EASY pussy
No DIS-ease can abide in a body that is in the zone in a flow in an ease of BEING itself as is expected from the DNA level. http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html ,,,, in vibrational haromony with source to use the word tool of the sage .. vibration being her word tool for thoughts happening in the NANO SECOND or the now ,,, the sone being a state of NON comparision …. ..this sucks and that would be better ,, but being in a now of the experience where you live at the higher level of the emotional scale not comparing that to the past of feeling loyst and saying to self WOW this feels better nor saying wow this fucking sucks and I think my dream life would feel better ,,,no just being a BEING of the now without living thru a FILTER OF COMPARISON . of emotiona scale set points . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html … often found in some one who is totally engrossed in an activity or sprot ,,, even Weeeeee plaind and simple playing with the WEEE with others is fun , right as soon as they split I got hight score got bored and walked in the colds wet woods …. Finding wild food ..low and behold …. The shit ..is every where food every fucking where . growing all by itself …yet food REPRESENTS one of the core issues of MASLOWS HIERACHY of needs a sublte sress in that RELATIONSHIP you have with MONEY CASH , ..$$$ money has withit stress at times it use can be DRUG like ..even going on for years like we all justwent thru ,, aperiod of history much like the ROARING 20’S everyone was a millionaire ….. now … $$$ has the relationship to stress factors ..or dis-ease . …… ohh not to get me wrong … you young mster were stressed about cash 4 years ago also …. But you had lots more yet still STRESSED over $$ because you teneded to spend up to your means …
History repeating itself …. To ignore that I hit my thumb with the HAMMER is stupid … to not think about the repepatition of events is..stupid ,,it is not REPEATING of thoughts bringing about events … no that is happening because of DNTRITE PATHWAY associaition or sub .C … thoughts beliefs systems based in passed down genenrational expecatations about reality . and one evidence trail fo this compounding effect of genenrtional ..dentite patheways thinking beliefs expectations … THE OIL COMPANYS MULTI NATION GROUPS OF REALY STINKING POWERFULLLY RICH HUMANS …. Did not just stumble this WEEK on the oil on the bottom of the oceans from Africa to so. Ameica this was something studied over years … amny hints leading to test wells and sinking a BILLION OR TO into R & D .. wells .. we the general slave population have to go thru stress of $ 5. a gallon gas first before they would let this info come out .. now if oil is a result of TRAPPED SOLAR energy in the earth like a FAT or cholesterol comaprion to a living system then .. relelasing traped enenry potentials to be RE EXPRESSESD put back into the energy cycles … could be healthy for the whole bio sphere called Gaia .. http://www.instinctualism.org/book_of_positve_aspects.html we a lilttle bacteria manifestation …. To the whole ness of giai are the fire starter of PRODIGY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I29-VeX4Dv4 .. but just like in any living system a ROUGE bacteria or virus can become to greed POPULATED and thus be come UNHEALTHY for the system … other wise ,, in PROBIOTICS natural system always have in them the SEEDS of bactria that can cause DIS-EASE to manifest when unstalbity or ..DIS EASE is present … and then the bacteria can KILL a human or a planet … .. a little bug like human can effect a whole plante like a little bug like HIV effect the complex working of bio dynics and… can kill a whole human … …. History are you hitting your thumb with a hammer over and over and ignoring the information given by the pain ? …. Probioitc balance is healthy … bacteria gone wild and greedy is not … PHAROH , EMPORER , KING , CEO ….. different word tools to describe the similar theme … so if use a claw hamer , or a ball bien , or joiners mallet or a sledge the common theme is my thumb keeps getting HURT …. Look to the common themems of HUMANITY which cause the need for SAVIOR or god …. To come to the rescue of humanity … http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/watch/ …. To stop the pain of living in confusion created by the HAMMER … and those who found out mind fuck the general population .
Bi – polar , anxiety , depression , ADHD , mood disorder , etc , etc ,etc …. Millions upon million s of kids …. BIG CASH FOR THE DRUG COMPANIES yeah ,,whoopee ! drug by age 2 ?
Are we FUCKED up or what ,,,, artificial MOTHERS MILK …. Refered action by the system ..sounds not un like what was happening in the time of PHAROH and coating the nipples of mothers with OPIUM now does it ? http://www.llli.org/
La Leche League International helps mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother. Find this link also on http://www.instinctualism.org/submissive_training.html
But NO , TRUST the system ….. listen to the snake charmer …. Ignore what you feel … do as you are told by the PRESIT OF THE IVORY TOWER …
Getting mad …. After use of BLAME ..blame is the understanding of the UNWANTED . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html ..... GETTING MAD stimulates BIO MECHINCS stimulates thought pathways and concretes new dentrite path ways and associaitions .. mantiaing the new ideas ..thru PLAUSIBLE PLANING … is important . in decaying old NON useful thinking …. Vibrational patterns … vibrations of the sage voice . anger is strong emeotion … tht power of DNA ..that causes you to PLAY HARDER BE IN YOUR NOW MORE …. …yet PLANING IN A COMPLEX ,,,, CONFUSE AND CONQUER ECO SYSTEM … brings you daily inot encountering ,,comparison thinking ,,, here sucks my dreams are better …. This in non functuional vibration … for you have + thought energy and the comparison thoguth of NOW as being bad .. being the – negative = 0 thought energy produced . +1 + -1 = 0 …
Everyday in everyway you are getting better and better ,,, right this minute is the …. ATTRACTION you had made so to learn form this event in some sublte way to enhance …the projected dreams you had made earlier .. some how clarifying or stimulating …. Giving oppurutunity to FEEL ..feelings ANCHOR THINKING INTO DENTRITE PATHWAYS ….
False holding of good feelings when the truth is you are not there …. Will not produce real growth … move backwards on the emotional scale admit … where you realy are …. And move up from the TRUTH not the fairy tale ..JSUT BECAUSE YOU ……… SHOULD be feeling good because everyone expects you to …. 2nd mind . HOW ARE YOU IS THE QUESTION someone sasks ,, and we all say FINE . when the truth is 96% want to say IT SUCKS , the kids drive me nuts wht wife is depressed my bank account is over drawn I have bills due and I am waiting on …” the checks in the mail “ from customers . UNDERSTANDING the reasong for hitting your thumb on $$$$ over and over again . …… right down to tidea that you are DEPENDANT ON something as basic as food … and relate it to $$$$ who has PAHOARH CONCEPT PICTURES ON IT . historical mythical leaders who were just flesh and blood humans like yo and me .
BUT THE ALLOWING yourself ..to feel good ,,welll that feels BETTER RIGHT ? and why do you want WHAT you want ? so that you will feel BETTER so any thing andy time you Aallow yourels fto feel good OR BASK WITH WHAT EVER YOU ARE EXPERINCING RIGHT NOW … you ..SUCCEED AT THE CORE WATING OF ..TOA . to morrow is not …now .
The Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining, or because of what you are observing. In either case, it is responding. Emotion is your guidance or your response to your vibration. Your emotion does not create. Emotion is your indicator of what you are already creating. As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So, what you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match. The emotion (your Guidance System) is telling you what's coming
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Tuesday, March 7th, 2000
In harmony with the BIO DYANMICS of brain …. Of denttite pathwasy of memory and asscoication .. that filter REALITY ….. this NOW is and experience of a NANO SECOND or quantum second of reality PASSED THRU by the UNTHINKABLE SELF that is you ..the I in I ….. assembling and de assembling so fast our biologiacla sensors cn not detect it ..so it becomes a reality like the images on a TV screen …. Re assembling constantly based upon the expecations of the EXPERINCERS who were using the last manifestation NOW …. Once experienced becomes DATA …. Evolving manifestation aseembaleges to come are based upon the expecatations of the COLLECTIVE users , ideas way beyond the ablity of a 2 giga byte braine to function with …
But the sage uses the best TRANSLATION of her brain to describe ideas flowing from the … I in I …. Thru the limit of word tool of our current age … what and how were those who were translating the voice of the sge 1000’s of years ago ,, desciribing stuff and how were the common people hearing it ….. in terms of what Expecattions based upon their biological tool ..BRAIN . reality is REAL but so is the FIELD of the UNTHINKABLE in which reality is like a grain of sand … http://www.instinctualism.org/paradox.html ..... that in whihc the all possible of NO 1 THING can form into thing ness …. http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html sot hat possiblity can be experienced no longer just POSSIBLES but ,,, been there done that ..data …. Now on to the next ….. un limited combinations of ..NEXTS to come ( think for yourself about the BRICK WALL INHEAVEN )
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
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