Saturday, January 30, 2010

my green thumb in her pussy

My green thumb in her pussy

Or yours young master … the learning that HTINGS GROW … is what excites me , if you learn first in the SEARCH for the Escape from the confuse and conquer of CIVIL life …ok , but in that you learn the seed of freedome ( seed pun intented ) the leap from growing WEED to letting fruit trees do what they do NATURALLY …. And realizing that the human DNA animal with its upright albity its soft hands sensitve to touch testing for ripeness and the teeth designed to eat fruit and designed to establish the probiotic digestive to use fruit as the 90% of food intake to live healthy SLIM and natural .. well growing DOPE just helps you realize that a leap to freedom would be EASY …. Food is a basic SUB C> concept of maslows hierarchy of needs ,, that is you depend on the centrailized system yur FEEL a sense of stress and slavery at a SUB C level .. that stress is a Window Open in you mind … taking up processing ability even if you do not belieive or notice the opne window .

Look centralization like high speed rail systems and mass transit …. What they are are tools ,,, think about this idea ,, you got cattle move them from the feed lot to their stalls EFFICIENTLY … you need organizing ,,, well your city APARTMENT is your stall like a farm animal lives in a stall ….. your job ,,, the feed lot ……. Cows dependant on the RANCHER for life itself in terms of food … since the CONCRETE STERiLE world no longer holds nay food or grasss for the cow.

This is US …

In florida example with the projected 9 billion dollar high speed rail system let us ,, tear apart those numbers ,,nothing special real simple ideas that , others have thought ,, and put aside in stead choosing the …the RAIL PATH …. First FOLLOW THE $$$$ high speed rail is HIGH TECK … the USA does not manufacture that we did the beginning design 20 years ago ..but now the manufacturing country and companies have their own design programs …. The work for us AMERICAN will be in the assembling of metal rails and concrete road bed …. Hmmmm concrete … that means CEMEX … a Mexican company ….. the metal is really really a tiny part , just that thin rail that will be American … the construction project will be bid and won by some one like Cata Fumo … Italian …. We get shit realy …. And the end we get a high speed rail …. Not a day to day usable item for the masses of florida but a system designed for the use of the 5% for their daily business and reacreation use … us on special occasion .

Ok ….. 9 billion is ,,, 9 million $1000.oo bills …. Tata Nano: Not Just a Car but Also a Platform that 2500 retial car ,,, genernal rule of thumb retial is about 3 times cost …. 3 grand means cost is 1000 ….. the labor cost in the countrys making the car sure are low , but right now with florida at 14 % unememployement there are lines fo 6 buck an hour jobs …. On par with 3rd world jobs realy . we have lot sof CLOSED auto plants ….. so what I am saying is
9 billion could deleiver 9 MILLION ..POD cars …. MADE IN THE USA … theose 9 million cars get 3TIMES the current 20 mpg avagaer,, so we destroy ,, CARBON concern do not worry about CAP and TRADE …. In fact decrease ,carbon by over 2/3rds….. the american POD car is the town car the commute car keep you EGO CAR , but you will find you willuse your POD for indivual travel mostly …… instead of builidn new ROAD BED and rail system ….. big construction and land clearing … PAINT A NEW POD DRIVE LANE on current road ways …. 9 , 000 , 000 on the road and that is just form the PORK from 1 state …..

But what about the profit …. Consider it the US doing a R/D to then let for profit take over in a decade . and the Nano has already passed European crash-test safety standards. From that article refered up top . now are you teelling me the the USA is to STUPID to copy the system of TATA who just copied the system of others who ORGINALLY copiied the ideas of AMERICA …. We are now TO STUPID take it all back ? if so we deserve what we live ….go back to SLEEP american trust the leadership .
FOR every 1 email they get they figure 1000 others feel the same ,,, votes do count your voice will effect things .. because most people are asleep yet talking to each other … so all you gotta do is search you state then fill out 5 lines and then say your peace in 10 or 20 words … they do not read the shit they LOG THE DATA ….

The revovling door … the heads of government overseeing agencys .. on avearage have ties if not had worked for the CORP they now … oversee and will become re- employeed by some form of CORP after leaving goevernemt service

WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY AND HE IS …… us ….. stay asleep . or become INDEPENDENT ….

Planning a food forest … brings things back to you …. Even PRE –ag- cave man there are oaisis that have been tended for 1000’s of years in desert areas … yeilding food without PLANING per say … planned AG croping is not as easy as just creating …. A food forest … self re genenrating food supply with little effort . but to do that would mean you will have to PUT DOWN THE …BONG … nah ,,,,, better to drug yourself into submisssion . go to sleep ….. sleep …sleep …. Hypnosis is all about ..sleep .
Recreational food gathering …. the last 3 minutes about instinctualism ….. different words the same theme … humanity is good !

If man understood that "what I create has nothing to do with what anybody else is creating" then he wouldn't be so afraid of what others are doing.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in El Paso, TX on Saturday, November 14th, 1998
Or whaT OTHERS ARE THINKING about what you are doing , acting because of your concern for what is int 2nd mind ,,, your current social cirlce .. the girl you currently LOVE .. maybe just that aspect to you ,,the restraint of 2nd .. and it does not serve her ( I beielive in you truth of feelign for her ) nor does it serve her ( I beielv ein her truth of love for you ) ……. It is NOT ATTRACTION

Again …search out Pogo …. We hae met the eneemy and he is us …

The h uman child is designed to trust by EONS OF DNA … for the need to sruvive on the SAVANNAHS . for our APE fore fothers was one of … KNWOLEDGE .. if a child was not one to learn from mom and dad they went off on their own and became lion food … the trusint child .. listened . and lived … so a core .. a core .. a core DNA expression OF CONCERN for 2nd mind evovled . useful to the slave master if it got hold of the developiong human mind ……
The Corp UNDERSTOOD THIS and funded mass education system …. And encouaraged mothers to work and trust in INSDUSTIRAL CHILD CARE .. ) depend on the system …. ( sleep …

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