Monday, May 25, 2009

itch that scarcth

Itching that scratch

Yes yes hmmm mm an itch wanting to be scratched ..the expansion of the oppurutunity to experience the ALL POSSIBLE the UNTHINKABLE , BUT THEN YOU EXPERINCE THE want of thirst ,,is it not better tasting water when you are THIRSTY for it ? but what about a time when you have thirst but there is no water you are out on a trail far away from a Frig where cold water is … you are some where …where there is no water .
Thirsty but no water in sight

Is life like that for you young master ? you hae wants but no idea of how to find the water ? #22 on the emotional scale? fear guilt depression despair powerless-ness …. All that from not being able to find water when you are really really thirty fearfull that you will DIE today of thirt ? today is a good day to TRANSITION die …. The old Indian way of living ..being 1 with the SPIRIT .. living in inspiritation ,,,,

Yet for INSTINCUTAL man his wants and the answers to those wants were much easier to fulfill ….. water is around him ..he feared not to drink from the river ….

But what about worms bacteria and the scary shit in lake water ? yes what about that how does the animal world live without water purifaction ,,how did man kind live all these 6 million years without water purifaction … how did we live without the FEAR

Fear got trained into us ,,thru the teachings of PHAROHS slave masters ,,, they understood that the WHIP was limited in motivating the salve to SERVE PHAROH .. but fear ..was a great tool …. Used properly it could mind fuck the vast slave populations . especially if the NEXT GENERATION was trained young in FEAR …. Ahh the MIND FUCK of ROME thru the Chruch systems even the competive church systems tsects of the same faith so that the over all system still wroks ,,giving the idea the LIMITED IDEA OF FREEDOM OF CHOICE … SLAVERY OR SLAVERY … TO GOD/KING

REALIZE THE DEPTH OF THE MIND FUCK YOU HAVE BEEN TRAINED IN THE AMOUNT OF FEAR …. This effects the PURRE WANTING STATE . want everything ,,need nothing be happy now . happyiness is the feeling of relief from drinking of the water , warm water when thirsty is good , cool water better cold water great , maybe a flavored water would be your EVEN BETTER … ( free choice there ) butto live only focused on the NEED OF flavored water … and ignoring the amount of warm water available is what you maybe living in as it pertains to ABSTARACT wants .

The warm water is the FLOW OR ATTRACTION of information that proves that your DREAM is a possibility . and with each encounter of finding supporitive information that adds to t state of BELIEF that your want is possible ,,you feel relief ,,, or you can choose to sty in a focus of NEED about the end result the flavored water . little steps …..

Staying alive in the desert means , drinking the nasty tasting liquid from the catus .. but staying ALIVE ..ADAPT AND OVER COME ….. it means gambling on the muddy stream water to stay alive and trust in the DNA ..SELF REPARING SYSTEM that will detoxify you …. HEY DO YU REALIZE THAT BEER !! yes beer is s toxic liquid it is the posision that gets you high allows you to escape the effects of the mind fuck the manipulation of cultures . but your body is able to SURVIVE …. You encounter massive almounts of bacterias and viruss all the time and your body is able to fight it off , until such time that your expectation the over whelming aobut of data or talk about the Flu everyone is getting is so thich around you that you develop a level of expectation that you will get sick also .

Ahhhhhh sickness ,,, the tree in times of drought gets weak enough to get ready for tRANSITON ,,,,, it has lived exp[erinced the ALL POSSIBLE of BEING-ness of being that 1 tree … on that 1 possible branch of time space ….. the same tree died off many times before 9 SHCRODINGERS LIVE CAT DEAD CAT the living tree is the time/space branch off from the quantum nano second tree died the other lived ..ALL POSSIBLE THE UNTHINKABLE . toa ..the living thru events until the ENDING of this 1 flash of quanta experience which is yours , whether it is 1 nano second , or the day of a fruit fly the life span of a human or turutle or the 1000 years of the red wood tree …. What is 1000 years of earth moving around a …a …A sun to the IN FI NITE beyond the universes from where in the universe itself is …. the ariticle in Scientif americam stimulates the question if you look at the holographic universe from the outside WHERE ARE YOU observing from ….. well you are not in the uviverse any more you must be somewhere ?

Complexity upon complexity to aid you in seeing ..the FEAR of limits you have been trained to believ in ,,the fairy tale of GOD/KING ….. the brick walll of the good BOOK .
Act a little less and think a little more... We're not saying stop acting and do it all in mind. We're saying work your 8 hours or your 10 hours or your 16 hours.. Just spend at least 10 or 15 minutes -- in a day where you are working 8-10-16 hours of physical action in order to maintain the physical stuff that you've gathered around you -- trying to find pleasure from some vision. Afford yourself that. And that 10 or 15 minutes that you are finding pleasure, will cause a focalization of Energy within you that the Universe will actualize around. You will begin to notice that you are more productive, because of 15 minutes of visualization, than you were from 16 hours of hard labor. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 9th, 1999
The key is in the HAPPY HAPPY of not being NEDDY ….. slf realizing the expansiveness that is you ,,, leaving behind the TRAINING of fear of death for the embraicing of the truth of TRANSITONING …. You never get it all done for that would be the end of the ever expanding IN FI NITE …..

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