Pussy wet and wanton
Young master ,,, Wanton is an old word to choose ..but so close to WANTING that the connection should not be ignored …. And wants are real important you have literally 1000’s of wants being asked for in any given day … lil’ wants that are answered , but you focus on the LACK of wanted things asked for in the past ..and you live day to day in the box or cage of the past WANTS … ignoring the constanst flow f the WANTED which is here and making the experience of this adventure even possible ..the basic wanted of having a stable platform from which WITHIN you can foget your BROADERSELF And PLAY http://www.instinctualism.org/toa.html
OK HER BIO MACINE IS DESIGNED TO LUBRICATE ,,,, IN HER wanton EXPRESSION OF BEING of needing PENTRATION ,, who is designed to SUBMIT to allow for penentration and and who is the pentrator ? http://www.instinctualism.org/penetrated.html and yin and yang both parties are happy in their sexual recreation …now realize the confuse and conquer of the training the mind fuck that you have been brought up in ,,her use of the tool of clothes to create states of sexual frustration or manipulation …. Habit patterns of lining done but not realy understood and the breaking of old patterens of thinking and action are very close to the breaking of a drug ADDICTION . which can be very easy once a person finds the WANTS of their own ,,own choosing and focuses on them and starts to live passionately there in their passions more and more of the newe focus comes into their life until the old problem issue are lost in the fun new memeoroyies … feel where you realy are on the scale ,,not JUST WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED TO ACCEPT …. There is a difference . http://www.instinctualism.org/5steps.html
Acting out of old training because everyone else has done it ,,it was your model …. http://www.instinctualism.org/nudist.html as compared to mind expanded possibiltys …. That break the cycle of mind fuck and the expression of the effects of CONTROL AND COERSION … manipulation http://www.instinctualism.org/manipulation.html fairy tale storys have been created ,,, entertainments to distract the TRAPPED INSTINCTUAL human animal . just reinforce WHAT IS but do nothing to help FREE you http://www.instinctualism.org/soul_mate.html ..and yet in the understanding of your FREEDOM of choice to focus each day on the POSSIBLE passions your OWN personel idea of wants … and their real position on the emotional scale .. you attract into the asembalge of quantas to come in nano seconds …the choose os using the @ giga bytes of attention of processing power of focus ,,, the way you want TO …. Wil change the point of attraction and the flow and FLAVOR OF YOU FUTURE EXPERINCES …
The voice of the sage said …CAUTION WHAT YOU WISH FOR YOU WILL MOST LIKEY GET IT …and then realize that you everimporoving skill at skate boarding is the reason you tried that last trick pushed the limit een futher and ended up in that cast ….. your free choice .
Now remember ,,the training or the BIO MACHINE ..happened by teacher who knew not what they were realy involved in but you in tiny ways day by day are learning and expanding way beyond their possibles … new MODELS of living possibles are yours …. http://www.instinctualism.org/children_ina_polyfamily.html enjoy be WANTON of the aspects in your now of things you find interest in FOLLOW THE URGE OF intuition … EEN INTO REAINY DAYS ..or what may seem to be BAD EVENTS ..what learning is there ….. is it OMEN ? and what is to belearned form the WANTS provided by the experience of that contrast ..the brick by brick learning that pieces together until a whole new…NEW is asembeled that you would not have ver believed was realy going on when the first UNCOMFORTABLE EVENT started the learning and living the adventure of a chapeter of your own personel NOVEL .. a novel livied writitna dnb eing written by your use of FOCUS … the limted 2 gigs a byte of fous from the in fi nite world we share ..i focus on 2 gigs differently than you ,, we both look at the same event we srite our description and yet een though we saw the same thing we will write about different OFCUS .
Do you have to think specific positive thoughts about your body in order for your body to be the way you want it to be? No. But you have to not think the specific negative thoughts. If you could never again think about your body and, instead, just think pleasant thoughts -- your body would reclaim its place of Well-being. --- Abraham http://www.abraham-hicks.com/lawofattractionsource/index.php
Excerpted from the workshop in Orlando, FL on Sunday, January 10th, 1999
YOU CAN nOT HAVE AIDS UNTIL YOU SEARCH OUT THE understanding THE NAME ..OF aids …. UNTIL THEN YOU WOULD JUST HAVE A state of DIS EASE … un named … when you are living passionately you foregt that issue that DISEASE that pain ,,,, for your focus is on the PASSION so totally that there is not other space in your bio machine for the realization of others Thoughts …. The celluar structure of the bio macine has an AUTO POLIT of health with a celluar DNA memeory of a life span that averages for all apes ….. to the point of about GREAT GRANPARENT AGE …not year age ,,but the realization to the bio machine that the bio mahine has produced enough copies to insure the survival of the the species …. As far as we can tell from watching COUSIN APES http://www.instinctualism.org/matingbehavior.html that unfortunately have been tainted by the stress of human encroachemtns , still they live over 70 years . and to do humans but we have collected much more data on our YEAR BY YEAR number counting of living as compared to the bio mechanical an the living of wants with out FEAR OF DEATH ..it is a good day to die , to trasistion …. http://www.instinctualism.org/healthinsurance.html
Friday, May 22, 2009
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