and racks up and average of 25% , bush 1 28% …. Oh then we get the Demo Kats back BILL and Hillary and good ole Al Gore ..they actually get to the point of paying down the Deficit to the tune of 6% PAYING DOWN !!! then comes your hero ..BUSH 2 ….. whose yearly average rasising COMPOUNDING … of 32% … I mean ronny is seen as a god , he got a deifict of 900 bill and made it into 3 TRILLION ..of course things grew and Bush 1 continued the growth … bill and hillary and al had years of work to get the MOMMENTUN under control and actually start the long PROCESS OF PAYING IT DOWN …. only to lose out to bush 2 so Obama is handing what 11 tirllion and a MACHINE DEPENDANT ON IT .. … HE has to FIGHT THE MOMENENTUM ONCE MORE

NOW I can understand some … old redneck beleliving the story of the SAVIOR … against big government and big spending and protecting the church …. That right wing sells him but you are supposed to b ethe EDUCATED enlighted …. One ? ahhh but you realy have not felt the cost of …. It … the old redneck has , as him and his family are laid off … as people they know who GOT STUPID … we all admit we got stupid bought into the bANKERS LIES …. About second mortages and Equity profits … till now the banks own shit …. But you are of that BANKER CLASS .

But this is supposed to be about ECO SYSTEMS not eco-nonic systems … but all are part of WHOLE –ISTIC reality .. just like we are part of that .. we are part of the eviroment who fuck uip the rivers …

Have you ever done the crossing from the BAHAMAS … what do you see first the land or the SMOG ? we have a thin breathable Atmosphere about 18,000 feet …. That is not very much … you count it in feet …. Not in 100’s of miles or 10’s of miles even ,,but in terms of FEET …. So you think HUMAITY IS SO SMALL WE CANO NOT EFFECT THE PLANET …. A bug so small you can see it … like human to planet comparision scares you enough not to go jetski ing and enough for you to PROTEST … yet we can not effect something only FEET HIGH .. we destroy miles of RIVERS … we do not effect something only FEET HIGH ? …

Sure we live on only 108 million acres ..cows get 580 million acres , but remember beofer we SLASHED AND BURNED AMERICA a 150 years ago like people are doing to rain forests now …. There was different eviromental dymincs …. Now the 503 million acres of TREES we have ..well that is MONO CULTURE farm trees not BIO DYMICS … and then the 350 million acres of FARMS .. have you ever watched the guys filling the tanks of the sprayer PLANES … in their HAZ-MAT SUITS AND RESPIRATORS . looking like army dudes practising form a nerve gas De-Com .. then to spary mile after mile of that shit every whwere … ever smeel the dump miles away ? driving down the Interstate …? We live we have our homes on 5% …… if you were covered by 5% CANCER SORES ulcering breaking Open smelling of death .. PUSS DRIPING …. Nasty shit caused by an animal so small you can not see it … what would you think then ? that something so small can not effect something so large like a planet ? ….. would you be concerned about yourself if your WHOLE RIGHT ARM … in between your fingers ? your fingers nails POPPING OFF … under your arm the skin melting off … over under all around your whole arm DIS EASED … polluted like that atmospshere we see as we arrive acroos the gulf stream back to home … ( next health care ? huh ? you fear that tax ?what the fuck ? we rate 37 th in the world ..37th ….. don’t get me started we spend the most have have shit … 1 out of every 5 dollars wasted )

I can see or under stand ..some OLD MAN STUCK IN OLD THINKING …but you are supposed to be the leadership the best and brightest ..and all you care about is ..showing off …… your pussy ….( oooh dipshit get smart … look around you …. Just lke a tiger woods you will become …. Used by the pretty pussy who finnaly CATCHES you , since to move up the LADDER towards PHAROH HOOD …. You have to be married …. And she EVE . skilled by 1000’s of years of culture )

Your world is pointing toward an insistence on conformity which is causing you enormous grief. It's what's at the heart of all of your religious battles, and religious battles are what are at the heart of all of your battles. In other words, all of your wars and global irritation with one another are over your determination to promote sameness. Your democracy insists that it's the only government that works. And every religion (it's interesting to note) proclaims that it is the only one that works.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Kansas City, MO on Wednesday, September 15th, 2004
The gift of PHAROH …. The god of Amen … Amenhotep IV …mono theism or poly theism is both THEIESM . god based ..and gods 1 or many are always refered to in terms of HUMAN NATURE the god of jew and Christian ( jew ) is a very human god also ….. the unthinkable or UN GRAVEN image of Tao … in non god ,, source energy too is NON god …. Way beyond the ablity of a bio mechincal brain that has 2 gigs of processing power to conceptualize … allowing this TIME/SPACE ARENA . to be what it is .. a grain of sand .. important in that is IS REAL , but no thing in terms of the … I in I … which you feel deep inside . and what is a FEELING can you go out and buy a box of FEELINGS ?

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