A barn raising
Over and voer day after day …. I seee how realy on average nice we are to each other …and it has nothing to do with GOD RFORCED MORALITY we do not fisrt check out whether I believe as you believe before the let someone in to traffic or open a door or smile and say hi , nice day finnaly not so cold ….
No it is just ON AVEARGE human nature , now the sociaopath sees the world as being like HIM OR HERSELF …. And thus fears and being that they rose to PWERFUL POSITIONS , as godKINGS where others like themselves that tiney BIRTH DEFECTED part the top less than 1 % that 1 out of 100 …. Stange one … who lead ..there are many leaders ,, but led … with personel motives secretly in their head … it was those who wrote the books of fear …. And ideas of orgianl sin or sin nature of human kind ..kinds like themselves .
Eve is evolved from the CAVE for the protectedds state ,,,, the silver back does his job and scares everyone off and she ,,TALKS AND TALKS AND TALKS around the camp fires , all harem SPECIES are like that ,,, be it Deer or lion ,, the male keepa protective vigil ,,t he famles in times of GREAT need will alos help BUT DAY IN DAY OUT he handles the pressures of that ..aspect so MOMMYS AND BABYS can live in the peace needed for good healthy growth …
City life and sociatey grew from EVE’s love of that ,,, group .. we you and me young master interact a bit , but , still like our alone time and our out in the woods time … but isntincutally we will do what ever is NEEDED TO GET PUSSY …. And if pussy is in the city and if pussy is demanding a level of FASIONALBLITy ,, we will do that tooo.
Now there is a ..% of hippie chick spirits some young early on , some later on with dreams of simplicity after the world of $$$ has DRIVEN THEM NUTS .. but back to the co=operative human …
So the next fear they are filling you with is that ,,, in the future the enxt WARS will be fought ovewr water ….ARMYS who fight eachother are filled with MIND FUCKED SLAVES …. Who do not have be there really . the benifts are not for them but for PHAROH concept . do not POINT AND FINGER NAD say government change ,, change yourself …
IRAQ aveareages 4 to7 incehs of rain fall per year ,, afgansitan … 12 inches … the SHEETING effect of theses rains at the surface of deserts means 90% of that water is runn off towards the OASIS a areas or rivers .. or wherever that it gathers then evaporates ..
My house for example even though built with CBS block was beuilt before electric was in this area ….. so it still has the rain water cisterin ..like man kind has been doing for fucking 1000’s of years especially on islands like Bahamas or the florida keys , catching an storing rain water ……
And acres of land 200 wide ..by whaterver deep … could if SWALED … only by a fewws inces .. and directed into … clay based underground citserisn … catch that 90% run off from DESERT iraq at 6 incehs per year to the the TUNE OF …. 13, 000 gallons per year …. Ancient technology
Only 200 feet a few men and a few shovels and a few weekends and a few six paks of beer and it is done …. Understanding the topography of those 200 feet ….. digiing a hole to CLAY IN LIKE MAKING A POND … then the dirt becaomes the berming used to direct the water inot he cisterin . forever on to catch …. Rain water ..that then becomes a WATER CYCLE of the human family on that acre …. Now honselty that kinda means 4 people using 10 gallons a day ,,, we only need about 1 gallon for drining and the rest . needs to be used even piss( humanure ) .. for irrigation uses , grey water from the cooking and kitchen and bath etc ..but all that means is to LIVE IN HARMONY with nature not expecitn to live like an AMERICAN … now double that for afaganstian … and let us talk about HATIA it gets about 50 …50 fucking inches ….
Ohhh but huans are so mean and cruel we would not ehlp our neighbor out and dig a for a few meinutes over a few weekends and laugh and drink beer ..no …we are to sinful .
No we are not … we RAISE BARNS .. we help each other out . so why was this not done before because for 1000’S of years humaity has livied fine with out .WESTERN MAN ‘S PROMISE of civilization . why should they have done it ,, it is only now afeter we have come in and fucked them up that …. These ideas are needed . and do=able.
Fuck the governments …….. just informa the people ….. fuck giving them … Krats and blankets , give me sholvels and KNOWLEDGE ….ahhh but that frees the slave .. 1 bad bad bad move for business . well why does n’t the church teach it ,,, or MOSQUE … they have plaenty of knowledge history understanding , wisdom and ancient learning ..? dividsion confusion and stress is what keep people going to REAL legions in the first place , if they were self susuficient and happy and well fed they would not need to PRAY TO GOOD for help about their plites …
But vack to the leaders ,,the socio path ,,from which we get our LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR .. of expectation about HUMANITY …. A source pollution of EXPECTATIONS .. and since we are so nice , we care about eachother even those who are WOULD BE ..not so nice … we drag the whole down to their level .
Eve in her years of ..being the MOTHER … has to be that selfish and greedy single mind .to insure the best possible of herself and infant based upon EONS ofdevelopment … when the condtions really have changed , the TECHNOLOGY of things like agri culture , or food foesresting have not been FELT byt eh DNA fear of the EVE ..young mother instinct .
Everything that I think that I need to do is all only in order to propel me to some place that when I get there, I think I will be happier. So, everything that I am doing, no matter what it is, all of my lists of rights and wrongs... are all about me getting to a manifestation that I believe I will then be happier... So, why don't I take a short cut and just go get happy? http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 1st, 2004
Sure sounds ..gereat ..sounds like claisc ..SELF HELP ACTUALIZATION MOVEMENT … ideas ( sham like a sham like bullshit ) but we are here to experience CONTRAST … to be able to experience CONTROLAABLE LEVELS of stress . and OPS to be able ..transistion ( die ) ….. having a want .to be able FEEL what is is better as compared to ….. another …feeling … is better than being EVERYTHING IN …ALL WAYS … ALWAYS to the point of it actually being no1 thing …
So MASOW’S HIERACHY of needs COMES IN to the experience of a DNA bio mechinalcal organism .. you are still DNA based … animal experience Dna carries withit MEMEORY of expecatations . ……. Just get happy when there is not WATER IN SIGHT …is the words of SHAM … great ideas for fat rich AMERICANS who cry over lost PAPER PROFITS .
It is the words of Marie of France once more out of the mouth of millions of westerners …LET THEM EAT CAKE !
I DON OT NEED TO GIVE UP anything ..to help them grow in fact thru my wealth I can help them more …. As long as I ,,,realize the mind fuck going on from ages past ..simple little trainings to support a PHAROH CLASS …. Like the MYTH story of the sage jesuss ( putting words into his mouth ) …. The poor will always be with you I will only be here for a little while paraphrased ,,,, JUSTIFACTION of extragance on lavished LEADERSHIP figures ….
When it would just as easy to let the leader live like the rest in COMFORT …. And bring the rest to comfort also .
Fruititarian abilty of human eating habits to ….. sex birth rate parody is result of selelctive breeding to MAN ARMYS ..there should be pleanty of pussy … so much FUCKING UP OF THE NATURAL system has happened that supports it self like a bad fucking dream .
TONY blAIR AND HIS FUCK BUDDY George W. … it is nice to se the development of support of …. The mind fuck of the constructors Iraq war …. Both sides of the atlantic enhanced the mnd in supporting FAITH BASED schooling http://freedocumentaries.net/media/127/The_God_Delusion_(2_of_2)/ …. The chatolic said give me the child for the 1st 7 years and I will give you the man ,,,,the skill of the slave master passed down from learning and suceess
The human bio machine , developed to trust PARENTS . if not they would die to easy and thus not be a successful speices , thru learn form TRUST .. of the life giving parents children survied and thus had kids also …. Fertile bio mechincal ground for the mind fuck .
Interesting chimps depending on clan and sup speioces … bononboo etc , can raise up the ..alpha level thru ALLTURISM 9 BEING FUCKING NICE AND HELPFUL _ … now I do not know if they have correlted newer observations ofn the presence of the BLOOD LUST alpha’s and that aspect ..but no the less inever said we were TOTAL GORILLA … I just say we are not totally chimp … I accept , the inter of the saavnnh ape . as being the possible dna shift of homind that brought about ..PHAROH … CONCEPT . SOME 70 K YEARS AGO … and by 12 k years ago we were like on every speck including tiny island like the Cananrys … some poor africains lost at sea …. A good tail wind and a few more days of water supplys and the myth of pharoh his beard and all could have made the coast of S. America to become jus that ,,,myth ….. their DNA lost over a few 1000 years . but the power of a good story lives on and on …
Surviving on pussy
We will make thru love alone , the romanictic notion of many ,,,, the truth of very very few , the …stress at the grocery line …..
http://www.eattheweeds.com/www.EatTheWeeds.Com/EatTheWeeds.com/EatTheWeeds.com.html this dude green dean ,,, is very SURVIALIST oriented sometimes ,,, and I am builot for comfort not for speed … being in a survival position is no fun ,, what I like most about his info it the understanding of speices , the idea that much of what we call weeds is ..CULTIAVTED … DOMESTICATED .. slave … plants gone back to nature .
many what we call DUMB ANIMALS alter their enivoroment so they will have FOOD .. I was watcing some squierls digging up some of their stach , the ones they miss become the trees of the future ,,, I really dug watching a young wild boar who was working an area developing it as his territory and watching how his SHIT sproated FOOD , the …THINGS HE LIKED TO EAT , since he did eat it ,, he ust of some what liked it or else he would have tasted it and soad SELF THIS TASTES LIKE SHIT let me try THAT ONE OVER THERE INSTEAD … that one tasted better and so ….. in his shit or tuckedinto his fur were the seeds he woill be eating rom in his home range … and his family ALSO ..
so I am not going to go aout my fucking way to eat wild apples , we humans realized way way way fucking long time ago that plants that rubbed up against each other to the point thea they shared sap , became 1 treee ,, SO WE , CUT THE BRANCH OFF A SWWEEET FRUITED BRANCH … and stuck it on a sour tree and made a sour tree sweet … but also this has gone WILD we have over done it to the point I can not buy a good ole fashioned fruit everything is UNVIRCITY DEVELOPED and addicted to petrochemical based fertilizers … I mean I grew up with fruit trees and my folk new SHIT about plants stick it in the gorund and it will grow is about it and they did and the fruit was WAY BETTER THAN sotre bought , it was like a fresh caught fish is way better than some farmed raised fish ,,,
but what is with the food .thing …… iw rite about what I encounter ,,, and the stress of you in the grocery line worried about your BUDGET . with a basket full of … RESTURANT FOOD … no real food only thing that resemeble real food was the bannas . everything else is DEHYDRTED pre cooked just add water and heat … at the most , or eles straight up canned botteled or frozen completely made foods …. Value adding is what we used to call … take some thing cheap with little profit margins get people hooked buying it ,,, in an altered state … and make big bucks . next make sure you have GOOD FOOD ADDITIVE SCIENCE … MSG is like a red herring now adays the science of smell flavor and their ..relationships to events common in the upbrignng of the population are now being addressed in adult food flavors and smells …
we are BIO CHEMICAL MACINES … we respond to SCENTS sexual SCENT and food scent ,, and scent can have association to emotional events …. And food is also a common tool of REWARD …. Sweets and ice creams …SURGAR AND FATS .. we sold our souls for surgars and fats
ohh off track . the basket of ..resturant food , cost so much the fear of the months budget was brough up over and voer .
next is …. Dieing to be thin time …it is NEW YEARS the boon time for they Gym people and the diet industry ….. get healty time … wow we fucking buy CHOROPHILL PILLS … I thought chorophill was that green shit in food ….. ooooh that is right you do not eat FOOD ….
How and why did you and me ..young master get so fucking addicted to this …. You and me stillhave that HUNTER GATHER in us …. Even while you are worried about the budget and your chick is comfortoign you about it will work out we will make it …. Your T-shirt is from Henry’s …..FISHERMAN …. A blood satined t-shirt … and a ball cap and jeans …. Little miss pretty tits .. I dug her PEACE PEACE PEACE hteme shirt unfortunately the way it was cut and the PERKY NESS OF THOSE tits caught most of my attention I idd not thinka bout her POLICATICAL STATEMENT … a new theme in FASHIONALBE clothes and shit now adays … I could really go ona bout her .. but safe to sy I hope you understand we are happy in our old BLOOD SATAINED tshirts ,,, we get our $$ out othem …. And she will spend spend spend …. To maintain a position in the eyes of others ,,,, who are you IMPRESSING IN THAT blood stained shirt ? hell cut that up if you run outa bait … I don’t care how much Tide and bounty SHE .. uses ,,, that shirt cut or ripped can still back jig if needed and scent it too.
So let me got this right ,,, a plant can get FREE Of slavery …. Get will once ,, finda a way to live and reproduce without depenadacne of HUMAN … but we can not ? us the SMART ONES ….. and when you see wild plants well they look pretty happy , they are having fun ,, they are flower fucking …. Having baby plants … but we can not .
It is about $$$$ PHAROH lives … CODEX …. And food http://freedocumentaries.net/media/33/Criminalizing_Natural_Health/ hidden behind the smiling face ,, trained thru the young mommy , like the mother in the time of AMENHOTEP IV and how they taught the use of …OPIUM . but like all battles a ..what your resist persists ….. it is the core DEPENDANCE issue of being CIVIL that maybe the core … things going back to the manipulation of the population who were mainly of Evovled slave decsent … good slaves became the good citizens those who wrote GOOD GRAPHITTI about likeing PHAROH … they lived reproduced taught their kids to respect the sytems and moved up the lader closer to pahorh table . to the point that .. about 4 PHAROHS AFTER ..amenhotepIV a comer became pharoh , thru THE MILILARTY ESTABLISHMENT system of political ladder climbing .
Natural health means …food forests not chlorophyll pills brought from your chiropractor or other profit monger …the same sytem different Pharoh … MAYBE A LITTLE BETTRER . http://www.instinctualism.org/site_plan.html ALL the way down to 1.25 acres systems … OGITOP …. Off grid … that emans out of the control of all of them … like a wild plant …. In town … I dig the town free choice ….. outa pocket …. 4900 bucks and the dirt for abode is free.
Ohh ihave been finnaly playing with slurry adobe construction starting yesterday …. I have a pad started for a solar hot water heater … so I thought to build it using some dirt I got last year .. some salt march muck …. And chipped brazilian pepper for fiber … so 2/3 dirt of 5 gall buckt .. 6 garden sholevs fiber ..adn 4 portland … lots nand lots of water to make shovel mixxing easy …. And the test test the day later was as long as the coverage was over ½ inch tihck I could walk on it and not break it . … fine 1 day dry time . thin ½ inch … if that was 18 or 24 inch thick walls well dryed ,,,, way fucking strong . add in solid poured concrete colums on 10 foot with concrete tie beams same as would be found in any CBS single story home … and http://www.instinctualism.org/adobe_slurry.html all in good fun ….
And freedom form never fucking ENDING CONFUSION ,,some old greek dude said let your food be your PHARMACY … http://www.balancedimmunehealth.com/2009/05/immune-health-general-health-and-food-a-doctor-goes-natural/
In Aldhous Huxley's Brave New World, the government encourages its citizens to take a sorrow-erasing drug called soma. Huxley's novel, of course, was a commentary on a society obsessed with pleasure and happiness at the expense of real experiences.
Fluoride is bad
Thursday, January 21, 2010
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