Pussy likes farmers
For Cave Women, Farmers Had Extra Sex Appeal
by Richard Harris
…… a load of good reading “Men can have more kids than women, presuming they aren't monogamous. So their genes would spread much faster than the genes of any women who were traveling with them. And it seems the women in Europe welcomed the farmers with open arms. “ ….. and more good reading and then listen to the NPR radio broadcast …. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=122944258
But the idea that SCIENTISTS have to first make MONAGMONY … a NON –issue or fact ,,which it never was fact until the evidence trail shows its growth and it was forced on society ..thru LAWS … forced on society . yes becaue of the Un natural selelctive breeding to creat more males ,, women of family that historically had more male kids WER BRED like farm animals almost … to gain the most men for PHAROHS army the systems armys … thus developing a time where birth parody called forth the need to limit women more htan is natural ….
"When a decision is made to cope with the symptoms of a problem, it is generally assumed that the corrective measures will solve the problem itself. They seldom do. Engineers cannot seem to get this through their heads. These countermeasures are all based on too narrow a definition of what is wrong. Human measures and countermeasures proceed from limited scientific truth and judgment. A true solution can never come about in this way." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masanobu_Fukuoka
Fukuako … it is the THEME the under lying ,,, attempt at human MANIPULATION instead of living harmonusly .. which is being discussed in his quaote .
Sexual predators grow from ..this … manipulation of mind . http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html
Wow my gay friend that was unexpected , but I guess attracted it ,, I betcha , it is a kind of ..KARMA thing of my own past what went around came back around .. …. …. Ahhh being alwys in the pubic eye from the day I opened PBT and be came PHIL … to what I do now …. Of course I attract everyone eventually ,,, I can not be going out ATTRACTING EVERYONE with out doing just that …attracting all types …but you my gay friend even though you had not being saying that you were gay until of late .. it was kinda there WHAT EVER …. Where and when I grew up and in the cultures I hung with In Maimi fl. There wera All types all the time …. Gay whatever …
Look you READ INTO my words .some sort of anger at WOMEN wrong wrong wrong .. WE ARE ALL CONFUSED … victims of genenration OF MIND FUCKING . my voice is not the voice of a good PROSPECT … thinking aobu that option just like the majority of men , has been thought about already after other break ups …. Most normal guys will not admit to it ,,,, but I ain’t NORMAL .
But to wait till today to openly HIT ON ME … ahhhh shock ,,, yes and no , A good preditor looks for their opening that window to get that closeness … but now while I am embracing the pain that shows me the importnce of this person who I know and now will live without ..… to be in the discomfort … is as equal to the smiles that I had being with her .. what we lived had together … I could not feel this bad If she had not made me feel THAT GOOD !
But ,,,,, I thought you got it http://www.instinctualism.org/ … even though we went over and over the theory , often times it was as if I had never talked to you about it , you started the conversations off from new angles of questioning … I ,, all ways took you for my DEVILS ADVOCATE … well read , intelligent , with enough years and experience to be of benefit in sharpening my skills . that was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by me .
People using people during tiems of DURSS of stress expecially using sex and affection as tools of manipulation …. Just get me sick , it is the same ole’ theme I write about , but you are a special person yourself realy , the Preformer that you are shows the … 1 in 1000-ness of you in a world full of followers of HIDERS …many many many males are hiding behind their GUNS their churches the Drug of cchoice …. Of sex of choice
Again we can ague about Genes and whether a gene manifestes later in life maybe the GAY GENE ?…. You know what I kinda gotta give that tooo you , form what I have heard Gene scientists themselves have no IDEA how …. Genes realy get triggered … we both were talking about gene potential illness the 50/50 chance you call it ,,, the get it or not I call it …. I believe the trigger is of stress basing and you believe in the STRICK 50/50 NUMBER but since the illness we talked about effets 1 in 100,000 the data base is to small and the THUS far accumulated data is form to short a period . and tainted with expections not DOUBLE BLINDED . I will not argue ..but give you the doubt . and yet stil look at the EXPRESSION OF STRESS … the effects of manipulation adh of historical expressions of the same and the passed effect of ..PERP TO PERP … http://www.instinctualism.org/sexual_abuse.html
The info you give about what LOOKS like gene based evedince between gay and straight I , still say are the effects of …..THOUGHTS and actions , the more gay the acted , the more the body ,,, grew to the vibration of thought . for there is the evidence of men who have to be the mommy/daddy showing changes in the shape of peneile or peturutary to more reflect the traditional care giving female .
But I will go back to gorilla …. There are observations of a female leaving the troop or harem … liknda like we talked about or you questioned me , and leaving a baby behind …. As she went off in searchof a new male she saw advertising himself . the daddy silver back gorilla takes care of the baby primamrly except whenit comes to breast feeding of course , but he adopts and makes room in his nightly nest building for the kids whose moms have either died of natural causes ( or human predation ) or left . the human male has been trained to be a DICK HEAD … so he would be a better tool in PHAROHS ARMYS …. There has been 1000’s of YEARS OF THIS un natural selelction ,,, going on , like girls growing large TITS for sexual display males picked for breeding or , becoming higher up in the social ranks ( eve behind the scenes controlled muchof that ) high enough in the social ranks to not be picked for FRONTLINE BATTLE DUTY . un antural selelction . so many manyways we have evidence of UNANANTURAL SELECTION of slaves from body shape and style to dememenor etc , which enabled slaves to move into citizen ranks . all the while the NICE co-operative human still lingers ….. even if mind fucked and REPEATING the mind fucks the abuses they themselves suffered
That realy is what you are showing my friend in you current choices fo expression , you are REPEATING once more that which happened to you …at a CORE LEVEL .. the details the players change but the under lieing core is still there if you want to AKNOWLEDGE that..or we can continue the same word dance ….. which I now feel less inclined to …. Knowing more the basis behind your motives ,
Wow most cool I have asked for GREAT THINGS to happen to write about and I get what I ask for every fucking time …
"Gender identity" is inconsequential from an Energy standpoint. In other words, when we view anything that is physical, we see the Energy of it, and we note that the Energy of what you call male and female is equal in all things.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Seattle, WA on Saturday, July 2nd, 2005
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
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