A doll of a pussy
94 out of every 1 HUNDERED ..sex toys sold is bought by a FEMALE … now a days gandmom , mom , aunt and older sisiters are buying masturbation TOOLS for their younger SISTER FEMALES … at earlier and earlier ages .. so do not think the the following link to an OLD documentary guys and dolls is new or strange …. Point a the the splinter in another eye while you have a MOAT in your own . taught young by EXAMPLE the guy in their life is a STATUS symbol ..sex release is best done by machine ,,fake for the guy to keep him happy ….. lie . lie … lie …. The sandy foundation upon shihc you think you can build a Stable family life?
The things you come into contact with are answers to attraction energy you sent forth ,,, unthinkable combinations , for your PLEASURE to experience the contrast provided …something for you to think about in terms of the UNIQUE … combination of dentrite memeory pattersns with in your BRAIN .. from which you filter reality and thus come to personel conclusions about …wants .
Do you have a special interaction with maybe a car , Photographs , certain wiritngs or novels or tv. Shows or radio personalities , online communties..or a pet ? we believe in certain ways that pets are PROPERTY .. like pharoh thought his slaves were PROPERTY .. like American felt the black was PROPERTY just like their cows to be bred and altered and used …. Like …… prosisitues , actually agrowing industry of males are now providing some thing for women world wide as they to ..are feeling lonely .
http://freedocumentaries.net/media/229/Guys_and_Dolls/ guys with dolls only in a short time will these dolls be come equipped withinteractive computer models and in time ANIMATRONCIS … and maybe cyber connections so that real girls can have real male dolls and work out their DREAMs states inter connected to a cyber male and his doll …….ohhh yes … ohhhh yes …. All to soon . both parties are confused . cyber sex .
and expressed in the documentary is the core … issue presented by the women who are there ….thier wanting to be the CONTROLER and ….. man human male is not naturally supposed to be manipulated by 1 woman … there is a SOMETHNG DEEPER in this video to learn from , this is not the PROBLEM it is again the EVIDENCE TRAIL ..the symptom ….. of the problem . drugs are not the problem it is the understanding why you want to TOXIX-FY … your mind to suppress the confusion for a little while that is the important aspect to understand …
thinking positive thoughts when the memeory dentrites are still there and thinking is being filtered thru them , will not lead to new out comes unless , dentrite memory path ways can be altered with new memeory possibilities …. Thus new belief possibilities . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
how fast does the WEEE react to you ….. only a matter of time before the dolls are able to react , too
friendship between the OWNED PET and the master human , is of GREAT BENEFIT to the human ..we know this already ,,, much medical evidence trails of this supportive interaction …… our ablity to become emotionally involved with CYBER FRIENDSHIPS …. Which actually are only in the mind ,BUT EVERYTHING IS REALLY ONLY IN AND THRU the mind ,,for without mind we can not interact . I think there for I am …… atleast the I AM OF seprate beingness of this time space event play ground .
so solutions for a growing problem ? the problem is not masturbation ..the problemin the alone-ness . and the alone-ness comes why ?
why do these guys not become GAY? Naybe because they are not and even in that relationship all to often the core issue of CONTROL or 1 on 1 is still being manifested …. There is some sort of DEEP sexual ,,touch , human interaction , issue that is INSTINCTUAL … and the effect of the tool of the slave master of sexual repression still works to keep a loving animal like human confused . we are social .. loving supportive animals . and because of the mind fuck we expresss in many ways …. http://www.instinctualism.org/sexual_abuse.html
if you shit in bucket and throw outside of your front door it will not go away by ignoring it ,,, it will just build up outside of your door till it becomes dangerous and poisonous … now if you use the shit from day 1 with t he idea of creating fertilizer which is in HARMONY with nature and INSTINCTUALISM . ….. then no porblems , just happy plants and good food …. So get to CORE ISSUES ..not bandaid issues … what is behind , the LIE OF MAKE-UP and fashion ? the constant theme of both males and females when it comes to eachother …?
The Sage makes a big deal out, that reality is a FLAWED PREMISE … talk about that with her as she coughs coffee out her nose becaue her bio machine in haled it …. Ok ture scientists have created conditions over time for EXPERIMENTAL lab subject animals where by they were able to breath water that was densely AIREATED …. It took much much much effort … and it would not realy be a sustainable condition for the animals to live in ….
Throw a peeeny into t he air and it falls like a rock …. Do the same old thing get the same old failed results , now TRUE you can melt the penny and put it into an airplane after much much much energy has been expeneded and applly again a constanst stream of further energy and you can keep the penny flying for a while.
BIO MECHINCS …. DNA expecations …. Acting outside of the ..expecattions of reality ……. You cough ..coffee out of your nose when you act in CONTRAST to the AGREEMENT STATE … of current reality ( not to say changes are not possible given 13 or 14 million years ….. 5 or 6 decades is not enough …. Even form the late 1800’s when poligmy became ILLEGAL in the USA …. We are still only talking about 12 or 13 decades …..not 13 MILLION years of DNA changes and expectations .
You are POLIGMOUS …. So to deal with the contrast and the mind fuck that says WE MUST ,,,WE HAVE TO … WE SHOULD ..live within Unnatural lifestyle rules ..we attempt ..to not cough when we inhale coffee …. We attempt solutions for the conditions of having to live unnaturally … girls buy MILLIONS OF VIBRATORS a year … currently the largerest growth segement in the consumer porn industry is women …. And well men have been doing what they were trained to do since the time of PHAROH ,,BEG or BUY …love …. Pussy …. Valentines day is upon us …remember EVERY KISS BEGINS WITH …ZALES …
Good slaves ..wellthey become friendly just like the UNCLE TOM of American history
The core methodology or the MIND FUCK of religion creates a WILLING SLAVE CLASS . first …then adopts from those willing of the conquered peoples and allows also for free choices of peoples to … imagrate .to serve the new god king concept and be buried along side the GOD/KING so the slave toooo can have an after life … http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100110/sc_nm/us_egypt_antiquities_tombs
Another description could be one of employee ….. especially in the arliest of civilized stages of community development but as the saying goes POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTE POWER CPRRUPTS ABOPSLUTLey ,,, becomes apparent employees or the willing become more salve like … the same will will probably be found in CARAL PERU …. THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WILLINNESS AND SUBLTE SLAVERY DECAYING THE CIVIIZATION over time .
The archeologist is the priest class of the ivory tower like all sciences give spins to their FINDS to fit the needs or polotics of the age … enogh info to RESEMBLE SCIENCE enough not alluded to ,,,, streams of thinking not explored to maintain the staus quo ….
In history many times , the priest / sciencetist of an age would suppress learning of other WAYS OF THINKING cultures or religions , preventing the average class form exposure to DANGEROUS IDEAS . that could under mine social fabirics . yet in the libararys of the great church was held much ,,vast info of world history and thinking ..
Regulation is not bad for society except when the wolves in sheep clothing are realy the ones governing the regulation and sytem …. The commune theory system is not bad except when the remememnats of the old system still control the new ….now freedom to OPT OUT …. And yet still be friends of Kufu …. That is http://www.instinctualism.org/ … if core MASLOW ISSUES are under your control young master then what happens to the $$$$ supply is of little reality ,,, for it is just toys …. http://www.instinctualism.org/fear.html
Your joy factor will remain constant as you are continually refining your ideas of what you want, and that's why it is so important for you to get everybody else out of the equation. They've got their own game going on; they don't understand your game. Give them a break; stop asking them what they think. Start paying attention to how you feel. Joy will be yours immediately, and everything else that you have ever thought would make you happy, will start flowing, seemingly effortlessly, into your experience.
--- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on Saturday, October 25th, 2003
When you really live …EVERYDAY IN EVERYWAY things are getting better and better , living from TAO feeling of LIFE AND TRANSITION ( lacking a fear! Of death or ending ) understanding the game playing of this arena which is here to create ..CONTRAST … never ending position of lack so new wants can be born … and creation continue
Then you will bask in the TRUTH that each and every action you have ever experienced is a PART TO FIT our your own ….. every day in every way things are getting better and better …for you .. in you thru the dentrite formations of memeory in your BIO MACHINE which is at a DNA ……. Unique …. AND realy uncomparable to any other , for the most part uncomapaprable comaprision are important in clarifiying step 1 and 2 of wanted and unwanted …. Comaprision are the tool of MODELING …. Learning . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html .... and each IMPULSE that drives you to your next choice is REALLY genenrated because of a CORE expression of wanting to feel BETTER ..the choice action is your best action based upon the DATA you have at that MINUTE …. Data or belief , filtered info thru dentrite associacted memory … which can be changed and does change as learning happens …. Modeling is basic learning . http://www.instinctualism.org/cleanup.html a discussion from the children in a poly family pages of …. http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html
So yes a level of the JOY factor can be your reality even though the GREAT and glorious WANT of your dream is no where in sight ….. if you live from a CORE TOAIST concept of reality . ….. now is just fine . I am the sunflower acting in accord with the idea of moving towards that which feels better in each and every choice … or cell division …. Yet living in and thru constant stress manifests things unwanted ,,so to it is in nature that a sunflower unable to reach the needs thigns like sun water or food willnot grow to the GRANEDEST of levels possible for it … that does not DISCOUNT the life experienced ..or put it into some level of HIERACHY …. Another expression of ADVENTURE in a game arena where in the end ,,the sunflower will TRANSITION and be …… my Equal being of in fi nite …. The tiney dividion which is exadning intot he whole of the number line toooooo .. I in I … like my …I …. In theirs ,, they are in mine …
Monday, January 11, 2010
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