Pretty poisin
Young master ages ago the sage would say the continued dwelling going over thinking aoubt ,,, the hate or bad feeling or the wrong done to you or the thoughts of being trapped …. This TRACK of thinking was the letting in a WORM that would eventually EAT away at your mind ……
Like a poisin that runs thru your viens …. Like my blood is slow …. Thick and black … now the world outside my door is the same general formation of Quantas as before a few weeks ago when I let mySELF start on a track of thoughts … old habits ttrained into me by molding of those around me during my up bringing … and again it was like with the EAGLE who came to run with me day after day …. Nature I think may have been warning me about the presence of a Snake ….. a friend had come into town , getting the vacation house ready for his wife and doing so fishing a the same time he came to me and asked about a snake ,,, very pretty ringed with RED YELLOW AND BLACK , red touch yella kill a fella the coral sanke ….. lived in his home had taken up residence un the foundation ..hmmmm strange for just that week a large coral snake had gotten hit by a car on the road where I run ….. and the a few day later around the time of the arrival of his wife another coral snake got hit by a car ….. in all my years in the woods with my farms etc , I had encountered only two coral snakes ….. here in 1 week I have 3 of them around me. Husband wife and child …. Hmmmm omens I oftern wonder why history is full of the sage describing omens …. The venom of the coral sanke is espec ailly TOXIC in a manner different than most snakes ….
And low and behold I later on get bitten …. Byt the actions of a sanke one one , whose hunger for even more millions no’s know bounds ….
The world changed for me ,,,, the world has not changed but because of …. My choice in allowing of thoughts choice in FOCUS …. The world has lost its luster again ..ohh it happemsn a lot as I feel traped in the contrst ,,the experience of realizing I have and UNWATED and a WANTED and the feelings of that VIBRATION ,,the quantas assemble and DE assemble to allow for a NANO SECOND of space/time experience the processing of memeory that results gives CONTINUTOY OF EXPECTATION … the quantas give toll for the expeince of many many many forms of BEING-NESS …the use of atoms to BE a grain of sand …the use of molecules to BE a single celled animal … the use of those beings ..those single cells ..that come into over time evolved form and specialization of ORGAN TISSUE to be an ORGANISM …. Or a mocking bird who has been hanging around the house singing to me … and I up until a few weeks ago would trip on his songs … but now the venom … taints the beauty all around ..still there but … taint’d
Taint;d by my ,,want everything …..need nothing happy now ..for this nano second of assembalage is al there realy is except the memory of past experiences of other naon seconds and the expecations of anao seconds to come ….. but NOW is ….
Much of the word toll given thru the entertainer ESTER HICKS in the actor character name of Abraham …. Is about ..VIBRATION …. Feeling what is a feeling ,,it is the comparing of vibration form one set to point with another point ….. the point of me the I-in –I …. The understander that ALL IS WELL ..and me the FORGETTFULL ….. the human limited to processing Thngs ..2 gigs per second …and the diiference of the me from ALL POSSIBLE and me the limited is the vibration of the UNTHINKABLE which free choice or FEELINGS emotions arise .. emotions in accourd with the design orf the BIO MACHINE used for the experience of limits or things ….
The free choice is to realize ..that FACTS are not FACTS that reality is the CHOICE of my fouse what I allow into the 2 gigs of processing activity that goes on …. That is reality ….. the world is stillPOSSIBLEITY OF BEAUTY AND WONDER and singing birds and swimming dolphins every moringin ..or it is the noticing or rethinking about the poision of interaction with the EVE GREED … … I have stated my WANTED …. In the words of the sages in the bible all my worry will not provide me with1 more day of life …. All my work or worry will not CREATE more than the food for the worm which is eating at my mind … for the UNTHINKABLE NESS of the toa ..the AGREEMENT state of attraction for the chance for EXERINCES of ….WANTED AND UNWANTED .. so that a comparison fo vibrationastates can happen ..or EMOTION … is what it is all about ..not the $$$$$ ….. or the thing …… but the experiences for like they say a brinks truck does not follow the millionaire to the grave yard … row row row your boat gently down the stream merrily merrly life is but a dream …..
How to row when I keep letting in the focus …. The events are over .. the wheels of action and ATTRACTION have been set inot motion no ..real events or oppurutunitys for clarifaction have been attracted form which to choose new WANTED AND UNWANTED due to new presentations of emotions ..for it is nature to move towards JOY … but in the mean time I am missing out on the greatest REAL TIME VIDEO game ver created …. This fucking world …. Just agrab her image as it pops in and throw it out ..let the HY-CHOPPA guy kung fu it out what eer tool you find works for you ..but remember it is not real unless you WANT IT of LET …. You say you do not want it then why are you thinking about it …. Does your thinking realy help ? the vidence trails as written in sages words from history the ..venom and poisin ,,described in the hsitorial arts of human writing .. all evidence trails of showing validity to the words of the SAGE …. Free choice in focus .
Never face reality unless your reality is just the way you want it to be. --- Abraham
Excerpted from the workshop in San Antonio,TX on Saturday, May 17th, 1997
Thursday, May 7, 2009
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