Sunday, May 17, 2009

nice ass

Nice ass

Young master what is it that gets you out of bed , without feeling all sluggish and resenting that the sun has come and given oppurutunity for experiencing another day …PASSION ..WHAT gets you moving and keeps you going without thinking or WORRY ing about shit ,,that FEELING that is behind the ignoring of hunger in favor of living just a little more life … it is the position you are currently living on the emotional scale and I betcha DUMBASS it is not the lower down the scale places the powerless feelings ,,it is in the hope and positive expecatation area …. When you are there vibrating there …that you jump out of bed ….

Now the ancients sages seemed to be a fuckin’ SLEEP all the fucking time ,, they called it meditation a half sleep state while in the day time world ..half awake half a sleep …. Not living much or doing much ,,,,, a great place YES to go especially if the PRESSURES and confuse and conquer is sto heavy as to ..well fucking confuse you ..

I am a bit there I have goals and buying a new car is not one right this minute ,,, having a pyment is not 1 ,,,, using my savings is not one ,, but now having a good TRANSPORTATION DEVISE … welll michalngo … said something “ the proble of mankind is not in having dreams or gaosl so large that he can not or does not achieve them , it is in having GOALS OR DREAMS so low that he does achieve ….”

The fear of LOSS of not ACHIEVING ….. is based in the fear of death actually ..fear of returning to source , which you have never left even right this minute you ..TRANSISTION in and out of beingness at speeds beyond the THINKABLE or percieveable with any tools of perscpection ,devise of detection .
The fear of not getting it all done with in this life time …….. LIVE HAPPY DIE LONG !!!! DIE LONG ! …you the name you use will die for ever … you the user OF THE NAME …. You the unthinkable ..the unamaneable …. Can come back over and over taking on new names forgetting once more that you had millions and billions of names before ….. so that you can fully engross yourself into this life and make it REAL …. Make it feel IMPORATNT enough to fear FEAR to FEEL …feel fear about losing or not completeing ….

But is not FEAR BAD ? no good no bad’s ….just oppurutunitys to experience the CONTRAST ….. you gotta think for yourself realize things for your self ,feel for the inner …ideas outside of the bullshit programmed into you .

What do I want to focus on and why do I choose this or that as my focus ….. why owrry so fucking much about $$$$$ when the facts is $$$ comes and goes always has …. Owrry … my kids my family …. Not as much myself because while I am in DEEP DARK STATES of STRESS and worry , honeslty , I almost wish for the TRANSITION to happen … worry just gets so fucking old .

WHAT WOULD IT BE LIKE ,, wouldn’t it be nice if ……. You had NO mortage no CHAIN of responsibility ….. that aspect was already over with early on in you life so that you could work and make $$$$ but have the fisr few levels of MASLOWS HIERACHY OF NEEDS honeslty secured ….'s_hierarchy_of_needs then how would life be what would the flavor be like ….. but is there enough to go around for everyone to have this ? yes yep yep you betcha ….. more than two much land foods grow freely from the grounds also ….. and extra toys … sure plenty the ECONOMY is still there yet you are not the slave but the HAPPY PARTICAPANT IN IT … experiencing thru a body that is
SELF REPARING you donot FORCE the body to seal a cut ,,, you do not control each and every muscle to make the shit or piss . leave you body …. You have no part to play in the growing of hair or finger nails …. All part of the AUTO – ness of the bio machine you live thru ,,, you just deal with the 2 gigs a byte of data or FOCUS ..and what do you want to chosse to foucs on

Stress . or waking up and going down to the dock and catching a fat ass trout …. Or out to you pond and cast for some hybrid stripers or large mouth bass i can fous on how I am right now in a stae of not totally staying rtue to my wants , but maybe I have OUTGROWN the BAISIS for thwants ,,the ever XPANDING in finte nature of infinty demends that I keep on experiencing or DIE …. Perfection never being experienced in the experience of THING 1 thing at a time for then infite is slways …… only in the being of it without the …expeince or use of tool like mind or brain ….. beyond thinkable … the no 1 ting . time so long it becomes SHORT .

All the meta bulsshit is for you to free your mind young master form old programs …. Thnk for yourself …. Go ahead want EVERYTHING ..need NO 1 THING ..and be fucking happy now Excited to get the fuck out of bed !

The entertainer ..the voice of the sage …
Sex is one of those impulses that comes forth from within that cannot be denied. You can squelch it and contour it and regulate it, but it's an impulse that continues to come forth, sometimes more than others, but it continues to come forth. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in Syracuse, NY on Thursday, October 17th, 1996
The expression of BIO MECHANCIS … that we use for time space adventure self repeicaitng so that the ADVENTURE will still be around for others … and well it may ass well be fun

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