Saturday, January 9, 2010

cold ass pussy

Cold ass pussy

So it is like fucking -10 outside ,the walls of your home are touching that cold cold ari hour after hour and you are fighting that cold by heating inside the heat is moving slowly out ..what if the walls of your home were expsoded to 55 degrees constant ground earth temps like up north in the 60’s downd south here ,,,, then you only need to raise the temp 10 degrees to make the house comfy ….

Intitition ….. so simple form the animal side , because you kwno the 2 gigs we use is not tht totality of data being processed by the bio mechincs of brain .. the 2 gigs we have access to is filtered for RELaVANCE …. And the message of HUNCH is the crunching of all releted info , based upon the core WANT . you want to feel BETTER ,,,, the expansion of tao is towards that evidence trail we see all around us in natue exampled in the simple plant growing towards the sun and water and food sources , thur and then ,,, because having found BETTER , reproduces itself … each genenaration carrys in the DAN the memeory of events lived by the parents … as shown in divercity of offspring SUBLTY from parents …. Found even in the simplest of 1 celled actually able to be seen easiest there , but the same thing happened in complex grouping like us .

To feel better ….. is to find out , understand the FEELING of confusionwe have ,, taught to us by a system that repeats itself for the benefit of the PHAROH CLASS still evident ,,, AMENHOTEP III AND IV … the idea of immaculate or GOD GIVEN BIRTH the core or the virgin birth of god /chirst has it’s roots in the god of Truth ( amen to that ) … in that Amenhoteps mom the queen mother is shown in Glyphs as being the first ..of these women to give birth to GOD in human form … the salve master …. And EVE … sex used a REWARD …be a good slave and you get to go to the temple and fuck one of the girls there … very common theme that girls had to spend time as a prosisitie of the god ,,, with men paying for sex to fund the temple and when they got preganant no longer vestal vergin ,,, a virgin was a pussy not yet given of birth up unitl BIRTHING it was still a virgin pussy …. Then the commoer girl was married off to GOOD SLAVE … male. ( oooh the changing of a word over time over 100’s of years ,,, cool meaning temp or cool meaning … agree-able … so the glyph for GIVER or GIVE resembles the word ALLAH ..creators are givers of their Creation … same shit morphed over years again same core culture … not beyond possibility that Allah is Ptah of eygpt , later cultures not knowing the reality of ancient glyphs just ever changing myths and oral traditions sotrys gone wild )

The idea of the SOUL MATES goes back to AMENHOTEP …. Times , the use of the king of the jungle the ehad of a lion or lion-ness ON the body of the king & queen and the king and queen used as depcitions of YIN/YANG male female falimy balance , denys the NATURE OF THE LION itself which like so many MAMMALS is POLIGOMUS .. a male lion has his pride ,,, many girls 1 male after a male shows his worthy ness he attracts a SUPPORTIVE GORUP of females …. In ancient times the BULL was depeicted as the god of sexual veritity and the HOLY COW givier of milk and basic susutance …. Again another POLIGOMOUS species …. 1 on1 …. Family units are not truthfully supportive enough for an animal like us with complex learning needs in childhood … and with complex defensive issues being the possible SAVANNAH ape open to predation … but the creation of the MYTH of soul mates of GOD kings ,, supported the GREED of EVE …. Inher sociopathic lust for position as the .. 1 and only . hierarchy concepts …BETTER THAN … mor eimportant than … whenin fact we all are EARTHLINGS …. Proboitics of the whole …. Non hierachical .

Ok so the number can be divided up into AN .. infinity,, then you can do like a PIE or whatever on any of those INFITIE points and create and other math infinity ,,,, and so who was it KANTOR , who called it a hierarchy of infinitys , that brought it into the DENTRITE expecations of his Belief s , to god king duke earl etc etc etc still very common in western SOCIETY . …. …the idea of the new expression of thing- ness HAVING to travel in only on direction LIMITS tao the priests of the ivory towers yelling about IMPOSSIBLITY from behind their walls in heaven WALLS OF BOOOKS … while Cantor was expressing the hunch of the VOICE OF THE SAGE .. , for it is not un impossible for the thing-ness to self examine ( per se ) itself to the smallest part then find it self to be growing out inot the number line itself and thus have in it also all the other UB HIERACHYIES WHICH ARE ITS EQUALS doing the same .. finding each thing-ness in self and yet PARDOS of individual growth sperate from the collective expansion .. but ..still part of all ther otherse EPXERIENCE … did you get that ? …. I in I …. We humans are so mind fucked ino the comparison the 2nd mind shit ,, hierarchy … some gold like importance when expansion in ALWAYS …all ways ….. is what real IN FI NITE would be if there is …in fintiy .

Wu wie this expansion in ALL ..WAYS . once Be-d becomes data .. possible for the next to pass thru and change …. In yet un conccieveced ways . UN THINKABLE NESS

As you give thought to your future—your future that may be 10 years; your future that may be 5 years; or your future that is 60 days away—you literally begin prepaving. And then, as you move into those pre-paved moments, and as that future becomes your present, you fine-tune it by saying, This, is what I now want. And all of those thoughts that you have put forth about your future, right down to this moment when you are now intending what action you want to take, will all fit together to bring you precisely that which you now want to live.
--- Abraham
Excerpted from the book "The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham"
Each and every JUNCTION POINT OF CHOICE …. There is a possible from a quantum perspective of unlimited or unthinkable ness of I IN I ,, that at any 1 junction point that menas many 100’s or 1000’s per day there can be a SLPIT OFF of yourself and yourself now new … tiem/space dimension WHERE THIS 1 of you here reading this is a different … I in I .. form the ofhter expression of beieng who lives on in the CHOICE NOT ….CHOOSEN by you here and now.

All of it is good and all of it allows for the toa to express …. In fi nite … data lived thru … history …. Everyday in every things are getting better and better …. Émile Coué de Châtaigneraie

Towards better …so how are you FEELING have you explored the UNWATED? Thought for yourself not just accepting the limits in heaven rules of those trapeped behind the brick wall in heaven refereeing to BOOKS and shoulds ? are you TRAPPED too? What position on the emotional scale is TRAPPED ? is it powerless-ness ?

Your DNA has in it ,,,, expecations …. Hunches comples messages of intuitions … of what is BETTER ,, what is the moving or growing towards the sun for the bio machine human …. and sex is a core for without it there is not next ….

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