Miss Creamy jeans
We have met the Enenmy and he is ,,, us - Pogo
The focus on the solutions …. And the solutions is not to destroy ones self ,,but to understand ones self .. and the PART TO FIT of that self in the things that we all agree are issues that OVERWHELM ourlives thing mostly done MINDLESSLY , from economic to sex … to housing and food http://www.instinctualism.org/ … IF YOU HAD NEVER TASTED CHOCLATE how could you describe that WANT ? you could not but you could describe things UNWANTED then allow new things to arrive for comparision and abiltyto then choose a new want … …….and so an event laced with UNWANTED the 3 of us … you miss creamy jeans , me , and Mr. good ole boy ..now mr. good ole boy has me beat by few inches in height , we are the same age about , got equal sun lines and color … I gotta cheap Kia he ahs a REDNECK Cadillac even sproting real guns in the gun why when he is working I do not know but .. ….
Pussy PREENS when it starts to wet up in anticia[pation in want of HARD COCK .. it is a series of SUB C. actitivy , could relate to hair , mirror watching . clothes a djusting ..etc etc etc , it may have expression in the practicing of SUBBIE VOICE changes .. off track but no realy is understandning the eefect os STRESS or over stimulation or over concern or over fuck load …the sub.c … speaks grasping for something that FEELS BETTER … http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122781981 actually here is some science on this …. 7 numbers ,, seven concerns ,, like home mortagage , car payments o electric bill , calling mom , etcetcetc … they are like open WINDOWS pages not used but taking up available RAM and you no longerTHINK FOR YOURSELF .. science may not be just doing experiments on this but the effects have been KNOWN since the days of AMENHOTEP IV and the slave master traditions already alive for genenrations . tobacco alcohol and common drug helps shut down the clamor of these programs running
Toadys powerful EVE is still the horny little wet pussy of …animal of DNA , even if she has the POWER husband … NO kids … duel incomes … and in a position of freedom and power in business herself .. she is still able to show her INSTINCTUAL nature of being the penetrated and being of desire of that … http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html ..... so i just dig life as I arrive and start work and be told to start here so , the concrete guy can come and finsh up ,, I gotta be done there because ther area will have to dry …. I have time to seee ,,miss creamyjeans as well she is usually the naromal WOMAN … on the cell ther voice and tone ,, I am sure those on the other end of the line fear and respect ,, it . their job is on the line by how well they serve ..her
And then along cummms mr. concrete dude …. And CHANGES HAPPEN ,, firth the cell is left to voice mail I gues … and the PREENING A STARTS UP … now mr. good ole boy has a WAY ABOUT him . to workin this area with these people you gotta have something going …one thing he ahs is OVERT MALE SENSUALITY – confidence … there is no way , I would refer to this woman in terms of HONEY OR SWEETIE … she is without doubt cute … and her fotos from around the house show the HUSBADN . did not pick her orgianlly for her NOW presence in businesss but the HOT BLONDE BIKINI BABE helped a lot I am sure to catch this CEO ( ohh dinks part of the top 1% she down in the Fla. He .. the husband visits regualry )
Now PREENING . common animal displays that we NOW intellectualize about , but are common ,,, DNA expressions , this is the MODELING of the next genernation … so while she has no kids to 24/7 model for , today her lil’ nephew was over ….. and what DATA is being Internalized by the SPONGE of a mnd … that is the child before age 7 ?
Auntie Creamy Jeans dealing with the window washer and and business matters , then the arrival of the CLASIC REDNECK WARRIOR dresses well in CAmo , real pretty big truck so pretty god knows I would never lay a tool downin the bed … and then add in a LOADED GUN RACK ….
BASIC SEXUAL activity ..is natural even for children they are AWARE of their own sexuality yet trained to SUPRESS it .. http://www.instinctualism.org/sexual_abuse.html but the INSTINCT is there the learning of HOW TO ATTRACT A FEMALE IS GOING ON … and what does young master the SPONGE … learning from the example of MODELING he sees ? http://www.instinctualism.org/cleanup.html
Now interesting as miss creamy jeans and gool ole boy aer talking and he is Trash mouthin his wife at home … and she is fawning in support of him …. And recieiving her flood of Honey and sweetie from her EMPLOYEE …. He is just a concrete dude .. Politics got involved .. and I was brought inot their world of talking …. She is INVESTMENT CLASS ….RED .. he is redneck Red …. Me I find way to build bridges and escape saying anything except that I have found … that most like the French had said the left becomes like the right and the right actually close to the left …. I say , honestly both sides outside of US outside of the professional policiticans are very much alke we want HONSTY AND RESPONSIBILITY and Eqaulity … fine enough words to get me out and them to interact ….
And soon Mr. good ole boy leaves the cell starts rigning … the WOMAN changes her voice once more into that of …EVE …no .her expresion of sexual manipulation was MORE …EVE than the truth of the business woman .. I was now listening to … no this was WOMAN not EVE .. was the 40+ cutie being treated like a 20 something once more …. By the BAD BOY … ohh the husband not a bad boy except maybe in a political sense once way back when …. Rebellious expression of a blue blood thru and thru generation to generation nothing more …… ohhh the generation STOPS there DINK . why if life is so good ? would they not want to share it with repelcation ? I guess the 1 newphew is close enough ,, the good fashionable display of mother hood for the family . …DNA lines like that DISSAPEAR ..
In most lawsuits, most people just use each other as their excuse to disconnect from the Stream. And then they just suffer until the one who is the least disconnected wins the lawsuit. But it is still an exercise in disconnecting from Source Energy that we think is never worth the price of the reward, no matter how great the reward of a lawsuit is.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Buffalo, NY on Wednesday, September 27th, 2000
Your part to fit ,,the lawyers are out of business except if we buy in …. Try as the do to make the government so confusing …. Thus creating their own JOB SECURITY ,, in taxes and laws .. you have much choice about whether you WANT or not ..to play in their world .
The more international friends you have and really talk to the more you will find how crazy the US systems have become . but that is just US .. the enemey of itself is that we are not THINKING FOR OURSELVES . ….. trained by MODELING to wake up and vote act like you are a part then go back to sleep … the wisdom of the political machine of Rome . poloitics is very holistic in its understanding of POPULATION dynamics … confuse and conquer on every front … home food sex and $$$$
Now POLIGAMY to most of us is LIKE CHOCOLATE .. but actually there is much of your current life especaiil the girls ,, their life where they are living a TASTE OF THE WANTED … and it comes in the sisiterhood .. and un conditional love …
Friday, January 29, 2010
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