Friday, January 22, 2010

the pussy is confusing

The pussy is confusing

Aaahhh a world that tells me I can not ,,no not a world just an attraction of individuals who help me clear my own thinking , so …… those are your LIMITS not mine ,,nothing I propose is IMPOSSIBLE ..only UN …usual and you are stuck in … what everyone else is and has been doing so long you are stuck with out accepting it in …. 11. conformity , lack of creativity , fear of trying something new … of dr. Thomas Godons list of the effects of manipulation … so young master who talks to me about , his feeling of homosexuality ( fine cool good your FREE CHOICE ) or about building codes … fine so a concept has not the engeering testing for a certain area does not mean it can not be proposed .. then tweeked then tested or designed to fit … NO IT IS NOT ALWAYS …EASY … to be different .

But to being gay ….. I still maintain the logic that you do not have within you a TRUE homosexual gene but the epsression of …REPRESSION .. antoher form of SELF PROTECTION from alie of confuse and conquer ,, an escape which you find functions but WITHOUT EXPLROIGN THE ..CORE REASONS more completely you are re acting to symptoms creating thus more symptoms . … true homosexual gene would not reproduce itself and would die off in nature each time it was manifested …. It is HOMOSEXUAL so it would not reproduce …. Or even if due to CULTURAL REASONs it does have a child or two . the numbers would be overwhelmingly UN SUPPORTIVE OF ITS CONTINUATION . it would be NAUTRALLY SELECTED TO exticition … it is homosexual … what you are using is a convient excuse to DENY RELATIONSHIP …. Un-naturalness dating is so fucking una antural and human contanct so BASIC TO …MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS . that homosexual espression of relationship forms just is easier .. I totally accept and support you in your finding a way to live happy in a country where …32,000 people KILL THEMSELVES EACH year out of the confusion in the USA ( ahh the gift that maybe the muslims are fighting about as they fight for their Traditions seeing past the LIE of westerners , but for me ,, REAL LEGION is REAL LEGION the same mind fuck … in different clothes and different rules . )

WE WORRY ABOUT 5000 killed in the twin towers or ..a few here and there killed in terrorist activity when ,, we KILL OUR SELVES by the 1000’s year aftrer year … due to the confuse and conquer …of our un-natural life style.
Young master I wil refer back to your youth when you had HIGH HOPES for love sex and girls …. Sure I get it by age 15 you were already so STRESSED and confused … and you found other friends feeling the same way and LUCKLY for you now adays there is much moe open acceptance in fact your mom is almost trying to make you into .. a Feminine MALE … that be BI or now gay … 10 years later seemed natural … but you did not start that way ..nope nope nope .. ….. I just want you to STOP DEFENDING your free choice and let yourself think ..for yourself …. About the ROOT CAUSES . and they are many ,,, sexual manipulation …. Eve does not realy understand her own RESPOND WITH ABLITY … like you donot understand the effects of what you are living …. She blames MEN for having to bE >>EXTRA SEXY .. when it never ever thru out history ..the dad who dressed and put make up on his daughters so they would be able to ATTRACT the RICHEST OF KINGS … the geneisis of the beauty pagenent .. IT was not daddy who taught he arts of the BELLY DANCE to you girls , that was EVE TO EVE ….. then blaming men . for their own deep rooted generational … actions gone wild .

And my friend ….. if no one tried to build anything NEW and just followed the rules set down …. We would never evolved past … accedential fire gathering … instead of fire making …. I do not want to destroy TECHNOLOGY … I just want to FREELY choose not ..NOT to be totally depedant on it . for my OWN FREE CHOICES in living . and if that means my ruffs VISION BOARD PLANS need structural tweekeing if I need solid poured concrete .. colums tied to a solid poured concrete tie beam …. Then I should draw those in in a way equal to those found in regular CBS block construction …the rest of the wall should pass just based on the SHEAR VOLUME and thickness .. since it is not realy load bearing as it pertains to the roof and being . buryed , shear winds will flow over the structure like iwas a HILL IN NATURE NOT A HOUSE … and the two flat side with doors and windows will have so many concrete columns due to the doors and windows as to be above ..code already .. adoboe is not meant to be load bearing .. but he SHEAR THICKNESS WILL NOT BE MOVED BY SIMPLE WINDS . nor effect by flyng debri like stick built .

Young master the core relationship form the 1 on 1 , that we have accepted a s NORMAL ( notice I didn’t say natural … ) …. It has a root of FEAR … permeating it and so what do you expect to MANIFEST form it with the bassis of thought energy being so polluted .

Now girls are BI SEXUAL … or atleast they need each other much more that we you and I need eachother … we can interact , male to male , but we are LONE ANIAMSL … look to the observations of Dr. gRay of mares and venus fame , …. But I would rather bring you to … the gorilla … who we share SPERM THICKNESS AND PENIS DESIGNE and 98% dna … sure we share 98.9% with chimp but mucho of that is … random dna strands not we we consider right now as functionals strands , . plue the fact that … overwhenliming thru out history we have a history of being poligmous . before the rise of the mind fuck ..

The Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining, or because of what you are observing. In either case, it is responding. Where emotion comes in is that emotion is your guidance or your response to your vibration. Your emotion does not create. Emotion is your indicator of what you are already creating. As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So it's always a match. What you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match. The emotion (your Guidance System) is telling you what's coming.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday, March 7th, 2000
Ok I can feel the truth permeating this ,, vibrationis her word tool for THINKING thinking is carried out thru …bio mechincs called brain , brain is programmed by CONSENT , of the young in human species to accept certain aspects so we do not have to RE-INVENT the wheel with each genenartion and thus many children woul die in that process we evolved to acepte and TRUST elder guidance …

But that becomes the dentrite filter thru which we ..THINK …

Now our pwn PERSONEL FEELING about our experience is further confused because of this INSTINCT IN ATE … INSTINCT to follow leadership becaue of the complexity of the CO SYSTEM of being human .

It evolved in to the MND FUCK of reward and punishment , the TRAINABLITY of humanity was Recognized early on by the HTOUGHT FORM …. Example again the Jesuit preists would say ,,,give me you youth and by age seven I will give you the man …

Reward and punishment systems which understood the in ate …trainablity of human . training them to thinki in terms of what is best for PHAROH or God ,the kingdom …of heaven , to serve and worship . a god /king form . to the point we no longer would be able to FEEL our own FEELINGs or QUESTION why is life so fucked up .

Again ties back to you being gay , and not letting yourself …even think about what I talk about ,, aout un covering layers …it is not about your free choice young master , the tool of your own survival .. whether it is being Gay , or drinking or getting high , or working to extremems your own tool to deal the best you can with CONTRAST , an attempt with the choices availabl to find a way to FEEL BETTER .

Now in the life ,,, what do you REALLY FEEL …… your self justifaction shows me ,, a SOMETHING .. about the hidden inner suppressed feelings … the emotionala guidances .

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