Wednesday, May 13, 2009

waiting for pussy

Waiting for pussy

Young master , the Elf Eckard Tolle ,,,,, has said ..don’t wait ! …. Well what does that mean dumbass? Does it mean act now on whatever action you have availabe even though the FEELING PLACE of that action well just does not FEEL that god awful good ….. it is not IN SPIRED ACTION … in spirit action ,,, action of mr. I Do Not Know who lives with the urges of his instincts ..the urges for BETTER and bETTER more and more joy , that is the urge of all LIFE …. Is towards the JOY OF SELF and the PROCREATION of more BIO MACHINES like self . the feeling places from where you can judge where you are at , help guide you up the scale of CONFUSION …. Out of a fucking funk .. in Dec. I was in a funk feelings UN empowered feeling controlled in my futre plans dependant on the actions of others …. Ahhh but see my happy happy ,,the moving towards better or joy ,,,, was meeed living in the NEED of want everything , need nothing be happy now ….. I choose action because of my state of neediness as it revolved around me getting started on building the compound ...... or for you an action plan about getting more pussy

That is the WAITING talked about by the Elf …. The entertainer who is also a …A .. voice of the sage …. Saying the same wisdoms over and over in other word tools for different ears to hear . living in the WAITING …. Of the I will be happy or even happier than I am now when X Y or Z is present . …hmmmmm yet all there is the IS ..the events of now and when I am living more for that THINIG I must wait for … because the Law of attraction ..the agreement stste of NON magic …. Of time spce the agreement that things will and do happen but over a COURSE of events … experience of events over time ….. when the living is based upon that then the chances for losing the flavor of NOW …. Can and does happen all to often .
THE vision obard is the tool of placing important wants on something so you feel like you have respected your wants enough to choose the important ones since day to day event by event CONTRAST BY CONTRAST ….. wants are constantly being born …the vision board respects the words of other sages about a goal once described or writien imagained … will come about .

Constanly AMENDING ….. the course …. Any boat captain who sails acrros the Gulf stream off fla has to take into account the flwo of PYSHIHCS in their experience of time space ,,the effects of the drift from the gulf stream itself to make sure he hits that lil island out in the middle of all that fucking water other wise ..leaving Miami on 1 heading and not taking the idea that the water upon shihc you travel is moving north at about 4 knots or less ….. will lead you into getting fucking lost at sea . ( thank god for loran of old and GPS now ,,,, emotional guidance systems )

Have I lost my enjoyment of NOW … did I get so wrapped up in the THING wanted and waited for ….. was I in WAIT …. In the IMAGE OF …..SELF EGO …. Having living a dream thing as to lose touch with the REALITY of now …yep ..easy to do if I do not stay on course ..realize effects of winds and currents …. To get off track …. Now is.

Futures are also …. Each and every thing born from the experience of contrast ,, each image lives in the nation of IMAGATION ,, is a POSSIBLE in the future of toa . and the choices of action now YES do influence which of the possible willb e the NOW of tomorrow to be lived thru later …..

So ….. in dec . the practice of shoe shine boy ideas ..still important ..still activity tried learned skills now possesd . INCOME DIVERCITY … ,,, the living of Clown advertisng , even though the income stream from it was not what I expected or dreamed of the vents of doing it once more after like 15 years was great and prepped me with excitemet for doing it again later on …. But not for income stream but for advertisng benefit the potential for incomes ,, I have seen is there even in the current GREAT depression of ADVERTISISNG going on the interest in paying was there , but I did not wrok it like a business ,,,, I already have one of those helll was and still am doing sat. and sun to make up for the clown day ..and the clown day is genenrating new clients for me plus aiding in these hard times so many busisness of my friends who I advertise for free … but the income stream potential is there .

The chosice in action ..back in dec . came from ,,,my WAITING mode ? my posisiotn of feeling un empowered as it related to a dream ….. I have had a blast I have been making a city smile one day a week people commenting that I make their month ( that is fucking sad if some whack job like me wearing a rubber nose makes your Work month then you must realy hate your job , be disconnected from the reasons you started on that path )

I guess today is about correcting course due to wind and tidal factors …. Resepecting the LEVEL PLAYING FIELD of pyshihcs we have all choosen to come play ,, SURE MAGIC ..but we came here to be THING and experience contrast . wanted and unwated … and have adventures which we could not have if we JUST SNAPED OUR fingers and everthing was PEACHY KEEN cool nice and sunny for fucking ever . joy . boring like being back 24/7 in TAO . everything in all ways al the time in-fi-nite state of ALL IS WELL …. Where yes the greater part of me is and the focus of ome now is the place to and tool of being able to FEEL the difference ….. between the I’s …. Of I in I .

You are the vibrational writers of the script of your life, and everyone else in the Universe is playing the part that you have assigned to them. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Francisco, CA on Sunday, March 2nd, 1997
By yur focus on how they are A PART TO FIT ….. what you focus on the energy you are living is the FLOW and is what is thus used to create the ASSEMBLAGE or is used in the filtering of datat the 2 gigs of processing power we use to experience the all possible …. And the possibility of NO …… of forgetting …

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