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Young master ever decide you will be at a show and not smoke that day , yet because of the amount of MAGICAL MYSTERY HERB being puffed by everyone around you ,,you end up getting fucked up anyway and failing the piss test ? do not let any one tell you we are noteffecting the thin shell of livable environment ..the box we live in .
From sea level to half way up everest about 28,000ft …. Is our USABLE ATMOSPSHere …hmm that is about 15 ft hmm a LITTLE OVER 200 TIMES MY height ,,,, hmmmmm if iwas in a room a closed in room and I started buring logs stored carbon , soted solar energy ….. and the smoke built and built until I ided ,,thronw the rock into the air it will fail no matter how much meta crap you think ,,,, the agreement state of quantas to create a stable playground .
Pollute the thin shell of the stmosphere by releasing CONDENSED CARBON stored over billions of years over theperiod of just a few human ,,only in human terms genenrations , is like burning trees in a closed ROOM ….. will it effect the enviromnet in the ROOM ? to burn trees ,,, are you told not to burn coal in the closed house during winter for it gas your stupid ass to death ….. the 15ft shell of atmospshere designed to runn on some stable levels of carbon has been over loaded by the release of carbon that MOTHE NATURE giai saw FIT TO STORE ….as coal and oil and stuff …. To release slowly thru plate techonics and burn as a result of some wild fire event maybe… but not …. Like we have done in our NON concern for speices ,the example of sociao path gone wild . birth defect gone god/king ….
Gone god king ….hmmm now the tools from which a god king controls his subjects his serfs his slaves properties ….the whip over time only brings out the depression in the slave and you have a piss poor worker ,,,, good managers know to find out the WANTo”s of the employee and some how bring the Slave/employee along with the thought form …. Find away to show how the thought form will be the PROVIDIOR OF THE ….WANTO;S … skills of population manipulation learned early only in human history passed down genenration by genernation …. Manger to mananger …from the successful to the successful …like DNA lives thru successful breeding and upbringing of the offspring supportive family units ….
The Savannah ape exposured out on the grasslands has millions of years of FIGHT OR FLIGHT response built into the memeory the successful memeory of itself ,,survivors lived on ….. others died ..fear of DEATH is important to all PREY SPECIES .wanting to live is important …theis is a wanto
Following PHAROH inot the after life thru service to him CHEATING DEATH in fairyt tle stories , was the motivating factor that got slaves from needing to be whipped into service to finding that service SERVED them …. Fear …LEARN FEAR ! FORGET YOUR ..IN FI NITE SELF …… and live the zone of mr. I do not know ….. fine a great plan a good use of a…. 1 possible life experience ,,, 1 branch off of your in fi nite self … you the I in I … macro and micro self .. you the unthinkable
Now a days and for some 1000’s of years also ,the voice of the sage has been around for those who have EARS to hear the others who are vested in their dream state … are having already their GREAT FUN their adventure story and ALL IS WELL nothing is broken with them in their choice to fear and live HORROR FILMS IN REALITY . for when this NAON SECOND ….is over we all become I in I …way beyond our ablelity to discuss …. “ the course that can be discoursed is not the course “ a translation by Watts? of Lao’s Tao ….. the voice of the sage for the beings who did not wanto..WANTO be slave to thought form …..
Your choice is to choose the day time and way you willl Die ,,today is a good day to die ,,to transisiton ….. now if you think or feel it waould be a relief to end the game realize this is only the effect of CONFUSE AND CONQUER divide and conquer to use of management tools to control a wlrk force so that it will seek relief thru asking for help of PHAROH thru his priest system management system …. Divide and conquer the tool of pack hunting animals ….
Fear death ….. and begg the PROFESSIONAL GROOOMER …. For healing when the bio machine is the one with it’s auto programming that does al the real work when it is able to work properly …. Look at the stats about long lived cultures and you find they are the peoples who do not buy into the GREED of thought form socieitys ..they live back in the hills these people live many in the rhythm of nature ..THEY STILL DIE transition , even JESUS had to die first before eh could become the fairy tale from which to use as an example of beating the NATURAL FEAR OF DEATH …. To motivate the slaves to serve thought form .
Ohh but his started off as a discussion on ENVIROMENT … many things to process with a brainthat can only handle 2 gigs at a time .sex , environment economics hsioptory ,,divide and conquer …… so just learn fear and follow the suggestions of others … or
Want freely ….need nothing ( because of understaning of in fi nite is…is ) and be happy ..want freely un limit your wanting ….. and become respsosnible for the choices of wants yare you chasing the GOLD RING …. Flashing metal bright an shiny shit ..or the things that it can buy ? the I will be ahppy WHEN ? or be ahppy now . free choice 1 more free choice …
If there is no source of illness, why are there so many sick people? It is because they have found lots of excuses to hold themselves in vibrational discord with wellness. They are not letting it in. And when they don't let it in, the absence of it looks like sickness. And when enough of them do it you say, "Oh, there must be a source of sickness. In fact, let's give it a label. Let's call it cancer. Let's call it AIDS. Let's call it all kinds of terrible things, and let's imply that it jumps into people's experience." And we say it never jumps into anybody's experience. It's just that people learn through trial and error, and -- through banging around with each other -- patterns of thought that don't let it in.--- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Buffalo, NY on Wednesday, September 27th, 2000
Patterns of being that do not let in the ALL is well of an ever expaniding IN FI NITY … where you can experience all the horro you could ever think ,, and it means nothing except you got to read an INTENSE BOOK …an adventure ..or live wants that ar more pleasant is TOO you free choice …. Realizing that ..WE WALK not fly .. we breathe not osmos thru magic ( yet it is magic ealy ) that we talk not read minds …. That the BIO MACHINE WE USE FOR adventure by AGREEMENT by quantum aggement not law which implys police judgements andpunishments ..but by agreements and WANTS … e live limited states of awareness …. To expeince THINGS MORE INTENSELY … and by want you can decide to not play the game of ILLNESS …. Use economy but not be trapped in it … a little RE PROGRAMING on your part is all that is needed …fuck what the peanut gallery thinks the others .. and think for yourself ,,, and that can mean buying totally inot PHAORHS WORLD if you want …your free choice of wants … you will still be mr. I don’t know .
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
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