Friday, January 8, 2010

peanut pussy

Peanut pussy

Okay peanut … young misss …. I hope I had gotten your attention , you so young already to give dudes up , well I know FROM THE ANIMAL SIDE of who and WHAT you are ,, that realy is not PROBALBE ,,but it is within the realm of the possible . you are hurt confused and tired … like so many others like yoursis …like like like … just as you were naming off to me examples of problems relationships … look thru the SHIT of my site and my writings to find the pearls girls …

and core to it all , it the isnticnt of making sure the young master has his own ..OWN bannana trees … to be emtaphoical .. the girl gorilla don’t hook up with a non landed silver back … so just getting guy with CASh you think will do the trick but NO ,,, look a he evidence trail of the other LIKE LIKE LIKE .. you brought up yourself some of those were ones where $$$ was not a big problem or SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN a big probelme … but everything still collapsed .

we are still COWS … you can breed a cow to live in deserts or give mild or for beef or bull fighting or or or ,, it can come in wilde beast form or buffalo form or whatever form but it is still a COW …. It does not have clawss or fanges or fly sprout wings , it does not eat meat ,, it eats grasses … YOU ARE AN APE and most likely form so much evidence trails most likely a ..POLIGMOUS …. APE . the soul mate fairy tale is a creation of the confuse and conquer if the family unit is stressed and forced to be 1 on1 because of MYTHICAL EXPECTATIONS REVOVLING AROUND GOD CONCEPT .. imitations of king and queen political forms ..translated in to FASHIONABLE LOVE STORYS STARTING FROM Neferiti and Amenhotep the IV ( the end of every prayer we still respect the PHAROH … AMEN TO THAT …. )

YOUNG MISS IT IS NOT YOUR JOB TO goad him into doing it .. if he can not thn for himself about what he wants based upon the vidence trails of what he has lived ..he is UN WORTHY ,, and your chasing of him is The ..SHIFITING SANDS . of an Unstable family foundation destined to reapeat history ..over and over .. generation fafter genenration , the reason for the birth of ROMANITIC ARTS… THE ESCAPE IN FANSTY SINCE REALITY IS TO CONFUSING AND DOES NOT LIVE UP TO T lies WE WER TAUGHT TO EXPECT …… well dumb fuck what do you expect form the Slave master TYruth ? divide and conquer ,, confusion is divided attention .. taught expecatation and encountered reality bein in congrouis … leading to confusion ultimately .

So read betweenthe lines dig for the gold use you mind and then CREATE …. Understand the UNWANTED . to clarify the wanted and then feel most expecatant of a different outcome yet understaninding your own PART TO FIT …. you REAL CORE thinking will hsow back up out of the HAPPY HAPOPY FACE YOU PUT ON FOR THE WORLD .. so fuck the world ,,FTW …. Think for yourself . fuck 2nd mind … compare think guage , learn read . think ..vibrate then positive epecatancy ,, only with those WORTHY AND OF TRUE LIKE MIND . … be open to the idea they maybe , Self deluding themselves just to feel a part of something to end their own ISOLATION . you need other women … peanut …
You are a friendly person a sharing loving supportive person you are not a CHILD KILLER LIKE THE CHIMP female … a 14% INFANTICIDE RATE IS , women killig off 2 kids out of every kindergarden class out of GREED for psotion with an ALPHA MALE … you are not that greedy bitch ….. and you are not totlally gay yet , that intamcay is pleasant … and in harmony once more with …

A circle … nature ,,, has cycles some are saysing because fo this COLD HERE IN ..FLA .. global warming my ASS … the old man taught me years ago about crabbing saying phil they go in 7 year aveage cycles but what the old man taught me was the 7 can be close to 5 or close to 9 … a day is like a second to Nature , a week a minute a year an HOUR …. So 7 years is like sunrise to nooon the next seven years is like the hours from noon to sunset of just 1 day nature is bigger than us Phil said the old man ..who was taught way back when by the old man …. …. And the seasons change as the days of NATURE become weeks then monhts then seasons …. So it goes form 5 years crab cycles to 9 years crab cycles ….. FOLK LORE OF THE WATTERMAN … . Round and round logic heading you back to what nature tells you form within ,,,,, like the cow eats grass no matter what outward form it comes in it is still a fucking Cow .. … you are not GOD .. you are DNA …. Bio mechanics … being used by …. I in I … perspective of you ! for a limited time/space event . where you can only process 2 gis of data per second and can be miss lead because of your loving trusting nature …. Good family friendly healpful loving much more Groilla like .

So you do not have to give up guys ..nor give up girls either ,,,, but love you girl friend enough to be happy athat you bothe have the same taste in a GOOD MAN
A worthy man FIRST PROVEN … then choosen ..

( ohh art ….. is the arts derived fro the pain of western living worth it ?listen to the AGE AFTER AGE of art and find in it that the ARTIST most often is expressing FRUSTRATION with lifes confusions …. What art will come when we return to our instinct …. The question was posed and the artisit commented … all artisit first start of as a monky ….imatiating ..the actions of the teachers or others copying until they have their own voice they will sing with a voice of HAPPINESS INSTEAD OF PAIN …. Cool far fucking out ! ) thanks for the vote of confidence in the instinctual teaching dating back to Zhauangzi .,..
but what of 1on1 is it BAD … no is also 1 more FREE choice …. I throw a penny into the air and of course it falls … like a rock … but … thru CHARACTER thru much much much effort and un antural action it can be forged in to aprt of an airplane and if you ADDD ,,massive amounts of UNANTURAL Energy to it will fly …. But in the end … At what cost ? and for how long ? can this activity be susutained for the next 13 million years of HOMIND DEVELOPMENT ?

What anyone else has or does not have has nothing to do with you. The only thing that affects your experience is the way you utilize the Non-Physical Energy with your thought. Your abundance or lack of it in your experience has nothing to do with what anybody else is doing or having. It has only to do with your perspective. It has only to do with your offering of thought. If you want your fortunes to shift, you have to begin telling a different story.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth & Happiness"
If you can develop a thought pattern so TRUE that you can not EVEN remember the problems you are currently thinking about , then the QUANTUM reality will form into that form of the new thinking …if realy thought about and understood it resembles self genenrated pyshcoesis …. But if done so true there is no mental illness for core reality even to the thoughts of others would be altered NO MEMEMORY of the problem state ever having been engraved into dentrite form the level of change I am talking about , but doing stuff like that does break the agreement from which a reality that has POTENTIALS for contrast to exixit …to no longer exisist .. the play ground breaks apart
What the sage is talking about is the over time changing the dentrite memory pathways from where thought energy EXPECATIONS are genenarted thru … bio mechincs . telling a different story , when in your core you are confused and in a stressed posoiton is hard NOT IMPOSSIBLE f ro anything is possible , but I talk about genenarl experiences of the many , when I bring back into having some personel control over the basic aspects lof living so that …you FEEL ..less confused , less of PAWN whose strings are in the hands of complex eco system or Eco-nomics .. that have been ALLOWED over genenrations to become vastly complex , because certain ,,SOCIOPATHIC expressions of humanity ,,, a 1/10th of 1% birth rate mutuation … of greedy leadership …. Have found general working class stress and confusion to be useful in controlling populations , look back to the Wisdeoms of the leadrs from ancient Rome as they described the useful ness of the GAMES in controlllin general population … confuse and conquer … public fighting in governments a great tool in maintaing confusion where by the general population give up feeling helpless . and just loss themselves in Escapes .. dreaming can be an escape ONLY ,, if the core thinking you hold is still tainted with negative expectation … all you are doing is …+1 + - 1 = 0 changing dentires takes time in the …time/space playground we have agrred to play with in ,, suing tools likek ..DNA memeory based bio mechincal self repearing machines like bodys ,,, who carry with in the memeory of the basic expectation of the species being EXPERINCED THRU . you are HAREM SPEICES …. Sex and food and housing and friendship ,, all the basic building blocks of MASLOW HIERACHY OF NEEDS , is the house you live in is built upon SANDY FOUNDATION the walls will crumble what ? these people can do it ? but Americans ,, are to stupid to do it ?

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