Thursday, January 28, 2010

sleep pretty pussy sleep

Sleep pretty pussy sleep

So I was looking into whether there was any social activity that I would like , so many things are to NARROWLY focused …. Bait shops and fishing piers , hell been there done that for years , most sport based social things again very narrow , being social at the bar ? no no no ..that is sctration place of people who are all just hiding the drug club or meta P groups often very small groups ..gun club? Same as bait shop .

So , I thought about the PARTY ….. that is place where many people gather each twith their won SPECIAL ISSUE but to get the whole ball rolling we all us the PARTY …. Me I am blue ,,years ago I was RED .. but changed to blue . but realy a GEEEN of those who understands the use of the group to effect GENERALIZE streams of chnge ,,not aperson who willnot play just because my own issue in …NOT the 1st and only issue but realizing the CONFUSE AND CONQUER demands this group activity. But now my core issue is

But to find out the PARTY IS …OVER , it is kinda of strang now ,, hell a year ago I was getting phone calls for mthe party daily , when I wash their windows at the headquarters ( my freebie ) the place had been jumping for a year always maneed or womaned … but to look around the web for current meeting activitiys and find NOTHING ..strange .. it is as if ,t he SYSTEM says ok do you job people wake up get confused ,,make a vote and …

GO BACK TO SLEEP …… you did your job

Right now with al the people UNEMPLOYED or unemployed the ..pool ov volunteers is vast … now is time to be PHAONING meeting holding education meeting about things like HEALTHCARE …. To explore the comparisionso f health care ysytems world wide ETC .. and we would have the …..volunteer work force since so many have too much free time in a county with 14% unemeployement .
OK YOUNG MASTER think for yourself .. think logical what is this evidence trail realy SAYING , they can get ,,volunteers , the evidence trail of last years show that WHY HAVE THEY NOT BEEN DOING THE SAME NOW?
They pay for electric and rent on headquarters every year .. why not use it?

Ahhhh under neath it all is the expression of the FOR PROFIT SYSYTEM , le the slave think they are involved , then …. Do like the ROMAN EXPLAINED 1000;s of years ago .,,,…. Entertain the masses into …mindless – ness …. The same system ,…bum with the current level of PEOPLE exisiting in boredom and the flood of VIDEO infor forms , we could have educational meetings about so many SUBJECTS .. form GREEN ISSUES to health care , to self emeployment , econimcs . to etc etc

A 100 years ago the PARTY WAS ACTIVE EVRYD AY ….. if you did not work you went to the localparty headquarters ,sure there was CORRUPTION in that system but is there not now also ..corruption just now hidden ,,, and when something is hidden it is always worse . the active 5 to 7 day a week party headquarters could do so much good …

Whatever you are giving your attention to already has a vibration of its own, and as you give your attention to it, you include its vibration in your vibration...and then your point of attraction is affected.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, April 19th, 1997
Understand the Unwanted ,,design a WANT ..from that understanding then focus on THE SOLUTIONS …….
centrailization beniftis the ,,HAVES AND HAVE MORES …. The 9 billion dollar rail plan for florida ? wrong , more cnetrilization that profits the top 1% . sure gives the rest of us some … antoher ADDIVTIVE toy to become depednat upon and fat over … that that 8 BILLION and all the other 8 and 10 BILLION dollar rail projects trun theminto POD transport projects ..
high speed rail is all about working and living HARDER FASTER HARDER FASTER …. The have’s and have more’s no longer are struglling to make it to PHAORHS talbe … no it is about driving the slave master class harder .. they do it to themselves in searchof making the cut near PHAROHS table has nothing to to with the 40% of people who will most likely NEVER use it ..or the other 40% who will use it as a NOVELTY or on that once or twice in a life time VACATION …
the pod transportation ,,concepts will provide the biggest over all benift , so what ifthe mid level mananger has to plan an extra day for travel ,,hell the rest will be good for them . OBAMA is in florida today wining and dining with ,,pharoh over the high speed system … I believe the man Obama to be a good man to the best of ALLOWABLITY within the expression of the current system …. Like working with golden hand cuffs and forced to eat CAVIAR . for a man not far from INSTINCTUAL TRIBAL ROOTS .
rmemeber the Indian TATA NANO…$2,500. 4 passenger , 65 MPG ,, legaL in Europe the land of MERCEDES , BMW audio Volvo … they have very precise safety requirements in the EEC …. The 10’f of BILLIONs we will spend for PHAORH’S EGO .. could bring us ..the US … reasonable pod transport . at resonalbe prices … and change CO2 issues . but we have no VEHICHLE OR VENUE to teach … like the daily open door of the party could provide .

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